Re: [SailfishDevel] Flatpak for Sailfish

2020-01-27 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger


Single instance handling has always been broken for Sailfish OS 3.

Not even different .desktop files with different Exec entries like these 
are working, as they are probably both interpreted as "python3":

|Exec=python3 /path/to/application/ |
||Exec=python3 /path/to/application/| |


(Fortunately for the Python applications there's a workaround: start 
both apps within a second or so...)



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Linux desktop software on Sailfish?

2018-03-06 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

On 3/6/2018 11:28 PM, tuntematon wrote:
Wasn't Maemo GTK based? Qt came with Harmattan/Meego. 

I'm using Python. On Maemo the Python Qt bindings 'PySide' were 
perfectly usable with a native look and feel.
On Sailfish, I'm using PyQt, but the 'traditional' Qt widgets look like 
on Windows, i.e. with a very non-native look and feel.

It's not that Sailfish comes with Qt. Effectively it's more that Qt 
comes with Sailfish and there are no other GUI options.



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Linux desktop software on Sailfish?

2018-03-06 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

On 3/6/2018 3:48 PM, Pekka Vuorela wrote:

Linux desktop and Sailfish OS are kind of mutually exclusive things in
the sense the Sailfish provides a home screen, i.e. "desktop".

Gkt+ applications could perhaps be possible, but not necessarily an API
that is going to get official support. Also desktop applications and
widget sets don't likely work nicely on a small mobile device as they
have not been commonly developed with finger usability in mind.

Sure, but with a device like the Gemini PDA that is not really an issue 
as it has a keyboard and also a mouse can be connected. So, keyboard 
control can be used for most things, the screen size is not reduced by a 
on-screen keyboard and for some applications where one really needs fine 
control, a mouse can be connected. Also, external monitor and keyboard 
may be connnected, so usage scenarios like Windows Continuum, Ubuntu 
Convergence or Samsung DeX would be possible without additional effort.
On Maemo, the standard Qt widgets were perfectly integrated. With 
Sailfish OS this is not gonna happen. That's clear, but not an issue 
here as it would require adaption per application.
It would be sufficient to be able to build e.g. gtk applications and 
start them full-screen. Things like drag between windows would 
obviously not work. The perfect solution would be a desktop running as 
another full-screen showing all applications that are not full-screen.

Maemo had some application like word processor or spreadsheet. With 
keyboard and stylus they were really usable. The keyboard contributed to 
the usability more than the stylus. Without keyboard and stylus there's 
no useful scenario...



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Linux desktop software on Sailfish?

2018-03-01 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

On 3/1/2018 11:50 PM, wrote:

Depends on what app you want to run, some will probably never move to wayland 
and xwayland will be the only option to run them. More active/newer apps will 
probably at some point compile without any X lib dependencies, but it will take 
a while (at least mir is dead)

Sure, but the mainstream is moving towards Wayland. When looking a my 
Ubuntu VM, the software situation looks good.
So XWayland would be a nice-to-have, but for the majority of users and 
software, pure Wayland should be fine.
If an application will not move to Wayland, then it's probably more or 
less dead already...



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Linux desktop software on Sailfish?

2018-03-01 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

On 3/1/2018 11:26 PM, wrote:

There's xwayland, but only 'working' option (touch/sound) is buggy chroot of 
arch or ubuntu:
(managed to get it working on tablet with sound only during sfos notifications 
but would crash/reboot rather soon after initiating, not really usable, maybe 
with gemini more ppl look into it)

From a quick check, it seems that e.g. gtk supports Wayland. Also, 
Ubuntu 17 uses Wayland by default.

So I would guess that X compatibility is not a must nowadays and 
probably not the way to go.



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[SailfishDevel] Linux desktop software on Sailfish?

2018-03-01 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger


In the last days Planet Computers started shipping the Gemini PDA which 
has Android installed by default but features a Linux dual boot option.

There will be an option to install Sailfish OS as the Linux OS.

For most buyers the motivation to buy the device is not just Android 
with a keyboard but the option to use it as a productivity device, 
including office applications and development software.
Currently the only option for this usage scenario is Debian. Ubuntu 
should follow soon.

