[SailfishDevel] Access Device and User Information
Hi all, first of all, thank you very much for the previous help and suggestions, which in fact brought me always a small step forward. At the moment I stuck with accessing the Jolla's device information. I am looking for some kind of device ID, IMEI number or something else which is unique. If possible I would prefer to access this information via Qt/C++. I went through the archives and found a couple of similar requests, unfortunately, none with satisfying information. To my understanding, such information might be accessible via Qt Systems which seems not available. I currently using a workaraound accessing the MAC address of the very first interface I can find to identify the device since this is the only unique information I recently found. Kind regards, Andreas ___ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org
[SailfishDevel] Ho to analyse app crash when re-starting app fails
Hi again, I recently run into a new issue, I do not know how to address. The app start both, in simulator and on a device (deployed via Warehouse) without any problem. Once the app is closed and restarted, it crashes right after the "Loading..." screen. Is there any best practice to analyse the crashes? Log files etc? As I still have issues adding a physical device to the SDK, any hints how to analyse the crash on the device directly would help. I am very happy if anyone could point me to some documentation how to do so. I do use custom code to start the app in the main .cpp file. I haven't found any other way, to set the properties, using the standard startup code. In case this might be the issue, I would be happy if anyone could point me to a better solution to achieve this. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv); QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView(); QQmlEngine engine; view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("myProperty", myProperty()); view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("dataDir", data_dir); view->setSource(SailfishApp::pathTo("qml/MyApp")); view->showFullScreen(); int retVal = app->exec(); delete view; delete app; return retVal; } At the current moment, I even cannot analyse if the crashes are based on this or not, though. Thank you very much, Andreas ___ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org
[SailfishDevel] Key Public Key Deployment - Connection Refused
Hi all, I try to deploy an application to a Jolla device. I followed the steps given in https://sailfishos.org/develop-firstapp-article.html. Developer mode on the phone is active, a password is set. I tried both, the wireless IP as well as the USB connection (even connecting while using the developer mode in the settings). The device can be pinged, however, hitting the "Test Connection" button on the "Key Public Key Deployment" dialog in Qt creator tells me "connection refused". SSH connection from a shell is refused as well. Any hints which direction to go? Changing settings on the device or is this simply not yet available in the SDK? I use the latest Alpha SDK (1407), connecting a Jolla device from Mac OS X 10.9.4. Kind regards, Andreas ___ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org
[SailfishDevel] Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)
Hi all, I recently started developing for SailfishOS using the latest SDK on Mac OSX. Unfortunately, I encountered an issue trying to use the TextField control in QML. Qt creator shows a "Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)" error. I meanwhile drilled down TextBase.qml where Qt Creator tells "Unknown Component. (M300)" Any hints on this issue are appreciated. At the moment I have no idea where to look at. Including QtQuick.Control 1.0 in the QML file did not work either as supposed in another thread of this mailing list. Regards, Andreas ___ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org
[SailfishDevel] Issue TextField - Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’ (M301)
Hi all, I recently run into an issue with Qt Creator developing for SailfishOS, looking for some help here. I try to use an TextField (same issue with TextArea). Qt Creator tells me there is an issue when using the TextField/TextArea: Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301) Example code looks like TextField { id: deviceNameField placeholderText: qsTr("Device Name") } I have described the overall issue, including the Dialog/Page code and Qt Creator screenshots here: http://www.aheil.de/2014/07/10/fighting-qt-creator-develpoing-for-sailfishos/ I did follow the examples from sailfishos.org. I currently run out of ideas where to dig next. Any ideas are appreciated. Regards, Andreas ___ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org
[SailfishDevel] Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)
Hi all, I recently started developing for SailfishOS using the latest SDK on Mac OS X. Unfortunately, I encountered an issue trying to use the TextField control in QML. Qt Creator shows a "Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)" error. I meanwhile drilled down TextBase.qml where Qt Creator tells "Unknown Component. (M300)" Any hints on this issue are appreciated. At the moment I have no idea where to look at. Including QtQuick.Control 1.0 in the QML file did not work either as supposed in another thread of this mailing list. Regards, Andreas ___ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org