RE: [DDN] Spanish Language materials at midst of controversy

2005-08-10 Thread Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan
What is scary about the last link is that CAIRCO copied the REFORMA page so it 
looks exactly the same, but if you scroll further down, they have added 
comments about why all of what REFORMA says is wrong. I agree though, the page 
you have added is a better link. I missed that one - thanks!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of John Mitchell
Sent: Wed 8/10/2005 1:51 PM
To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group
Subject: Re: [DDN] Spanish Language materials at midst of controversy

Clarification: The last link you provided appears to simply contain
information published by REFORMA, such as mission, goals and bylaws.
(At first I thought CAIRCO was saying those things!)  Perhaps you
intended to link to or some
other URL?

John T. Mitchell

On 8/10/05, Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan
> The Denver Public Library is currently under attack by the Colorado
> Alliance for Immigration Reform CAIRCO  An
> article in the Denver Post has some information on the controversy.
>  [note this URL
> was working earlier today, and lately, has had some problems. I am
> hoping problems are due to high usage, and that you will be able to
> access the article]
> This information was recieved through several posts on reformanet, the
> listserv of the American Library Association's REFORMA
> , The Association to Promote Library and
> Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, which is also
> under attack by CAIRCO
> Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MSLIS
> Community Outreach Liaison
> National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
> Creighton University Health Sciences Library
> 2500 California Plaza
> Omaha, NE 68178
> 402-280-4156/800-338-7657
> (NN/LM MCR Web Site)
> (Web Log)
> (Digital
> Divide Network Profile)
> ___
> DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
> in the body of the message.

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[DDN] New report on state of US broadband - Broadband Reality Check

2005-08-10 Thread Frannie Wellings

Hi everyone,

Free Press, the Consumer Federation of America and Consumers Union 
released a report today detailing the ways in which the FCC's recent 
positive assessment of US broadband penetration is misleading and 
glosses over serious problems behind an ever-widening digital divide.

The three groups have called on Congress to take notice of alarming 
trends and enact clear policies that will free the broadband market from 
domination by a handful of large cable and telecommunications companies. 
Their recommendations include ensuring open access to all high-speed 
communications networks, removing restrictions on public entities that 
seek to offer broadband services to consumers, and opening up more of 
the broadcast spectrum for wireless Internet applications.

A full copy of the report, Broadband Reality Check, is available at:

I thought some people on this list might be interested.


Frannie Wellings

Among the findings:

·The FCC overstates broadband penetration rates. The FCC report 
considers a ZIP code covered by broadband service if just one person 
subscribes. No consideration is given to price, speed or availability of 
that connection throughout the area.

·The FCC misrepresents exactly how many connections are 
"high-speed." The FCC defines "high-speed" as 200 kilobits per second, 
barely enough to receive low-quality streaming video and far below what 
other countries consider to be a high-speed connection.

·The United States remains 16th in the world in broadband 
penetration per capita. The United States also ranks 16th in terms of 
broadband growth rates, suggesting our world ranking won't improve any 
time soon. On a per megabit basis, U.S. consumers pay 10 to 25 times 
more than broadband users in Japan.

·Despite FCC claims, digital divide persists and is growing 
wider. Broadband adoption is largely dependent on socio-economic status. 
In addition, broadband penetration in urban and suburban in areas is 
double that of rural areas.

·Reports of a broadband "price war" are misleading. Analysis of 
"low-priced" introductory offers by companies like SBC and Comcast 
reveal them to be little more than bait-and-switch gimmicks.

·The FCC ignores the lack of competition in the broadband 
market. Cable and DSL providers control almost 98 percent of the 
residential and small-business broadband market. Yet the FCC recently 
eliminated "open access" requirements for DSL companies to lease their 
lines, rules that fostered the only true competition in the broadband 

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[DDN] grant

2005-08-10 Thread Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan
>From ALA Selected Sources for Grants 

The purpose of the CTC program is to assist eligible 
applicants to create or expand community technology centers that 
provide disadvantaged residents of economically distressed urban and 
rural communities with access to information technology and related 
training. In order to reach additional needy communities, the Assistant 
Secretary has determined that the best policy for the Department in FY 
2005 is to fund additional high-quality applications and that a 
sufficient number of high-quality 2004 applications remain available 
for funding.

July 13, 2005
Department of Education: Community Technology Centers Program

[re-printed from the Department of Education] 

Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Department of Education.

Notice of final changes to requirements.

