
Since we had no test results on the testing-build-1485-pre1, I created
an 1485 now, but kept it marked as pre-release until it gets enough

It did not go into auto-update yet. I’m working on the release scripts
to make it easier to create testing releases with installers and
everything, but there’s still some way to go (see some of my initial
work in the scripts repo).


If no problems are found until the 1st of February, we can first turn
this into a non-pre release (so people can update and test with
./update.sh) and if still no problems are found then, it can go to the

I intentionally split off the plugin, translation and seednodes updates
to avoid delaying this build even more.

So plugin, translation and seednode updates should be coming in 1486.

Please test this! Especially tests of the installers on Windows and
different GNU Linux distributions are important!

User-visible changes since 1484:

- fix a possible reason for the startup loop
- skip file compression where compression typically does not yield much 
- compressor: skip LZMA (old) if it is not the only requested compression method
- switch to java8 as the minimum required version
- capture fetchKeyBoxAboveBookmarks from the theme as default value
- If there are *.fref files in a peers-offers/ folder, ask user whether to 
connect to them
- Theora fixes thanks to redwerk: we can get Video safely now (the first step 
for streaming)!

More information:


You can also test the update over freenet by changing the auto-update
key to
and restarting freenet

Note however that this will show version 1485, so your node will stand
out until this goes to the general auto-update, because I don’t yet have
the release scripts with infrastructure back at the point where we can
release pre-releases that keep using the old version.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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