RE: [DIGITALDIVIDE] multimedia blogging from the DNC in Boston

2004-07-29 Thread Jayne Cravens
>> I know the subject matter is off-topic, but since many list members are
interested in the use of blogs for civic community journalism, I thought
I'd share this with you. I've just posted a series of entries on my blog
covering today's anti-torture rally at Boston's Copley Square, headlined by
former presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, which I visited during
lunch. Kucinich gave a fiery speech, and several anti--Bush protestors got
into a shouting match with a pair of pro-Bush activists.

To make it even more on-topic -- this is a perfect illustration, to me, of yet another 
reason why regular, reliable Internet access to everyone is so important. The forum it 
can provide to those ignored by corporate media, and the access it can provide to more 
in-depth information, is much needed. Imagine blogs happening at every major political 
event worldwide... but for them to be effective, everyone has to have access. 

Ofcourse, it also gives a forum to some wackos -- I heard snippets of songs being sung 
by the notorious Rev. Phelps on Air America Radio (www.airamericaradio) yesterday in 
the "free speech cage." Scary....

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
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[DIGITALDIVIDE] ICTs and Civil Society Conference-March 2-4, 2005

2004-08-04 Thread Jayne Cravens
First Annual Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT) "ICTs and Civil Society" 
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
March 2-4, 2005

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) face numerous challenges in keeping up with rapidly 
changing ICT developments. These include developing internal organizational and 
educational processes, making technology investments, developing and implementing 
electronic communication strategies, and staying abreast of a wide range of ICT policy 
issues impacting on the sector. The conference will therefore focus specifically on 
these ICT challenges facing the CSO sector, highlighting and promoting practical 
benefits, opportunities and lessons learned to date. It will provide an opportunity to 
both CSOs that are ICT-enabled, as well as those organizations which are considering 
introducing ICT solutions to their work, to discuss critical issues of common concern 
and learn from one another's experiences. This conference is aimed at leadership staff 
and technical employees in CSOs, and individuals who work with these organizations, 
including donor agencies, the private sector and the govern!

For more information, or to suggest specific issues and topics to be covered at the 
conference, please contact Refilwe Rakhibane at SANGONeT: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit during the next few weeks.

(please, please do not write the person listed below for more information -- she does 
not have any)

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DIGITALDIVIDE] French Version of UNESCO's Community Browser eNRICH Online

2004-08-09 Thread Jayne Cravens
UNESCO announces the launch of the French language version of eNRICH, a fully 
customisable knowledge management software for communities to find their way around 
the mass of information and knowledge resources available on the Internet and to voice 
communities issues and create relevant content of their own.

(Jayne has NO further info)

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DIGITALDIVIDE] ICT-related job announcement with UNV

2004-08-24 Thread Jayne Cravens
You may forward this email to others. 

Please do NOT submit your application to the person sending this email!! 
All such submissions will be discarded!!


The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, based in Bonn, Germany and a part of 
UNDP, is currently recruiting for the following position. This is a full-time employee 
position, not a volunteer position, and is based in Bonn.

Programme: Development and Operations Group/Volunteer Resources Unit
Job title:  United Nations Information Technology Service (UNITeS) 
Duty station:   Bonn
Type of contract:   Local ALD/2 (Appointment of Limited Duration)
Closing date:   27 August 2004

The job description is also available on the following UNV public site:

Qualified candidates may send applications drafted in English to:  
Please include an updated Personal History form, which is available at  

Please do NOT submit your application to the person sending this email!! All such 
submissions will be discarded!!

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

RE: [DDN] Workshop on ICT4D at European Social Forum

2004-10-14 Thread Jayne Cravens
>> Title: "Appropriate ICTs: tools for development in the era of Digital  

Wow, I really wish I had had more notice about this -- I would have loved to have 

Everyone -- if you have an ICT4D event in Europe, **please** post info about it to 
this list as early as possible. Most of us are in bureacracies and under budgets that 
don't allow us to go to events last minute!

For anyone who attends, I would love to hear about this workshop, what's presented, 
what conclusions are reached, etc. 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] JOB: spectrum policy program

2004-10-14 Thread Jayne Cravens
Please do NOT respond to the person who is posting this message.
She has NOTHING to do with this program.

The Program Associate, a full-time staff position, will support the Director and 
Senior Research Fellow for the Spectrum Policy Program. This advocacy-oriented program 
researches broadcast media and wireless telecommunications issues related to the 
public airwaves. It develops policy reform proposals to update and expand the public's 
access to our nation's communications infrastructure in the digital era, with a 
particular emphasis on universal wireless broadband access and securing a better 
return to the American people for commercial use of the airwaves.

