Re: UML - code + schema ?

2001-01-19 Thread Javier O'Hara

 "Karl M. Hegbloom" wrote:
   Has anyone yous know of tried writing any Perl (or other lang)
   software that will take a Dia UML diagram and autogen programming
   language/ objects from that?
   I'd like to have a way to generate perl objects (Class::MethodMaker)
   and matching Tangram (an object persistance thing for Perl) Schemas
   from UML.  Since DIA uses XML, perhaps that would not be impossible
   to do... has anyone else thought about that?
 There is a program on Sourceforge called dia2code which transforms UML
 to Java or C++.  I tried using this program to generate Java but the
 code was a bit iffy, so I am thinking about rewriting it using XSLT or
 something for two reasons:
 1) for a laugh (and more practical experience with XSLT)
 2) as hopefully the UML structure in Dia will transform to code with
 However, dia2code is here and this XSLT tool isn't.  IIRC, extending
 Dia2code shouldn't be too hard - I know almost no C and change the Java
 code producer easily.  Adding a Perl mode shouldn't be that tough.
 Ross Burton

You can find the homepage of Dia2Code at:

The code is not the state-of-the-art, it's more like cheap-and-fast
("Fast, cheap, good: pick two", remember?).  Anyway, I've divided the code
into files so it will be (hopefully) more understandable.  

To discuss dia2code further, please refer to:


Cahn's Axiom:
When all else fails, read the instructions.


2000-11-26 Thread Javier O'Hara

Hi. I've just finished the first release of a simple program, dia2code,
that takes a Dia UML Diagram and generates the structure of the classes
inside it either in C++ or Java.  It's GPL-ed and small but still has a
few bugs.

You can download it at:

Thanks to all the Dia developers for such a great program!


Adapt.  Enjoy.  Survive.