Re: [SailfishDevel] keyboard development

2018-03-06 Thread Mike Sheldon
Hi Rinigus,

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 8:23 PM, rinigus <> wrote:
> As I mentioned in the mail, we have extended Presage with the new language
> model that maybe of interest to your keyboard implementation as well.
> Speedup is of the order of 10x, maybe more in addition to the significant
> reduction on database size. We are discussing also Unicode support by
> Presage to properly support case-insensitive n-gram search, not via
> `tolower` as done now. It will probably change the database format to
> implement properly, but then should stabilize. If there is anyone from
> UBPorts interested in joining Presage development - we would be happy to
> get any help :)

That's interesting, you might also be interested in taking a look at my
(unfinished) Skeyer branch:

That uses saidinesh's libskeyer to provide auto-correction (and eventually
swipe style input), this provides spatially aware corrections (i.e. it
knows that 'b' is next to 'n' on an English keyboard so would suggest 'and'
as a correction for 'abd' instead of Presage's prediction of 'abdicate'). I
think the strongest approach would involve a combination of the two, using
Skeyer for correction and Presage for prediction.

> Few general questions though:
> * If I want to test the keyboard, is there VirtualBox (or some other
> similar) emulator for Ubuntu Touch / UBPorts?

As far as I'm aware there isn't a working emulator image, however you can
run the Ubuntu Keyboard on a standard desktop system as well; after
compiling and installing the plugin as normal and running maliit-server you
can start any QT app with the environment variable
'QT_IM_MODULE=maliitphablet' to invoke the keyboard.

* Do you have some mailing list or some other means where we could discuss
> joint projects with UBPorts developers?

There's a pretty active Telegram group here: (I'm on
there, but not very involved) and the UBPorts forums here:

> * If we would like to port UBPorts keyboard, would it mainly require
> changes in
> , icons and schema.  Or would you expect some other parts require
> adaptation? Just an estimate would be fine at this stage.

>From memory there shouldn't be too much that needs changing; most of the
QML is standard QtQuick, there should only be a few things using the Ubuntu
Components that'll need replacing, e.g. the language menu and anywhere
that's using Ubuntu's grid units for sizing.

> I would expect that the keyboard performs its own tokenization to split
> between the text on the left and the last word that needs prediction.
> Later, when Presage is called, strings are put back together and Presage is
> splitting it to words again. Which, in addition to double effort, can be
> source of confusion if the split to words doesn't match. From the brief
> look into the code with the help of grep, it looks like tokens are split by
> spaces and few other similar chars (\n) with the exception of plugins/ko.
> Do you happen to have some API that could be used to plugin different
> tokenization library, same Presage for example?

As far as I recall our tokenization was pretty simple, we basically just
allowed each plugin to define a list of characters to tokenize on (so for
example Chinese could tokenize on different characters from English), it
probably wouldn't be difficult to replace that with tokenization performed
by another library.

Hope that helps :)

> But before going into major porting of the keyboard, would be good to know
> what Jolla's plans are regarding their keyboard. They should be back in the
> office now after a great time in Spain, hopefully we can hear back.
> Best wishes,
> Rinigus
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 4:18 PM, Mike Sheldon <> wrote:
>> Hey Rinigus,
>> I've been out of the Jolla ecosystem for a while (since my phone was lost
>> a couple of years ago), so can't say anything much about the Jolla
>> keyboard; but I was the lead developer on the Ubuntu Keyboard at Canonical
>> so am happy to answer any specific questions you have about that.
>> Cheers,
>>  Mike
>> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:14 PM, rinigus <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a question regarding the longer term plans for keyboard
>>> development in SFOS. Namely, @martonmiklos has brought over Presage
>>> predictor to SFOS and already published keyboard using this library. I
>>> think its a great development and together with @ljo we have been
>>> helping @martonmiklos to make this plugin better.

Re: [SailfishDevel] keyboard development

2018-03-05 Thread Mike Sheldon
Hey Rinigus,

I've been out of the Jolla ecosystem for a while (since my phone was lost a
couple of years ago), so can't say anything much about the Jolla keyboard;
but I was the lead developer on the Ubuntu Keyboard at Canonical so am
happy to answer any specific questions you have about that.


