Thanks to everyone who participated.

meeting recording:

Thanks Christian for these detailed notes:


   Give an update on current status of the Direct IO PR (Brian Atkinson)

      Will require the app to not modify memory while write is in progress,
      but have an opt-in safety check in the ZIO pipeline to catch it. If it is
      caught, then all of the following happen:

         ZED event

         zpool status message

         write syscall fails with EINVAL

      Check is off by default because of bcopy+checksum overhead (bcopy is

      Marking the page read-only to catch in-flight modification is not an

      Brainstorming to avoid overhead:

         checksum without bcopy (susceptible to transient modification)

         opportunistic (only check in X% of cases, where X is low enough
         that performance impact is low)

            Seems like this option has consensus.

      Concerns regarding in-flight modification & compression. Checksum
      might match, but then decompression would fail. So, we need to make sure
      that compression always copies the buffer, iff it’s a userspace buffer
      (abd_borrow_buf_copy doesn’t guarantee copy right now).

      Also: Brian has one weird failure on FreeBSD. Has a branch with more
      debug statements & reproducer. Needs help from FreeBSD devs!

   Zio taskq scaling for multiple pools (Allan)

      zio_taskq_batch_pct defaults to 75% of CPU cores

      But with N pools, we create N times those threads, which is much more
      than actually available CPU cores.

      Brainstorming session:

         Make such taskqs global

            Fairness & starvation shouldn’t be a problem because the taskqs
            are FIFO

            But, fear of deadlocks if taskq operations are interdependent.
            Are there any?

            Also: lock contention on taskq locks is amplified by making
            them global.

      Conclusion: not an obvious solution, system-wide taskq is worth
      experimenting. (=> good hackathon project)

   Multiple user-keys for encryption (Jonathan Waldrep)

      UX proposal: use @ notation on the properties to distinguish
      different keys (keyformat@key1, keyformat@key2, …)

   Soliciting preferences on #11679
   <> solutions (Rich)

      NULL pointer deref on encrypted recv

      It’s a race in which you end up taking dbuf_write’s arc_write
      codepath, which temporarily NULLs the buffers of what it’s writing, while
      something else ends up doing a dbuf_read -> … ->
      arc_buf_untransform_in_place, which unconditionally hands the
b_pabd in to
      decrypt from, and is sometimes NULL unexpectedly.

      George: if the buffer is being written, it shouldn’t be discoverable
      in the first place.

      Rich’s Summary
      provides details of how the condition happens.

      George will take a look to understand why the buffer is discoverable.

   OpenZFS Conference

      Dates: likely early November.

      Opportunities to help out are still available (see April 26 meeting)

On Mon, Jun 20, 2022 at 9:45 AM Matthew Ahrens <> wrote:

> The next OpenZFS Leadership meeting will be held tomorrow, June 21, 1pm
> Pacific time.
> Everyone is welcome to attend and participate, and we will try to keep the
> meeting on agenda and on time.  The meetings will be held online via Zoom,
> and recorded and posted to the website and YouTube after the meeting.
> For more information and details on how to attend, as well as notes and
> video from the previous meeting, please see the agenda document:
> --matt

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