Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-30 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Gabriel

Thank you for taking the time to reproduce this issue. It is  
reassuring to know that based on the admittedly slim evidence of this  
issue alone I am not going completely mad!

I agree that the 2 issues sound related (I will have a poke around  
with your code later today).

Based on the assumption that this is probably a Qt issue rather than a  
Sailfish issue I was about to open an issue on the Qt Bug tracker.

Then standing on the platform waiting for my train to arrive I  
thought: How difficult could it be to fire up my Qt5.2 installation  
and create a Desktop version of this project to reproduce this issue?

By the time the train pulled in I had my first ever Qt Desktop project  
running! I had expected to see the same sections bug, but unexpectedly  
I got the expected behaviour! i.e on Qt 5.2.0 desktop I cannot  
reproduce this bug.

My next thought was: Maybe this is still a Qt problem, but has been  
fixed in Qt 5.2.0?

Luckily I have an old Qt 5.0.0 installation lurking on my laptop. So I  
added a Qt version and kit for that, and launched the project as  

Again no Section header bug.

Then I turned to Android with Qt 5.2.0, and once again got expected  
behaviour (no bug).

So to cut a long story short, this behaviour appears to be limited to  
Sailfish (or the particular Qt version used by Sailfish)

I can reproduce it on the Emulator and real Jolla Device.

I cannot reproduce it on Harmattan Qt 4.7.4 (from which I am porting the code)

I cannot reproduce it on Qt Desktop (5.0.0 and 5.2.0)

I cannot reproduce it on Android Qt 5.2.0 (Emulator and Galaxy Note 3  
with KitKat).



Zitat von Gabriel Böhme

Hi Chris,

I can reproduce this behavior with the code you posted and it seems to
be a bug.
I have encountered some days ago also a problem with section handling.
If you are appending a new Item to the list, while you use FullString
section headers, it's creating a new section, even if it is already
there. The expected behavior should be, that the new item is sorted
under the right section. Especially in my intended use case, it's a
problem because I want to fetch some data from an online source and sort
it in different sections. But how to do that, without appending? Insert
is also not possible at all, because it's varying always. Even if the
model is set after, appending (again) - it's not working. Also a code
example added at the bottom (just modified your code). The new
person/item with name Tom should be displayed in Boss section, but the
ListView creates another Boss section at the end of the list.

Maybe both are relating to each other?

Thank you very much.


import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
id: page

SilicaListView {
id:  contactList

anchors.fill: parent
model: contactModel
delegate: Label {
width: page.width
} section
section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
section.delegate: Rectangle {
height: 50
width: page.width
color: Theme.secondaryHighlightColor
opacity: 0.5

Label {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: section

PullDownMenu {
MenuItem {
text: Add a person
onClicked: {
// comment out to set the model again, but thats not 
working at
all. :-/
// contactList.model = emptyList
contactModel.insert({name: Tom, section:
// contactList.model = contactModel

ListModel {id: emptyList}

ListModel {
id: contactModel
ListElement {
name: Achim
section: Boss
ListElement {
name: Ana
section: Friends
ListElement {
name: Bezelbub
section: Friends
ListElement {
name: Billy
section: Friends
ListElement {
name: Boris
section: Friends
ListElement {
name: Carrie
section: Friends
ListElement {
name: Cassie
section: Friends
ListElement {
name: Eziekiel
section: Family
ListElement {
name: Gargantua
section: Family
ListElement {
name: Gilbert
section: Family
ListElement {
name: Giles
section: Family
ListElement {
name: Gog
section: Workgroup
ListElement {
name: Mabel
section: Workgroup

[SailfishDevel] Different behavior when starting application from QtCreator or Launcher

2014-01-30 Thread Luciano Montanaro
Hello everybody,
maybe someone may shed some light on this odd behavior:

I have implemented an active cover in my train timetable application,
where the action is enabled when a certain property in a C++ object (a
string) has a length different from zero. This property is set by the
application when loading data from a station.

The odd thing is that this works correctly if I launch the application
from qtcreator or fingerterm, but does not when starting it from the

The only thing that may be different is that the application is
invoked differently...

