Re: [SailfishDevel] porting QML app to non sailfishos archs

2014-05-27 Thread Joseph Crowell
Android Controls are pretty far behind Silica when it comes to OS 
integrated appearance for obvious reasons right now but a look at 
staging on qt-project's jira will show you that most of those issues 
should be resolved by the next minor release.

On 5/26/2014 11:08 PM, wrote:

Thanks to all for the inputs! :)

On Mon, 26 May 2014 14:17:40 +0200
Martin Windolph wrote:


my way was the opposite. I had an app for Windows and then went for Android. As 
Sailfish OS came out, I ported it to Sailfish OS. The porting afford to 
Sailfish OS was a lot higher than for Android. So you are fine when using basic 
QtQuick 2.0 there without any Silica (I use separate pro files for 
Windows/Android and Sailfish OS).


Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 14:07:34 +0200
Subject: [SailfishDevel] porting QML app to non sailfishos archs

Hi in short time I'm going to 'port' my pure QML application to android and ios.

Currently I import QtQuick 2.0 and QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0
(and Sailfish.Silica 1.0)

I use LocalStorage and XMLHttpRequest, I try to keep it simple, I'm using only 
Rectangle, Row, Text, TextInput, MouseArea, few anchors.
In short, nothing specific to Silica.

Do you think that I'll be fine with this ?
Do you have some experience to share ?
Is QML on android and ios stable ?

Thanks for your attention,
wish you a great week,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-25 Thread Joseph Crowell

On 5/26/2014 1:43 AM, Saija Saarenpää wrote:

I prefer the editing abilities a forum gives over everything else.
For example QtProject forum has done it really well. They 
have the possibility to extend the documentation by leaving notes and code 
examples. Also a whole section to provide snippets.

The thing which I dislike in mailing lists that sometimes for solving a simple 
issue I need to read the whole chain of emails to catch the one which has the 
correct and working solution. In the forum it's possible to modify the original 
question to include the correct answer or even save a separate code snippet in 
the wiki, which is easy to find if tagged properly.


- Saija


Lähetetty iPadista

Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 25.5.2014 kello 

Hi Thomas

Thanks for your input.

I suspect the whole mailing-list vs forum thing will be a matter of taste and 
experience. Both have their plus sides and downsides.

I am now trying out Thunderbird, but will hold of commenting until I have got 
used to it.

On 24.05.14 19:32, Thomas B. Rücker wrote:

* Private Messages

I'm not sure if you are serious.
Did you hear about this thing called … email?

I counter with have you heard of this thing called privacy? In some forums your email 
is suppresed by default. Other users only see your avatar, and thus pms are used for 
back-channel talk instead of email. In a small intimate community like this one, 
privacy (or invasion thereof) should not be a problem, but that might change if the community were 
to mushroom in size.



B.t.w my Pizza has to be the classic Napoli ...

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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Joseph Crowell

See on a forum you could have just edited the last post.

On 5/24/2014 8:56 PM, wrote:
Ignore my last - I absentmindedly clicked Send before writing the 

My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing 
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing 
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.

Martin points out that I could simulate the same with rules and 
filters: but that is post-fact, so if somebody starts spamming the 
list from different threads and sock-puppets, then I need to 
continually add new rules / filters. I prefer to spend my free time 
programming Sailfish apps, not rules in my mail client!

While there is, that serves a different role: it is an 
independent forum (as opposed to one owned by Jolla); and the Sailfish 
part has not divided into more focused sub-forums yet.


Zitat von

Hi Iekku

Zitat von Iekku Pylkka


We have been pondering the idea about forum. Truth to be told, we 
are too small company to follow and contribute to that as well. We 
are following/contributing to several IRC channels,, this mailing list and I'm bombing our technical 
developers with questions I can't answer 
and can't find easily (below 30 minutes). And we have huge amount of 
work to do :) Yes, we could have trusted community members as a 
moderators in forum, but we would love to contribute and _read_ 
those posts coming to forum.

