Re: [SailfishDevel] Counter or timer

2015-06-23 Thread Bob Jelica
Here’s some simple code (check docs for Timer)

Timer {
id: myTimer
interval: 1000
onTriggered: doSomethingWithALabel()


 On 23 Jun 2015, at 15:24, mariusz sapinski wrote:
 Hi all,
   this must be a trivial question to most of you but I would like to display 
 a counter, updated every minute. What UI element should I use? I cannot 
 update Text or Label, right? 
 Best regards,  Mariusz
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Versions

2014-07-20 Thread Bob Jelica

If you have this in your .yaml:

Version: 1.0.0

- VERSION='%{version}-%{release}'

Then you can do this in your .pro file:

That gives you the option to do this in your main.cpp:
QScopedPointerQQuickView view(SailfishApp::createView());
view-rootContext()-setContextProperty(APP_VERSION, APP_VERSION);

And BOOM! now you can use APP_VERSION wherever in your QML (AboutPage.qml for 



On 20 Jul 2014, at 13:26, Chris Walker 

 Is there any way to have my 'About' page pick up the Version and
 Release information from the yaml file?
 At the moment, I'm hard coding the versioninfo in the About page but
 I'd like it to be updated automagically in the future.
 I looked around but couldn't see this information anywhere so I'm
 guessing that this question hasn't been asked/answered before but if it
 has, please feel free to point me in the right direction.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Cannot open projects after updating SDK

2014-06-26 Thread Bob Jelica
Try this: open your project in QTC, select ”Projects” in the left sidebar, add 
kits you need.


On 26 Jun 2014, at 22:51, Matthias Barmeier wrote:

 deleting the folder does not help :(
 The result is the same, when I try to open a project that worked fine before 
 the SDK update I get
 a message that no kits are available and that I should add them in the 
 QtCreator Settings dialog.
 I can add kits there but I dont know how.
 Do you have another hint or a pointer for a documentation for me ?
 Am 25.06.2014 10:36, schrieb Juha Kallioinen:
 On 25.06.2014 00:21, Matthias Barmeier wrote:
 after updating my SDK I cannot open my projects any more.
 QtCreator shows a message saying that no kits are available.
 Does anyone know how to fix this ?
 you could try removing the old configuration files and see if that helps.
 I assume you are a Linux or Mac user in which case you can remove the 
 configuration files like this:
 1) Make sure Qt Creator is not running
 2) rm -rf $HOME/.config/SailfishAlpha4
 3) Start Qt Creator again
 Best regards,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Disabling navigation gestures

2014-01-13 Thread Bob Jelica

I’m fighting with the same problem. Only way, at least that I’ve found thus 
far, is to use backNavigation/forwardNavigation properties and then ”faking” 
the navigation buttons in top-left corner with a switch and a label :)


On 14 Jan 2014, at 03:42, Antoine Reversat wrote:

 I would like to know if it is possible to disable navigation gestures . I'm 
 using a Map element and navigation gestures override the panning gesture. I 
 don't want to disable the navigation buttons at the top left corner so 
 backNavigation and forwardNavigation properties don't work for me.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-12 Thread Bob Jelica
I get the same error/warning in my app, without it affecting the app. At least 
not enough for me to dig into the error.
I still get the GPS fix, location etc, so my app is usable.

Would love to find out if it’s a real problem or just a ”ghost” problem, but 
thus far it seems like it’s not going to give me too much problems :)


On 12 Jan 2014, at 20:19, wrote:

