Thanks to everyone who participated.  The video recording is now available:

meeting notes:


   New maintainers (Matt)

      Brian has been the sole maintainer for ZoL -> OpenZFS for almost a
      decade now.

      The volume of contribution and users has been increasing and we need
      more people

      Matt and Tony Hutter will be joining him as maintainers

      Tony Nguyen, John Kennedy, and Mark Maybee will also be helping out
      by ushering incoming PRs through the review process (e.g. finding
      reviewers, applying the appropriate tags, and merging them).

   Settings vdev properties at pool create time (Allan)

      This is not a pressing matter for getting the vdev properties PR
      merged, but if anyone comes up with a good idea on how the
argument parsing
      should be done for this, they should definitely send an email to Allan or
      open a discussion in the mailing list.

   Getting zpool status details via pool properties (scrub progress,
etc) (related
   issue <>) (Allan)

      Some of these properties you can get with the vdev properties PR as
      it is right now but certain pool properties like a scan estimate or other
      things that admins see from commands like zpool-status are harder to get.

      It would be useful to expose some of these properties through
      zpool-get as-is or at least parts of them.

   If we add a bunch more pool and dataset properties, do we need a new
   ‘verbose’ type or something, where a lot of these new (not for human
   consumption) properties are not displayed by default?

      zpool/zfs get all has been pretty verbose in general as more
      properties are piling up on it and its output is not very
friendly in terms
      of parsing it programmatically

      Allan and Matt are considering a potential alternative command option
      that’s more human readable and outputs some important properties (not all
      of them).

   Userland zfs (PR <>) (Mayank)

      The above PR needs reviewers

      There is a lot more work to be scoped and done. Ideally the
      upstreaming work from the cStor folks would involve incremental
PRs adding
      more IOCTLs or other minimal functionality that can be tested
      in the userland and slowly become part of the existing testing

         Allan brought up an old idea of the userland send/receive tests

         Other options include but are not limited to Matt’s old
         socket-based userland ZFS testing.

      Keeping in mind FUSE and laying the groundwork for it during this
      effort should also provide some long-term benefits and flexibility as we
      discover more ways on how to bring the kernel code to the userland.

      There is a lot of ground to be covered but given the excitement there
      should be volunteers to help. If you are interested please reach out to
      Mayank, Matt, or Serapheim.

   Corrective Recv PR <> (Alek)

      The above PR seems to be passing our tests and needs

   FreeBSD Summit

      Matt will be giving a talk about RAIDZ expansion

      There will be other storage topics covered outside of ZFS for folks
      that are interested

   ZFS support for LXD and similar container technologies (Allan)

      A PR should be out soon (probably next week)

      There will be a need for both reviewers and testers

   ZFS Forced Export (Allan)

      Tests are passing and a PR should be open soon

   OSX port (Jorgen)

      Around 71% of the tests currently pass and we’d like to start opening
      PRs soon

      Besides the above, one thing that is pending in terms of
      infrastructure is figuring out which solution to use for incorporating
      testing for the new OS in our CI/CD. Github Action seems to provide some
      MacOS instances but there may be a timeout that’s not enough for
us to run
      ZTS. AWS is another option.

   Add Blake3 Checksum (PR <>)

      Sorry, did not have time for this currently (will do it in the next 4

      I got an account on the gcc farm project, so assembler routines for
      sha2 will also come from me (aarch64, ppc, x64) … together with
blake3 and

      (Moving as an agenda item for next time)

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 10:22 PM Matthew Ahrens <> wrote:

> The next OpenZFS Leadership meeting will be held tomorrow, May 25, 1pm
> Pacific time.  Topics on the agenda include:
>    - Settings vdev properties at pool create time
>    - Getting zpool status details via pool properties (scrub progress,
>    etc) (related issue <>)
>    - If we add a bunch more pool and dataset properties, do we need a new
>    ‘verbose’ type or something, where a lot of these new (not for human
>    consumption) properties are not displayed by default?
>    - Userland zfs (PR <>)
>    (Mayank)
> Everyone is welcome to attend and participate, and we will try to keep the
> meeting on agenda and on time.  The meetings will be held online via Zoom,
> and recorded and posted to the website and YouTube after the meeting.
> For more information and details on how to attend, as well as notes and
> video from the previous meeting, please see the agenda document:
> --matt

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