
i saw your web site was encouraging people to suggest ideas for
xfree86, and i figured, what the heck :)

i have an XDA-2 phone and have just recently managed to get the
touchscreen driver working (sort-of) and also managed to get
a basic framebuffer running.

xtiny-fbdev works absolutely fine.

anyway, i would like to be able to make use of the device to make
a demonstration / talk, and to use it as part _of_ the talk.
it occurred to me how i might achieve that, with the limited success
so far.

the idea is to use the XDA-2 touchscreen as a keyboard / mouse driver
for another x-server.

... radical, huh ? :)

in principle it's quite simple: run X on the XDA-2, run a small
keyboard program on it which communicates over Bluetooth to
_another_ X server on a machine running an overhead projector

in this way, i can walk around, i can use the XDA-2 to give
the presentation, i can type on the mini-keyboard on the XDA-2

in other words, the XDA-2 becomes like the new Logitech bluetooth
keyboards that you can now buy for £200 in PC-World: for your £200
you get three devices - a full-sized bluetooth keyboard; a
bluetooth mouse; a number-pad bluetooth keyboard with a 2-line
LCD display.

alternatively, you spend your £200 on an XDA-2, download linux,
download some x-proxy-drivers and you get a phone thrown in as
well, which is something a logitech bluetooth keyboard don't do :)

in implementation terms, it's a kind-of extension of the VNC and
rdesktop principle.

the difference is that [some new?] x-windows program _generates_
x-events which need, somehow, to be treated as an Input device to a
second x-windows server, but there is no requirement to forward the
Screen events from the second x-windows server _back_ to the
x-windows program running on the first x-server.

i believe that, when it is put like that, there probably already
exists some software (i recall seeing something like the xvfb
package under debian? no, that's the virtual framebuffer one - i
think i mean Xnest) which is typically used for testing purposes
that could be adapted to do the job i describe.

i don't really know - i'm just throwing in ideas, see what sticks :)


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