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:14 PM, rinigus  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the longer term plans for keyboard development
> in SFOS. Namely, @martonmiklos has brought over Presage predictor to SFOS
> and already published keyboard using this library. I think its a great
> development and together with @ljo we have been helping @martonmiklos to
> make this plugin better. Please note that below, I speak for myself and I
> haven't checked whether these questions even make sense with others.
> At present, the released plugin has been enhanced by making it fast
> through using different language model storage/query mechanism, using
> relatively small size of n-gram database (English 5MB, Estonian 10MB), made
> asynchronous to ensure that the user's input is not lagging behind, and
> just extended with Hunspell speller as an additional "predictor". All is in
> the testing / bugfixing stage. In longer term, with the right effort, we
> could get very well working open-source predictive engine and keyboard.
> I am trying to understand how the pieces fall together and I am not sure
> 100% whether I do. I can see that SFOS uses proprietary jolla-keyboard and
> the developed Presage input handler extends it. Which is fine, but maybe we
> could go deeper and do better.
> From looking around, Maliit has adopted keyboard developed by Ubuntu
> Touch as a reference, corresponding Maliit repo
> maliit/keyboard . In addition to UBPorts, the same keyboard is used by
> LuneOS. This design already supports Presage and Hunspell, also done in
> asynchronous manner as we are testing for SFOS now. It has support for
> quite a few number of languages, pinyin, and emoji. I do not know how this
> design compares to the internals of jolla-keyboard and maybe someone can
> share their knowledge regarding it. I would expect that it was developed on
> the top of Maliit available at the time of J1 and kept as it is after that.
> Now, I do wonder what is the long term plan with the keyboard development?
> From the outside of Jolla, it seems to me that it would be wise to join
> forces with the others and develop this component together. Each OS in
> question has their own styling, but that seems to be possible to apply on
> top.
> Its not trivial to compile the latest Maliit on SFOS (they switched to
> CMake based builds and few cmake configs are missing in SFOS right now),
> but I expect that its possible with some effort. Just don't want to spend
> too much time if it's gonna be without any use.
> So, to summarize, I would like to hear what's an opinion on the raised
> issues by those who know. Would be great to know plans and comparison of
> jolla-keyboard with the current Maliit UBPorts/LuneOS versions.
> Best wishes,
> Rinigus
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Re: [SailfishDevel] QAccelerometer availability ?

2014-01-12 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Sun, 2014-01-12 at 16:42 +0100, Franck Routier (perso) wrote:
 But... I get this:
 SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id '
 accelerometersensor ' interface not granted
 Any idea where this comes from ?

The emulator doesn't simulate accelerometer sensors, for this sort of
thing your only option is to test on device.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Scriptlets in RPM hot allowed to Harbour

2014-01-11 Thread Mike Sheldon
Hi Marcin,

On Sat, 2014-01-11 at 16:49 +0100, Marcin M. wrote:
 So how else can we update sudoers...? No custom package manager could
 be done without it.

 As I understand it you don't need to be root to carry out package
management tasks on Sailfish due to the way it implements packagekit,
which you can communicate with via dbus. Take a look at pkcon as an
example of a command line packagekit client, you'll notice that running
pkcon install foo or pkcon remove bar all works as the normal nemo
user. In addition to this ssu can be used to add new repositories.

 You might also want to checkout the new warehouse client for an example
of a custom graphical package manager:


