RTEMS GitLab Sign In

2024-04-30 Thread Chris Johns
Hi RTEMS Community.

GitLab is will be open and accounts can be created from 12PM EST / 5PM GM.

This email explains getting an account and signing onto GitLab.
We did not bring any of the existing accounts over to GitLab so you can create
and set up a new account that suits you. It also means we only end up with the
accounts for users who want access. Accounts are personal to you, we do not
allow shared accounts.

Creating an Account

To create an account head to our GitLab server at https://gitlab.rtems.org/ and
then click the “Register” link. If you happen to click “Sign In” click the
“Register now” link below the sign on in the “Don't have an account yet?” area.
The GitLab documentation on managing your Profile is
https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/. You can use any email address and all
emails we send are personal emails to you.

Term of Service (TOS)

You will need to accept our TOS agreement for your account to be created. The
TOS covers code of conduct, contributed code licence and privacy policy. It also
covers your conduct if you are a code owner and approver.

Setting up 2FA and SSH key

We require you to use 2FA. A number of client apps should work. GitLab’s
documentation on 2FA is
To clone a repo to make a merge request you will need to add an SSH key to your
account. The GitLab documentation to do this is

GitLab Roles

We have defined roles for the projects we have, for example GitLab
administrators, code owners, groups and approvers. We need accounts to complete
adding the roles we have in the project. If you have an existing role in the
RTEMS project, for example maintainer of an architecture, please make your
account and then please create an Administration issue detailing the roles you 

If you need help please join the #gitlab-support channel on our Discord server.
You can find our invite link here https://www.rtems.org/discord. We will also
respond to posts on this list when we have the time.

Chris Johns
RTEMS GitLab Team
devel mailing list


2024-03-14 Thread Chris Johns
Hi RTEMS Community

I would like to announce that RTEMS will be moving to GitLib in the coming month
or so. We do not have any exact dates yet and we will let you know when we do.
The change is large and complex because we are integrating an active open source
project made up of various pieces into a single platform.

1. A number of services we currently run will be locked to prevent further
modification but will remain available while we move, for example our current
Trac web site.

2. All repo default branches will be moved to `main` as part of the move. You
will need to migrate any repos you have to use `main` and we will provide
instructions when the time comes.

3. Accounts you may have will not be migrated. If you have a Trac account you
will need to create a new account on GitLab. Accounts will be protected by 2FA.

4. The initial roll out is to provide repo access with Merge Requests. Once live
there will be no need to send patches to mailing lists for review and 

5. We will provide more detail closer to the roll out of the projects in GitLab
and the approval process we will initially adopt. GitLab will be set up with an
initial set of roles and positions assigned to people. This is an initial
starting point and we are open to adding people who can help with the
administrative tasks we have.

6. Moving the tickets from Trac to GitLab is complicated and involved and will
require at least three weeks which means we will need to take Trac off line to
do this. This means automatic updating via git commits will not be migrated and
will require manual updates once GitLab is available. We need the Trac tickets
in GitLab to be able to set up GitLab and migrate them to a suitable workflow.

7. Some mailings for administrative purposes will be removed.

I would like to thank those who have worked over the last 12 months to bring
this effort to life. This includes the people who were approached to sponsor the
work, RTEMS GitLab team and Amar for his efforts making this happen. It is a
complex task to secure the systems we run.

RTEMS GitLab Team - Amar, Chris, Gedare, Joel, Kinsey
devel mailing list