Re: Article discussing Go, could well be D

2011-06-09 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Adam D. Ruppe"  wrote in message 
>I find it interesting that so many people complain about the lack
> of libraries.
> software library: a way to waste a programmer's time
> reinventing wheels: a lie some programmers, who are paid by the
> hour, perpetuated so they can justify the "use" of software libraries
> The project could have been done in one day if he just sat down and
> got to work. Instead, he made up some bullshit about how reinventing
> wheels is bad.
> Thus, he now spends 3 days searching for a library. Another 5
> days trying to make it work. Another 10 days reading the
> godawful documentation. A day bitching about the suckiness on the
> internet.
> Then, finally, two days to integrate the library into his project.
> For bonus points, force the end users to install it too, because
> the more time wasted, the better.

Yup. There's definitely a lot of cases where pre-made libs are a huge help 
and a much better option, but I've gotten really fed up with the Anti-NIH 
Holy Crusaders, largely for the reasons you stated above. (Another good 
reason to actually embrace NIH-syndrome instead knee-jerking away from it 
out of principle is for mission-critical things where you can't afford the 
possibility of being left at the mercey of some outside group.)

What you said above is also why I *strongly* believe that good (and I mean 
*good*) documentation is every bit as important as actually 
writing/releasing a tool or library in the first place. I've seen so much 
"already-made" work that's rendered barely-usable due to less-than-stellar 
documentation (or even worse: bad or non-existant documentation). What's the 
point out of putting stuff out there if nobody knows how to use it? What's 
the point of using something if figuring it out and getting it to work takes 
about as much effort as DIY? That's why (for public projects anyway) I force 
myself, even if I don't want to, to put all the effort I need to into 
documentation to make things as easy as possible. Otherwise, all that effort 
writing the code would likely have been for nothing anyway.

Re: Removing undefined behavior of bitshifts

2011-06-09 Thread Don

s_lange wrote:

Am 07.06.2011 01:20, schrieb Timon Gehr:

I'd much prefer the behavior to be defined as 1<1<<(0x1f&x); (That's what D effectively does during runtime. It is 
also what

the machine code supports, at least in x87).

Well, you probably mean what x86 processors do.

The behaviour of x86 processors in this regard is (at leas) well 
defined, but not uniform. It all depends whether you use general-purpose 
integer instructions or some 64, 128, or 256-bit SIMD instructions (MMX, 

Int denotes 32-bit integers, operations on differently sized integer are 

For general-purpose integer instructions, the following identities hold 
(l<>x == l>>(x & 0x1F)) for any (signed | 
unsigned) int l and x , regardless whether arithmetical or logical right 
shifts are used.

However, for SIMD integer instructions, things are a little different 
and the following identities hold true:
(l<= 0x20 ? 0 : l>x == (unsigned int)x >= 0x20 ? 0 : l>>x) for any (signed | unsigned) 
int x and any unsigned int l (using logical right shifts)
(l>>x == (unsigned int)x >= 0x20 ? -1 : l>>x) for any (signed | 
unsigned) int x and any signed int l (using arithmetic right shifts)

As of yet, there are only general-pupose integer rotate instructions on 
x86 processors, and very few other CPUs and µCs actually implement 
rotate instructions.

Really? Itanium, PowerPC, ARM, 6502, Z80, PIC all have rotate 
instructions. I've never used a processor that didn't.

Re: How about "auto" parameters?

2011-06-09 Thread Ary Manzana

On 6/9/11 9:56 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

I don't think that there's any question that template error messages could be
improved, and they likely will be, but by their very nature, reporting
template-related errors seems to be a difficult task to adequately solve. It's
one of the things that many people complain about with C++. Template
constraints improve the situation considerably.

I don't think the problem is with templates. If I try to compile this:

void foo(int param) {
  return param * 2;

void main() {

it says:

main.d(2): Error: * has no effect in expression (param * 2)

WTF? Don't make me think. I just really want to know that I'm returning 
from a void function and I can't do that.

Let's assign foo(3) to something:

void foo(int param) {
  return param * 2;

void main() {
  auto x = foo(3);

It says:

main.d(2): Error: * has no effect in expression (param * 2)
main.d(6): Error: variable main.main.x voids have no value
main.d(6): Error: expression foo(3) is void and has no value

Really? Voids have no value? That's good to know, I didn't know that 
voids have no value.