 2014/1/11 Thomas Perl
 Duty calls[1]...
 tl;dr: No postinst scripts in Harbour. chmod 666 stuff
 in /usr/ is wrong.
 On 11 Jan 2014, at 13:51, Martin Kolman wrote:
  11.1.2014 13:34, Alejandro Exojo:
  QA can check if post script doing some good job and allow
  If the script is simple, yes. If it is not, there is a
 serious risk that
  somebody adds a trojan horse to the phone.
  That would mean that somebody has to define what is a
 simple script. And that a
  problem in QA could mean a trojan horse is added to users'
  And yet normal Linux distributions like Fedora, Debian,
 Ubuntu or openSUSE manage to check their tens of thousands of
 packages just fine…
 The following is just my personal opinion on this story in the
 form of a wall of text[4], in which you can choose to run into
 or not. Also, it’s not meant to be harsh, even if it reads
 like this in some parts of it. Just a (hopefully thorough
 enough) explanation of why it’s a bad idea to have postinst
 and chmod 666 stuff in /usr/ so that app developers can go
 back to creating great apps, understanding the reasons for not
 having postinst scripts and that it’s a Good Thing, and
 doesn’t conflict with What We’re Used To on Desktop Linux.
 All the core packages (well, most of them at least) of Fedora,
 Debian, etc.. are open source in the repositories, built on
 their servers, and could at least in theory be reviewed by
 someone. Try to get a package into Fedora or Debian that does
 “chmod 666” to some directory in /usr/share/ in the postinst
 script - probably not going to be accepted there.
 In fact, if you want to go all “Desktop Linux” on this issue,
 read the FHS[6], and let me quote RedHat’s documentation[7]:
   “The two most important elements of FHS compliance are: […]
 The ability to mount a /usr/ partition as read-only.
 In any case, at least for Debian, here’s the policy page
 regarding maintainer scripts in case you haven’t read it yet:
 Also, have a look at all those nice flow graphs (I especially
 like the “Upgrading” one) in the Debian wiki related to
 maintainer scripts (it might be different in the RPM world,
 but the point is that it’s not as trivial as it sounds
 But - we’re neither Debian nor Fedora (nor openSuSE for that
 matter); and I don’t even know if we comply to the FHS or not
 - this is Sailfish OS. Don’t say “It’s an RPM system - I know
 this”[2] while not understanding the subtle points, and that a
 package in Debian/Fedora is different from an “app” on a
 mobile device. Where postinst scripts make sense on Debian for
 system packages, and even where they make sense on Sailfish
 OS/Mer for system packages (we use postinst scripts there, and
 for good reasons!), these scripts in almost all cases do not
 make sense in third-party app packages.
 If you think your package is that useful and needs to run as
 daemon and have postinst scripts, chances are you should be
 trying to get it into Mer or Nemo Mobile, from which it can
 then be picked up and be installed into the system - possibly
 even by default (yay!), because it’s so awesome (seriously, if
 you have such an app/middleware/service, don’t bother getting
 it into Harbour - get the middleware parts into Nemo Mobile
 and integrated well, then only push a GUI for it into Harbour
 [yes, I know that’s more work *for you* and will take “ages,
 but it will result in something much nicer and saner *for

Re: [SailfishDevel] QAccelerometer availability ?

2014-01-11 Thread Mike Sheldon
Hi Frank,

On Sat, 2014-01-11 at 18:03 +0100, Franck Routier (perso) wrote:
 So: is QAccelerometer available in Sailfish SDK ?
 If not, is it planned ?
 Or is there another way to get this kind of features ?

 They're part of the QtSensors module which is available in the
packages: qt5-qtsensors and qt5-qtdeclarative-import-sensors (for
QML support). They're both on the Harbour approved list, so you don't
need to worry about bundling them with your app or anything.

 I'm currently using the QML Accelerometer element in a game, so I can
confirm it works correctly.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 (

2013-12-27 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:35 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
 Actually the other way round. jolla-settings-accounts was updated but
 store was not.
 Did you try to update a Jolla app before rebooting?

Yes, a number of Jolla apps presented themselves as having updates
available, so I allowed them to update.

I currently have version 0.1.41-10.23.1.jolla of jolla-settings-accounts
and version 0.2.28-10.22.1.jolla of store-client (with zypper showing
0.2.38-10.24.1.jolla available, but not updated to).

If updates depend on a certain OS version shouldn't they be given a
dependency that makes such updates impossible until that version has
been installed?