Iekku Pylkkä

[] on behalf of Martin Kolman 

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you 

23.5.2014 21:21,

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.

Well, roughly the same thing can (and usually is by people subscribing
to mailing list) achieved by setting up mail filters and redirecting
email to per-mailing-list folders. I can't even think about all those
email directly ending in my
main inbox...

Regarding a forum - well, is currently basically filling
the role of the main Sailfish forum and this seems to work just 
fine, so

I don't really see the need for yet another forum instance (anybody
still remembers ?).


Zitat von Jarko Vihriala

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part 

thanks, Jarko

[] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator
tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not
necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM, 

Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as
definitely better elsewhere has been refreshingly small. Many of
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von David Greaves

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some
people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is
such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what
measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that
I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
sometimes cries for help come in strange 

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Joseph Crowell

On 5/25/2014 2:34 AM, wrote:

Hi Lauri

That is an interesting perspective: my feeling / experience was 
exactly the opposite: the chief weakness of mailing lists is that they 
have no usability whatsoever: I get just a flat list of unorganised 
mails swamping my inbox.

That of course may be down to the weaknesses of the web-mail client I 
use. I would welcome advice on best-practice tools for consuming 
mailing lists. I am (mostly) on OSX, sometimes on Windows and Linux. 
To quote Churchill give us the tools and we will do the job.

Thunderbird allows a threaded view which works great for a threaded view 
and 'detects' mail server settings when you put in your email address. I 
filter mailing list mails from KDE, Qt and Sailfish in to their 
respective folders and then on each of those folders I [View  Sort By  
Threaded] on each of those folders.

From my point-of-view, plus points for usability of forums over 
mailing lists are (in no special order):

* Stickies
* Sub forums
* Search
* Private Messages
* Edit previous posts (I could have used that today when I 
inadvertently clicked send too early)

* Thread based perspective
* Does not fill my mail file
* Visible metadata such as number of replies, date of most recent 
reply, number of posts etc.

Downsides of forums are:
* yet another user/password to manage (although a forum could be 
integrated into

* yet another site to visit regularly (in addition to my mail client)
* karma: so distracting, I prefer the simple egalitarianism / 
meritocracy of mailing lists



Zitat von Lauri Nurmi

24.5.2014 13:56, kirjoitti:
My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing 
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing 
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.


Is there any forum platform whose usability is not totally terrible 
compared to mailing lists?

First of all, to be able to keep track of who has replied to whose 
post, and which post, I want to see the posts as a tree. But offering 
such a tree view seems to be very rare on forums.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Right to silence

2014-05-23 Thread Joseph Crowell

+1 on the /ignore

On 5/23/2014 4:09 PM, Joona Hoikkala wrote:

Here we go again,

seems like you really need to do this outpour on the sailfish devel list, so 
could you PLEASE at least contain it to one thread so the ones that don't wish 
to get distracted can successfully ignore the thread?

On 5/23/2014 2:35 PM, Filip Kłębczyk wrote:

 From English Wikipedia:

The right to remain silent is a legal right recognized, explicitly or by 
convention, in many of the world's legal systems.

The right covers a number of issues centered around the right of the accused or 
the defendant to refuse to comment or provide an answer when questioned, either 
prior to or during legal proceedings in a court of law. This can be the right 
to avoid self-incrimination or the right to remain silent when questioned. The 
right usually includes the provision that adverse comments or inferences cannot 
be made by the judge or jury regarding the refusal by a defendant to answer 
questions before or during a trial, hearing or any other legal proceeding. This 
right constitutes only a small part of the defendant's rights as a whole.

I will repeat one part.

*The right usually includes the provision that adverse comments or inferences 
cannot be made by the judge or jury regarding the refusal by a defendant to 
answer questions before or during a trial, hearing or any other legal 

Now let all think, was it ok for Jolla employees (that mostly dominated 
yesterday meeting, check in irc logs who was talking most of the time) forcing 
me to speak and what kind of comments they've made about that.

