On Mon, 23 Dec 2013 18:53:21 +0400
Alexander Ladygin <fake...@gmail.com> wrote:

> L: Unable to connect to destination host, errno=110
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> Any thoughts?
> My laptop's OS is Opensuse 13.1
> Thanks
The ip address of the jolla over usb should be as long you haven't
changed it. Before logging into your device over ssh you have to set a password 
via System settings -> developer mode -> Remote connection
ssh nemo@
$ devel-su
# whoami

After you logged into your jolla you can also set a password for user root if 
you like.
$ devel-su
# passwd root

Alexander Couzens

mail: lyn...@fe80.eu
sip/jabber: lyn...@c-base.org
mobile: +4915123277221
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