 2013/12/27, Martin Grimme
  Ouch, this looks like a partial update. Store was updated, but some
  sign in library was not.
  I wonder how this can happen.
  Can you check in Terminal what version of jolla-settings-accounts you have?
  2013/12/27, Mike Sheldon
  It'd appear that store authentication isn't working, as it's attempting
  to load the Sign In page, which then fails with the following errors:
  [W] unknown:383 - file:///usr/share/store-client/main.qml:383:9: Type
  SignInPage unavailable
   SignInPage {
  [W] unknown:147 -
  file:///usr/share/store-client/pages/SignInPage.qml:147:13: Cannot
  assign to non-existent property onLegalDocumentsAccepted
   onLegalDocumentsAccepted: {
  If these are commented out in the SignInPage.qml it loads the store, but
  insists there aren't any accounts active. If you then try to sign in it
  complains that there's already an account set up on the device.
  So my guess would be that we just have to wait for Jolla store auth to
  be fixed (presumably the authentication server has died under the load).
  On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 17:13 +0200, Kalle Lammenoja wrote:
  Yah, the download for os update started, but was stuck, so i rebooted,
  and now store crashes when i launch it :/
  2013/12/27 Luca Donaggio
  I have exactly the same problem as Henry! First I got the
  Jolla app updates (not working as they probably depends from
  SailfishOS update) and now cannot download OS update.
  Could it be that all the sailors out there are trying to
  download the update at the same time? :-)
  On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Henry Kwong wrote:
  I am currently on but it is currently saying
  the update is to Version
  1.0.1-10.11.10.jolla and not - doesnt sound
  right. The download is currently not working (it seems
  to have stopped after less than 10% download)
  I also have the same problem Kimmo mentioned with the
  8 updates and related install errors. I had suspected
  that the app updates require which is the
  reason the app-updates failed - but now it appears I
  cannot verify if that is true or not.
  Help! How can I update the system to
  - Original Message -
  From: Kimmo Lindholm
  To: Sailfish OS Developers
  Sent: Saturday, 28 December, 2013 1:43:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for
  SailfishOS update 2 (
  And store is completely stuck
  I can see 8 updates to jolla-* apps, but it gives
  error if trying to install.
  For some reason i first see app updates in store, but
  not yet the system update.
  Is this intention or a bug in update distribution
  Aren't the app's updated anyway when the system is
  we're releasing update2 today. The changelog can be
  found (and commented
  on) here:
  ___ Devel mailing list
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  Luca Donaggio
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Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 (

2013-12-27 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:44 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
 You're right. Those apps should not be updatable before updating the OS.
 I think you can revive your store-client by updating the store-client
 package and then doing a pkill store-client.

Well, manually updating the store-client has got the store opening
again, but only to the page saying that no accounts are currently set
up, attempting to sign in from there just results in it complaining that
an account already exists.


