[Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing

2012-05-01 Thread Rohan McGovern
A while back, it was requested that the Qt Project CI should reject
incoming changes to QtBase if they would cause compile or autotest
failures in QtDeclarative.

That is now implemented, which should reduce the risk of accidental
source or behavior incompatible changes in qtbase.

However, if you need to _deliberately_ do some changes in qtbase which
would break qtdeclarative, it's necessary to do some additional steps.
These are documented, along with a few other bits of information, on the
wiki at http://wiki.qt-project.org/CI:_Revdep .

The reverse dependency testing is not yet set to enforcing, so it won't
block changes.  Assuming no objections, we'll probably set it enforcing
on this Thursday, 3rd May (if it is passing at that time).

Similar reverse dependency testing can be added for other modules on
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing

2012-05-01 Thread marius.storm-olsen
Looks good, but please move the details over to the other wiki.
The Mediawiki installation at wiki.qt-project.org has been deprecated since 
DevNet was moved over and we got www.qt-project.org/wiki.

The content from wiki.qt-project.org is planned to be moved, but we are not 
sure yet when this will happen.


 -Original Message-
 From: development-bounces+marius.storm-olsen=nokia.com@qt-
 project.org [mailto:development-bounces+marius.storm-
 olsen=nokia@qt-project.org] On Behalf Of Mcgovern Rohan (Nokia-
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 1:35 AM
 To: development
 Subject: [Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing
 A while back, it was requested that the Qt Project CI should reject
 incoming changes to QtBase if they would cause compile or autotest
 failures in QtDeclarative.
 That is now implemented, which should reduce the risk of accidental
 source or behavior incompatible changes in qtbase.
 However, if you need to _deliberately_ do some changes in qtbase which
 would break qtdeclarative, it's necessary to do some additional steps.
 These are documented, along with a few other bits of information, on the
 wiki at http://wiki.qt-project.org/CI:_Revdep .
 The reverse dependency testing is not yet set to enforcing, so it won't
 block changes.  Assuming no objections, we'll probably set it enforcing
 on this Thursday, 3rd May (if it is passing at that time).
 Similar reverse dependency testing can be added for other modules on
 Development mailing list
Development mailing list

[Development] RFC: Test Reports for source/binary packages

2012-05-01 Thread marius.storm-olsen

Back in the days, when we were approaching a new release of Qt, we would use a 
black team http://www.t3y.com/tangledwebs/07/tw0706.html which would be 
responsible for driving the testing of a new package. Their main focus would be 
to test every new package generated, both source and binary packages, and try 
to break them with the most used configuration (every configuration is not 
possible due to the vast number of configurable options, and system 

When doing this they would have a common list of issues to look out for, to 
make sure that the reporting had some structure (same report fields for each 
reporter/platform/package) and that they wouldn't skip something for one 
package, etc. The list contained things like:

  *   General:
 *   Report date
 *   Testers name
 *   Package name
 *   Package type
 *   Build date
 *   Makespec used
  *   Source packages:
 *   Configuration line for main testing
*   Configure asks about license when run with no license options
 *   Compiling the package
*   Compiles with minimal options (e.g. -opensource -confirm-license)
*   Compiles as a static build, where supported
*   Compiles in namespace, where supported
*   Compiles with shadow build
*   Cross-compiles, where supported
 *   Installing the package works
*   make install to system directory as root works
*   make install to local prefix as regular user works
*   make install distributes files correctly on Mac
*   make clean and make distclean works
 *   Text files have the correct EOL for the type of package?
 *   Files/directories in the package have sane file permissions and 
 *   Tags (%VERSION%, %SHORTVERSION%) have been replaced properly
 *   README has valid information about how to compile the package on the 
platform tested
  *   Binary packages:
 *   Fresh install
*   Installer is correctly signed, e.g. Windows shows correct 
vendor/certificate data and no warnings about untrusted vendor.
*   Installer displays appropriate graphics, strings, version numbers
*   Installer offers the correct license(s)
*   Installer offers sane default install directory (including version 
*   Installer correctly installs to default directory
*   installer correctly installs to non-default drive/directory
*   Installer sanely reports progress and completion
*   Installer installs only selected components
*   Component selection works sanely
*   Shortcuts from last page of installer work (e.g. shortcuts to 
README, demos, etc)
*   Installer correctly creates desktop shortcuts and they all work
*   Installer correctly creates Start Menu shortcuts and they all work
*   Environment settings are correct in Qt MSVC Command Prompt
*   Package shows up in Control Panel/Package Manager with correct 
*   Any patching of files has been done correctly, e.g. patching of 
library paths into .exe files and the paths hard-coded in the QtCore library.
 *   Upgrade install, if supported
  - As above
 *   Parallel install, if supported
  - As above
  - Can't install over the top of an existing package without being warned
  - Shortcuts point to the right package
  - Previously installed packages still work
 *   Uninstall
  - Removes all installed files,
  - Removes all empty dirs,
  - Removes registry keys,
  - Reverses any other changes made by installer
  - What to do with data files created by installed files, e.g. saved settings 
and files created by demo apps?
  - What to do with data shared between more than one package instance?
 *   Aborting installation, if supported
  - Cancel button is available
  - Installer cleans up, as for full uninstallation
 *   Failed installation
  - insufficient disk space (can be faked by installing onto a small USB key/SD 
  - network problems while using online installer
  *   Both package types:
 *   Verify the license
 *   Assistant works
 *   Designer works
 *   Showcase demo/example apps launch without crashing
 *   Showcase demo/example apps function acceptably.
 *   Demo/example apps can be rebuilt
 *   External Qt apps can be built against the package (e.g. Qt Creator)
 *   Did DLL Swapping on a Qt app (e.g. KDE, Google Earth, Qt Creator) 
 *   Click around various examples/demos for a while (GUI stress-testing)
 *   Audio/Video w/phonon
 *   Audio/Video w/QtMultimedia
 *   Raster paint engine works
 *   Image formats work
 *   Graphicsview
 *   OpenGL
 *   OpenVG
 *   Printing
 *   QML
 *   QtNetworking
 *   QtScript
 *   QtSql
 *   QtSvg
 *   WebKit works?
*   Logging into a popular site (facebook, hotmail, gmail etc) using 
the demo-browser