Please do NOT respond to the person who is posting this message.
She has NOTHING to do with this program.

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] UNITeS Red Latinoamericana y Foro International Sobre Tecnologías de Información

2004-09-29 Thread Jayne Cravens
The following are links to web sites, in Spanish, by the University of Colima in 
Mexico regarding some of their volunteerism in ICT4D activities, in collaboration with 
the UNITeS initiative at UNV ( The materials are not available in 
English (but the UNITeS web site is in English). 

UNITeS Red Latinoamericana
Un proyecto por la Universidad de Colima (México) y UNITeS (, 
una parte del programa de Voluntarios de las Naciones Unidas (VNU). Los estudiantes 
voluntarios de la universidad en ICT4D.


Foro International Sobre Tecnologías de Información
22 al 26 de Noviembre de 2004
El foro se llevará a cabo del 22 al 26 de noviembre de 2004, en la Biblioteca de 
Ciencias de la Universidad de Colima (México) y está dirigido a personas interesadas 
en el uso y aplicación de la tecnología en el mundo de la información, su impacto en 
las bibliotecas, los servicios de información, la educación, la sociedad, la difusión 
de la cultura, la ciencia y la tecnología. 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] new profiles of volunteers engaged in ICT4D

2004-09-30 Thread Jayne Cravens
As part of its mission to promote the role of volunteers in Information Communication 
and Technology for Development (ICT4D), UNITeS profiles related activities by UN 
Volunteers who are serving or have served in the field. These profiles are now 
presented by country at

UNITeS is about ALL volunteers applying ICT4D, not only UN Volunteers. There is also a 
section on the UNITeS web site that profiles the contributions of volunteers from a 
variety of organizations applying ICT4D as each relates to the Millennium Development 
Goals (MDGs).

UNITeS also hosts an online discussion group for volunteers from any organization 
engaged in ICT4D. For more information:

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] Resource recommendation: Multimedia Training Kit for Community Multimedia Centres

2004-10-18 Thread Jayne Cravens
Multimedia Training Kit for Community Multimedia Centres Expanding and Available on CD 
11-10-2004 (UNESCO)

New units and modules are considerably expanding the Multimedia Training Kit (MMTK) 
for staff of Community Multimedia Centres. The latest additions to the kit, which is 
available from UNESCO on CD ROM or can be downloaded from the Internet, have been 
funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and developed by the 
Association for Progressive Communication (APC). 

The MMTK's comprehensive suite of open-access, interactive, learning modules covers 
organizational, management, content production and issue-based training, for staff of 
Community Multimedia Centres, community radio stations and telecentres. The kit is 
produced in a collaborative process led by UNESCO involving key stakeholders in the 
field of information and communication for development. 

The latest materials added to the MMTK curriculum are mainly on ICT policy and include 
14 topics, ranging from the ICT policy process and international and regional 
influences on ICT policy, to gender and ICTs policy and advocacy journalism. Other new 
units currently under preparation and funded by UNESCO include an introduction to 
research methods, radio formats, strategic technology planning, producing content for 
exchange and audio archiving. 

For the first time, the MMTK is now being produced in a French-language version, with 
modules either being translated/adapted from English or created in French. These too 
will be available before the end of the year and will include such topics as producing 
oral testimony and moderating a discussion list. 

International partners having joined UNESCO in supporting the MMTK financially, 
include the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the UK Department for 
International Development and the Rockefeller Foundation. The partners involved in 
developing the kit include the Association for Progressive Communication,, AMARC, Search for Common Ground, Radio for Development and Panos. 

For more info:

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

RE: [DDN] Boston group promotes wireless access, as does mayor of San Francisco

2004-10-26 Thread Jayne Cravens

> For those interested in promoting widespread wireless access, 
> I'd like to direct your attention to today's web debut of the 
> Boston Wireless Advocacy Group (of which I'm a member). 
> Our motto is:  Educate, Motivate, Inspire. Visit us at
> <>

Anyone know of such advocacy groups in Europe? Or anywhere outside North America, 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] Linux Technology Extension centres in Kerala

2004-10-29 Thread Jayne Cravens
In India, a programme anchored by the Centre for Development of Imaging Technology 
(C-DIT), has been launched, where 107 computer training institutes spread across all 
14 districts of Kerala have been beefed up as `Linux Technology Extension (LiTE) 
centres.' Soon each centre will provide the customers with practical help in 
configuring their PCs around the Linux operating system. The centres will also provide 
training in Linux applications, in installing the `OpenOffice' suite, and will sell 
for a nominal cost, C-DIT-developed tools such as the `Kairali Linux' distribution, 
localised for the Malayalam font, as well as one of the first Indian language primers 
on Free Software, the Malayalam-language book, `Swathanthra Softwayerum GNU/Linuxum,' 
for just Rs.55. 