 2013/12/27, Mike Sheldon
  On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:35 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
  Actually the other way round. jolla-settings-accounts was updated but
  store was not.
  Did you try to update a Jolla app before rebooting?
  Yes, a number of Jolla apps presented themselves as having updates
  available, so I allowed them to update.
  I currently have version 0.1.41-10.23.1.jolla of jolla-settings-accounts
  and version 0.2.28-10.22.1.jolla of store-client (with zypper showing
  0.2.38-10.24.1.jolla available, but not updated to).
  If updates depend on a certain OS version shouldn't they be given a
  dependency that makes such updates impossible until that version has
  been installed?
  2013/12/27, Martin Grimme
   Ouch, this looks like a partial update. Store was updated, but some
   sign in library was not.
   I wonder how this can happen.
   Can you check in Terminal what version of jolla-settings-accounts you
   2013/12/27, Mike Sheldon
   It'd appear that store authentication isn't working, as it's
   to load the Sign In page, which then fails with the following errors:
   [W] unknown:383 - file:///usr/share/store-client/main.qml:383:9: Type
   SignInPage unavailable
SignInPage {
   [W] unknown:147 -
   file:///usr/share/store-client/pages/SignInPage.qml:147:13: Cannot
   assign to non-existent property onLegalDocumentsAccepted
onLegalDocumentsAccepted: {
   If these are commented out in the SignInPage.qml it loads the store,
   insists there aren't any accounts active. If you then try to sign in
   complains that there's already an account set up on the device.
   So my guess would be that we just have to wait for Jolla store auth to
   be fixed (presumably the authentication server has died under the
   On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 17:13 +0200, Kalle Lammenoja wrote:
   Yah, the download for os update started, but was stuck, so i
   and now store crashes when i launch it :/
   2013/12/27 Luca Donaggio
   I have exactly the same problem as Henry! First I got the
   Jolla app updates (not working as they probably depends from
   SailfishOS update) and now cannot download OS update.
   Could it be that all the sailors out there are trying to
   download the update at the same time? :-)
   On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Henry Kwong wrote:
   I am currently on but it is currently saying
   the update is to Version
   1.0.1-10.11.10.jolla and not - doesnt sound
   right. The download is currently not working (it
   to have stopped after less than 10% download)
   I also have the same problem Kimmo mentioned with the
   8 updates and related install errors. I had suspected
   that the app updates require which is the
   reason the app-updates failed - but now it appears I
   cannot verify if that is true or not.
   Help! How can I update the system to
   - Original Message -
   From: Kimmo Lindholm
   To: Sailfish OS Developers
   Sent: Saturday, 28 December, 2013 1:43:29 AM
   Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for
   SailfishOS update 2 (
   And store is completely stuck
   I can see 8 updates to jolla-* apps, but it gives
   error if trying to install.
   For some reason i first see app updates in store, but
   not yet the system update.
   Is this intention or a bug in update distribution
   Aren't the app's updated anyway when the system is
   we're releasing update2 today. The changelog can be
   found (and commented

Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 (

2013-12-27 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 15:58 +, Mike Sheldon wrote:
 On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:44 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
  You're right. Those apps should not be updatable before updating the OS.
  I think you can revive your store-client by updating the store-client
  package and then doing a pkill store-client.
 Well, manually updating the store-client has got the store opening
 again, but only to the page saying that no accounts are currently set
 up, attempting to sign in from there just results in it complaining that
 an account already exists.

Deleting the account and attempting to sign in again gets me the generic
error Oops, problem with account creation. I'll leave this for now in
case it's just down to the Jolla servers being hammered, if it still
continues not to work I guess I'll have to reset the phone.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 (

2013-12-27 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:01 +, Mike Sheldon wrote:
 On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 15:58 +, Mike Sheldon wrote:
  On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:44 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
   You're right. Those apps should not be updatable before updating the OS.
   I think you can revive your store-client by updating the store-client
   package and then doing a pkill store-client.
  Well, manually updating the store-client has got the store opening
  again, but only to the page saying that no accounts are currently set
  up, attempting to sign in from there just results in it complaining that
  an account already exists.
 Deleting the account and attempting to sign in again gets me the generic
 error Oops, problem with account creation. I'll leave this for now in
 case it's just down to the Jolla servers being hammered, if it still
 continues not to work I guess I'll have to reset the phone.

Aha, managed to add my account again now. Looks like the store-client
maybe gets some extra privileges when launched by the system, when
running it from the command line for debugging it was producing these

SailfishKeyProvider_ini_read: unable to open file
SailfishKeyProvider_storedKey(): error: no scheme or key found for
SailfishKeyProvider_ini_write: unable to create writable ini directory

But killing that and relaunching the store normally solved it :)


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Re: [SailfishDevel] What about game development?

2013-12-26 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Thu, 2013-12-26 at 18:04 +, Mike Sheldon wrote:
 (Of course the ideal solution would be for QAudioOutput to have the same
 level of integration automatic as QMediaPlayer on the Sailfish side.)

Sorry, that should read automatic integration.

I've also just noticed that libaudioresource doesn't appear to actually
be provided in the official repositories yet, presumably it's coming


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Re: [SailfishDevel] adding libraries to sailfish app.