Mmm... those are messages to be read by the compiler, not by the user. 
The compiler is expecting something that's not void and it is getting a 
void thing. The message it generates is "Voids has no value".

The problem are not templates or templates messages. The problem is that 
the very basic compiler error messages are targeted at the compiler, not 
the developer.

And then this:

void main() {
  const x = 1;
  x = 3;

main.d(3): Error: variable main.main.x cannot modify const

What do you mean when you say that the variable x cannot modify const? 
Wait, I desguise myself as Tarzan and now I understand. It should be 
"Error: trying to modify const variable main.main.x".

There is an excellent book called "Don't make me think". When I see 
"variable main.main.x cannot modify const" I have to think a little to 
understand that that means "variable main.main.x is const and cannot be 
modified". Don't make me think. :-)

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Alex_Dovhal  wrote:

> There have been several topics discussing UFCS recently. So here is one
> more)
> One idea about UFCS - mark UFCS argument with @, @_, or _ symbol,
> e.g. you have some function:
> void func(Type1 p1, Type2 p2);
> and later call it:
> fucn(a, b);  //or
> a.func(@_, b);  //or
> b.func(a, @_);
> This way Timon Gehr's example:
> would be written as this:
>[3,2,5,3].cycle(@_).stride(2, @_).take(10, @_);
> Which is a little longer. On the other side this way benefits from:
>  * UFCS is directly seen by both the programmer and compiler;
>  * UFCS doesn't mix with member call syntax;
>  * UFCS can be used for any type and for any argument, e.g.
>a.func(@, b) or b.func(a, @);
>  * UFCS can be used for more than one argument: a.func(@_, @_~[1]);
> What do you think?

I find it funny that @ was initially adopted for annotations, to be used
similar to Java and Scala. I come from that world, and one of the rules for
annotations is that they cannot directly alter the code the compiler
outputs. You can add plugins to the Java compiler that use annotations to
modify the AST before it's compiled, and you can use annotations for runtime
bytecode generation or interpret them using reflection, but if you take
unannotated code and annotated code and compile it (without altering the
compiler), the generated code will not change.
The idea was to make them a part of the language composed entirely of
metadata (some of which was enforced to be correct by the compiler) that
could be completely ignored if the programmer didn't want to use it.
Now that D has taken up this syntax, we've done almost the opposite. @ is
mostly used in situations where it changes the compiled code, changes the
existing language,  and is in no way optional. We don't really support user
defined metadata, and we can't use what annotations we have as metadata
because only the compiler can actually use it. Most of the uses I've seen
seem to be a way to cram more keywords into the language without adding more
I've been holding in this sort of rant for a while, but in summary, my
response is that unless the desired use for @ was defined radically
differently by D when it was adopted (and, as far as I can tell, it wasn't),
seeing another abuse of it just makes me feel slightly sick inside.

Re: Article discussing Go, could well be D

2011-06-09 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Jeff Nowakowski"  wrote in message 
> On 06/08/2011 03:55 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> It's not that I have anything against Pike or Thompson. I don't. I
>> just think that as dumb as it is to use ad hominem reasoning in the
>> first place, it's even dumber to invoke it in such an anachronistic
>> way.
> Then don't do it yourself. Your Pike bashing was uncalled for. The
> author didn't say anything about Pike except to mention him as one of
> the original developers. If he was gushing over the man or saying Go is
> worthwhile because of him, then you'd have a point.

Once again, I wasn't Pike-bashing. You're misinterpreting my words and 
assuming I did. Billions of people, obviously myself included, have never 
done *anything* of real significant note whether recently or 800 years ago. 
And everyone knows that. So how the heck can saying "some guy who did 
something significant 40 years ago and hasn't done a damn thing of note 
since" even *possibly* be taken as an insult? So what if he hasn't? Most 
people don't do a damn thing of note their entire lives. I'll probably never 
do a damn thing of note my entire life (even as much as I try). Who cares? 
It's just fact (well, aside from the definition of "noteworthy" being a bit 
vague). The only thing my statement *could* rationally be taken as is that 
I'm just simply *not* praising him. Not praising someone is hardly the same 
as insulting them (unless you consider them some deity).

Again, my entire point for even bringing it up was that the association with 
"Google/Pike/Thompson" (plus all the "buzz" around the language, which all 
boils down to little more than "It's Google/Pike/Thompson!" anyway) seems to 
be his only real reason for giving Issue 9 a real chance and dismissing D 
outright. Which is, yes, anachronistic ad hominem reasoning. And considering 
the actual realities of both D and Issue 9, I can't think of anything else 
besides that "buzz/fame factor" for why he would reject D as being so much 
more "irrelevant" than Issue 9.

