On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 5:50 PM Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 11:11 AM Michal Skrivanek <
> michal.skriva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> so far we haven't encounter any blocking issue with this effort, I wanted
>> to propose to decide on oVirt development moving  to GitHub, COPR and CBS.
>> Recent issue with decommissioning of our CI datacenter is a good reminder
>> why we are doing that...
>> What do we want to do?
>> 1) move "ovirt-master-snapshot" compose to COPR
>> it is feasible for all projects except ovirt-node and appliance due to
>> COPR limitations, for these two we plan to use a self-hosted runner in
>> github env.
>> it replaces the "build-artifacts" stdci stage
>> 2) move release to CentOS Community Build System to simplify our oVirt
>> releases
>> replaces our custom releng-tools process and aligns us better with CentOS
>> that is our main (and only) platform we support.
>> 3) move development from Gerrit to GitHub
>> this is a very visible change and affects every oVirt developer. We need
>> a way how to test posted patches and the current stdci "check-patch" stage
>> is overly complex and slow to run, we lack people for stdci maintenance in
>> general (bluntly, it's a dead project). Out of the various options that
>> exist we ended up converging to Github. Why? Just because it's the most
>> simple thing to do for us, with least amount of effort, least amount of
>> additional people and hw resources, with a manageable learning curve. It
>> comes at a price - it only works if we switch our primary development from
>> Gerrit to Github for all the remaining projects. It is a big change to our
>> processes, but I believe we have to go through that transition in order to
>> solve our CI troubles for good.  We started preparing guide and templates
>> to use so that we keep a uniform "look and feel" for all sub-projects, is
>> shall be ready soon.
>> I'd like us to move from "POC" stage to "production", and actively start
>> working on the above, start moving project after project.
>> Let me ask for a final round of thoughts, comments, objections, we are
>> ready to go ahead.
>> It's not going to be easy, but I firmly believe it will greatly improve
>> maintainability of oVirt and reduce overhead that we all struggle with for
>> years.
> This is actually pretty easy. We start to work on this last week, and we
> have
> partial CI in place on github and gitlab.
> - lint: merged!
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/actions/runs/1526187734
> - storage tests:
> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/c/vdsm/+/117882/
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/actions/runs/1526489399
> We don't accept pull requests on github yet, but you can open
> pull request for testing, like this:
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/pull/25
> The new CI runs for the pull request.
> I also added the same CI pipeline to gitlab:
> https://gitlab.com/nirs/vdsm/-/pipelines/420340180
> This will help to avoid locking to github, or backup if github has
> an outage (just happened last week).
> The new CI is based on containers, and should be usable locally
> using podman, see:
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/blob/master/tests/start-container
> The only thing missing to move to github is a way to trigger OST
> and add OST results when it is done.


- vdsm CI moved to github:

- vdsm CI in gitlab is almost complete (non-stroage tests missing):

- ovirt-imageio CI moved to gitub:

Developers can fork vdsm or ovirt-imageio and test changes on
their forks.