Maybe it would help me to understand how the laucher invoker works...
Can anybody give me some pointer on how it works?

Best regards,

Luciano Montanaro

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job. -- Douglas Adams
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Different behavior when starting application from QtCreator or Launcher

2014-01-30 Thread Juha Kallioinen

On 30.01.2014 11:21, Luciano Montanaro wrote:

Hello everybody,
maybe someone may shed some light on this odd behavior:

I have implemented an active cover in my train timetable application,
where the action is enabled when a certain property in a C++ object (a
string) has a length different from zero. This property is set by the
application when loading data from a station.

The odd thing is that this works correctly if I launch the application
from qtcreator or fingerterm, but does not when starting it from the

The only thing that may be different is that the application is
invoked differently...

Maybe it would help me to understand how the laucher invoker works...
Can anybody give me some pointer on how it works?

Hi Luciano,

the way QtCreator launches an application is afaik not entirely correct 
and will be addressed in a future SDK update.

To see how the application is lauched when it's started from the 
homescreen icon, use fingerterm and find your application in the output 
of 'ps faxw'.

If you then start your application from fingerterm as you see it with ps 
command.. for example:

$ invoker --type=silica-qt5 --single-instance /usr/bin/yourapplication

The invoker parameters depend on what you have in your .desktop file, 
which is not used when you start it from QtCreator.

Best regards,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to flick horizontally and vertically inoneview?

2014-01-30 Thread Gabriel Böhme
Hi Tobi,

maybe a PathView allows you to do what you want. Should be possible to tune
it to work like the Jolla calendar app. But it's a good idea to look in the
official Jolla files, as well. Maybe there is a much better solution. :)


2014-01-30 sailfishmail


 You can have a peek at the calendar qml files in /usr/share/jolla-calendar/

 Hope you find some hints there,


 Tobi D. kirjoitti Thu Jan 30 2014 00:53:08 GMT+0200 (EET):
 Hi there,
 I've got another question on how to develop apps for SailfishOS.
 Please have a look at Jolla Calendar app. There you can flick
 horizontally between months and you can flick down pulley menu, also from
 the month part on top of the view. If there are many events in a day, the
 whole view is vertically scrollable.
 I want to implement a similar behavior in my app. Content of the view may
 be scrollable vertically and there shall be a pulley menu. By pushing left
 and right, the content shall flick to the content of the next respective
 previous week.
 I wonder how this works. I tried several things, but I don't know which
 components to combine to get this behavior. One possible solution is to use
 push buttons to go to previous/next week, but that's not very SailfishOS
 Maybe you can give me a clue. Or is it possible to have a look at the
 source code of Jolla Calendar app?
 Best regards,
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[SailfishDevel] Handling incoming call

2014-01-30 Thread Markus Peltola
Hello all

I'm looking for way to observe and hangup incoming calls for my blacklist
app. I have found that it might be possible with telepathy but haven't
found any more information. Is there any documentation about this or is
there other ways to do it.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-30 Thread christopher . lamb

Sali Norbert

thanks for your confirmation.

I have not filed a bug report with the Qt-Project, as my tests on  
Desktop, Android etc indicate that this is not a general Qt 5.x bug,  
but a Sailfish specific one. (Despite my expectations, I got expected  
behaviour on those platforms).

My understanding is that this is currently the best place to report  
Sailfish development bugs.

If there is a more appropriate place, then I will gladly report it there.


Zitat von Norbert Wenzel

On 01/29/2014 07:56 PM, wrote:

This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate based
on FirstCharacter.

For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section
headers exactly where I would expect them[...]
But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g
between Gargantua and Gilbert).

I can also confirm that behaviour. In your example and also in an  
app I'm coding myself.

Did you already file a bug or are you still investigating?

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[SailfishDevel] Carsten Munk FOSSDEM talk

2014-01-30 Thread Rigoberto Calleja
Hi, Is Carsten's Munk talk at FOSSDEM going to be streamed or recorded? Thanks!
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