While I respect Thomas Perl right to be silent - it's his choice and I would 
like others to respect the fact that I was silent during yesterday's meeting. 
Moreover I clearly stated that I will reply on mailing list after meeting which 
I've did as promised. I just didn't feel that I will have equal chances to 
express myself, when Jolla employees where dominating on it.

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Right to silence

2014-05-22 Thread Joseph Crowell
Are you aware of the IRC /ignore feature? I suspect you were black 
listed long ago for behavior similar to the behavior you are exhibiting now.

On 5/23/2014 2:35 PM, Filip Kłębczyk wrote:

From English Wikipedia:

The right to remain silent is a legal right recognized, explicitly or 
by convention, in many of the world's legal systems.

The right covers a number of issues centered around the right of the 
accused or the defendant to refuse to comment or provide an answer 
when questioned, either prior to or during legal proceedings in a 
court of law. This can be the right to avoid self-incrimination or the 
right to remain silent when questioned. The right usually includes the 
provision that adverse comments or inferences cannot be made by the 
judge or jury regarding the refusal by a defendant to answer questions 
before or during a trial, hearing or any other legal proceeding. This 
right constitutes only a small part of the defendant's rights as a whole.

I will repeat one part.

*The right usually includes the provision that adverse comments or 
inferences cannot be made by the judge or jury regarding the refusal 
by a defendant to answer questions before or during a trial, hearing 
or any other legal proceeding.*

Now let all think, was it ok for Jolla employees (that mostly 
dominated yesterday meeting, check in irc logs who was talking most of 
the time) forcing me to speak and what kind of comments they've made 
about that.

While I respect Thomas Perl right to be silent - it's his choice and I 
would like others to respect the fact that I was silent during 
yesterday's meeting. Moreover I clearly stated that I will reply on 
mailing list after meeting which I've did as promised. I just didn't 
feel that I will have equal chances to express myself, when Jolla 
employees where dominating on it.

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[SailfishDevel] Looks like wikipedia needs to be updated.

2014-04-25 Thread Joseph Crowell
Could someone a bit more familiar with the event history and what not 
read through this and update it?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Are Jolla core apps opensource ?

2013-12-28 Thread Joseph Crowell

I would lean towards licensing of included libraries like xt9.

On 12/26/2013 06:35 PM, Tone Kastlunger wrote:

Current closed source might have other reasons rather than salary;
- competitive advantage?
- API completeness?
main point should be discussion on clarification on how, if and when 
these closed sources will be made available.

On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 11:25 PM, wrote:

The two things are not related at all :)

Even Linux, that is 100% opensource, has hundred of people paid
to contribute to it full time.

I know that the comparison is a bit unfair, but it's just to
explain that it can be normal to be paid to develop something that
is opensource.
Can Jolla afford to rely completely on the community? They can't,
at this stage. They pay employees to develop some apps. This
doesn't mean these apps can't be opensourced for this reason. So
probably there is a different reason that only Jolla can explain.


On 25 December 2013 22:17, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:

I think there are persons in Jolla who receive a salary for

because of that Jolla Core is not opensource (yet?)

On 26.12.2013 03:05, Vincent B. wrote:

I'm not sure about it, since I'm unable to find the
sources for Jolla
core apps such as the app clock. I'd like to add the
ability to select a
timer's duration at the second precision level.

Thanks in advance,

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Andrea Grandi -  Software Engineer / Qt Ambassador / Nokia

Developer Champion

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Full Emulator and/or APIs

2013-11-20 Thread Joseph Crowell
What about the accounts/messaging api that Jolla will actually use? A 
common HAL that we can use to make generic calls to device hardware? 
Everyone always wants to make a nifty flashlight app. NFT integration. 
If base rpms are going to be on the released devices, shouldn't they all 
be in the SDK emulator as well?

On 11/20/2013 01:20 PM, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:

you wrong again :)
install qt5-qttools-qdbus

and transfer api also here, just not integrated to emulator ui.

