Hello all,
Recently I set the ball rolling for an event called PodcasterCon. My hope
is that podcasters and those wanting to learn about podcasting will work
*together* to make this event. The URL is www.podcastercon.org

Here is the statement of purpose as of now:
PodcasterCon is a free users conference about podcasting. The focus will
be on learning. In effect it is an anti-expo without swag, without product
promotion, and a way to keep podcasting fun!

Please come on over to the wiki at www.podcastercon.org/wiki
* register a user name
* login
* start editing the pages.

PodcasterCon will be held at the University of North Carolina in Chapel
Hill, NC sometime in Jan or Feb of 2006. We are working as a group to
finalize the exact date.

My sincere hope is we can all learn a lot and have fun. I hope you can
participate in making this event happen.

p.s. you can hear our first planning group meeting in MP3 format here.
<http://www.audioactivism.org/audio/podcastercon/podcon_050330.mp3> The
URL for the podcast of all future meetings is


> Views From iPodster
> "Podcasting will shift much of our time away from an old medium where we
> wait for what we might want to hear to a new medium where we choose what
> we want to hear, when we want to hear it."
> -- Noted Linux guru Doc Searls when he discovered podcasting way back in
> September.
> http://www.technewsworld.com/story/41967.html
> Bob Pyke Jr.,RN,NP
> or
> "The best journeys are the ones that answer questions that at the outset
> you never even thought to ask."
> Rick Ridgeway
> "There are certain spots in the world where you can stand that will change
> the way that you look at things forever."
> Pete Whitaker
> Co administrator Telehealth List Serve and E-health List Serve and roving
> editor at large.
> http://www.telehealth.net/interviews/pykebio.html
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