Re: Article discussing Go, could well be D

2011-06-09 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Jeff Nowakowski"  wrote in message 
> On 06/08/2011 03:55 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> It's not that I have anything against Pike or Thompson. I don't. I
>> just think that as dumb as it is to use ad hominem reasoning in the
>> first place, it's even dumber to invoke it in such an anachronistic
>> way.
> Then don't do it yourself. Your Pike bashing was uncalled for. The
> author didn't say anything about Pike except to mention him as one of
> the original developers. If he was gushing over the man or saying Go is
> worthwhile because of him, then you'd have a point.

And no, the author wasn't *just* mentioning him as one one the original 

"I was a bit skeptical when I read about Google's new programming language. 
I simply ignored the news. After all, the next New Great Language is just 
around the corner. Some of them enjoy a phase of hype, but then fade again, 
others stay in the spheres of irrelevancy [Linked to the D homepage], while 
yet others will be ready for public consumption any decade now.

Some time later I stumbled over it again. This time I took a closer look. 
One thing I didn't notice at first: One of the inventors is Ken Thompson of 
Unix and Plan9 fame, and he was indirectly involved with C as well. Now if a 
new programming language is designed by someone who already served in the 
trenches of the great mainframe era, maybe there is something to it."

So he flat out *states* that he passed over D and gave Issue 9 a try 
*because* of what was done decades ago by one of the people involved.

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 00:20, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Alex_Dovhal  wrote:
> > There have been several topics discussing UFCS recently. So here is one
> > more)
> > One idea about UFCS - mark UFCS argument with @, @_, or _ symbol,
> > e.g. you have some function:
> > void func(Type1 p1, Type2 p2);
> > 
> > and later call it:
> > fucn(a, b);  //or
> > a.func(@_, b);  //or
> > b.func(a, @_);
> > 
> > This way Timon Gehr's example:
> >take(10,stride(2,cycle([3,2,5,3])));
> >[3,2,5,3].cycle().stride(2).take(10);
> > 
> > would be written as this:
> >[3,2,5,3].cycle(@_).stride(2, @_).take(10, @_);
> > 
> > Which is a little longer. On the other side this way benefits from:
> >  * UFCS is directly seen by both the programmer and compiler;
> >  * UFCS doesn't mix with member call syntax;
> >  * UFCS can be used for any type and for any argument, e.g.
> >  
> >a.func(@, b) or b.func(a, @);
> >  
> >  * UFCS can be used for more than one argument: a.func(@_, @_~[1]);
> > 
> > What do you think?
> I find it funny that @ was initially adopted for annotations, to be used
> similar to Java and Scala. I come from that world, and one of the rules for
> annotations is that they cannot directly alter the code the compiler
> outputs. You can add plugins to the Java compiler that use annotations to
> modify the AST before it's compiled, and you can use annotations for
> runtime bytecode generation or interpret them using reflection, but if you
> take unannotated code and annotated code and compile it (without altering
> the compiler), the generated code will not change.
> The idea was to make them a part of the language composed entirely of
> metadata (some of which was enforced to be correct by the compiler) that
> could be completely ignored if the programmer didn't want to use it.
> Now that D has taken up this syntax, we've done almost the opposite. @ is
> mostly used in situations where it changes the compiled code, changes the
> existing language,  and is in no way optional. We don't really support user
> defined metadata, and we can't use what annotations we have as metadata
> because only the compiler can actually use it. Most of the uses I've seen
> seem to be a way to cram more keywords into the language without adding
> more keywords.
> I've been holding in this sort of rant for a while, but in summary, my
> response is that unless the desired use for @ was defined radically
> differently by D when it was adopted (and, as far as I can tell, it
> wasn't), seeing another abuse of it just makes me feel slightly sick
> inside.

As it is, user-defined attributes can be added later using the @ syntax. True, 
all of the current uses of @ are for where we decided to save a keyword, but 
that doesn't stop user-defined attributes from using the syntax later. It just 
means that those that are currently defined will always be special.

Regardless, I see little point in using it for UFCS. If we want to 
specifically mark parameters for it, I think that the suggestion of using 
"this" makes a lot more sense. You wouldn't even have to change the grammar 
(unlike if you used @). You'd just change the semantic phase to treat "this" 
specially as a function parameter and not freak out about it being a keyword. 
Using @ would be a much bigger language change and for no gain whatsoever as 
far as I can see.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: How about "auto" parameters?

