Hi all,

We have now enabled early access for 1.1.9 release. More info is available in the blog post[1] and release notes[2].

As the issue of OS upgrade getting stuck at 95 - 99%[3] remains open, we've enabled persistent logs during software upgrade process in Should this issue reoccur while upgrading to 1.1.9, you will be able to retrieve logs from affected devices to assist the debugging. To make this possible, we have forced the upgrade path to 1.1.9 through for our early access users.

The public development roadmap[4] has also been updated at sailfishos.org based on the 1.1.9 release content.


[1] https://blog.jolla.com/sailfish-os-2-0-now-available-early-access-users/
[2] https://together.jolla.com/question/107685/release-notes-119eineheminlampi-early-access/ [3] https://together.jolla.com/question/99054/bug-update-to-117-hang-at-95-99/
[4] https://sailfishos.org/developmentroadmap/
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