Source: The Hindu 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] Time To Get Online/Venez Sur Internet

2004-11-02 Thread Jayne Cravens
#x27;auto formation "Venez sur Internet" pour en 
faire bénéficier mon organisation?

Vous pouvez accéder au support du matériel de deux manières différentes:

1) Télécharger les!

Télécharger notre support d'auto formation « Venez su Internet » est 
gratuit. Le support est sous le format Adobe PDF, ce qui implique que 
vous ayez le logiciel Adobe Acrobat, afin de le lire ou encore pour 
l'imprimer. La version compressée se télécharge beaucoup plus 
rapidement, mais elle requiert un extracteur de fichiers zippés.

Pour Télécharger la dernière version maintenant, cliquez sur

2) Commander une version imprimée

Vous avez également la possibilité de commander une version imprimée 
du support du matériel d'auto formation. Cette version imprimée est 
accompagnée d'un CD-ROM contenant des informations additionnelles 
telles que des adresses de sites Web ou encore des logiciels. Mais 
uniquement dans le but de couvrir nos charges d'impression et de 
transport. Le prix de l'impression et du transport dépend de la 
distance et donc du coût du transport pour vous expédier la version. 
Ce coût de transport se situe généralement entre $25 et $40 ; 
Veuillez contacter Kabissa a [EMAIL PROTECTED], afin de 
connaître l'exactitude du prix et pour enregistrer votre commande.

--- this message is forwarded by ---

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

[DDN] Design That Matters

2004-11-02 Thread Jayne Cravens
Design that Matters (DTM), a student-run organization founded at the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology, promotes engineering design to help underserved communities.  
The group organizes lectures, conferences, and speaker presentations to raise 
awareness and disseminate information about relevant applications of technology and 
design work within the private sector, the public sector, academic institutions, and 
NGOs.  DTM is also affiliated with a class taught at MIT, in which students are 
presented with specific design challenges.  The goal is to implement solutions 
developed by students in the actual target community.   DTM is forming a network of 
local, national, and international partners working to bring engineering and 
technological solutions to communities in need. The network helps partner MIT students 
with outside organizations so for research projects and fieldwork. It also links 
students to members of the academic community and NGO community who can provide them!
  with guidance and insight.  DTM seeks to expand its work into other areas and 
communities, and to develop more connections with people working in the field (be they 
in academia, NGOs or private companies) to identify new design challenges and 
solutions.  ICT for Development practitioners could serve as mentors mentors to DTM 
students, and could visit the campus to give presentations. 

For more information visit:

(posted by someone with no affiliation with this initiative)

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the 
body of the message.

RE: [DDN] produces comprehensive guide on setting up andoperating a successful computer refurbishment centre in Africa

2004-11-09 Thread Jayne Cravens
> Moreover, experience with using refurbished computers 
> has shown that they be can more trouble than they are worth.  
> Upon receipt they often still require upgrading, configuration, 
> and software.  

I hear this criticism alot, but have yet to see any hard evidence that it's 
true. I've heard just as many horror stories about frustrations with new 
computers that I've heard about used computers. The reality is that, no matter 
WHAT route an organization goes -- used or new -- it needs to be ready to 
understand that there has to be support in place to make the computers work and 
to keep them working. 

Kudos to Bridges for a much-needed program, one that will do well, I think. 
These programs, when well-thought-through and with adequate support in place, 
can be very successful.

Also, in response to this:

> I hope this does not turn Africa into a dumping site for used
> computers from the West. As you mention "environmental mandates
> will be kicking in", who are going to be the "gatekeepers" from
> preventing the use of Africa as a dumping site?

What about Africans themselves being these gatekeepers? There are MANY avenues 
for your voice to be heard. Write Bridges directly and ask them, contact local 
environmental organizations and your government and see what they will be doing 
regarding environmental hazards causes by computers, etc. 

Indeed, environmental concerns are just as important in the so-called 
"developing" world as they are in the "developed" world, and dealing with 
hazardous materials in older computers should be addressed. We all should be 
concerned about the many incidents of developing countries dumping "e-waste" in 
the developing world. There are several organizations trying to address this: 
the Basel Action Network (Ban), the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, Toxics 
Link India, and Greenpeace, are but four. 

