
Chris Walker [cdw_noki...@the-walker-household.co.uk] wrote:
>On Fri, 9 Sep 2016 01:55:46 +0000
>Chris Adams <chris.ad...@jolla.com> wrote:
>> If you cannot make it, don't worry, I will attach minutes from the
>> meeting to the wiki page :-)
>Can you also publish here a link to the updates following meetings?
>That way, even those of us who don't/can't attend meetings will still
>be aware of progress.

Yes, good point:

Minutes / Log:

* Early next week (tentatively 20th September) will have discussion on IRC with 
lbt/chriadam/occirol/dr_gogeta86 regarding test server instances
* Goal is that by the end of September we will have the first test server 
instance (OwnCloud or NextCloud) set up, with more to follow after that
* elfio will write a simple system test script to automate basic sanity check 
(does downsync work) once the test server instance is available
* dcaliste will take MER#1623
* William___ will take MER#1647
* An update Platform SDK is in the works, but the Application SDK can also be 
used for development. Instructions will be in the wiki page soon!
* chriadam to write a basic unit (QtTest) test for the CardDAV plugin which 
will allow community members to extend / add self-contained unit tests easily

There are lots of people who sent me emails and who want to help who were 
unable to attend the meeting, and as such they haven't been assigned any 
concrete tasks.
Partly this is because we don't yet have any test server instances running (and 
until we do, it's difficult to organise manual-testing rounds etc).
Once we have the test server instances set up, we will have more concrete tasks 
for people who are willing to contribute, both testing and code development.
Hopefully we can assign those tasks during the next meeting (on the 10th of 

Best regards,
Chris Adams.
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