Hello devs,

This Thursday is BFD#179:

I would like to propose that this day to be a quantitative rather than
qualitative day in terms of closed issues. There are bugs in older versions
of XWiki that do not reproduce nor make sense anymore in the latest
versions and make the BFD statistics to be less accurate. We should try to
close as many as possible bugs of this kind.

Our current status is:
* -54 bugs over 120 days (4 months), i.e. we need to close 54 bugs to have
created bugs # = closed bugs #
* -97 bugs over 365 days (1 year)
* -149 bugs over 500 days (between 1 and 2 years)
* -316 bugs over 1600 days (4.3 years)

See https://jira.xwiki.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10352

Here's the BFD#179 dashboard to follow the progress during the day:

Happy Bug Fixing Day,

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