 Hi All
 The plot thickens!
 Marcel very kindly posted his code using PositionSource in QML.
 So I loaded up Marcel's app, and it worked!
 Then I scanned the application output, and found:
 QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'
 Exactly the same error that my app was giving
 So it looks like this error is a bit or a red herring in that it does not 
 stop the PositionSource from working. But the error had stopped me from 
 further integrating the PositionSource element.
 Zitat von
 Hi All
 In an attempt to track down the source of this problem, and possibly even 
 solve it, I have created a throwaway demo posted to Github under:
 The demo is basically a standard Sailfish new project, with a QML 
 PositionSource element added to FirstPage, and the start() method called in 
 a Component.onCompleted on that Page.
 To actually get into the nitty-gritty of the code where the problem is 
 likely to be, I have also copied in C++ code from QtPositioning. I am not 
 sure if this identical to the code used in the Sailfish build of 
 Positioning, but it is probably close enough. This in-line PositionSource 
 element is imported by import PositionSource 5.2
 Switching between the standard import and the in-line import is by comment 
 in / out the import statement(s).
 Of course, the problem may not be in the code at all, maybe I am missing 
 some essential package or plugin on my Jolla ..
 Zitat von
 Hi Alejandro
 My understanding is that although the version is quotes as 5.1, it is 
 actually a not quite finished 5.2
 In the target there is a 5.2.0 subdirectory:
 import QtPositioning 5.2, import QtPositioning 5.1, and import 
 QtPositioning 5.0 all give me the same error.
 Whereas something like import QtPositioning 5.7 gives module 
 QtPositioning version 5.7 is not installed
 Zitat von Alejandro Exojo
 El Saturday 11 January 2014, escribió:
 import QtPositioning 5.2
 Isn't 5.1 the newest available?
 Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to activate GPS on device

2014-01-01 Thread Bob Jelica
In QML you should use PositionSource element. Check it’s ”start()” and ”stop()” 


On 01 Jan 2014, at 01:05, Caliste Damien wrote:

   Now that I received my device, I can test Mæp for real. That's great.
   It's an app that uses the GPS. If Jolla's map app is running the
 GPS is activated and my application can use it also (I use
 QtPositioning in C++, the QGeoPositioningInfoSource class), it works
 well. But if the map app is not runing, my app is not seeing any GPS
   So my question, what is the way on the device to activate the GPS
 (and deactivate it when not necessary anymore) ? I thought that it was
 possible through the GPS entry of the setting app, but it seems not. Is
 there a way to do it through C++ like on Maemo 5 ?
 Thanks and happy new year !
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[SailfishDevel] Swipe lock (contd.)

2014-01-01 Thread Bob Jelica
Continuing on the thread here:

Swipe lock using flags as per the thread above doesn’t work, neither emu nor 
the device.

Any other suggestions I could try?
I have a map in my sub-page and trying to pan the map will pop the page from 
the stack instead (or peek).


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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to handle app settings?

2013-12-29 Thread Bob Jelica
See my previous mail. I use that in QML all the time.

I guess it’s up to you, as an app developer, to decide what fits your app. In 
spirit with agile software development, I start of with the easies possible 
solution, with as little friction as possible and take it from there.
The QSettings (with QML wrapper) has served me well, and I could focus my time 
on other parts of the app instead :)


On 29 dec 2013, at 10:08, Franck Routier (perso) wrote:

 Le 28/12/2013 19:06, Artem Marchenko a écrit :
 If you want something QML that works, I use this pure QML LocalStorage
 approach for the last couple of years fine
 I found inbetween that this is the approach promoted (for now) by Ubuntu
 Touch as well.
 Nowadays I would have started with wrapping QSettings though (and pull
 requests to Wikipedia for changing LocalStorage use into QSettings
 wrapper are welcome :))
 So as I understand it, QSettings might be better, but is not yet really
 usable from QML out of the box (needs a wrapper of some sort, some being
 developped by Nokia for example).
 But, what makes QSettings better thant LocalStorage ? Ans what makes
 LocalStorage better than QSettings ?
 here are my first bets:
 (+) available in qml out of the box, more standard (HTML5 ??), more
 powerful (sql)
 (-) not directly human readable / editable, security concerns (all
 tables available to all qml apps ??)
 (+) simple text files (?)
 (-) not directly usable from qml
 there must be some other points...
 Best regards,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to handle app settings?

2013-12-29 Thread Bob Jelica
That’s just a warning, I have it as well, but never had problems nor time to 
investigate further.


