[SailfishDevel] qmake / Makefile - rules missing

2013-11-30 Thread Putze Sven
Hi there,

after I changed the structure inside of a test project, some of the rules in 
the resulting Makefile are missing. The structure is now as follows:

├── Makefile
├── TestSailfishOS
├── TestSailfishOS.pro
├── TestSailfishOS.pro.user
├── moc
│   └── moc_qbusinesslogic.cpp
├── model
│   ├── model.pri
│   ├── qt
│   │   ├── qbusinesslogic.cpp
│   │   └── qbusinesslogic.h
│   └── std
│   ├── businesslogic.cpp
│   └── businesslogic.h
├── obj
│   ├── TestSailfishOS.o
│   ├── businesslogic.o
│   ├── moc_qbusinesslogic.o
│   └── qbusinesslogic.o
└── sailfishos
├── TestSailfishOS.cpp
├── TestSailfishOS.desktop
├── TestSailfishOS.png
├── qml
│   ├── TestSailfishOS.qml
│   ├── cover
│   │   └── CoverPage.qml
│   └── pages
│   ├── FirstPage.qml
│   └── SecondPage.qml
├── rpm
│   └── TestSailfishOS.yaml
└── sailfishos.pri

The sailsihos/sailfishos.pri file is a variation of the standard template, just 
edited with the new path:

 # The name of your app.
# NOTICE: name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename.
# If name defined in TARGET is changed, following needs to be
# done to match new name:
# - corresponding QML filename must be changed
# - desktop icon filename must be changed
# - desktop filename must be changed
# - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed

CONFIG += sailfishapp

SOURCES += sailfishos/TestSailfishOS.cpp

OTHER_FILES += sailfishos/qml/TestSailfishOS.qml \
sailfishos/qml/cover/CoverPage.qml \
sailfishos/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml \
sailfishos/qml/pages/SecondPage.qml \
sailfishos/rpm/TestSailfishOS.spec \
sailfishos/rpm/TestSailfishOS.yaml \

Compiling works just fine, the moc file, *.o files and finally the binary are 
But there are missing some rules in the Makefile, which are quite essential for 
deploying and testing :-) These are missing:

install_qml: first FORCE
@test -d $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/TestSailfishOS || mkdir -p 
-$(INSTALL_DIR) /home/mersdk/QtProjects/TestSailfishOS/qml 

uninstall_qml: FORCE
-$(DEL_FILE) -r $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/TestSailfishOS/qml
-$(DEL_DIR) $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/TestSailfishOS/ 

install_desktop: first FORCE
@test -d $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/applications || mkdir -p 

uninstall_desktop: FORCE
-$(DEL_FILE) -r 
-$(DEL_DIR) $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/applications/ 

install_icon: first FORCE
@test -d $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/90x90/apps || mkdir -p 

uninstall_icon: FORCE
-$(DEL_FILE) -r 
-$(DEL_DIR) $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/90x90/apps/ 

So obviously qmake has a problem when leaving the expected path(s). Is this 
expected behavior? Is this a bug? Or must I now provide some extra settings in 
the sailfishos.pri file so that the rules in the Makefile are generated again?


SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] http://releases.sailfishos.org/sdk/ --403 Forbidden

2013-11-30 Thread Putze Sven

if I try to access http://releases.sailfishos.org/sdk/
which is linked from https://sailfishos.org/develop-overview-article.html
I get 403 Forbidden.

This might need a fix.

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] The missing HelloWorld. Wizard included

2013-11-30 Thread Artem Marchenko
Follow the readme, Sven :)

You missed step 2. Open Projects tab, select i486 target, then Run tab.
Choose Deploy as RPM Package for the deployment methods?


On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Putze Sven sailfish...@hardcodes.dewrote:


 great idea, I get an error if I try to run it on the emulator:

  bash: /opt/sdk/helloworld-pro-sailfish: No such file or directory
 Remote application finished with exit code 127.

 is shown in the Application output tab.

 On 30.11.2013, at 19:06, Artem Marchenko artem.marche...@gmail.com

  Hi All
  *Short version*
  Go check this out and contribute corrections -
  *Long version*
  Just an app templates make my heart cry. Changing them to the proper
 structure is pain every time you go beyond just a helloworld.
  So I created a Helloworld Pro for Sailfish. Something that has minimal
 UI, but proper project structure and a couple of UI and non UI QML tests
 (includes src, test folders, multipackage .yaml/spec, proper 86x86 icon,
 etc) and passes harbour acceptance criteria (pending for now).
  And then I added a wizard script that renames everything to whatever
 project name you like to help you get started with MyCoolApp instead of
  Wizard is a bash script validated on Mac only, because that's the
 platform I use.
  Similar scripts for Windows and other corrections/improvements (e.g.
 adding simple app cover) are very welcome via pull requests.
  You will find the project at
  If you want to do more with QML testing that I greatly encourage, this
 old presentation is still valid -
  Artem Marchenko
  SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

 SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

Artem Marchenko
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] The missing HelloWorld. Wizard included

