[freenet-dev] Content Management System
In the last few weeks I've done some work on the website. While translating it, there were some things that struck me so I changed them. But our site is still far from perfect. It lacks a attractive design and some features that would be quite handy (e.g. select the language by hand, RSS-Feeds, a search) but are a little bit difficult to implement (at least if we want to do it in a safe and efficient way) or at least I don't have the time and skills to do it. I also noticed, that the format we use to save the content (it's just a php file containing HTML which is included in some kind of very simple template) leaves room for optimization (for both, the author who needs to write valid HTML and know about the things he can do with it (not all of us do know how to write clean and valid HTML (I do not exclude myself from this statement)), and the user, who might get malformed HTML or ugly pages because the browser has some bugs the author didn't know of). We also have the problem, that our site consists of many different components: there's the homepage, the wiki, emu, SVN, which looks very fragmented. We could address most of this problems by using a CMS (content management system). Of course a CMS is not a Swiss Army knife for everything and it does raise several issues: is it fast enough to survive a slashdot, can we use our already existent database, how can we migrate, is it safe? The three commonly used Open CMS' are: Typo3 - the elder: -first release in 1998, therefore probably pretty safe by now -complicated to administer and design (has it's own template-language) -but therefore very powerful -according to some sites Typo3 needs a powerful server Joomla! - the most used: -easy to administer and design (at least the last time I used it) -very big community -had some security vulnerabilities in the past (hopefully this will have more or less disappeared with the ground-up rewrite in version 1.5 - the most vulnerabilities where in third party modules though) Drupal - the community focused (and therefore my favourite): -should be as easy as Joomla -has some features which are especially interesting for communities (like us - mozilla.org and other OpenSource projects seem to use it too) All of them are licensed under GPL, they all provide caching techniques to cope with high traffic, they all can use mySQL, other databases are also supported. It's important, that the functionality we want to have is covered with the standard modules as much as possible, third party modules are a major security risk. Looking forward to your comments [EMAIL PROTECTED] P.S.: The question whether Joomla! or Drupal is the better CMS seems to be a question of belief. -- Follow the blue rabbit - The Freenet Project - http://freenetproject.org/ signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Devl mailing list Devl@freenetproject.org http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl
[freenet-dev] Post 0.7 idea: off-grid darknet!
https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=2345 --- A typical domestic internet connection has at most 1Mbps uplink. In some megacities 100Mbps or even 1Gbps is available (symmetric), however it is unlikely that the bandwidth available in most homes will exceed a few megabits in the near future. We could implement darknet sneakernet connections by exchanging USB sticks. E.g. if you meet somebody every day (e.g. a coworker), you could exchange (cheap) 8G sticks, plug them in overnight, and then do the same again the next day. This would produce approx 100K/sec (1Mbps) each way for each person you did it with. The performance here imho isn't world-shattering, but nonetheless it's interesting. And it would build the darknet, some of it completely off-grid, work in many places where nothing else does safely, and get us some great headlines. --- IMHO this is something we should seriously consider, if not this year, then at least next year during the 0.8 cycle. The main technical prerequisite is token passing load management, unless we implement a completely different load management system for it. True passive requests would help in that they'd make publish/subscribe work much better on this. Even if it's not perfect, it'd be a very interesting way to get people in, and far from being a publicity stunt, it would be of immense long-term value. pgpzqLqsz5a0I.pgp Description: PGP signature ___ Devl mailing list Devl@freenetproject.org http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl
