My xmodmap (Apple 1.0) has the strange feature that Shift+Meta_R
behaves the same as Shift+Insert. Here's my xmodmap, that's the best
thing I can think of to send as documentation, but please let me
know if you have any questions (or suggestions). 

! .kinesis.bigpuppy ---- an Xmodmap file geared towards math.
! Sat Sep 13 21:16:58 2003

! I haven't taken the time to fix the function keys.

keycode 8  = a A underscore

! Left

keycode 9  = o O Left

! Down

keycode 10 = e E Down

! Right

keycode 11 = u U Right

keycode 12 = d D minus

! End

keycode 13 = i I asciicircum
keycode 14 = semicolon colon bracketleft
keycode 15 = q Q bracketright
keycode 16 = j J braceleft
keycode 17 = k K braceright
keycode 19 = x X dollar
keycode 20 = apostrophe quotedbl grave
keycode 21 = comma less BackSpace

! Up

keycode 22 = period greater Up 
keycode 23 = p P Delete
keycode 24 = f F plus
keycode 25 = y Y equal
keycode 26 = 1 exclam
keycode 27 = 2 at
keycode 28 = 3 numbersign
keycode 29 = 4 dollar
keycode 30 = 6 asciicircum
keycode 31 = 5 percent Sys_Req
! equal plus
keycode 32 = sterling yen yen
keycode 33 = 9 parenleft
keycode 34 = 7 ampersand
! minus underscore
keycode 35 = slash question asciitilde
keycode 36 = 8 asterisk
keycode 37 = 0 parenright
 ! bracketleft braceleft
keycode 38 = Hyper_R
keycode 39 = r R Delete
keycode 40 = g G BackSpace
keycode 41 = Super_R
keycode 42 = c C Up
keycode 43 = l L asciicircum

! Second space key

! Insert is used to _insert_ a pair of matching paretheses

keycode 44 = Mode_switch Insert Insert

keycode 45 = n N Right
keycode 46 = h H Left
keycode 47 = backslash bar

keycode 48 = t T  Down
keycode 49 = s S underscore
! .ibook sets this to Meta_R, on the kinesis dev keyboard its slash
keycode 50 = eacute
keycode 51 = w W braceright
keycode 52 = z Z parenright
keycode 53 = b B currency
keycode 54 = m M braceleft
keycode 55 = v V parenleft
! Tab -- rebound to 
keycode 56 = egrave

! First (real) space key

! it is better to have space space, because one often types (shift space)
keycode 57 = space space currency

! grave asciitilde
keycode 58 = Hyper_L

! First (real) backspace key

keycode 59 = BackSpace BackSpace section

! KP-Enter
keycode 60 = Return
! Escape
keycode 61 =  Escape

! the upper two tiers of the toprow thumb keys need creative work.
! BUT: note that I am now of the opinion that using the upper and inner
! thumb keys is somewhat ANERGONOMIC.  I am now working to
! minimize their use.

! thumb key labeled F
!   Note: this key is allegedly used to get a button three event...
keycode 63 = Tab

! Shift keysyms

keycode 64 = Shift_L NoSymbol NoSymbol NoSymbol

! Caps Lock ("impossible" to turn it into a modifier) --                !
! even when using a separate keyboard! How silly!                       !
! Note, however, that with the Kinesis remapping feature there is       !
! an easy work-around, namely to "(re)move" the capslock key.           !
! now I have a new key in its place that is set to do Mode_switch.      !
! The following is therefore just a remenant of times gone by.          !

keycode 65 = Select Insert

! thumb key labeled K
keycode 66 = Tab

! thumb key labeled semicolon --- this keycode also govens the key labeled J ... or it 
did until I remapped the key labeled J to point to F6
keycode 67 = Return 

! I copied this keycode onto backslash bar
keycode 68 = backslash bar
! left option key
keycode 69 = Return
keycode 70 = Super_L
! fn key  -- this one is easy.
keycode 71 = Hyper_L
keycode 73 = KP_Decimal
! keyboard multiply??
keycode 74 = NoSymbol asterisk
! apparently not
keycode 75 = KP_Multiply
keycode 77 = KP_Add
! again, weird.
keycode 78 = NoSymbol plus
keycode 79 = Escape
! if this means anything at all, it is for the keypad, not the keyboard.
keycode 80 = equal plus
keycode 83 = KP_Divide
keycode 84 = KP_Enter
! we already had that once.
keycode 85 = 0 0 0
keycode 86 = KP_Subtract
keycode 89 = KP_Equal
keycode 90 = KP_0
keycode 91 = KP_1
keycode 92 = KP_2
keycode 93 = KP_3
keycode 94 = KP_4
keycode 95 = KP_5
keycode 96 = KP_6
keycode 97 = KP_7
keycode 99 = KP_8
keycode 100= KP_9
! F5 ! Select
keycode 104=  Select Insert
! F6
keycode 105= F6
! this looks like some kind of kinesis remmapping trick
keycode 106= Control_R
! F3 ! Pause
keycode 107= F3 
! F8 ; remapped to capslock key with kinesis
keycode 108= F8
! F9
keycode 109= F9
! F11
keycode 111= Alt_L
! Doesn't appear to be on keyboard 
keycode 113= Left Home
 ! ditto
keycode 115= Left Home
! left alt
keycode 116= m
! F10
keycode 117= Left Home
! F12   
keycode 119= F12
! doen't appear to be on keyboard
keycode 121= Left Home
! Insert
keycode 122= Super_L
!!! You find the Arrow keys nearby. !!!
! Home
! thumb key labeled L
keycode 123= F6
! Prior
! thumb key labeled S
keycode 124= F6

! Second backspace key
keycode 125=Mode_switch Insert Insert
! F4 !
keycode 126= F4

! End  (there is some discrepancy here; is this the key labelled S or not?)
keycode 127= aacute
! F2 ! Clear
keycode 128= F2
! Next
! thumb key labeled D
keycode 129= agrave
! F1 ! Linefeed
keycode 130= F1
keycode 131= Control_L
keycode 132= Meta_L
!The real down
keycode 133= Control_R
!The real down (without an explicit NoSymbol, Shift+this will cause text to inserted; 
keycode 134= Meta_R NoSymbol NoSymbol NoSymbol

clear Lock
clear control
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
clear mod4
clear mod5

! Yes, I need to use all these.
!!! (Well, maybe not caps lock.)

add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L Control_R
add mod1 =  Mode_switch
add mod2 = Meta_L Meta_R
add mod3 = Hyper_L Hyper_R
add mod4 = Super_L Super_R
add mod5 = Alt_L Alt_R
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