On 29 Dec 2013, at 21:48, Franck Routier (perso) wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 I am trying to use the QSettings wrapper, as proposed by Bob Jelica.
 Here is what I did in my main cpp:
 #include sailfishapp.h
 #include settings.h
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// SailfishApp::main() will display qml/template.qml, if you
 need more
// control over initialization, you can use:
//   - SailfishApp::application(int, char *[]) to get the
 QGuiApplication *
//   - SailfishApp::createView() to get a new QQuickView * instance
//   - SailfishApp::pathTo(QString) to get a QUrl to a resource file
// To display the view, call show() (will show fullscreen on
Settings settings;
QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();
//create the root context and set the context properties
QQmlContext *rootContext = view-rootContext();
//register our c++ modules for usage in QML
rootContext-setContextProperty(settings, settings);
return SailfishApp::main(argc, argv);
 Everything compiles fine, but on deployment, I get these messages:
 [W] QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath:1906 -
 QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the
 QApplication object first
 [F] qt_pixmap_thread_test:76 - QPixmap: Must construct a QApplication
 before a QPaintDevice
 applicationPath is used in settings.cpp, but I just copied it as is
 from the download link given.
 I must be missing some obvious step, and would appreciate any help.
 Le 29/12/2013 10:15, Bob Jelica a écrit :
 See my previous mail. I use that in QML all the time.
 I guess it’s up to you, as an app developer, to decide what fits
 your app. In spirit with agile software development, I start of
 with the easies possible solution, with as little friction as
 possible and take it from there. The QSettings (with QML wrapper)
 has served me well, and I could focus my time on other parts of the
 app instead :)
 On 29 dec 2013, at 10:08, Franck Routier (perso)
 Le 28/12/2013 19:06, Artem Marchenko a écrit :
 If you want something QML that works, I use this pure QML
 LocalStorage approach for the last couple of years fine -
 I found inbetween that this is the approach promoted (for now) by Ubuntu
 Touch as well.
 Nowadays I would have started with wrapping QSettings though
 (and pull requests to Wikipedia for changing LocalStorage use
 into QSettings wrapper are welcome :))
 So as I understand it, QSettings might be better, but is not yet
 really usable from QML out of the box (needs a wrapper of some
 sort, some being developped by Nokia for example).
 But, what makes QSettings better thant LocalStorage ? Ans what
 makes LocalStorage better than QSettings ?
 here are my first bets:
 LocalStorage: (+) available in qml out of the box, more standard
 (HTML5 ??), more powerful (sql) (-) not directly human readable /
 editable, security concerns (all tables available to all qml apps
 QSettings: (+) simple text files (?) (-) not directly usable from
 there must be some other points...
 Best regards,
 Franck ___ Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to handle app settings?

2013-12-28 Thread Bob Jelica
I use a QML-enabled QSettings wrapper created by Nokia at some point.
Here’s the download link: and
Put those into your project, then register it in your main.cpp (or 
PROJECTNAME.cpp) like this:

Settings settings;

//create the root context and set the context properties
QQmlContext *rootContext = view-rootContext();

//register our c++ modules for usage in QML
rootContext-setContextProperty(settings, settings);

Now you have a ”settings” object available everywhere in your QML/JS.
Save an object: settings.setSetting(”name”, value);
Read a saved object: settings.setting(”name”);

Works like a charm ;)


On 28 Dec 2013, at 19:06, Artem Marchenko wrote:

 Hi there
 I believe somebody was posting to IRC a link to a QML wrapper for QSettings 
 done as a part of some nemo project.
 If you want something QML that works, I use this pure QML LocalStorage 
 approach for the last couple of years fine -
 Nowadays I would have started with wrapping QSettings though (and pull 
 requests to Wikipedia for changing LocalStorage use into QSettings wrapper 
 are welcome :))
 Best regards,
 On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
 I did it like this with QSettings, it works. I don't know is it the correct 
 way... (comments anyone?)
 introduce me in main()
 QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(diibadaaba );
 QSettings settings;
 m_mySetting = settings.value(mySetting, ).toString();
 QSettings settings;
 settings.setValue(mySetting, m_mySetting);
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Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 (

2013-12-27 Thread Bob Jelica
Great work everyone!