However, I seriously doubt the Bridges initiative is some kind of veiled 
attempt to discard waste onto Africa, but if you are feeling skeptical, contact 
them directly and get their response -- I'm sure they have one. 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

[DDN] ICT4D and people with disabilities

2004-11-24 Thread Jayne Cravens
The ICT4D collective at Royal Holloway, University of London undertakes many 
activities relating to the appropriate and sustainable use of ICT for 
development. A co-worker passed their information on to me, specifically their 
page on ICT and disabilities:
Most of the resources you will know, but perhaps a few will be new to you.

On this page, on the lower left hand side, is a photo of a poster from Ghana, 
and it really got to me. People with disabilities in Africa have a particularly 
harsh time, and I think a poster like this would definitely make someone think 
twice. Here is the direct link:

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

[DDN] Moving on in February

2004-12-02 Thread Jayne Cravens
After four years, my contract at the UN Volunteers program is at last coming to 
an end. I will leave UNV in mid-February... but not Germany. I am hoping to 
stay here in Deutschland through 2006.

The position I have held at UNV, managing the Online Volunteering service 
(, should be announced very shortly. When it is, it 
will be posted here:

In the next two years, I will concentrate on finishing my Master's Degree in 
Development Management with Open University 
(, continuing language studies, and 
pursuing consulting work in NPO/NGO capacity-building.

My UNV email will work for most of 2005, but I'm always reachable via my own 
web site:
Specifically: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I plan on continuing to participate on this online discussion group after I 
leave UNV, as time allows.

So, until February...

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

[DDN] In Swahili

2004-12-09 Thread Jayne Cravens

Slashdot says: "A [1]reported on Gnuheter (in Swedish) and elsewhere, 
[2] has been [3]translated to Swahili in a joint collaboration 
effort of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Dar es Salaam 
(UDSM) and a company called IT+46, and funded by the university and [4]Swedish 
International Development Cooperation Agency. Neither Microsoft Office nor 
Windows supports Swahili. Currently, only the Tanzanian dialect has been 
completed, but Kenyan, Congo and Ugandan dialects are on their way. It's called 
[5]Jambo OpenOffice and is part of the [6]Kilinux Open Swahili Localization 


Discuss this story at:
(or, ofcourse, right here on the Digitial Divide Network)

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

[DDN] nominations sought for Development Gateway Award-deadline Feb. 28, 2005

2004-12-20 Thread Jayne Cravens
Nominations are being sought for the second Development Gateway Award. The 
$100,000 award will recognize outstanding achievement in using information and 
communication technologies (ICT) to improve people's lives in developing 
countries. The first award, previously called the Petersberg Prize, was given 
earlier this year to the Grameen Bank-Village Phone project, through which 
women entrepreneurs can start a business providing wireless payphone service in 
rural areas of Bangladesh. Grameen Bank-Village Phone was chosen from over 200 
nominations for its significant impact in creating a new class of women 
entrepreneurs who have raised themselves from poverty while serving their 
communities. An international panel of independent jurors will review and 
select the finalists and winner of the second award, which will be presented in 
mid-2005. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2005.  
For information, rules, and access to the online nomination form, please go to: 

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
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[DDN] French Version of UNESCO Guide on Community Multimedia Centres Now Available

2004-12-27 Thread Jayne Cravens
(English version follows second)

La version française du guide sur les Centres communautaires multimédia vient 
d'être publié
23-12-2004 (UNESCO)

L'UNESCO vient de publier la version française du guide sur les Centres 
communautaires multimédia intitulé "Guide pratique des Centres Multimédia 
Communautaires". Ecrit par des praticiens reconnus et des chercheurs 
travaillant sur les CMC ou les TIC pour le développement, le guide est 
disponible en version papier, CD Rom et sur Webworld. 

Ce manuel est un outil pratique pour l'élaboration des CMC ou d'autres modèles 
de média communautaires (centres d'informations, télécentres, centres 
d'apprentissage communautaires, etc...). 

Ce guide pourra être susciter l'intérêt du personnel et dirigeants, des groupes 
communautaires, des ONG favorisant la prise en charge communautaire, des 
planificateurs en communication travaillant pour le développement, des 
formateurs, des partenaires de projet et des chercheurs. Ce guide est destiné à 
ceux qui cherchent à monter un CMC ou un centre d'information, car il couvre un 
éventail de sujet allant de la diffusion audiovisuelle communautaire à la 
gestion du télécentre. 

Onze chapitre sont dédiés à des questions spécifiquement liées aux CMC : 
différents types de CMC, technologies appliquées aux CMC, engagement de la 
communauté, développement de la formation et des capacités, organisation, 
recherche et évaluation, durabilité, recherche d'information et de contenu. 
Cette publication contient de nombreuses illustrations, des exemples pratiques 
et des cas d'école de CMC opérationnelles qui en font une référence facile à 
utiliser. Le guide est désormais disponible en anglais et en français. 

