Hi everyone,

Just a quick summary of the CalDAV/CardDAV contributors meeting from Monday the 
5th of December:

1) chriadam to take MER#1606, MER#1711, and create a bug about webcal 
subscriptions (MER#1719)
2) dcaliste to take MER#1500, MER#1712 and continue with MER#1646 and MER#1569
3) jlo will perform some manual testing against the Mer test server instances 
to try to find new bugs
4) we want more volunteers to help jlo with this process, and eventually to 
write scripts to automate this using MER#1696 (elfio is working on one such 
script currently)
5) dcaliste raised for discussion the fact that there is currently no Sync UI 
to show errors etc.  We will consider this further in the new year.

For minutes of the meeting and the full meeting log, please see 

The next meeting will be held on Monday the 6th of February at 0900 UTC, as I 
am on vacation during the first half of January.

Thanks to everyone for contributing this year!  Especially big thanks to 
dcaliste and dr_gogeta86!


From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Chris Adams 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 3:51 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that the next Sailfish OS CalDAV and CardDAV Contributor 
Meeting will be held this coming Monday the 5th of December.

Please note that the time for this meeting will be half an hour earlier than 
normal, and thus will be held at 0830 UTC, as the normal time of 0900 UTC would 
clash with the Sailfish OS Community Meeting.

The agenda may be found 

I'd like to say a big thanks to the community members who have contributed 
during the last month!
A quick summary of activity since the last meeting:

MER#1647 (UID in wrong section of iCalendar) has been fixed, with unit test, 
and merged (thanks william)
MER#1568 (allow import VERSION:1.0 vCalendar) has been fixed, with unit tests, 
and merged (thanks chriadam)
MER#1623 (allow import unversioned iCalendar) has been fixed incidentally by 
the fix for MER#1568
MER#1625 (PUT to read-only calendar causes sync failure) has a prospective fix 
(thanks dcaliste); however it needs tests before merge!
MER#1696 (tool to aid writing test scripts) has been written (thanks chriadam); 
however it needs review and manual testing before merge!
elfio has started writing a system test script which will use the tool from 
MER#1696, but ran into sdk issues; investigation ongoing

Going forward, there are a variety of tasks we'd like volunteers for - see the 
meeting agenda on the Wiki for the list.
Aside from that, we'd like volunteers who would be willing to run a variety of 
(unscripted) manual tests against the test servers in the Mer infrastructure, 
in order to find more bugs and create reproducible test cases for edge cases.


p.s.: as always, if you cannot make the meeting at 0830 UTC on Monday, please 
just send me an email or comment on a bug report that you would like to 

From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Chris Adams 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 11:45 AM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting

Hi everyone,

A quick summary of the meeting:

Follow up from last meeting:
1) unit tests for CalDAV and CardDAV plugins have been written
2) test server instances are now running and available for testing
3) all bugreports from last meeting have been investigated and progressed or 

Action points from this meeting:
i) chriadam will add documentation to the wiki describing how to perform manual 
tests with the test server instances.  Done - see 
ii) chriadam will investigate creating a curl PROPFIND+DELETE script to cleanup 
all data from the test service instances, to simplify manual testing from 
iii) dcaliste will investigate adding similar functionality to the plugin 
(turned on via env var) to simplify testing.
iv) dcaliste will investigate MER#1569
v) chriadam to investigate MER#1568
vi) William_ to create Merge Request for MER#1647 including unit test

Outstanding tasks:
a) we want volunteers to add more services to the test server.  Please see 
 for more information.
b) Captive-portal handling - MER#1689 - no volunteers for this one, will 
revisit during next meeting
c) WebCal subscriptions - will revisit during next meeting

Full meeting log can be found at 

As always, feel free to begin investigating any task from the backlogs:
Just comment in the bug that you're starting to investigate, and periodically 
update it with your progress.


From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Chris Adams 
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 2:19 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting

Hi everyone,

Just reminder that the next Sailfish OS CalDAV/CardDAV Contributors meeting will
be held this coming Monday the 7th of November at 0900 UTC in #mer-meeting on
the freenode IRC network.

The agenda can be found at:

A quick summary of the activity and progress since the last meeting a month ago:

1) dcaliste has written unit test framework for CalDAV.
   We need more test cases so please contribute these!
2) dr_gogeta86 has created docker env for test servers:
3) lbt, larstiq, and dr_gogeta86 have gotten the first test server working!