Keep them updates coming, and we’ll keep the apps coming ;)


On 27 Dec 2013, at 14:00, Bernd Wachter wrote:

 Hi all,
 we're releasing update2 today. The changelog can be found (and commented
 on) here:
 Changelog is appended below, for additional instructions please read the
 post at together.
 What's new
 * Google calendar sync to your Jolla (one way)
 * Camera support in Android apps
 * Updating/uninstalling apps from Yandex store
 * Camera now supports all 4 orientations
 * Advanced recovery mode [[details]](#details)
 * Ability to accept any server certificates during Exchange ActiveSync
   account setup
 Highlights of improvements
 - Camera
 * Improvements in exposure time and auto focus in low light conditions
 * Improved switching from rear to front camera
 - Connectivity
 * Connection switcher in Settings no longer sticks even when the
  network is not fully registered
 * Static IP settings bug fixed
 * Access point selection steps can be reversed without causing an
 * Retries are now possible if you input a wrong WLAN password
 - Home / Events / Notifications
 * Only important notifications (missed call, chat, messages, mails) are
  shown on Lock screen, all notifications are
  visible in Events
 * Facebook and Twitter notifications no longer have LED indicators
 * Disabling Facebook/Twitter feeds now removes them from Events
 * Better support for high flow of tweets
 * Twitter feeds now show the real name of the user
 * Notification clearing improved
 * Updates no longer re-appear after reboot
 * USB mode selection is no longer shown when device is locked/suspended
 * Fixes an issue where Home displayed as a long scrollable list
 * Entering incorrect code on device lock screen now has haptic feedback
 - Accounts
 * Improvements in jolla account creation steps
 - Phone
 * Call volume can now be adjusted before outgoing call is answered
 * Phone call UI does not show Bluetooth indicator when connected to a
  device that does not support phone call audio
 * Previous caller's avatar no longer flickers before the current
  caller's avatar is displayed
 * When powering up the device now registers directly to 3G  instead of
  first registering to 2G and then switching to 3G
 - Messages
 * Messages application keeps the active page and message text when
  re-activated from Launcher
 * Message notifications now remain cleared and group correctly after
 * Modifying contacts now shows available message conversation options
 * Imported contacts with unknown IM accounts no longer appear as
  apparently usable messaging options
 * Multiple recipients can now be picked from favorites
 * Words with a dot in the middle are no longer recognized as a URL when
  entering the message
 - People
 * Phone numbers with dialling card prefixes are no longer merged with
  their un-prefixed versions
 * Fixed confusing behaviour while editing contacts that have only
 * Search results in People are now correctly highlighted
 - Clock
 * Uninstalling the app cancels outstanding alarms
 * Clock now shows the correct time in alarm list and cover for all
 - Bluetooth
 * OBEX push requests from trusted devices are now automatically accepted
 * A more informative progress bar is shown during BT discovery
 - Browser
 * Minor UI fixes and performance improvements
 * WebGL performance improved significantly
 * Fixes an issue where browser stopped to open links
 - Store client
 * System update check is only done over a WLAN connection
 * Connection dialog and status indication no longer suggest that a
  check is in progress without a connection
 * Speed up app installation process
 - Settings
 * Time display in Settings now respects the selected time zone
 * UTC offset shown now takes DST into account
 * Developer mode: Fingerterm default settings are more user friendly
 * USB default mode of Always ask is respected even after unlocking
  the device
 - Mail
 * Improves support for accounts where service username is different from
  email address
 * Improves standard folders handling
 * Fixes an issue in the communication with SMTP servers that don't
  require authentication
 * Fixes an issue related to email sending for some servers using
  ecrypted password(CRAM-MD5) for authentication
 * Fixes an issue in attachments handling in POP3 accounts
 * Fixes an issue in email deleting in POP3 accounts
 * Fixes an issue related to email signature handling in draft emails
 * Fixes an issue in the unread email count for local only folders
 * Fixes an issue that prevents long email subjects to be shown in the
  email info view
 * Fixes an issue related to opening a html email via notification
 * Fixes an issue realated to replying to html only emails
 - Exchange ActiveSync

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-24 Thread Bob Jelica

Thx! :D

I have the same issue with the map in my app, it’s popping the page from the 
stack when scrolling. I’m just about to try it on the actual phone (which I 
received yesterday, yay!) to see how it behaves there…I’ll get back to you with 
the results.