Is there a realistic option to have e.g. gtk and a Linux desktop on 
Sailfish OS?
A Sailfish OS with Android compatibility and Linux productivity 
applications would be the perfect OS for the Gemini PDA.



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Available now: Sailfish Community Device Program and Jolla C

2016-06-14 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

On 14.06.2016 18:38, Chris Walker wrote:

I think you're all missing the point. Yes I screwed up by mis-reading
the time BUT, I got an email at 12 o'clock UK time saying that the
devices were now available when plainly they weren't. They had all been
sold by then. So I claim the email mis-represented the state of the
store. Hence why I was pissed off.
I'm a bit surprised, as I got mine exactly at 12:01 CEST, which was in 
time to order.
And according to the headers of my mail server, the mail to this list 
was also at 12:00 CEST.



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[SailfishDevel] Signals not received when screen is locked

2015-01-13 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger


I think that with the last OS updates the energy saving mechanisms are too 

I'm using PyQt with Python 3.

After update 10 (and probably already 9) I don't always receive the relevant 
from a QMediaPlayer object.

A few seconds after the screen is locked, I don't receive these signals any 
 - positionChanged
 - mediaStatusChanged
 - stateChanged

Well, I can live without positionChanged while the screen is locked, but
at least one of the others still should work.

The QTimer signals behave similar, so I would assume that the whole Qt event
loop is affected.

Currently the only workaround seems to have a second non-Qt thread to poll
for any changes.
Is there a better solution? Can I e.g. register some events that should
always be delivered?



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Python and Qt Widgets development possible?

2014-02-11 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

Am 11.02.2014 16:51, schrieb Marcin M.:
 Don't know much about Qt theming capability but you could try 
installing some custom theme for plain Qt, as Maemo does. But sitll 
there'll be no native lookfeel

Themes would only change the look.
Things like dialogs, multiple windows, menus etc. still would not behave 
as expected.



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Re: [SailfishDevel] Python and Qt Widgets development possible?

2014-02-11 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger

Am 11.02.2014 20:14, schrieb Marcin M.:
But they could make the UI usable on mobile phones, as it's done in 
Fremantle. I can send you a screenshot with the app themed and not themed.

I tried my Maemo/Fremantle app without a theme.
As I would like to stay compatible to Maemo and Windows, I would prefer 
the QtWidgets solution for some time.

The major problems:
 - When I open a second window, on Maemo I use the stacked windows 
attribute. On Sailfish that's not available, so a second window opens. 
The second window then is shown on its own in the multitasking view. 
This could probably be fixed using QStackedWidgets, though.
 - The menu bar is shown just like in Windows not as pulleye. When you 
open the menu, again a full window is opened.

If that could be fixed using a theme, that would really be cool, but I 
have my doubts that this is possible.
If I had the same problems on Windows, I would assume that I could get 
the (window) handles of the underlying windows/widgets/whatever and do 
some win32 calls to fix the problems. Maybe on Sailfish that's possible 
as well, but there's no documentation...



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[SailfishDevel] Python and Qt Widgets development possible?

2014-01-26 Thread Dietmar Schwertberger


Until now I have been using PySide to write Qt Widgets applications that 
were running fine

under Windows and Maemo.
With some if/else I got native look  feel on both platforms.

Now I've tried the same with PyQt5 on Sailfish OS and the application looks
like a Windows application and even opens new windows when I e.g. open 
the menu.

Unfortunately it seems that QML is the only way to get native look and feel.
Am I right?

Switching to QML/Qt Quick seems a major effort and especially, it is 
very un-pythonic

to use this mixture of two languages.
Even when I switch, it seems that there's quite some effort to stay 
compatible over
multiple platforms as you more or less have to use Silica components on 
Sailfish OS
and on the other hand I won't gain usability on a mouse based platform 
like Windows.

With Maemo I had the impression that it was quite easy to port any GUI 
and get at least a reasonable UI. Seems that this is not true with 
Sailfish OS any more.

You have to choose between all or nothing...



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