Re: [SailfishDevel] Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-19 Thread Putze Sven

 What are the pros and cons of using QStandardPaths as opposed to XDG 
 Environmental Variables?

If you look into the unix implementation of the class QStandardPaths, you find 
something like

QString QStandardPaths::writableLocation(StandardLocation type)
switch (type) {
case HomeLocation:
return QDir::homePath();
case TempLocation:
return QDir::tempPath();
case CacheLocation:
case GenericCacheLocation:
QString xdgCacheHome = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv(XDG_CACHE_HOME));
if (isTestModeEnabled())
xdgCacheHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String(/.qttest/cache);
if (xdgCacheHome.isEmpty())
xdgCacheHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String(/.cache);
if (type == QStandardPaths::CacheLocation)
return xdgCacheHome;
case DataLocation:
case GenericDataLocation:
QString xdgDataHome = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv(XDG_DATA_HOME));
if (isTestModeEnabled())
xdgDataHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String(/.qttest/share);
if (xdgDataHome.isEmpty())
xdgDataHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String(/.local/share);
if (type == QStandardPaths::DataLocation)
return xdgDataHome;
case ConfigLocation:
QString xdgConfigHome = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv(XDG_CONFIG_HOME));
if (isTestModeEnabled())
xdgConfigHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String(/.qttest/config);
if (xdgConfigHome.isEmpty())
xdgConfigHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String(/.config);
return xdgConfigHome;

So using QStandardPaths is

* convenience and brings you
* OS independance, because they (Qt) tend to choose the right position.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-17 Thread Thomas Perl

On 16 Jan 2014, at 13:14, wrote:
 This gives the following Application Output:
 [D] main:42 - offlineStoragPath orig:  
 [D] main:44 - offlineStoragPath new:  
 The database is indeed created in 
 /home/nemo/.local/share/landed25_QT5/QML/OfflineStorage, and is accessible 
 to the app landed25_QT5
 Note the order of the view-engine()-setOfflineStoragePath... and 
 view-setSource... calls is crucial. If the setSource comes first, then the 
 QML is initiated before the storagePath is changed!
 In my next experiment I will try to change the storageLocation to something 
 like QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation.
 The question on harbour acceptability remains ...

For Harbour, using QStandardPaths should always be safe, but append the name of 
your application (harbour-myapp) to the path, so that all your 
application-specific data ends up there. Note that there is (in line with XDG) 
the data directory (where you store data, e.g. documents or something), the 
config directory (where you store configuration options, e.g. enabled/disabled 
states of features) and the cache directory (where you store data that can be 
safely deleted in case of low disk uage - e.g. user avatars from a web service 
or previews/thumbnails of documents, etc… - everything that can be re-created 

This is important, as this can be used in the future from a system service to 
calculate per-app disk usage and allow clearing of application data, 
integration with backup, etc… - also, it’s easier for power users to SSH into 
the device and find where their user data is. If you use QStandardPaths or XDG, 
you can be sure that if (when) the data location changes in the future, your 
application will still work correctly.

Absolute no-no: Hardcoding “/home/nemo/“ (if you need to find the user’s home 
directory, get the environment variable $HOME instead) and hardcoding the 
default values for the XDG data directories without looking up the environment 
variables ($XDG_DATA_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, $XDG_CACHE_HOME) instead. Also 
no-no: Not using $APPNAME (harbour-myapp) as subdirectory of those XDG dirs. If 
$XDG_*_HOME is not set (and only then), fall back to the default paths as 
specified by XDG (e.g. $HOME/.config/ for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, etc..). Or just use 
QStandardPaths, which will do The Right Thing(tm).

If we can fix the offline storage path to be correct everytime, we’ll probably 
introduce these changes into libsailfishapp, so that application developers 
don’t have to worry about manually setting this all the time (and you can still 
override this if you want, but you should not [need to]).

HTH :)
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Thomas

Thank you for your answer.

Zitat von Thomas Perl

If we can fix the offline storage path to be correct everytime,  
we’ll probably introduce these changes into libsailfishapp, so that  
application developers don’t have to worry about manually setting  
this all the time (and you can still override this if you want, but  
you should not [need to]).

Does this not work already? If I did not explicitly call  
setOfflineStoragePath, the DB was created happily enough in a  
subdirectory of the app without me having to do anything.

Yesterday I experimented further, and arrived at this using QStandardPaths:

QString storagePath =  
QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QString(),  
QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory) + landedcommon;


What are the pros and cons of using QStandardPaths as opposed to XDG  
Environmental Variables?

Zitat von Thomas Perl

but append  the name of your application (harbour-myapp) to the  
path, so that all your application-specific data ends up there.

In my specific case I want this data to be available to a family of  
apps, which implies that I can't really use the app name as you  
suggest. I think I could either
a) use something like landedcommon as above - which is not the name  
of any of the apps in the family.
b) use the name of the primary app in the family. But this would mean  
that the secondary apps would have hard-coded references to an  
external app (not $APPNAME).
c) ensure that all apps in the family follow a standard naming pattern  
(e.g. harbour-landed-pilot, harbour-landed-settings,  
harbour-landed-recovery), and then create the common directory as a  
substring of $APPNAME.

This raises a greater architectural question: How should families of  
closely related apps be structured?

a) As one package, but with multiple executables

b) As separate packages, but able to share stuff within the family  
of apps: e.g. config data / local storage, shared libraries.
The shared libraries is especially important: Given the restrictive  
harbour rules we have to bundle not-yet-kosher libraries within an  
app. It would wasteful to have to repeat this for each member of an  
app family if they use the same libs.

In my case each of the apps is a full app in its own right, with a  
GUI. Others have raised similar questions about app-and-daemon pairs.



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[SailfishDevel] Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-15 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

Is it possible to steer where a QML application stores its  
OfflineStorage Database?

I have a family of applications that share a common OfflineStorage  
Database. This works well on Harmattan, and on the early Sailfish  
Alphas without me having had to do anything special at all.

In the early Sailfish Alphas OfflineStorage DBs were stored in a  
common location, and thus could be easily shared.


Now on the real Jolla, I find that the standard DB storage location  
has changed, and DBs are now put in a subdirectory of the  
application's installation folder. e.g.


This means without some magic, Sailfish apps can no longer share DBs.

In C++ there is a property offlineStoragePath, and a setter method  

I might be able to use this to change the location of the DB, e.g to  
one of the Qt StandardLocations:

But setOfflineStoragePath() appears not to be directly available to QML.

So I guess I could call setOfflineStoragePath in each apps' main cpp file.

Or maybe I could even write a declarative plugin to expose  
setOfflineStoragepath to QML, but that is probably overkill as it  
would instantiate QQmlEngine - just t o set a path.

Or is there a better way? Are there any Harbour entry considerations  
to an app creating / accessing a DB somewhere other than in its own  



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