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 00:19, Ary Manzana wrote:
> On 6/9/11 9:56 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > I don't think that there's any question that template error messages
> > could be improved, and they likely will be, but by their very nature,
> > reporting template-related errors seems to be a difficult task to
> > adequately solve. It's one of the things that many people complain about
> > with C++. Template constraints improve the situation considerably.
> I don't think the problem is with templates. If I try to compile this:
> ===
> void foo(int param) {
>return param * 2;
> }
> void main() {
> }
> ===
> it says:
> main.d(2): Error: * has no effect in expression (param * 2)
> WTF? Don't make me think. I just really want to know that I'm returning
> from a void function and I can't do that.
> Let's assign foo(3) to something:
> ===
> void foo(int param) {
>return param * 2;
> }
> void main() {
>auto x = foo(3);
> }
> ===
> It says:
> main.d(2): Error: * has no effect in expression (param * 2)
> main.d(6): Error: variable main.main.x voids have no value
> main.d(6): Error: expression foo(3) is void and has no value
> Really? Voids have no value? That's good to know, I didn't know that
> voids have no value.
> Mmm... those are messages to be read by the compiler, not by the user.
> The compiler is expecting something that's not void and it is getting a
> void thing. The message it generates is "Voids has no value".
> The problem are not templates or templates messages. The problem is that
> the very basic compiler error messages are targeted at the compiler, not
> the developer.
> And then this:
> ===
> void main() {
>const x = 1;
>x = 3;
> }
> ===
> main.d(3): Error: variable main.main.x cannot modify const
> What do you mean when you say that the variable x cannot modify const?
> Wait, I desguise myself as Tarzan and now I understand. It should be
> "Error: trying to modify const variable main.main.x".
> There is an excellent book called "Don't make me think". When I see
> "variable main.main.x cannot modify const" I have to think a little to
> understand that that means "variable main.main.x is const and cannot be
> modified". Don't make me think. :-)

Template error messages _do_ tend to be hideous. But that doesn't mean that 
normal errors are the best either. And as I said, templates often end up 
reporting exactly the same errors that you'd get if you wrote the code by 
hand, it's just that the errors are then in the template and generally harder 
to understand, because there's a good chance that it's not the code that you 

But regardless, none of these error messages are intended to be "read by the 
compiler." They're all intended to be read by humans. It's just that you don't 
find the choice of wording to be particularly understandable. However, 
everything that it's saying is correct. If you find particular error messages 
to be bad - particularly if you can think of better alternatives - then create 
enhancement requests for them in bugzilla. Then perhaps we'll get better error 
messages. But remember that the compiler doesn't know what you're trying to 
do. It only knows what you told it to do, so its messages tend to be targetted 
at telling you that what you're doing isn't working rather than telling you 
what you should be doing instead. So, error messages are often not that great 
simply because the compiler is not a mind-reader. Still, if you have 
suggestions for improvements to error messages, please submit them to bugzilla 
so that the error messages can be improved.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