2013-11-30 Thread Sven Putze
486 was chosen, but where do I set Deploy as RPM Package for the deployment 

On 30.11.2013, at 20:02, Artem Marchenko artem.marche...@gmail.com wrote:

 Deploy as RPM Package for the deployment methods

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] The missing HelloWorld. Wizard included

2013-11-30 Thread Sven Putze
Oh boy, found it 8)

On 30.11.2013, at 20:35, Sven Putze sailfish...@hardcodes.de wrote:

 486 was chosen, but where do I set Deploy as RPM Package for the deployment 
 On 30.11.2013, at 20:02, Artem Marchenko artem.marche...@gmail.com wrote:
 Deploy as RPM Package for the deployment methods
 SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] QT Contacts Filter on Sailfish

2013-11-30 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

I am playing around with QtContacts 5.0 on Sailfish (still on the Emulator ..)

I am able to add, display and sort contacts. So far so good. My code  
is at the bottom of this mail

However things go pear-shaped when I try and filter the contacts: I  
get the error:
file:///usr/share/ContactsDemo/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:62: Unable to  
assign int to [unknown property type]

This refers to the detail: ContactDetail.Name of the Filter, even  
though it was able to use an identical property to sort.

Having delved into the source of QDeclarativeContactSortOrder and  
QDeclarativeContactDetailFilter, I see that the first declares detail  
to be of type int, but the second declares detail to be  

class QDeclarativeContactSortOrder :public QObject, public QQmlParserStatus
Q_PROPERTY(int detail READ detail WRITE setDetail NOTIFY sortOrderChanged)

class QDeclarativeContactDetailFilter : public  
QDeclarativeContactFilter, public QQmlParserStatus

Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeContactDetail::DetailType detail READ  
detail WRITE setDetail NOTIFY valueChanged())

However I have got no further in figuring out what I am doing wrong /  
what is going wrong.

Something very similar to the code below works on Harmattan.

Any ideas?



//Start FirstPage.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtContacts 5.0
Page {
id: page
ContactModel {
id: contactsModel
manager: memory
Component.onCompleted: {
page.insertContact(Mary, Curie, +41791234545)
page.insertContact(Empress, of Blandings, +41791234546)
page.insertContact(Big, Lebowski, +41791234546)
page.insertContact(Clive, Sinclair, +41791234546)
page.insertContact(Winston, Churchill, +41791234547)
sortOrders: [
SortOrder {
detail: ContactDetail.Name
field: Name.FirstName
direction: Qt.AscendingOrder
filter: detailFilter1
DetailFilter {
id: detailFilter1
detail: ContactDetail.Name
field: Name.FirstName
value: M
matchFlags: Filter.MatchContains
ListView {
 id:  contactList
 anchors.fill: parent
 model: contactsModel
 clip: true
 onCountChanged: {
 contactList.currentIndex = -1;
 console.log(Contacts Count: contactList.count:  + count);
Component {
id: contactDelegate
PhoneContactsDelegate {
function insertContact(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber) {
// read in values from the input fields
var displaylabel = firstName.trim() +   + lastName.trim()
var values = [firstName,
var newContact = Qt.createQmlObject(import QtContacts 5.0;  
Contact{ }, page)

setDetailValues(newContact, values)
function setDetailValues(c, values) {
c.name.firstName = values[0]
c.name.lastName = values[1]
c.displayLabel.label = values[2]
c.phoneNumber.number = values[3]
//End FirstPage.qml
//Start PhoneContactsDelegate.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: backGroundRect
width: parent.width
height: 80
Text {
id: nameText
anchors {left: parent.left; leftMargin: 10; right:  
parent.right; rightMargin: 10; top: parent.top}

font.pointSize: 30
font.weight: Font.DemiBold
text: model.contact.displayLabel.label.trim();
Text {
id: numberText
anchors {left: parent.left; leftMargin: 10; right:  
parent.right; rightMargin: 10; top: nameText.bottom}

font.pointSize: 20
font.weight: Font.Light
text: model.contact.phoneNumber.number // + ,  +  

//End PhoneContactsDelegate.qml

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Qt5.2/NFC API in sailfishos

2013-11-30 Thread Mikael Hermansson
I just saw that Digia will soon release Qt5.2. I guess jPhone will have this 
upgraded later on?

But what got me dissapointed was that the new Qt NFC API module is only 
supported on Blackberry?

So what is the state of NFC API on sailfishos? Will it use it? or is there some 
kind of NFC API?

I very intrested to know about this because I plan to port my harmattan 
NFCKeyring app to sailfishos. 



SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt5.2/NFC API in sailfishos

2013-11-30 Thread Tone Kastlunger
+1 on this one

On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 10:47 PM, Mikael Hermansson m...@7b4.se wrote:

 I just saw that Digia will soon release Qt5.2. I guess jPhone will have
 upgraded later on?

 But what got me dissapointed was that the new Qt NFC API module is only
 supported on Blackberry?

 So what is the state of NFC API on sailfishos? Will it use it? or is there
 kind of NFC API?

 I very intrested to know about this because I plan to port my harmattan
 NFCKeyring app to sailfishos.



 SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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