DIA 0.90 & libunicode

2002-09-05 Thread Oystein Godoy


I have checked the "2002-September Archive by Thread", but did not find 
any information on the problem I encounter configuring DIA 0.90.

The configuration does not include libunicode, so I have installed 
libunicode at a local disk. configure --help does not give any information 
on how to point at this library, thus I have used CFLAGS for 
-I and LDFLAGS for -L. That is a 
statement like (running BASH):

export CFLAGS=-I; export LDFLAGS=-L; 
./configure --prefix=/myprefix/dianew

This gives the following output:

Unicode not present. This will NOT build.
Now type make to build dia.

I have newer had trouble building earlier versions of DIA. I am running 
Debian woody.

Dows anyone have any idea how I can manage to make configure detect 
libunicode when this is not installed in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib??

Oystein Godoy
Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Research and Development Department, Section for Remote Sensing
P.O.BOX 43, Blindern, N-0313 OSLO, Norway
Ph: (+47) 2296 3000 (switchb) 2296 3334 (direct line)
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Dia-list mailing list

Re: GCC 3.2 and numerous DIA code problems

2002-09-05 Thread Andrew Marlow

>On Wed, 04 Sep 2002, Andrew Marlow wrote:
>> Now that I have fixed configure to build a set of Makefiles for dia with
>> the GNU 3.2 compiler I find that the code is riddled with problems. I
>> have fixed some of these but have a long way to go. Would anyone be
>> interested in me completing these fixes or is this a known (and in hand)
>> problem?
>This would be a wonderful thing to get fixed.  Since Debian doesn't have
>gcc 3.2 yet, you'll be in a good position to kill these problems earlier.
>Besides, any problem that new versions of gcc show are probably also
>problems in other ports.  But!  You should look at the CVS versions rather
>than 0.90, 

oh dear. For various reasons I cannot use the CVS version so I will
with the work based on 0.90. Whoever merges my changes may have a bit of
a merge job on but hey, CVS is good at this. There are loads of files to
I have just finished the lib directory but there is loads more to do.
I hope to post it here when it is done as a compressed tarball but there
is a limit to the size of articles that can be published to this group.
If it looks like it wil blow the limit then I will put the archive on
my web site and post a URL.


Andrew Marlow.

Dia-list mailing list

Re: GCC 3.2 and numerous DIA code problems

2002-09-05 Thread Cyrille Chepelov

Le Thu, Sep 05, 2002, à 12:10:06PM +0100, Andrew Marlow a écrit:

> oh dear. For various reasons I cannot use the CVS version so I will
> continue
> with the work based on 0.90. Whoever merges my changes may have a bit of
> a merge job on but hey, CVS is good at this. There are loads of files to
> change.

The CVS version built fine yesterday evening with gcc 3.2 on my system.
As a policy, I don't merge patches which don't merge cleanly or almost
cleanly on the CVS version.

You can download snapshot tarballs, which will be almost the CVS version.

-- Cyrille


Dia-list mailing list

Re: [Sodipodi-list] Some plug-in interface ideas (fwd)

2002-09-05 Thread Alan Horkan

Someone mentioned libraries and had to add my few words as he mentioned a
bunch of other vector graphics programs except Dia.

What kind of Sodipodi functionality would it be useful for Dia to take a
chunk out of?  He is considering turning some of the code into libraries,
so now is the time to ask.

Lauris Kaplinski the Sodipodi developer calling my bluff, I dont really
know what would really be most useful for Dia but I know there has got to
be some stuff that could be shared.

You can either contact him and the Sodipodi list directly or respond here
and ill will try and pass on your comments in such as way as to make me
seem smarter ;)


-- Forwarded message --
Date: 05 Sep 2002 18:14:20 +0200
From: Lauris Kaplinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Horkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Ted Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Sodipodi List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Sodipodi-list] Some plug-in interface ideas


Can you outline, please, which kind of functionality and how to
move into given library? The only thing I have been thinking
until now, are very basic things:
- libart replacement (faster, cleaner, smaller)
- SVG parsing library (building libart or similar datatypes)
- Canvas replacement (cleaner and not Gtk-tied)
But is waay to low level for plugins, which need handles to SVG
data (DOM-like or other) and UI structures (which affects the generic
application framework).

Best wishes,
Lauris Kaplinski

On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 14:19, Alan Horkan wrote:
> If even the open source Vector Applictions could find more ways to share
> developement (how about a libsvg?) it would save a lot of work, not to
> mention how much more efficient it would be if this could be done in a way
> that was easily reusable by any Gtk applications.  (Maybe i am being
> unrealistic, but the planning stage is the right time to mention these
> sorts of possibilities).
> As for Lauris complaint about libs with changing APIs, design a good clear
> API and stick with it.  So long as you only deprecate the old methods
> rather than remove them it should not be too bad.  It is better than no
> lib at all and having many projects doing redundant work.
> I am just dissapointed that there is not more code/component reuse.
> Sincerely
> Alan.
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