Hello all!

We have now uploaded a minor update of Sailfish SDK, which will update
your SailfishOS SDK IDE (based on QtCreator), fix some issues in
examples, update documentation and bring updates to your SDK Build Engine. 

We didn't change much and in fact this is paving way to a bigger update
coming soonish and making sure everything on the update flow works ok.

Updating is simple. In SailfishOS SDK IDE click on help->start updater
and it will tell you if it found updates. Updating the Build engine is
even simpler;five minutes after it has booted up, check theUpdates tab
on the SDK Control Center (behind theSailfishOS icon in SailfishOS SDK
IDE). A message "Engine updates available" will pop up-you can start the
updatefrom there.

If you encounter anyissues, please report them to Sailfish developers
mailing list at devel@lists.sailfishos.org

Happy hacking!

Best regards,
Jolla Sailfish SDK team

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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