Throughout OpenZFS/zfsonlinux's life, Brian Behlendorf has been nearly the
sole manager of the day-to-day operations of the project.  He's triaged
bugs, reviewed PR's, found reviewers for PR's, given feedback to PR
submitters, and decided when PR's are ready to be merged.  And that's in
addition to his work developing new ZFS features and fixing bugs!

As the project grows and the volume of PR's has increased, we need to
spread the workload among more volunteers.  To that end, I'm happy to
announce three new OpenZFS maintainers: Mark Maybee, Tony Nguyen, and John
Kennedy.  They join existing maintainers Brian Behlendorf, Tony Hutter, and
myself.  As maintainers, we are responsible for giving feedback to PR
submitters, deciding when a PR is ready to be merged, and merging it.

Note that maintainers' work does not necessarily include reviewing the code
of every PR in detail.  We continue to rely on broad community
participation by many experts, to thoroughly review the code of each PR.
The maintainers' role is to help PR submitters find appropriate code
reviewers, so you may find yourself being reminded about code review
requests by these new maintainers :-)

We have divided the codebase into several broad areas, with each maintainer
assigned some areas of responsibility.  Each PR will have a designated
maintainer (using the "Assignees" feature of GitHub).  This is the PR
submitter's point of contact with the project for getting their PR merged.

Brian Behlendorf


   Other & catch-all

Matt Ahrens



   Assigning PR’s to maintainers

Tony Hutter




Tony Nguyen


   Platform-specific, shared, and imported kernel code  (module/os/*,
   zcommon, ICP, LUA, zstd, etc)

   Manpages & other documentation

   Other userland scripts/commands (zed, arcstat, contrib/*, etc)

Mark Maybee


   Core platform-agnostic kernel code (module/zfs/*)

John Kennedy



   Libzfs & consumers (zpool/zfs commands, etc)

   Libzpool & consumers (ztest, zdb, libspl)
   - Developer tools (makefiles, packaging, github workflows/templates)

About the new maintainers, who coincidentally all live in Colorado:

Mark Maybee has been a developer on ZFS/OpenZFS since its infancy 20 years
ago, working on ZFS at Sun, Oracle, Cray, HPE, and Delphix.  In the early
days he implemented the ZPL.  More recently he has worked on DRAID.

Tony Nguyen has worked on ZFS primarily as a performance engineer, at Sun,
Nexenta, and Delphix.  He has worked on the ZFS Performance Tests.

John Kennedy has worked on ZFS primarily as a test/QA engineer, at Sun and
Delphix.  He implemented the ZFS Test Suite.


openzfs: openzfs-developer
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