Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Eeri Kask
Marc Aurele La France wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:
> []
>> So compile with  -DTWM_USE_XFT  -I/usr/include/freetype2  -lXft
>> Then insert
>> TitleFont"sans-9"
>> MenuFont"sans-9"
>> IconFont"sans-9:bold"
>> IconManagerFont"sans-9"
>> ResizeFont"sans-10:bold"
>> If you are a twm user, please test it; what do you think? :-)
> I have refit this to our current source.  However, I don't think the
> default fonts `twm` uses should be changed as doing so will surprise
> many users.  It appears that restoring the previous defaults would only
> require additional changes to InitVariables() in twm.c and GetFont() in
> util.c.
> Comments?
> Marc.

Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)

In the meanwile I have done some minor cosmetic improvements to the Xft
inclusion and now I am in two days ready to release these (I renamed two
macros, as being no english native speaker these looked stupid in the
first "iteration").  That is, I am in fact right now ready to release
these improvements, but additionally I have done some one-liner
corrections to text spacing everywhere in rendering as well, so that all
menu items, icon captions, iconmanager window label texts and so on look
considerably better spaced.  In the sense, that vertical spacing now
goes proportionally to the font height and not by a fixed amount like
"font height plus 4 pixels" etc. (but 1.2 times font height, and the
like).  It really goes hand in hand with using scalable fonts: one also
has to have scalable spacing as well!  :-)

These improvements are indeed finished too.

Two days I want to spend on completeing a small focus tweak: if and only
if some client window has focus and this client opens a transient window
(like thunderbird password prompt, or some file-open dialogue), then the
mouse should be warped into that window.  I am thinking how to do this
best using as much existing twm code and functionality as possible; and
it also remains to decide if it makes sense to invent a new keyword like
"WarpToTransients" as in vtwm to that purpose, to retain old behaviour
if the user so wishes.

Then I also found a serious bug and fixed a multicolumn iconmanager
geometry problem (in Xorg 1.0.3 twm release):  if mapped and one moves
that iconmanager window then its width gets corrupted during next
"packing".  It was a small thinking error in PackIconManager() in
iconmgr.c while computing "wwidth", it should/could be something like

wwidth = (ip->first ? (ip->first->width > 0 ? ip->first->width :
ip->width/ip->columns) : 150);

These above improvements are unrelated to xft-support in twm though.

So actually I didn't quite understand you what do you mean by preserving
default fonts twm uses?  Currently twm uses "fixed" and "variable" in
twm.c as default fonts if no fonts are specified in .twmrc.   Next, if
some font failed to load, then "fixed" is (unrelated to InitVariables()
in twm.c) tried in util.c as a fallback.  So by the way, the DefaultFont
as initialised in twm.c is actually never used as a fallback, this font
is used only to render infowindow text!  (It should be called InfoFont
instead, but let it be DefaultFont as it is; we have DefaultForeground
and DefaultBackground as colours as well and nobody actually knows for
what purpose: to draw size- and infowindows.)  Much more important is
that one can specify DefaultFont in .twmrc which needs to be fixed (and
already is :-).

I am afraid we need to change "fixed" and "variable" in twm.c if Xft is
included because xft-subsystem crashes (at least mine) if one uses these
in XftFontOpenXlfd(), probably because these names are not
XLFD-compliant. (xft should not crash because of that, but it is xft's
problem, not ours.)  So as long as default font names (or user-specified
font names in .twmrc) are xlfd-conform one can use these as usual, in
that regard nothing has changed.  If I am correct the choice of "fixed"
as a default font is always justified by the fact that this font is
guaranteed present in every X11 installation and so it is a very
reasonable decision.  Concerning xft I believe having read Keith Packard
"sans", "serif" and "mono" should be expected included in every xft
installation, so I chose "sans-10" and "mono-10" as a replacement for
"variable" and "fixed" in twm.c.
This is the story to that decision. :-)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Eeri Kask
Eeri Kask wrote:
> Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)
> []

Here are my current twm improvement patches, organised thematically:

(1) Preparatory font rendering cleanup (should have no changes compared
to last time).

(2) Xft-support for twm, besides macro renaming the main improvement is:
 "use_fontset" is back again, now meaning to use XftDrawStringUtf8()
instead of XftDrawString8() if "locale" is set.
(What it effectively means I don't know as I don't have anybody using
twm in Chinese or Japanese, so if someone can try it out and explain me
the difference, I'd be happy!)  :-)

(3) Introduces twm menu and iconmanager (and icon) transparency,
introducing two keywords:  MenuOpacity, IconOpacity (in range 0 =
transparent ... 255 = opaque).  Effectively it will be compiled in only
if set '#define TWM_USE_OPACITY'.  It adds no complexity to twm as it
only sets the "window opacity property" and as long you don't run
something like

xcompmgr -c -o 0.5 -r 6 -t -6 -l -9  &

in the background, this has no effect on anything.

