Hi Maxinjun

Now to answer the Contacts part of your question.

So far I have only briefly played with Contacts on Sailfish / Qt5, and I was interested in accessing contacts from QML rather than C++.

I was mainly interested to see if a bug that I had found in Qt Mobility Contacts (Qt4.8) was also present in Qt5, but that is a story for another day.

In my app .yaml file I have

PkgBR: qt5-qtdeclarative-pim-contacts


Requires: qt5-qtdeclarative-pim-contacts

This installs the QML Contacts components, plus qt5-qtpim-contacts and qt5-qtpim-versit.

As you want to use C++ you will probably also need qt5-qtpim-contacts-devel


Zitat von itviewer <itvie...@jolladev.net>:

I want to manage contacts and sms message through Qt C++?how can i do that?Are there any helpful documents?
Any pointers whatsoever would be highly appreciated.


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