About the pinch actions: I haven’t found a way to do that on the emulator, 
maybe someone else knows?


On 23 dec 2013, at 22:43, Sylvain B. wrote:

 Hi again Bob,
 Just to let you know that your Map example is working fine (I like the 
 blinking icon!) if you put it on the first page of your app, but if you put 
 it on the second page, when you try to flick to the west, it actually pop the 
 page off the stack.
 I am not asking for a solution right now because I won't have much time to 
 work on it in the following weeks, but I am just letting you know in case you 
 work on your example :)
 Last question while I am here: It may have already been asked, but is it 
 possible to do Pinch actions on the emulator?
 Thanks again for the help!
 Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 00:23:09 +
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
 Chris: I replied to you in private by error, so I am resaying here in the 
 mailing-list: Thank you a lot, that's what I was missing!! It works now! I 
 was sure that it was simple, but there is just not enough (not at all?) doc 
 for Qt newbies like me =(
 Bob: Wow, it may not be finished, but your doc is already great and describe 
 exactly what I was missing! Thank you. And if you have time to complete your 
 TODO section, that would be a super doc to put directly on! 
 Thanks for sharing :)
  Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 23:43:18 +0100
  Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
  Hi Sylvain
  I've just got it working!
  I added
  to the PkgBR and Requires sections of the Yaml file, et voila, 
  Belle Paris sur L'emulatuer 
  Have fun
  Zitat von Sylvain B.
   I come back here because I am definitely not able to display a simple Map 
   What I have done is:
   - Take the HelloWorld example generated by QtCreator.
   - Replace the content of SecondPage.qml by the code below.
   And I just get an empty page with the following error message in the logs:
   QML Map: Error: Plugin does not support mapping.
   Error message: The geoservices provider is not supported.
   If I remove the Plugin, I get the same empty page but without the 
   error message.
   I have regenerated new token from (I there a specific 
   option to set?)
   I don't know what I need to do to make it working, is it in the .pro 
   file? :(
   So I would really use either some tips or a working example.
   Thank you in advance!
   import QtQuick 2.0
   import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
   import QtLocation 5.0
   import QtPositioning 5.1
   Page {
   Map {
   anchors.fill: parent
   plugin : Plugin {
   name : nokia;
   parameters: [
   PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: xxx },
   PluginParameter { name: token; value: xxx }
   center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.856047, 2.353907) // Paris
   Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 15:50:14 +0100
   Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
   I have an example project showing a map and a location.Will try 
   publishing it online later tonight/tomorrow so you guys don?t have 
   to walk to Mordor and back like I did to get it working ;)
   On 19 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Sthocs wrote:tw_bolek 
   tw_bolek@... writes:
   at Bolek, have you got it working?
   Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!
   For my needs now it's even better than
   previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I
   needed to get.
   Thanks a lot!
   BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get
   the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin? If
   I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
   redirects to the main Nokia Developer page. I can't find the right place
   to register...
   ___ Devel mailing list
   I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
   I already figured out that:
   - We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
   - We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about
   pkcon and zypper)
   - We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-22 Thread Bob Jelica

I’m not quite finished with the tutorial, but since you seem to be in dire need 
of instructions, here goes:
App works, docs are work-in-progress.

Holla at me if you’re having trouble with anything.