On 20.11.2013 19:17, Tone Kastlunger wrote:

coderus, dbus is, but handfull tools like qdbus is not :)
Ofc you could always build  deploy them by yourself as well :)
Same goes for the transfer UI, which is completely absent.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:

dbus is here and fully functional :)

On 20.11.2013 18:54, wsvries wrote:

Same question from me about Qt Serial Port.
And, I also need QDBus.
Cannot port my app until it is supported.

Gabriel Boehme schreef op 2013-11-20 12:36:

Hi sailors,

@JollaHQ told me on Twitter to discuss the following
question on the
mailing list, but is more or less a question to some
official Jolla

Is there any plan to release with the next updates an
emulator, with all
standard apps/APIs integrated? This would be very helpful
to create/port
(better) apps. At the moment I'm missing some dbus
service/API related
to the camera. Also I'm not sure at the moment, how to
share results
from my app with the common Sailfish calendar, also
social service
integration would be a big benefit - share options for

I guess you are very busy at the moment, but would be
nice to hear some
details. And in a week the first real devices are sold,
so it would be
nice to offer some native stuff for all these sailors.

Thank you very much.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] If this list even used?

2013-10-02 Thread Joseph Crowell
Might be in a spam filter either on the list or we are on the mail 

On 01/10/2013 03:46 AM, Marcin Mielniczuk wrote:

iirc using address.


2013/9/30 FIlip K?e;bczyk

W dniu 30.09.2013 17:24, Marcin Mielniczuk pisze:

Guess he doesn't get anything like me some time ago.

Do you have an idea what was it in your case? I mean the reason
why you didn't receive mails.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS Messages from Sailfish Alpha 2 from QML, partial success

2013-08-22 Thread Joseph Crowell

Looks like it's in some portion of Mission Control.

On 10/08/2013 11:35 PM, wrote:

Hi John

I have partially answered one of the questions from my last mail.

This morning on sending an SMS from QML I got this output:

void ConversationChannel::sendMessage(const MessagePartList) 
Buffering message until channel is ready
tp-qt 0.9.3 WARN: (Too old?) Channel Dispatcher failed to tell us 
whether it supports request hints, assuming it doesn't: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown : The name 
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher was not provided by any 
.service files
tp-qt 0.9.3 WARN: GetAll(Account) failed: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager was not provided by any 
.service files

No account for /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/ring/tel/account0
SSH connection failed: Timeout waiting for reply from server.

I then looked in /usr/share/dbus-1/services on the Emulator, and found 
that I had no Telepathy service files at all! Evidently installing 
Telepathy-qt5 is not enough.

So taking pot luck, I installed telpathy-ring to Emulator via zypper 
in telepathy-ring

In /usr/share/dbus-1/services I now have the following additional files

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   98 2013-06-10 21:01 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  104 2013-06-10 23:04 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  188 2013-06-10 21:01 

Now when I send an SMS I get this output:

void ConversationChannel::sendMessage(const MessagePartList) 
Buffering message until channel is ready
tp-qt 0.9.3 WARN: (Too old?) Channel Dispatcher failed to tell us 
whether it supports request hints, assuming it doesn't: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown : The name 
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher was not provided by any 
.service files

void ConversationChannel::channelRequestCreated(const ChannelRequestPtr)

So one of the two warnings is now eliminated.

I guess that the missing ChannelDispatcher service file is also down 
to a missing package.

Currently I have the following Telepathy packages installed on the 
S | Name  | Zusammenfassung
| Typ

i | telepathy-glib| GLib bindings for Telepathy
| Paket
i | telepathy-mission-control | Central control for Telepathy 
connection manager   | Paket
i | telepathy-qt5 | Qt 5 Telepathy library 
| Paket
i | telepathy-ring| GSM connection manager for the 
Telepathy framework | Paket


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS Messages from Sailfish Alpha 2 from QML, partial success

2013-08-22 Thread Joseph Crowell
Looking through the packages, it looks like a device or service (like 
haze) has to supply a service file to interface with.

