Re: [SailfishDevel] Changelog in rpm

2014-04-14 Thread kim
Hi Juah

>inspired by your question I implemented changelog support, that will be 
>released with our upcoming SDK update.

That sounds great, looking forward to it.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Changelog in rpm

2014-04-14 Thread Juha Kallioinen

On 10.04.2014 10:50, wrote:


Do you know how I can add a changelog file to the RPM package from the creator 
(like we did in the Harmattan SDK), and how it should be formatted ?


inspired by your question I implemented changelog support, that will be 
released with our upcoming SDK update.

It will work as follows:

Add a projectname.changes file to your project's rpm subdirectory and 
the contents of that file will be added as a %changelog section to your 
RPM file. The format is as follows:

* date Author's Name  version-release
- Summary of changes

For example:

* Sun Apr 13 2014 Jack Tar  0.0.1-1
- Scrubbed the deck
- Hoisted the sails

Keep most recent entries on top of the list and separate entries by a 
blank line.

An example will be included in the latest Sailfish template project.

Best regards,

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Changelog in rpm

2014-04-10 Thread Juha Kallioinen

On 10.04.2014 10:50, wrote:


Do you know how I can add a changelog file to the RPM package from the creator 
(like we did in the Harmattan SDK), and how it should be formatted ?

Hi Kim,

short answer: no.

Longer answer:

There's no direct support for changelogs in Qt Creator for Sailfish 
projects. You can manually add changelogs to RPMs by appending a 
%changelog section to the end of your package's spec file using the 
normal changelog format:

If you use a yaml file to create the spec file, the conversion will 
remove the %changelog section you have added to the spec unless you put 
it between some of the comment sections in spec known to specify (the 
yaml converter utility).

For example, add this to the end of your spec file:

# << files
* Thu Apr 10 2014 John Doe  1.0.0
- some more comments

* Wed Apr 09 2014 John Doe  0.9
- some comments

# >> files

Since there's no support for this, you will need to make sure the 
version number matches your package version.

Best regards,

___ Devel mailing list