Hi there,

I've got another question on how to develop apps for SailfishOS.

Please have a look at Jolla Calendar app. There you can flick horizontally 
between months and you can flick down pulley menu, also from the month part on 
top of the view. If there are many events in a day, the whole view is 
vertically scrollable.

I want to implement a similar behavior in my app. Content of the view may be 
scrollable vertically and there shall be a pulley menu. By pushing left and 
right, the content shall flick to the content of the next respective previous 

I wonder how this works. I tried several things, but I don't know which 
components to combine to get this behavior. One possible solution is to use 
push buttons to go to previous/next week, but that's not very SailfishOS like.

Maybe you can give me a clue. Or is it possible to have a look at the source 
code of Jolla Calendar app?

Best regards,

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