2013-12-22 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Sun, 2013-12-22 at 19:11 +0530, Sadika Sumanapala wrote:
 thank you. is there a way to deploy compiled shared libraries with

Just include them in your rpm and set the -rpath value for your binary
at compilation time (alternatively you could be setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
at runtime from your .desktop's Exec line). You can see an example of
this in the CuteSpotify Sailfish port which includes libspotify (of
particular interest will be src/

It's not a perfect example as it doesn't work with the new out of tree
builds that QtCreator does (I tend to just build from the command line,
so haven't got around to updating it yet), but it should give a rough
idea of what to do.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to maximize an application from CoverAction?

2013-12-21 Thread Mike Sheldon
Hi Gabriel,

On Sun, 2013-12-22 at 00:18 +0100, Gabriel Boehme wrote:
 In my application I want to offer, that a user can jump directly to the
 search with a CoverAction, same like Jolla Store is doing. 
 Internally it pushes my SearchPage on the PageStack so no problem there,
 but I don't know how to maximize the app from CoverAction's onTriggered?

You just need to call the activate() method on your ApplicationWindow
from the CoverAction's onTriggered event.


___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Receiving notifications

2013-12-18 Thread Mike Sheldon

 I'm currently in the process of porting Rockwatch, my Pebble smart
watch application, from MeeGo to Sailfish. I've got the basics working
with it communicating correctly with the watch over bluetooth, however
I'm running into a bit of a problem with notifications.

 From what I can tell from a bit of poking around, Sailfish's
notification system is based around the org.freedesktop.Notifications
standard. However from what I can see looking at the documentation for
this it doesn't really make any provision for multiple notification
sinks/servers like MeeGo's MNotificationManager did. Is there something
I'm overlooking? Or is there some other mechanism by which an
application can register an interest in receiving notifications?


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Receiving notifications

2013-12-18 Thread Mike Sheldon
Ah, excellent, thanks very much!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Andrey Kozhevnikov

 There is mlite5 library providing MNotification compability for lipstick,
 it have all features MeeGo have.

 On 18.12.2013 21:24, Mike Sheldon wrote:


   I'm currently in the process of porting Rockwatch, my Pebble smart
 watch application, from MeeGo to Sailfish. I've got the basics working
 with it communicating correctly with the watch over bluetooth, however
 I'm running into a bit of a problem with notifications.

   From what I can tell from a bit of poking around, Sailfish's
 notification system is based around the org.freedesktop.Notifications
 standard. However from what I can see looking at the documentation for
 this it doesn't really make any provision for multiple notification
 sinks/servers like MeeGo's MNotificationManager did. Is there something
 I'm overlooking? Or is there some other mechanism by which an
 application can register an interest in receiving notifications?


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Receiving notifications

2013-12-18 Thread Mike Sheldon
On Wed, 2013-12-18 at 21:26 +0600, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
 There is mlite5 library providing MNotification compability for 
 lipstick, it have all features MeeGo have.

From looking at the mlite5 source it'd appear this only implements
MNotification compatibility, not MNotificationManager compatibility. the
MNotificationManagerProxy it creates is just an implementation of
org.freedesktop.Notifications, so doesn't support custom sinks. (I'm not
interested in sending notifications, I'm interested in receiving them
from other applications).

I noticed that it does have a slight extension to the
org.freedesktop.Notifications spec, in that it also adds a
GetNotifications method. So in a worst case scenario I could poll that,
however that requires you to know the name of all apps sending
notifications in advance, which would be rather limiting.

So I guess the question still stands, is there any current or planned
mechanism for handling this in a more general way?


 On 18.12.2013 21:24, Mike Sheldon wrote:
I'm currently in the process of porting Rockwatch, my Pebble smart
  watch application, from MeeGo to Sailfish. I've got the basics working
  with it communicating correctly with the watch over bluetooth, however
  I'm running into a bit of a problem with notifications.
From what I can tell from a bit of poking around, Sailfish's
  notification system is based around the org.freedesktop.Notifications
  standard. However from what I can see looking at the documentation for
  this it doesn't really make any provision for multiple notification
  sinks/servers like MeeGo's MNotificationManager did. Is there something
  I'm overlooking? Or is there some other mechanism by which an
  application can register an interest in receiving notifications?
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