SUMMARY: The Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education
announces changes to certain requirements governing the Community
Technology Centers (CTC) program that the Department established in 2004
and used for the fiscal year (FY) 2004 CTC competition. Specifically,
the Assistant Secretary is removing the following two requirements: 

That novice and non-novice applicants in CTC competitions be ranked and
funded separately, and 
that at least 75 percent of the funds be set aside for non-novice
applicants and up to 25 percent of the funds be set aside for novice
The Assistant Secretary will abide by the revised requirements in making
awards in FY 2005 from the list of unfunded applicants from the FY 2004
CTC competition.

This notice of final changes to requirements is effective August 11,

Karen Holliday, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and
Adult Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Potomac Center Plaza, Room
11089, Washington, DC 20202-7241. Telephone: (202) 245-7708 or via e-
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please type ``CTC Notice Correspondence''
as the subject line of your electronic message.

If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you may call
the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339.

This notice does not solicit applications.

[] or 

Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MSLIS
Community Outreach Liaison
National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
Creighton University Health Sciences Library
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (NN/LM MCR Web Site) (Web Log) (Digital
Divide Network Profile)

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[DDN] Digital Accessibility in Education

2005-08-10 Thread Noble, Steve (OFB-LV)
The announcement below contains information on two notable projects designed
to reduce the digital divide in education for students with disabilities... 

-Original Message-

I am pleased to announce that the Commonwealth of Kentucky is once again in
the national spotlight as an innovative leader in educational practices. Two
Kentucky education projects are featured in this month's edition of the
journal Information Technology and Disabilities. Kentucky's "Universal
Design for Learning" and the Kentucky "Accessible Information Technology in
Schools" (AITIS) projects are the topics in two separate articles in the
August 2005 issue of the journal, which is a special theme issue
highlighting a number of nationally significant "promising practices" on
accessible information technology in educational settings. An abstract of
these articles follows.

By Michael Abell, University of Louisville, and Preston Lewis, Kentucky
Department of Education
Abstract: The state of Kentucky has embarked upon a large scale systems
change effort to integrate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles,
including use of digital curriculum and computerized reading supports to
improve overall student achievement. As higher expectations are placed on
student outcomes, UDL offers a host of instructional advantages leading to
improved performance for Kentucky's K-12 students.

By Steve Noble, Kentucky Assistive Technology Service Network
Abstract: The Kentucky Accessible Information Technology In Schools (AITIS)
Project was developed to provide Kentucky public school systems with the
tools and resources necessary to understand and comply with Kentucky's
Accessible Information Technology Act. The AITIS Project has developed state
accessibility guidelines designed to create effective district-level policy
for schools, has conducted surveys to measure the level of district
awareness and activity, and has provided direct technical assistance
supports to school system personnel to ensure that computer mediated and
computer assisted learning strategies and other information technology (IT)
components are not "locking out" students with disabilities.

I know from my interactions with education and policy professionals outside
of Kentucky that both the UDL and AITIS projects are viewed as national
models worthy of replication. You may read both of these articles on the web
free of charge. The index page for the August issue is at this link:

Steve Noble
Policy Analyst
Kentucky Assistive Technology Service Network
8412 Westport Road
Louisville, KY 40242
Voice: (502) 429-4484  x268
Toll-Free: (800) 327-5287
Fax: (502) 429-7114
Funding for the KY-AITIS Project is provided in part by the Southeast
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center (SE-DBTAC) through a
grant by the U.S. Dept. of Education (Grant #H133D010207).
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[DDN] Fwd: LRC Best Global Website Award - Deadline Extension

2005-08-10 Thread Donald Z. Osborn
FYI...   DZO

- Forwarded message from LRC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 12:22:06 +0100
 Subject: FW: [LRC Press Release] LRC Best Global Website Award - Deadline

Following a number of enquiries the Localisation Research Centre
and Euro RSCG Interaction have decided to extend the entry deadline
for the 2005 LRC Best Global Website Award.

The new closing date for this award is August 31st 2005.

Launched in 2003, the LRC Best Global Website award seeks to reward 
the web's most innovative website in relation to multilingual and 
multicultural issues. 

The goal of the award is to highlight the capabilities of a truly 
globalised site and show the increased effectiveness and 
profitability of this style of website.

In 2005 the award is truly global, inviting companies and designers 
from ALL corners of the globe to submit their work for consideration. 
Websites will be judged on a variety of different criteria by a 
panel of academic and industry experts.