This is a huge step - we now have working test services in the Mer infra which
can be used for automated testing.  Massive thanks to lbt, larstiq and
dr_gogeta86, for doing the hard work to make this happen.  Now we can start
using those services to run manual tests (requires volunteers!) and scripted
system tests (e.g. elfio's work).

Also, huge thanks to dcaliste for writing the unit test framework for the
CalDAV sync plugin, as now we can start adding tests to really get good
visibility into what needs improvement, and be able to change code without
fear of unknowingly breaking things.

A quick summary of tasks which we need volunteers for:

a) script to clean all data from the test services via curl PROPFIND+DELETE
b) MER#1689 - captive portal handling
c) MER#1625 - gracefully handle PUT failures due to read-only target
d) MER#1569 - handle shared occurrences

There are a couple of tasks which I believe are symptoms of the same root cause:
MER#1568, MER#1623 both relate to VERSION handling.  If someone is willing to
look into MER#1568 that would be appreciated, dcaliste has already done
some investigation into MER#1623.

Also MER#1647 hasn't had much progress - if someone wants to take that one,
that would be appreciated!


From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Chris Adams 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:14 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting

Hi everyone,

Log of meeting on 10th October 2016:

- following up from last meeting:
  * test server still not quite ready.  authentication enablers are done, and 
the VM exists, but firewall/isolation still TODO.
  * CardDAV unit test framework was completed since last meeting.  CalDAV unit 
test framework in progress.
  * dcaliste investigated MER#1623 and MER#1646, he has a potential fix for 
MER#1623, but MER#1646 is proving tricky.
  * William___ took MER#1647 last meeting, but he was unable to attend this 
meeting, so not sure of current status.  Will check again next meeting, if no 
progress can make this task available.
- new action points from this meeting:
  * lbt to work on firewall/isolation for Mer infra test server
  * ljo_ and dcaliste to help with TJC triaging, converting to MER# bug reports
  * chriadam to take MER#1606
  * dcaliste to investigate MER#1625
- postponed action points:
  * manual testing - can't ask for volunteers here until we have a test server 
set up properly.
  * system test scripts - elfio committed to this one during last meeting, but 
until we have a test server set up he can't proceed here.

Please see 
https://sailfishos.org/wiki/CalDAV_and_CardDAV_Community_Contributions for more 

The next meeting is scheduled for 7th November 2016 at 0900 UTC.
Huge thanks to everyone for getting involved :-)

Best regards,
Chris Adams.

From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Chris Adams 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 8:01 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting

Hi everyone,

Sorry for top-posting, but I'm on an Outlook Web Access client, and it doesn't 
do quoting.

This is just a reminder that this coming Monday the 10th of October we have 
another CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting at 0900 UTC.  The agenda can be 

Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you are unable to actively contribute at 
this time.

Some highlights from the last month of collaboration:
 - we have a test VM set up in the Mer infra, plan is to install CalDAV/CardDAV 
services on it ASAP but first we need to sort out authentication / logins.
 - I've written a unit test framework for CardDAV to easily allow adding unit 
tests for parsing server responses
 - Damien Caliste has started writing a unit test framework for CalDAV, and he 
has also investigated a variety of CalDAV bugs which are proving to be quite 

See you at the meeting on Monday :-)

Best regards,

From: Chris Adams
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 11:55 AM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting

Hi everyone,

During the recent Sailfish OS Community Meeting, I raised the topic of 
CalDAV/CardDAV sync plugins for discussion.  These plugins provide vital 
functionality, but due to the complexity of the space (e.g., dozens of 
different server implementations, each with slightly different behaviour) 
coupled with resource limitations in Jolla, there have always been issues with 
them.  I asked the community if there would be anyone interested in 
contributing in some way, and the response was fantastic!

As a result, I have created the following wiki page: 
https://sailfishos.org/wiki/CalDAV_and_CardDAV_Community_Contributions.  Please 
note that currently that SFOS wiki is not able to be edited by community 
members (we're still trying to figure out how to create a proper review process 
for edits, and also whether or not it makes sense to provide single-sign-on 
between Mer and SFOS wiki, etc) but if you have any changes you'd like to make, 
please send them to me and I can publish them there.

Also, I would like to organise a kick-off meeting in #mer-meeting on Freenode 
IRC this coming Monday the 12th of September at 0900 UTC (which is 7 pm 
Australian Eastern Standard Time, if that helps anyone else ;-)

The agenda can be found in the wiki page.

Everyone is welcome and invited to attend, even if you cannot volunteer to help 
at this point in time.

If you cannot make it, don't worry, I will attach minutes from the meeting to 
the wiki page :-)

Best regards,
Chris Adams.

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