On 22 Dec 2013, at 23:11, Sylvain B. wrote:

 I come back here because I am definitely not able to display a simple Map :(
 What I have done is:
 - Take the HelloWorld example generated by QtCreator.
 - Replace the content of SecondPage.qml by the code below.
 And I just get an empty page with the following error message in the logs:
 QML Map: Error: Plugin does not support mapping.
 Error message: The geoservices provider is not supported.
 If I remove the Plugin, I get the same empty page but without the error 
 I have regenerated new token from (I there a specific option to set?)
 I don't know what I need to do to make it working, is it in the .pro file? :(
 So I would really use either some tips or a working example.
 Thank you in advance!
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
 import QtLocation 5.0
 import QtPositioning 5.1
 Page {
 Map {
 anchors.fill: parent
 plugin : Plugin {
 name : nokia;
 parameters: [
 PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: xxx },
 PluginParameter { name: token; value: xxx }
 center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.856047, 2.353907) // Paris
 Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 15:50:14 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
 I have an example project showing a map and a location.
 Will try publishing it online later tonight/tomorrow so you guys don’t have 
 to walk to Mordor and back like I did to get it working ;)
 On 19 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Sthocs wrote:
 tw_bolek tw_bolek@... writes:
 at Bolek, have you got it working?
 Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!   
 For my needs now it's even better than
 previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I 
 needed to get.
 Thanks a lot!
 BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get 
 the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin?  If
 I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
 redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place 
 to register...   
 ___ Devel mailing list
 I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
 I already figured out that:
 - We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
 - We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about 
 pkcon and zypper)
 - We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.
 But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I 
 have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does 
 not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)
 I am sure it's something simple (some entry missing in the .pro?) but I 
 could not find what yesterday, and I don't have so much time to search (It 
 was really cool with Harmattan to have an example out of the box that we 
 could just copy/paste and start customizing).
 Would it be possible to have a simple example in the doc explaining all the 
 required steps?
 Or do you see what I am missing? For the plugin, I just put the same than 
 for Harmattan:
 plugin : Plugin {
name : nokia;
parameters: [
PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: APPID 
PluginParameter { name: token; value: TOKEN 
 Thanks for your help!
 ___ Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-22 Thread Bob Jelica
Chris: you’re very welcome to re-publish the tutorial on your page, since it’s 
becoming a defacto standard page for awesome tutorials/info about Sailfish.
I’ll clean the docs a bit more in the coming days, so it’s more noob-friendly.


On 20 Dec 2013, at 09:20, wrote:

 Hi Thomas
 Thanks for pointing me to that.
 So it a change by design, part of the migration to PackageKit that I hint at 
 my post.
 Zitat von Thomas Tanghus
 Note that the zypper package manager is only available in the build engine
 virtual machine and in the Scratchbox 2 environment, not in the emulator or 
 a real device. The equivalent command in the emulator virtual machine or on a
 device is pkcon. These two commands have slightly different options and one
 may not support all the functionality the other has. under Tips and Tricks
 Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
 Thomas Tanghus
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Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-19 Thread Bob Jelica
I have an example project showing a map and a location.
Will try publishing it online later tonight/tomorrow so you guys don’t have to 
walk to Mordor and back like I did to get it working ;)


On 19 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Sthocs wrote:

 tw_bolek tw_bolek@... writes:
 at Bolek, have you got it working?
 Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!   
 For my needs now it's even better than
 previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I 
 needed to get.
 Thanks a lot!
 BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get 
 the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin?  If
 I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
 redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place 
 to register...   
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 I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
 I already figured out that:
 - We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
 - We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about 
 pkcon and zypper)
 - We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.
 But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I 
 have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does 
 not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)
 I am sure it's something simple (some entry missing in the .pro?) but I 
 could not find what yesterday, and I don't have so much time to search (It 
 was really cool with Harmattan to have an example out of the box that we 
 could just copy/paste and start customizing).
 Would it be possible to have a simple example in the doc explaining all the 
 required steps?
 Or do you see what I am missing? For the plugin, I just put the same than 
 for Harmattan:
 plugin : Plugin {
name : nokia;
parameters: [
PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: APPID 
PluginParameter { name: token; value: TOKEN 
 Thanks for your help!
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[SailfishDevel] QTLocation not part of QT5, what to do?

2013-08-03 Thread Mario Bob Jelica
Hi all,

Seeing how the QTLocation is being (heavily) refactored right now, and not part 
of QT5 at this time, what are all of us who are doing location-aware apps to do?
I haven't seen any timeframe for when QTLocation will be a part of QT5 proper, 
add to that time needed for it to reach SailfishOS SDK.

Please advise :)


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