Re: [SailfishDevel] Playing a wav in Sailfish

2013-06-14 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi João

I have just made a little demo project, importing QtMultimediaKit 1.1,  
and a SoundEffect Component.

I added a Button component to the Column to play the sound when clicked.

My Demo works, I get a swish sound when the button is clicked.

You will find the code of my FirstPage at the bottom of this mail.  
Create a new demo project, and paste my code into the FirstPage.

Note I copied my wav to the pages folder (alongside FirstPage). Please  
substitute your own wav file - I grabbed the first one I could find on  
the train. Put you wav in the Pages folder.

Do you get any sound at all from the Emulator? For instance on a demo  
new project with the PullDownMenu you should get a distinct click  
sound when the menu opens.

On the known issues page I found  

The sound is not enabled in the Emulator. Fix: Shutdown the emulator;  
Open virtualbox manager; Pick SailfishOS Emulator, Pick Settings,  
pick Audio, Enable audio (default driver). Accept. Start Emulator. The  
Pulley menus make a sound for testing purposes.

Assuming that you do get sound, do you have QtMultimedia installed?

Connect to the SDK by SSH and search for QtMultimedia with zipper:

zypper se multi

I get this:

S | Name | Zusammenfassung  
   | Typ

  | libdeclarative-multimedia| Qt Mobility  
Multimedia QML plugin  | Paket
  | libqtmultimediakit1  | Qt Mobility  
MultimediaKit module   | Paket
i | multi_c_rehash   | A c_rehash  
implementation in C | Paket
  | multi_c_rehash-debuginfo | Debug  
information for package multi_c_rehash   | Paket
  | multi_c_rehash-debugsource   | Debug sources  
for package multi_c_rehash   | Paket

Repeat with the the Emulator:

If  you don't get anything like this then you will have to install  


//Start FirstPage.qml
import QtQuick 1.1
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1

Page {
id: page

// To enable PullDownMenu, place our content in a SilicaFlickable
SilicaFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent

// PullDownMenu and PushUpMenu must be declared in  
SilicaFlickable, SilicaListView or SilicaGridView

PullDownMenu {
MenuItem {
text: Show Page 2
onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl(SecondPage.qml))

// Tell SilicaFlickable the height of its content.
contentHeight: childrenRect.height

// Place our content in a Column.  The PageHeader is always  
placed at the top

// of the page, followed by our content.
Column {
width: page.width
spacing: theme.paddingLarge
PageHeader {
title: UI Template
Label {
x: theme.paddingLarge
text: Hello Sailors
color: theme.secondaryHighlightColor
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
Button {
text: Sound
SoundEffect { id: mySound
//substitue your own wav file here, and copy it to the  
pages directory!
//this is the first one I could find while experimenting  
on the train

source: 92909__Robinhood76__01526_swoosh_2.wav

//End FirstPage.qml

Zitat von joao morgado


I'm porting a app from Meego/Symbian, I need to play a wav file. I  
used importQtMultimediaKit1.1 and SoundEffect element. I  
tought QtMultimediaKit was only available in Meego / Symbian, but my  
app runs fine in the emulator, so I guess I'm good to go. I don't  
hear any sound, I'm assuming it's a emulator limitation, can please  
someone confirm that ?

João de Deus

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Make cover page equal to First page

2013-06-14 Thread Gabriel Böhme

I never tried it, but I guess If you don't want an cover to be shown,
comment out the cover property in main.qml. No cover set, should mean no
cover can be seen. :)

Or you create a cover with a timer and it's also update, like on your real



Von meinem Nokia N9 gesendet

Joona Petrell schrieb am 14.06.13 07:26:
Hi João,

 Application cover should have it's own UI, because it has different
layout dimensions
than the full-screen application page, different background (often
CoverBackground) and in most cases should have cover actions. Cover and a
page can share an UI component, provided that UI component somehow handles
the layout differences, e.g. CoverBackground { TimerItem { coverMode: true
} CoverActionList { ... } } vs. Page { TimerItem { coverMode: false } }.

 Binding initialPage property to cover property is not ok.



*From:* [] on behalf of joao morgado []
*Sent:* 14 June 2013 05:38
*Subject:* [SailfishDevel] Make cover page equal to First page

  Hi again

 The app that I'm portin from Meego, it's a timer, so I need the cover to
look the same has the first page, so the user can see the time running in
the cover, just like in the first page.

 So, I did:



initialPage: FirstPage { }

cover: initialPage //Qt.resolvedUrl(cover/CoverPage.qml)


This works but when the app is in cover mode, the timer freezes,
(unlike the meego N9 version, who keep running) and something gets
messed up in the simulator, because when clicking the cover to return
to first page,  the app doesnt appear anymore, only the sailfish

Any ideias ?


João de Deus

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