[ovirt-devel] oVirt Node Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2014-06-10

2014-06-10 Thread Fabian Deutsch
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-10-13.01.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by fabiand at 13:01:47 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-10-13.01.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (fabiand, 13:02:10)
  * Build status (3.0.5)  (fabiand, 13:02:18)
  * Feature Status (3.5)  (fabiand, 13:02:31)
  * Other Items  (fabiand, 13:02:35)

* Build Status (3.0.5)  (fabiand, 13:03:13)
  * ovirt-node-3.0.5 has been build, available here:
http://plain.resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-node-base-3.0/  (fabiand,
  * Release email pending  (fabiand, 13:03:56)

* Feature Status for oVirt 3.5  (fabiand, 13:05:22)
  * oVirt Virtual Appliance - Plain image can be built, with all needed
dependencies  (fabiand, 13:06:13)
  * ACTION: fabiand to finish OVA builds and push current state to
gerrit  (fabiand, 13:06:47)
  * HE plugin - Awaiting review in gerrit, ovirt-node side part got
merged  (fabiand, 13:08:26)
  * Generic registration - Node side implementation got merged, but is
currently unused.  (fabiand, 13:08:51)
  * ACTION: rbarry to drop an email to devel@ to discuss the introductio
and compatability issues of the generic registration  (fabiand,
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_release-management   (fabiand,

* Other Items  (fabiand, 13:19:07)
  * Consider a new release for 3.1 to be fresh and deliver the features
(fabiand, 13:20:31)

Meeting ended at 13:22:46 UTC.

Action Items

* fabiand to finish OVA builds and push current state to gerrit
* rbarry to drop an email to devel@ to discuss the introductio and
  compatability issues of the generic registration

Action Items, by person
* fabiand
  * fabiand to finish OVA builds and push current state to gerrit
* rbarry
  * rbarry to drop an email to devel@ to discuss the introductio and
compatability issues of the generic registration
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (73)
* rbarry (8)
* jboggs (7)
* ovirtbot (3)
* bkp (2)

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[ovirt-devel] [ANN] oVirt 3.4.2 Release is now available

2014-06-10 Thread Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt development team is pleased to announce the general
availability of oVirt 3.4.2 as of Jun 10th 2014. This release
solidifies oVirt as a leading KVM management application and open
source alternative to VMware vSphere.

oVirt is available now for Fedora 19 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
(or similar).

This release of oVirt includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for a list of the new features and bugs fixed.

The existing repository ovirt-3.4 has been updated for delivering this
release without the need of enabling any other repository, however since we
introduced package signing you need an additional step in order to get
the public keys installed on your system if you're upgrading from an older 
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.

Please note that mirrors will need a couple of days before being synchronized.
If you want to be sure to use latest rpms and don't want to wait for the 
you can edit /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-3.4.repo commenting the mirror line and
removing the comment on baseurl line.

A new oVirt Node and oVirt Live ISO will be available soon[2].

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4.2_Release_Notes
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/plain/pub/ovirt-3.4/iso/

Sandro Bonazzola
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[ovirt-devel] VDSM faqemu default memory change

2014-06-10 Thread Martin Polednik

I'm writing in order to propose a change to faqemu hook as indicated in [1],
modifying the hook's default behavior:

There are currently hardcoded x86_64 and PPC memory limits (20480 and 262144),
this change would remove these implicit constraints and keep the memory 
A new variable in configuration is introduced, fake_kvm_memory, which allows you
to limit the memory for both these platforms to a value (or using unchanged 
by setting it to 0, which is default).

This means that running faqemu without modification would consume up to 10x 
memory using default VM memory memory size for x86_64 and unchanged for PPC.

[1] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/28320/
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