Hi everyone
I have added an extra contact person field on the sales table and have
overridden the lookup() to provide  a list of contacts from the INVOICE
The problem is the Go to main table does not work on this new field.  I have
overriden the jumpref() to set the args.enum to YES in the jumpref() to
indicate it is a Go to main table but the contact person records shown are
those of the salestable.orderaccount
After some checking I found that there is a table relation on cotnactperson
that sales contactperson.custaccount == salestable.orderaccount
>From what my testing has found this relation puts a 'silent' filter or join
into the contact person query when the form is called as a Go to main
Is there:
1) a way to change this (I played with the executequery() in contact person
but could not get anything to work)
2) how/where do I store in args the calling field (because i ahve 2 fields)
so I can work out where the contactperson was called from
Right now I removed the jumpref() on the field and this half works...it gets
the right record but the problem is it shows ALL contactperson records where
as I only want to show the contactperson records having custaccount ==
Lok forward to hearing possible solutions

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