I do not know of a way to do what you desire. But if you run the
cross-reference update on all of your project components, you can view
the "using" references to be sure you know about all dependencies.
Then you can add those EDTs manually to your project even though they
were created for the other project.

I actually do all of my development from the project itself. I create
a group template will the same structure as the AOT. I export the
template, then rename it in the AOT.  I create all objects only from
within the project. Even when I edit an object, I do not touch it
until I have dragged it into my project first. If I notice
dependencies that might not be in the target environment, I just add
them to my project even if I did not change them.  I always create a
job in the project that is just comments to remind myself and others
what is in the project and why - that is a place to indicate that some
objects are included as dependencies but are not modified. By this
process, I can export with few if any dependencies overlooked.

I hope that this is helpful.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:09 AM, benoit.billington
<benoit.billing...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to export a project with all it's dependant object even
> if they aren't included in the project itself?
> eg.
> I have a table in my project which uses 2 EDT's that were created for
> another project.
> When I export my project I want the export file to contain those 2
> specific EDT's because if I import that project in a new environnement
> I need those 2 EDT's

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