>> Thanks,
>> michal
>> On 10. 11. 2021, at 9:17, Sandro Bonazzola <sbona...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi, here's an update on what has been done so far and how it is going.
>> *COPR*
>> All the oVirt active subprojects are now built on COPR except oVirt
>> Engine Appliance and oVirt Node: I'm still looking into how to build them
>> on COPR.
>> Of those subprojects only the following are not yet built automatically
>> on patch merge event as they have pending patches for enabling the
>> automation:
>> - ovirt-engine-nodejs-modules:
>> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/c/ovirt-engine-nodejs-modules/+/117506
>> - ovirt-engine-ui-extensions:
>> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/c/ovirt-engine-ui-extensions/+/117512
>> - ovirt-web-ui: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-web-ui/pull/1532
>> You can see the build status for the whole project here:
>> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ovirt/ovirt-master-snapshot/monitor/
>> If you are maintaining an oVirt project and you want to enable builds for
>> CentOS Stream 9 or other architectures supported by copr please let me know.
>> So far, the COPR infrastructure seems reliable and working well.
>> *GitHub*
>> The following projects are developed on GitHub only:
>> - ovirt-ansible-collection
>> - ovirt-cockpit-sso
>> - ovirt-web-ui
>> - python-ovirt-engine-sdk4
>> - ovirt-engine-sdk-go
>> Within this list:
>> - ovirt-engine-sdk-go is not being built in COPR as the rpm is not needed
>> for developing with go and the automation is already handled on GitHub
>> actions only.
>> - ovirt-cockpit-sso is still triggering jenkins jobs but it's ready to
>> drop them as PR are now tested with github actions too and builds are
>> handled in COPR.
>> So far, moving the development to GitHub only seems to be working well
>> and I would suggest the maintainers of the oVirt subprojects to consider
>> moving to GitHub only as well.
>> +Sanja Bonic <sbo...@redhat.com> can help you enabling GitHub actions
>> for your oVirt projects so please ping her if you need help.
>> *CentOS Community Build*
>> I'm going to try building the same projects currently being built in COPR
>> also within the CentOS Community Build system in the coming weeks.
>> If you are already a CentOS Virtualization SIG member and you want to
>> help with this effort please let me know what you are going to build there
>> so we won't duplicate the work.
>> If you are an oVirt project maintainer I would recommend you to join
>> CentOS Virtualization SIG so you'll be independent releasing your package
>> builds.
>> Il giorno mar 2 nov 2021 alle ore 12:06 Sandro Bonazzola <
>> sbona...@redhat.com> ha scritto:
>>> Hi, after researching for a while and discussing part of it with a few
>>> other developers on IRC and calls, I'd like to update on current efforts.
>>> Recently I sent several patches to allow building of the merged patches
>>> (equivalent of build-artifacts stage in oVirt Standard CI) using copr.
>>> How does this work:
>>> Within the git repository a Makefile needs to be created in
>>> `.copr/Makefile`.
>>> The makefile needs to provide a `srpm` target with the instructions on
>>> how to generate a .src.rpm.
>>> That makefile will be executed with something like:  `make -f
>>> .copr/Makefile srpm outdir="/tmp/outdir/"` on copr infrastructure where the
>>> outdir will point to the place where the src.rpm will be stored to be sent
>>> to the mock instances for the different targets (el8, el9, x86_64, aarch64,
>>> ppc64le).
>>> An example of the patch providing this makefile can be seen here:
>>> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/c/ovirt-provider-ovn/+/117396/1/.copr/Makefile
>>> Please note the src.rpm will be built on Fedora 34 (as of today, 35 may
>>> be used soon).
>>> On GitHub, a webhook needs to be added in the repository configuration
>>> pointing to the copr API trigger. An administrator of the github/oVirt
>>> organization is needed in order to do that.
>>> I can handle the webhook setup for your project within the oVirt GitHub,
>>> please ping me as needed.
>>> The result of the latest builds can be displayed on GitHub README as in
>>> this patch:
>>> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/c/ovirt-provider-ovn/+/117396/1/README.adoc(Asciidoc)
>>> or this one https://gerrit.ovirt.org/c/vdsm/+/117368/3/README.md
>>> (Markdown)
>>> All the builds will be executed only once the patch is merged. The build
>>> will happen in
>>> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ovirt/ovirt-master-snapshot/
>>> This is going to replace the existing
>>> https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-master-snapshot  repository
>>> structure.
>>> Advantages:
>>> - builds will be signed
>>> - composes will be immediately available and not waiting till the next
>>> day to be in the nightly
>>> On copr, in order to add a package to the compose you need to have admin
>>> role on
>>> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ovirt/ovirt-master-snapshot/permissions/
>>> I can handle for you the addition of the package to the compose, ping me
>>> as needed.
>>> Several packages have been already updated to match this flow, you can
>>> see current status here:
>>> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ovirt/ovirt-master-snapshot/monitor/
>>> If you don't see your oVirt subproject there, please help getting it
>>> ready.
>>> I'm going to track status here:
>>> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-site/wiki/Building-oVirt-on-COPR (not
>>> yet started, give me a day :-) )
>>> Please note this cover only for the "build-artifacts" stage and is meant
>>> to provide builds of the project on a per patch way.
>>> We are aiming at having all projects built in copr by the end of
>>> November 2021.
>>> Once this will be completed we can drop build-artifacts related code
>>> from the repos and free jenkins resources.
>>> For official releases I'm looking into using the CentOS Community Build
>>> System https://cbs.centos.org/koji/.
>>> Maintainers willing to take care of the build and release of their own
>>> packages are welcome to join the CentOS Virtualization SIG
>>> https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization . This
>>> should replace the releng-tools flow we are currently using for shipping
>>> releases on https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/
>>> Il giorno gio 21 ott 2021 alle ore 14:38 Sandro Bonazzola <
>>> sbona...@redhat.com> ha scritto:
>>>> Dear community members,
>>>> We would like to take some next steps in improving usability and
>>>> general decision making for our community and are interested in your
>>>> thoughts and suggestions.
>>>> The first step is a decision regarding our version control and
>>>> workflows associated with it. Contributions to new features and general
>>>> improvements for oVirt outside of Red Hat have been rare and we would like
>>>> to hear from you if we could simplify this process for you. One suggestion
>>>> we have is that we could simplify the contribution process and improve the
>>>> contributor experience by moving our repositories to GitHub or GitLab.
>>>> Currently, our Gerrit (gerrit.ovirt.org) instance is mirrored to
>>>> GitHub and we already have several repositories that are exclusively
>>>> developed there, including their CI running on GitHub Actions, for example:
>>>> * https://github.com/oVirt/go-ovirt-client
>>>> * https://github.com/oVirt/512-byte-vm
>>>> There are also various related projects that run on GitLab, such as:
>>>> * https://gitlab.com/qemu-project
>>>> * https://gitlab.com/libvirt
>>>> One recent project that moved from Gerrit to GitLab with a very similar
>>>> discussion is mediawiki:
>>>> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/GitLab_consultation/Discussion_summary
>>>> Once we hear more of your thoughts around this and if the decision
>>>> falls on moving to either GitHub or GitLab, our plan would be to start
>>>> changing existing workflows and CI project by project as it makes sense.
>>>> Both platforms offer similar features. Two key points that stand out for us
>>>> are that:
>>>> * GitLab is open source while GitHub isn't
>>>> * GitHub is more visible which allows contributors to amplify their
>>>> contributions and raise their profile by contributing to various big
>>>> projects, including oVirt
>>>> We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts,
>>>> --
>>>> Sandro Bonazzola
>>>> Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
>>>> sbona...@redhat.com
>>>> <https://www.redhat.com/>
>>>> *Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
>>>> answer this email out of your office hours.*
>>> --
>>> Sandro Bonazzola
>>> Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
>>> sbona...@redhat.com
>>> <https://www.redhat.com/>
>>> *Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
>>> answer this email out of your office hours.*
>> --
>> Sandro Bonazzola
>> Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
>> sbona...@redhat.com
>> <https://www.redhat.com/>
>> *Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
>> answer this email out of your office hours.*
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