If your company website caters for a minimum of 3 languages, 
is regularly updated and shows excellent quality at all levels 
of design then it may be eligible for this award. 

For more information and to enter this award visit 
or contact the Localisation Research Centre at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Deadline for entries is August 31st 2005.

This Award is sponsored by Euro RSCG Interaction.

- End forwarded message -

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[DDN] two views on using your neighbor's wireless internet

2005-08-10 Thread Phil Shapiro

hi everyone -

 for those who might be interested, here are two views about usage of
one's neighbors wireless internet.

 one is from CCN/Money. one is from the blogosphere. note how the
issue is characterized in different ways.

 - phil

Phil Shapiro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal) (blog) (technology access work) (video and rich media)

"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others." - Desiderata
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Re: [DDN] VOIP for nonprofits

2005-08-10 Thread Jim Vines
Hello Brian:
Generally you can expect VoIP to be cost effective. I could come right out and 
say yes it is, but I'd feel better if you would fax a copy of ALL pages from a 
recent phone bill. (I'll get the fax # for the local Kinko's so you can send.)
The other issue is the vendor's infrastructural support. Since there are so 
many "me-too" vendors, it is imperative to know what kind of infrastructural 
support they provide - so you get a dialtone immediately and so that the voice 
quality both ways is clear.
Using the VoIP service that I now sell, I call the Philippines and Nigeria with 
superior connection quality. Calls to cellphones overseas are still somewhat 
garbled as there appears to be a "latency" problem on the other end. However, 
as broadband access becomes widespread even in Third World countries, then 
"VoIP2VoIP" calling will yield excellent connections either way.
I am currently arranging a meeting between a longtime Nigerian colleague and 
his associates in a telco venture "back home" and top management of a leading 
VoIP provider here in the USA. This company is presently deploying 4,000 VoIP 
adapters in businesses in Dubai.
With this compamy's VoIP equipment, VoIP2VoIP calling is free worldwide, 
regardless which party calls whom. Here, my VoIP line costs $24.99 ($29.99 
shortly as E911 is added). That includes unlimited calling across the USA and 
Another thing that I like: Audio from the other end is an estimated 6 to 12 dB 
louder than with POTS. Not to mention clearer. It's even clearer going 
My VoIP # is 708-279-4329. I'll get back to you if you leave a message. (This # 
as well as two computers are connceted to a router, and the router is connected 
to the cable modem. Next I'll connect a hub, and have two VoIP lines connected 
to it. We will kiss POTS good-bye.)
I'm also cc-ing to my colleague and retired 33 year Bell System veteran. My 
background is in satellite coms. I have US and Canadian patents in sat antenna 
Jim Vines

Brian Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is anyone in the US using VoIP services to save money on phone bills for
small to medium size nonprofits?

If so is it cost effective for you?

Where you able to use the phone equipment you had already?

Did this service provide long distance and local phone calls?

I'm doing research on phone tech for the nonprofit I'm serving at.

-Brian R.

p.s. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you'd like to respond to
me directly.

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[DDN] GIVING the Poor a Voice - The East African - Nairobi,Kenya

2005-08-10 Thread David P. Dillard

From: George Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Aug 10, 2005  4:51 pm
Subject: GIVING the poor a voice - The East African - Nairobi,Kenya
 Send Email

GIVING the poor a voice
East African - Nairobi,Kenya
... In 1985, notes the World Association of Community Broadcasters
there were fewer than 10 independent radio stations on the entire


Read the Full Text of this MediaMentor post at this URL:

The increasing number of community radios shows that the ability of
ordinary people to communicate with each other has helped to promote
democracy and good governance in Africa, writes Itai Madamombe

THEIR TRANSMITTERS MAY reach only a few miles, but community radio
stations are enabling isolated communities across Africa to voice
their own concerns.

On air, ordinary citizens discuss issues that are central to them
such as gender relations and combating HIV/Aids. They share farming
tips and income generation ideas and explore ways to improve

"Development work at times can be like sleepwalking in fog," Denise
Gray-Felder, president of the Communication for Social Change
Consortium, said. "You know you're not where you are supposed to be,
and you can sense motion, but it is unclear exactly where you're
headed. A frequently missing 'guidepost' in development work is local
voices. Community radios provide profound new opportunities for more
inclusive sustainable development."