I found two keywords the only solution as menus and icons have too
different transparency values in order to configure them with one
keyword.  I have  "MenuOpacity 245" and "IconOpacity 200" in .twmrc.

(4) Xft-related apperance fixes: all fixed-pixel-height based spacing
computations are converted to scalable, font height-dependent spacing
computations.  These are effectively one-line improvements which don't
(should not) have side effects.

Here is one exception though -- iconmanager window entry layout.
Previously iconmanager was highlighted by calling
DrawIconManagerBorder(). This function now draws the whole iconmanager
window label entry, and I renamed it therefore to
DrawIconManagerEntry().  This is the most radical change I have made to
twm and it is not that fully tested (in regard to bugs and side effects
which may arise).
So in case of problems let this function be as it was; and then don't
remove MyFont_DrawString() at the end of HandleExpose() in events.c as
well.  This issue should affect no other places.

I only was trying to streamline iconmanager and twm menu appearance, I
was in opinion they should look somewhat similar.  Or alternatively I'll
try to optimise iconmanager to having only one row (not one column) with
text in huge letters, like as if one had

IconManagerFont "sans-13:bold"
IconManagerGeometry "=1500x10+200-300" 10
IconManagerForeground   "white"
IconManagerBackground   "grey15"
IconForeground  "white"
IconBackground  "grey15"
IconBorderColor "black"

in .twmrc.

As apparent, iconmanager appearance is not completed and I am more than
eager to discuss what you are thinking.

This patchset (4) introduces "DefaultFont" keyword as it is critical to
have all appearance parameters configurable from the outside and this
font is used prominently in InfoWindow text rendering.

Having that done I personally find twm regarding its appearance finished
for now for me;  and I'll continue working in my spare time in tracing
bugs and put some focus and iconmanager control/usability tweaks into
it, to make twm fully keyboard-usable in regard to present day GUI

(5) "Fixes" patchset is where I'll try to gather bugs/fixes as I'll find
them and find fixes.

(6) Then there is an "Improvements" patchset which is currently empty,
but should include experiments with new, selected features. (In the
sense of improving twm current usability, and not introducing completely
new functionality. :-)

Probably (1)...(4) can be made stable and completed quickly;  I consider
(1)...(3) finished myself if they only prove to being bugfree.


Eeri Kask

Description: application/compressed-tar

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Description: application/compressed-tar

Description: application/compressed-tar

Description: application/compressed-tar

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Marc Aurele La France

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:

Eeri Kask wrote:

Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)

Here are my current twm improvement patches, organised thematically:


(3) Introduces twm menu and iconmanager (and icon) transparency,
introducing two keywords:  MenuOpacity, IconOpacity (in range 0 =
transparent ... 255 = opaque).  Effectively it will be compiled in only
if set '#define TWM_USE_OPACITY'.  It adds no complexity to twm as it
only sets the "window opacity property" and as long you don't run
something like

   xcompmgr -c -o 0.5 -r 6 -t -6 -l -9  &

in the background, this has no effect on anything.

I found two keywords the only solution as menus and icons have too
different transparency values in order to configure them with one
keyword.  I have  "MenuOpacity 245" and "IconOpacity 200" in .twmrc.

This one is X.Org-specific as it relies on an extension not provided by 


|  Marc Aurele La France   |  work:   1-780-492-9310  |
|  Academic Information and|  fax:1-780-492-1729  |
|Communications Technologies   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  352 General Services Building   +--+
|  University of Alberta   |  |
|  Edmonton, Alberta   |Standard disclaimers apply|
|  T6G 2H1 |  |
|  CANADA  |  |
XFree86 developer and VP.  ATI driver and X server internals.
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Marc Aurele La France

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:

Marc Aurele La France wrote:

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:

So compile with  -DTWM_USE_XFT  -I/usr/include/freetype2  -lXft

Then insert


If you are a twm user, please test it; what do you think? :-)

I have refit this to our current source.  However, I don't think the
default fonts `twm` uses should be changed as doing so will surprise
many users.  It appears that restoring the previous defaults would only
require additional changes to InitVariables() in twm.c and GetFont() in



Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)

In the meanwile I have done some minor cosmetic improvements to the Xft
inclusion and now I am in two days ready to release these (I renamed two
macros, as being no english native speaker these looked stupid in the
first "iteration").  That is, I am in fact right now ready to release
these improvements, but additionally I have done some one-liner
corrections to text spacing everywhere in rendering as well, so that all
menu items, icon captions, iconmanager window label texts and so on look
considerably better spaced.  In the sense, that vertical spacing now
goes proportionally to the font height and not by a fixed amount like
"font height plus 4 pixels" etc. (but 1.2 times font height, and the
like).  It really goes hand in hand with using scalable fonts: one also
has to have scalable spacing as well!  :-)

These improvements are indeed finished too.