Re: [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines

2012-05-01 Thread Girish Ramakrishnan
Hi Lars,

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 1:40 PM,  lars.kn...@nokia.com wrote:


 I'd like to aim for having the first beta (with a hard API freeze) our by
 the contributor summit. Depending on the feedback we will then add a
 second beta beginning of August and aim for a final release sometime mid
 to end of August.

https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-25005 tracks the
showstoppers for the beta.

Lars/Jason, can I add the QPA files rename change
(https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,23443) as a blocker to that

 In the meantime we can/should think about doing another alpha. Thiago
 proposed that one option here could be to simply release the first source
 package that works on all platforms as the second alpha. Like that we
 use any additional resources and time on creating that second alpha.

Source only alpha2 is a good idea.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines

2012-05-01 Thread Quim Gil
On 04/30/2012 01:40 PM, ext lars.kn...@nokia.com wrote:
 In the meantime we can/should think about doing another alpha. Thiago
 proposed that one option here could be to simply release the first source
 package that works on all platforms as the second alpha. Like that we
 use any additional resources and time on creating that second alpha.

Any changes required in http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-5-Alpha or other 
wiki pages?

A changelog vs the first Alpha?


Any new code examples and demos we might want to highlight?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support

2012-05-01 Thread John Layt
On Monday 30 Apr 2012 09:06:28 morten.sor...@nokia.com wrote:
 That would be not possible. QtGui and Widgets loads the Cocoa backend as a
 plugin and does not link agains it.
 I think the only options are either duplicating the neccesary code to
 support QCoreGraphicsPaintEngine in printsupport, or let it live in the
 cocoa plugin and export it using QCocoaNativeInterface.  I don't like
 duplicating code so we went with the latter approach.

Thanks Morten, I understand it now, you never understand a thing properly 
until you try break it apart :-)  I'll document that somewhere and set a task 
for some future release to see if we can at least untangle QMacPrintEngine 
and QCocoaPrinterSupport from QCoreGraphicsPaintEngine and move them into the 
printer plugin.

I've been testing the Mac printing and unfortunately hit a couple of release 
blockers that it would be great if a Mac person could have a look at sometime 
and give an opinion:




Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing

2012-05-01 Thread Rohan McGovern
Storm-Olsen Marius (Nokia-MP/Austin) said:
 Looks good, but please move the details over to the other wiki.
 The Mediawiki installation at wiki.qt-project.org has been deprecated since 
 DevNet was moved over and we got www.qt-project.org/wiki.

Thanks, then there should be some message on the deprecated wiki, e.g.
where the Login procedures have been improved message is now.
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Deprecation warnings are enabled

2012-05-01 Thread André Pönitz
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:13:54PM +0200, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 This is what answers the now part. The changes I'm making, like the
 QRegExp one and these deprecation settings, are changing the API that
 we expose to users. As such, I understand that they need to be done,
 ready and tested by the beta release.

There was no _need_ to touch QRegExp at all.

Yes, the QRegExp API is wrong, but no-one is done
a favour by changing it.

This causes a lot of pain for all existing code, 
and new code should use QRegularExpression anyway.

Development mailing list