[freenet-dev] [freenet-cvs] r19807 - trunk/freenet/src/freenet/clients/http
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:36 AM, wrote: > Author: toad > Date: 2008-05-06 21:36:51 + (Tue, 06 May 2008) > New Revision: 19807 > > Modified: >trunk/freenet/src/freenet/clients/http/WelcomeToadlet.java > Log: > It's "safari" not "Safari". Do toLowerCase() first when checking. > Fixes activelinks still showing up on Safari despite fix that was supposed > to prevent this because Safari can't handle it. > You should check for konqueror and qtwebkit as well, they share the same code base. Checking for "KHTML" should be sufficient Safari: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/XX (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/YY Konqueror: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Linux; x86_64) KHTML/4.0.2 (like Gecko) Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Windows NT 6.0) KHTML/3.5.6 (like Gecko) QtWebKit: Mozilla/5.0 (%Platform%; %Security%; %Subplatform%; %Locale%) AppleWebKit/%WebKitVersion% (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3) %AppVersion%
[freenet-dev] ITA l10n 0507
Attached - ITA translation updated to r19812 Latest strings changed to match the translation style that I used so far. Contacted the guy who sent those strings, explained what was wrong with them and thanked for the work. L. -- next part -- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: freenet.l10n.it.override.properties_0507-08_Luke771 URL: <https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/attachments/20080507/f4c1e492/attachment.ksh>
[freenet-dev] ITA l10n 0507
Attached - ITA translation updated to r19812 Latest strings changed to match the translation style that I used so far. Contacted the guy who sent those strings, explained what was wrong with them and thanked for the work. L. Announcer.announceAlertIntro=Il nodo sta cercando di connettersi con i seednode ed annunciare sé stesso all' OpenNet (network di Sconosciuti). Possono essere necessari alcuni minuti per completare l'operazione. Announcer.announceAlertNoSeednodes=Non e' stato trovato il file seednodes.fref e quindi il nodo non può connettersi automaticamente ad Opennet. Aggiungere alcuni nodi manualmente o scaricare il file seednodes da http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/opennet/ . Announcer.announceAlertTitle=Announce Nodo Announcer.announceDetails=Il nodo ha recentemente inoltrato ${recentSentAnnouncements} annunci, ${runningAnnouncements} dei quali ancora in corso, ed aggiunto ${addedNodes} nodi (${refusedNodes} nodi hanno rifiutato la connessione). In questo momento il nodo è connesso a ${connectedSeednodes} seednode e sta cercando di connettersi ad altri ${disconnectedSeednodes}. Announcer.announceDisabledTooOld=Il nodo è oodo obsoleto ed inadatto alla connessione con la rete Freenet attuale. L'annuncio è stato diabilitato in quanto comunque inutile. Si prega di aggiornare il nodo appena possibile (auto-aggiornamento potrebbe essere in attesa di input o disabilitato) Announcer.announceDisabledTooOldShort=Il nodo non riesce a connettersi alla rete perché la versione di Freenet utilizzata è obsoleta. Si prega di eseguire l'aggiornamento. Announcer.announceDisabledTooOldTitle=Annuncio disabilitato (obsoleto) Announcer.announceLoading=Il nodo sta caricando il file seednodes in modo da poter provare ad annunciare al resto della rete. Announcement può richiedere alcuni minuti. Announcer.coolingOff=per i prossimi ${time} secondi, il nodo aspetterà che i nodi che ha annunciato si connettano; se non ci saranno abbastanza nodi proverà con un altro nodo. BookmarkEditorToadlet.addBookmark=Aggiungi Segnalibro BookmarkEditorToadlet.addDefaultBookmarks=Ri-aggiungi segnalibri originali BookmarkEditorToadlet.addNewCategory=Aggiungi nuova categoria BookmarkEditorToadlet.bookmarkDoesNotExist=Il segnalibro "${bookmark}" non esiste. BookmarkEditorToadlet.deleteBookmarkConfirm=Conferma eliminazione di ${bookmark} BookmarkEditorToadlet.myBookmarksTitle=I Miei Segnalibri BookmarkEditorToadlet.pasteOrCancel=Clicca su un'icona 'incolla' o cancella. BookmarkEditorToadlet.urlDecodeError=Errore nella decodifica della URL