Two days I want to spend on completeing a small focus tweak: if and only
if some client window has focus and this client opens a transient window
(like thunderbird password prompt, or some file-open dialogue), then the
mouse should be warped into that window.  I am thinking how to do this
best using as much existing twm code and functionality as possible; and
it also remains to decide if it makes sense to invent a new keyword like
"WarpToTransients" as in vtwm to that purpose, to retain old behaviour
if the user so wishes.

Then I also found a serious bug and fixed a multicolumn iconmanager
geometry problem (in Xorg 1.0.3 twm release):  if mapped and one moves
that iconmanager window then its width gets corrupted during next
"packing".  It was a small thinking error in PackIconManager() in
iconmgr.c while computing "wwidth", it should/could be something like

wwidth = (ip->first ? (ip->first->width > 0 ? ip->first->width :
ip->width/ip->columns) : 150);

These above improvements are unrelated to xft-support in twm though.

So actually I didn't quite understand you what do you mean by preserving
default fonts twm uses?  Currently twm uses "fixed" and "variable" in
twm.c as default fonts if no fonts are specified in .twmrc.   Next, if
some font failed to load, then "fixed" is (unrelated to InitVariables()
in twm.c) tried in util.c as a fallback.  So by the way, the DefaultFont
as initialised in twm.c is actually never used as a fallback, this font
is used only to render infowindow text!  (It should be called InfoFont
instead, but let it be DefaultFont as it is; we have DefaultForeground
and DefaultBackground as colours as well and nobody actually knows for
what purpose: to draw size- and infowindows.)  Much more important is
that one can specify DefaultFont in .twmrc which needs to be fixed (and
already is :-).

I am afraid we need to change "fixed" and "variable" in twm.c if Xft is
included because xft-subsystem crashes (at least mine) if one uses these
in XftFontOpenXlfd(), probably because these names are not
XLFD-compliant. (xft should not crash because of that, but it is xft's
problem, not ours.)  So as long as default font names (or user-specified
font names in .twmrc) are xlfd-conform one can use these as usual, in
that regard nothing has changed.  If I am correct the choice of "fixed"
as a default font is always justified by the fact that this font is
guaranteed present in every X11 installation and so it is a very
reasonable decision.  Concerning xft I believe having read Keith Packard
"sans", "serif" and "mono" should be expected included in every xft
installation, so I chose "sans-10" and "mono-10" as a replacement for
"variable" and "fixed" in twm.c.
This is the story to that decision. :-)


   Eeri Kask

|  Marc Aurele La France   |  work:   1-780-492-9310  |
|  Academic Information and|  fax:1-780-492-1729  |
|Communications Technologies   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  352 General Services Building   +--+
|  University of Alberta   |  |
|  Edmonton, Alberta   |Standard disclaimers apply|
|  T6G 2H1 |  |

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Marc Aurele La France

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:

Marc Aurele La France wrote:

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:

So compile with  -DTWM_USE_XFT  -I/usr/include/freetype2  -lXft

Then insert


If you are a twm user, please test it; what do you think? :-)

I have refit this to our current source.  However, I don't think the
default fonts `twm` uses should be changed as doing so will surprise
many users.  It appears that restoring the previous defaults would only
require additional changes to InitVariables() in twm.c and GetFont() in


Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)


I am afraid we need to change "fixed" and "variable" in twm.c if Xft is
included because xft-subsystem crashes (at least mine) if one uses these
in XftFontOpenXlfd(), probably because these names are not
XLFD-compliant. (xft should not crash because of that, but it is xft's
problem, not ours.)  So as long as default font names (or user-specified
font names in .twmrc) are xlfd-conform one can use these as usual, in
that regard nothing has changed.  If I am correct the choice of "fixed"
as a default font is always justified by the fact that this font is
guaranteed present in every X11 installation and so it is a very
reasonable decision.  Concerning xft I believe having read Keith Packard
"sans", "serif" and "mono" should be expected included in every xft
installation, so I chose "sans-10" and "mono-10" as a replacement for
"variable" and "fixed" in twm.c.
This is the story to that decision. :-)

This can be remedied with the use of XListFonts().


|  Marc Aurele La France   |  work:   1-780-492-9310  |
|  Academic Information and|  fax:1-780-492-1729  |
|Communications Technologies   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  352 General Services Building   +--+
|  University of Alberta   |  |
|  Edmonton, Alberta   |Standard disclaimers apply|
|  T6G 2H1 |  |
|  CANADA  |  |
XFree86 developer and VP.  ATI driver and X server internals.
Devel mailing list