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 - 4584

Digital Divide Network

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Re: [DDN] Spanish Language materials at midst of controversy

2005-08-10 Thread John Mitchell
Clarification: The last link you provided appears to simply contain
information published by REFORMA, such as mission, goals and bylaws. 
(At first I thought CAIRCO was saying those things!)  Perhaps you
intended to link to or some
other URL?

John T. Mitchell

On 8/10/05, Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan
> The Denver Public Library is currently under attack by the Colorado
> Alliance for Immigration Reform CAIRCO  An
> article in the Denver Post has some information on the controversy.
>  [note this URL
> was working earlier today, and lately, has had some problems. I am
> hoping problems are due to high usage, and that you will be able to
> access the article]
> This information was recieved through several posts on reformanet, the
> listserv of the American Library Association's REFORMA
> , The Association to Promote Library and
> Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, which is also
> under attack by CAIRCO
> Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MSLIS
> Community Outreach Liaison
> National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
> Creighton University Health Sciences Library
> 2500 California Plaza
> Omaha, NE 68178
> 402-280-4156/800-338-7657
> (NN/LM MCR Web Site)
> (Web Log)
> (Digital
> Divide Network Profile)
> ___
> DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
> in the body of the message.

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[DDN] VOIP for nonprofits

2005-08-10 Thread Brian Russell
Is anyone in the US using VoIP services to save money on phone bills for
small to medium size nonprofits?

If so is it cost effective for you?

Where you able to use the phone equipment you had already?

Did this service provide long distance and local phone calls?

I'm doing research on phone tech for the nonprofit I'm serving at.

-Brian R.

p.s. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you'd like to respond to
me directly.

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[DDN] The N-TEN Webinars

2005-08-10 Thread Deborah Elizabeth Finn
(A version of this item - with live links - is available at

Dear Colleagues,

According to the Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (N-TEN
), a webinar is " online seminar hosted by
N-TEN, on topics relating to nonprofit technology. Participants log-in
to watch the presentation on their personal computers and listen by
dialing in by phone."

I'm somewhat dubious about the power of online education, but my
confidence in N-TEN's ingenuity is very high.  Therefore, if N-TEN is
offering webinars on nonprofit technology, that is very interesting
news indeed.

Here is the list of upcoming webinars in the N-TEN series:

Aug. 16: Demographics and Sub-Demographics | Web Analytics Demystified
Presented by Jordan Dossett of Antharia

Aug. 30: Blogging: Getting Started
Presented by Marnie Webb of CompuMentor

Sept. 15: Best Practices for Streaming Media Production
Presented by Steve Mack of LUX Media 501

Oct. 12: Online Publishing and Content Management with Open Source Software
Presented by Ryan Ozimek of PICNet

Nov. 3: How the Internet has Changed Volunteering
Presented by Greg Baldwin of VolunteerMatch

Nov. 15: Branding Through Websites
Presented by Laura Quinn of Alder Consulting

Best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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[DDN] Tablet and PDAs for development

2005-08-10 Thread Joe Monahan


I am new to the digital divide network and am not sure if my post is 
appropriate for the mailing list.

I am at Engineering Distance Education at Iowa State University. I have 
been experimenting with tablet-pcs for distance education. The system I 
put together has proven popular here among faculty and students. Its 
portable and relatively inexpensive, so I believe it has the potential 
to be of benefit in some development settings.

Details are at my web site:

If this may be of interest to the digital-divide community I would be 
happy to share -

Joe Monahan
Engineering Distance Education
Iowa State University

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[DDN] Spanish Language materials at midst of controversy

2005-08-10 Thread Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan
The Denver Public Library is currently under attack by the Colorado
Alliance for Immigration Reform CAIRCO  An
article in the Denver Post has some information on the controversy.  [note this URL
was working earlier today, and lately, has had some problems. I am
hoping problems are due to high usage, and that you will be able to
access the article]
This information was recieved through several posts on reformanet, the
listserv of the American Library Association's REFORMA , The Association to Promote Library and
Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, which is also
under attack by CAIRCO 

Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MSLIS
Community Outreach Liaison
National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
Creighton University Health Sciences Library
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (NN/LM MCR Web Site) (Web Log) (Digital
Divide Network Profile)

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[DDN] Blogs de EnRed (fwd)

2005-08-10 Thread Andy Carvin
For those of you who read Spanish, Carlos Roberto Cabrera of Regilete 
has an updated list of nearly 100 blogs from Guatemala's EnRed project, 
which encourages students from around Guatemala to start their own blogs 
about topics that interest them.

Info courtesy of David Sasaki at Global Voices (

Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
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