Ce guide est complémentaire du kit de formation multimédia (MMTK), un matériel 
pour atelier de formation en accès libre que l'UNESCO développe avec ses 
partenaires. Les premiers modules sont disponibles sur 

French Version of UNESCO Guide on Community Multimedia Centres Now Available
23-12-2004 (UNESCO)

UNESCO has just published the French version of a handbook on Community 
Multimedia Centres entitled: "How To Get Started And Keep Going: A Guide to 
Community Multimedia Centres". Written by reputed practitioners and researchers 
working on CMCs or ICT for development, it is available in hard copy, CD Rom 
and on WebWorld. 

The book is a practical tool intended to be of use to those involved in CMCs or 
other models of community media (information centers, multipurpose telecentres, 
community learning centers, etc.). 

Staff and managers, community groups, NGOs working for community empowerment, 
communication planners supporting development activities, trainers, project 
partners and researchers may all find the guide of interest. It will be of 
particular use to those wanting to start a CMC or a related information center, 
as it covers range of topics linked to community broadcasting and telecentre 

Specific CMC issues, ranging from types of CMC to relevant technologies, 
community involvement, developing training and skills, organizational matters, 
research and evaluation, sustainability and sourcing information and contents 
are dealt with in eleven chapters. It contains numerous illustrations, 
practical examples and case studies from operational CMCs, which makes it a 
user-friendly reference. The guide is available now in English and French. 

This book is a complementary resource to the Multimedia Training Kit (MMTK), a 
comprehensive suite of workshop-ready, open-access training materials that 
UNESCO and a group of stakeholders are developing. The first modules of this 
tool are available on  

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

[DDN] how to help those affected by the tsunamis

2004-12-27 Thread Jayne Cravens
Many of us on this list work in international development, and almost all of us 
work for mission-based organizations. You are, therefore, probably already 
being asked by volunteers and others how to help those affected by the 
devastating tsunamis in South East Asia.

There are two excellent web sites that I suggest to help guide those who are 
interested in 
identifying what organizations are working in this region that would be happy 
to accept donations to help the people affected by these tsunamis, and provide 
extensive updates on relief efforts:

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

[DDN] Digital Communities - conference June 5-9, Italy

2005-01-06 Thread Jayne Cravens
Benevento/Napoli, Campania, Italy
June 5-9, 2005

Digital Communities is an international network of scholars, policy makers, and 
urban analysts who share an interest in the relationship between information 
technologies and urban life. 

The Digital Communities conference in 2005 is in Benevento and Napoli, Italy.  
The conference will explore a wide range of themes associated with information 
technology, the knowledge economy, technology policy, and the significance of 
place in cyberspace.  Of special interest is the experience of locations within 
the Mediterranean region.  

Digital Communities 2005 is led by Maria Paradiso (Università degli Studi del 
Sannio) and organized in collaboration with Michigan State University   (Mark 
Wilson, Kenneth E Corey), the IGU Commission on the Geography of Information 
Society (Aharon Kellerman, University of Haifa ; Henry Bakis, University of 
Montpellier III ) and the Journal of Urban Technology (Richard Hanley).   

Digital Communities 2005 is supported by RCOST-Research Centre on Software 
Technology, Centro di Competenza ICT, MARS-Mediterranean Agency for Remote 
Sensing and Università degli Studi del Sannio 

For more information

If you would like to participate by presenting a paper or organizing a session, 
please read the conference details listed in the call for papers. 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

RE: [DDN] narrated flash web tour of various DDN members' pro bono work

2005-01-25 Thread Jayne Cravens
> i'll be focusing on the pro bono work people are
> involved with -- whether it be web design, teaching, 
> computer refurbishing, video production, or anything 
> of that sort.

Those of you who are engaged in pro bono activities to support initiatives to 
help bridge the digital divide are VOLUNTEERS, and there is a community that is 
set up specifically for such volunteers: the UNITeSCommunity, an interactive 
online discussion group, part of the United Nations Information Technology 
Service ( and the UN Volunteers programme (

This group has an international focus, and most of the members are volunteers 
are working onsite in developing countries. However, volunteers working to help 
bridge the digital divide in any country is welcomed to join:

We have very few women on the group -- would really like to see more women 
volunteers engaged in ICT4D on the list, as well as those who are engaged in 
activities to encourage more women to learn about and use ICTs. But, ofcourse, 
anyone engaged in ICT4D as a volunteer is welcomed to join. Hope to see you 

Jayne Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Online Volunteering Specialist
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany

Online Volunteering:
Global volunteerism portal:

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.