BookmarkItem.unnamedBookmark=Segnalibro Senza Nome BuildOldAgeUserAlert.tooOld=Il software di questo nodo è antecedente alla più vecchia versione (Build #${lastgood}) utilizzabile dai peer aggiornati ai quali si cerca di connettersi. E' necessario aggiornare il nodo al più presto possibile; non sarà possibile connettersi ai peer etichettati "TROPPO RECENTE" finché il nodo non sarà stato aggiornato (il nodo va tenuto aggiornato o si rischia di essere esclusi dalla rete Freenet) BuildOldAgeUserAlert.tooOldShort=Il nodo sta utilizzando una versione obsoleta di Freenet, che rende imossibile collegarsi alla rete. Si prega di eseguire l'aggiornamento al più presto possibile. BuildOldAgeUserAlert.tooOldTitle=Versione obsoleta CSSTokenizerFilter.deletedUnmatchedChar=Ignorato char non corrispondente: CSSTokenizerFilter.deletedUnofficialIdent=Eliminata ident ufficiosa CSSTokenizerFilter.deletedUnofficialIdentWithURL=Eliminata ident ufficiosa con url CSSTokenizerFilter.supplementalCharsNotSupported=CARATTERI UCS-4 OLTRE 0x NON SUPPORTATI! [EMAIL PROTECTED] sconosciuto: ClockProblemDetectedUserAlert.shortText=Freenet non può connettersi perché l'orologio del computer non è sincronizzato. ClockProblemDetectedUserAlert.text=Freenet ha rilevato che l'orologio di sistema (ora e data) non è regolato correttamente. Il nodo non potrà funzionare correttamente finchè non sarà stato riavviato dopo aver regolato l'orologio. ClockProblemDetectedUserAlert.title=L'orologio del computer non è regolato correttamente. ConfigToadlet.appliedFailureExceptions=Le modifiche alla configurazione sono state applicate con le seguenti eccezioni: ConfigToadlet.appliedFailureTitle=Configurazione Non Applicata! ConfigToadlet.logger=log ConfigToadlet.modeAdvanced=Opzionni di configurazione avanzate ConfigToadlet.modeSimple=Opzioni di configurazione Semplici ConfigToadlet.possibilitiesTitle=Scegli Azione: ConfigToadlet.ssl=SSL (il cambiamento non influisce sui server attivi, il riavviamento è necessario) ConfigToadlet.node.scheduler=nodo.schedulatore ConnectionsToadlet.nodeStatus.BURSTING=BURST ConnectionsToadlet.nodeStatus.DISCONNECTING=DISCONNESSIONE IN CORSO ConnectionsToadlet.nodeStatus.ROUTING DISABLED=NON STA INSTRADANDO TRAFFICO ConnectivityToadlet.sentReceivedTitle=Pacchetti ricevuti/trasmessi ContentDataFilter.unknownCharset=La pagina che sta per essere visualizzata
[freenet-dev] Usability issues
On Tuesday 06 May 2008 22:57, Ed Tomlinson wrote: > On May 6, 2008, Matthew Toseland wrote: > > On Tuesday 06 May 2008 15:50, Robert Hailey wrote: > > > > > > On May 5, 2008, at 5:49 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote: > > > > [...] > > > > - Freenet is slow, especially in this case where it had an > > > > untweaked > > > > browser. After a long delay, two sites loaded, after a longer delay, > > > > several > > > > sites loaded at once; this strongly suggests imho that the problem > > > > is caused > > > > by not finding the browser. User reports significant improvement in > > > > speed > > > > after a few minutes. > > > > - Connection limit is definitely a problem: many images which should > > > > be in the > > > > same container not loading; same for the Potentially Dangerous Content > > > > warning. > > > > > > Surely the browser isn't the one which understands freenet containers. > > > Are we coalescing requests for the same container internally? > > > > Not at the client level. There is room for further improvement here. But we do > > do some coalescing: we won't have multiple local requests in flight for the > > same key, for example. > > > > Most of the above issues were caused by the browser not being found, this has > > been fixed in 90% of cases by the changes I made to browse.cmd. > > > > However the fact remains that a newbie node is still rather disappointingly > > slow, even with a tweaked browser. > > If the user is in the habit of stoping and starting the node and has a queue with a > large number of blocks, browsing will be very slow (or impossible) until the rebuild > if the queue completes. See bug 2334. True, that's not the case here: really new nodes are slow, bootstrapping is much slower than it ought to be. IMHO this is because of seednodes problems, which hopefully I will be able to fix soon. > > Ed -- next part -- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/attachments/20080507/8910b638/attachment.pgp>