Haze has: org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.haze.service

On 10/08/2013 11:35 PM, wrote:

Hi John

I have partially answered one of the questions from my last mail.

This morning on sending an SMS from QML I got this output:

void ConversationChannel::sendMessage(const MessagePartList) 
Buffering message until channel is ready
tp-qt 0.9.3 WARN: (Too old?) Channel Dispatcher failed to tell us 
whether it supports request hints, assuming it doesn't: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown : The name 
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher was not provided by any 
.service files
tp-qt 0.9.3 WARN: GetAll(Account) failed: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager was not provided by any 
.service files

No account for /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/ring/tel/account0
SSH connection failed: Timeout waiting for reply from server.

I then looked in /usr/share/dbus-1/services on the Emulator, and found 
that I had no Telepathy service files at all! Evidently installing 
Telepathy-qt5 is not enough.

So taking pot luck, I installed telpathy-ring to Emulator via zypper 
in telepathy-ring

In /usr/share/dbus-1/services I now have the following additional files

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   98 2013-06-10 21:01 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  104 2013-06-10 23:04 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  188 2013-06-10 21:01 

Now when I send an SMS I get this output:

void ConversationChannel::sendMessage(const MessagePartList) 
Buffering message until channel is ready
tp-qt 0.9.3 WARN: (Too old?) Channel Dispatcher failed to tell us 
whether it supports request hints, assuming it doesn't: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown : The name 
org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher was not provided by any 
.service files

void ConversationChannel::channelRequestCreated(const ChannelRequestPtr)

So one of the two warnings is now eliminated.

I guess that the missing ChannelDispatcher service file is also down 
to a missing package.

Currently I have the following Telepathy packages installed on the 
S | Name  | Zusammenfassung
| Typ

i | telepathy-glib| GLib bindings for Telepathy
| Paket
i | telepathy-mission-control | Central control for Telepathy 
connection manager   | Paket
i | telepathy-qt5 | Qt 5 Telepathy library 
| Paket
i | telepathy-ring| GSM connection manager for the 
Telepathy framework | Paket


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Re: [SailfishDevel] replacement to QtMobility's GalleryModel?

2013-08-19 Thread Joseph Crowell
Some of the guys from Australia have taken over the Qt 4 Mobility repo 
and are working on porting and merging large parts of it in to Qt 5. 
They should be in by 5.2 or 5.3 at their current rate.

On 17/08/2013 04:05 AM, wrote:


Zitat von Lucien XU

For GPS and NFC, IIRC, these API are not yet merged. And they won't 
be useful
for you either since the emulator don't give any way to emulate NFC 
or GPS.

The QML locations stuff (for GPS) does at least compile with the 
following import

import QtLocation 5.0

You will need to have the following installed on the Emulator

[root@SailfishEmul ~]# zypper se -i location
Daten des Repositories laden ...
Installierte Pakete lesen ...

S | Name  | Zusammenfassung   
| Typ

i | qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location | QtDeclarative location import 
| Paket
i | qt5-qtlocation| Qt Location module
| Paket

However as Lucien says, you can't actually test it on the emulator.

I wonder if a future version of the SDK will include a simulator (like 
the Nokia Simulator for testing such things).


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Persistent storage

2013-05-29 Thread Joseph Crowell
SQLite is in use on a wide range of applications. I would assume it 
would be bundled on the device along with the other core Qt plugins.

On 5/30/2013 6:18 AM, Markus Svensson wrote:

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your reply.

I believe QT Quick uses SQLite under the hood as well, but I have not had to 
add any extra packages so far. But then I haven't gotten very far with my app 

Is it known if SQLite will be available on production devices, or will each app 
have to bundle it separately?


Skickat från min iPhone

29 maj 2013 kl. 21:31 skrev

Hi Markus

SQLite works for me, but you need to install the packages to the SDK and 
Emulator first.



Zitat von Markus Svensson


What is the preferred way of doing persistent database type storage in a 
Sailfish OS application? I'm thinking of using QT Quick's Offline Storage API - 
will this work, or is there a better way?


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