> On 2011-06-09 00:20, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Alex_Dovhal 
> wrote:
> > > There have been several topics discussing UFCS recently. So here is one
> > > more)
> > > One idea about UFCS - mark UFCS argument with @, @_, or _ symbol,
> > > e.g. you have some function:
> > > void func(Type1 p1, Type2 p2);
> > >
> > > and later call it:
> > > fucn(a, b);  //or
> > > a.func(@_, b);  //or
> > > b.func(a, @_);
> > >
> > > This way Timon Gehr's example:
> > >take(10,stride(2,cycle([3,2,5,3])));
> > >[3,2,5,3].cycle().stride(2).take(10);
> > >
> > > would be written as this:
> > >[3,2,5,3].cycle(@_).stride(2, @_).take(10, @_);
> > >
> > > Which is a little longer. On the other side this way benefits from:
> > >  * UFCS is directly seen by both the programmer and compiler;
> > >  * UFCS doesn't mix with member call syntax;
> > >  * UFCS can be used for any type and for any argument, e.g.
> > >
> > >a.func(@, b) or b.func(a, @);
> > >
> > >  * UFCS can be used for more than one argument: a.func(@_, @_~[1]);
> > >
> > > What do you think?
> >
> > I find it funny that @ was initially adopted for annotations, to be used
> > similar to Java and Scala. I come from that world, and one of the rules
> for
> > annotations is that they cannot directly alter the code the compiler
> > outputs. You can add plugins to the Java compiler that use annotations to
> > modify the AST before it's compiled, and you can use annotations for
> > runtime bytecode generation or interpret them using reflection, but if
> you
> > take unannotated code and annotated code and compile it (without altering
> > the compiler), the generated code will not change.
> > The idea was to make them a part of the language composed entirely of
> > metadata (some of which was enforced to be correct by the compiler) that
> > could be completely ignored if the programmer didn't want to use it.
> > Now that D has taken up this syntax, we've done almost the opposite. @ is
> > mostly used in situations where it changes the compiled code, changes the
> > existing language,  and is in no way optional. We don't really support
> user
> > defined metadata, and we can't use what annotations we have as metadata
> > because only the compiler can actually use it. Most of the uses I've seen
> > seem to be a way to cram more keywords into the language without adding
> > more keywords.
> > I've been holding in this sort of rant for a while, but in summary, my
> > response is that unless the desired use for @ was defined radically
> > differently by D when it was adopted (and, as far as I can tell, it
> > wasn't), seeing another abuse of it just makes me feel slightly sick
> > inside.
> As it is, user-defined attributes can be added later using the @ syntax.
> True,
> all of the current uses of @ are for where we decided to save a keyword,
> but
> that doesn't stop user-defined attributes from using the syntax later. It
> just
> means that those that are currently defined will always be special.

This is the difference in philosophy at the core of my general unhappiness.
When Java officially added annotations, they were designed and built to be
used for user-defined metadata. We added "Property" to the grammar,
celebrated that we had them too, then stopped. The result is that we're
throwing around @ as an excuse for language keywords and boasting about how
we have annotations when, by the definition of any other language, we simply
I guess the best answer from where I'm standing is to start throwing around
possible syntaxes for annotation declarations and references to them in
compile-time reflection. I just really hope this gets in to D2, so we aren't
permanently stuck with "fake annotations."

Regardless, I see little point in using it for UFCS. If we want to
> specifically mark parameters for it, I think that the suggestion of using
> "this" makes a lot more sense. You wouldn't even have to change the grammar
> (unlike if you used @). You'd just change the semantic phase to treat
> "this"
> specially as a function parameter and not freak out about it being a
> keyword.
> Using @ would be a much bigger language change and for no gain whatsoever
> as
> far as I can see.
I agree. The "this" syntax seems far more logical and straightforward.

Re: Discuss here the best article iPad2 contest

2011-06-09 Thread Russel Winder
On Wed, 2011-06-08 at 20:30 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
[ .. . ]
> Here is all the material:

What needs to go with this is a statement from each author that they are
happy for ACCU to publish the articles in the journals, and for there to
be a short introduction from yourself putting the articles in context.
Why they exist at all.  Why the topics matter. etc. etc.  Basically a
guest editorial about the articles.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Alex_Dovhal
"Jonathan M Davis"  wote:
> Regardless, I see little point in using it for UFCS. If we want to
> specifically mark parameters for it, I think that the suggestion of using
> "this" makes a lot more sense. You wouldn't even have to change the 
> grammar
> (unlike if you used @). You'd just change the semantic phase to treat 
> "this"
> specially as a function parameter and not freak out about it being a 
> keyword.
> Using @ would be a much bigger language change and for no gain whatsoever 
> as
> far as I can see.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Thanks, Dmitry Olshansky has already explained why using "this" is fully 
suitable. One thing I personally dislike in UFCS is that it's impossible to 
visually separate it from member call syntax, only by context. But this is 
only personal taste. Sorry for noise. 

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 01:15, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Jonathan M Davis 
> > On 2011-06-09 00:20, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Alex_Dovhal 
> > 
> > wrote:
> > > > There have been several topics discussing UFCS recently. So here is
> > > > one more)
> > > > One idea about UFCS - mark UFCS argument with @, @_, or _ symbol,
> > > > e.g. you have some function:
> > > > void func(Type1 p1, Type2 p2);
> > > > 
> > > > and later call it:
> > > > fucn(a, b);  //or
> > > > a.func(@_, b);  //or
> > > > b.func(a, @_);
> > > > 
> > > > This way Timon Gehr's example:
> > > >take(10,stride(2,cycle([3,2,5,3])));
> > > >[3,2,5,3].cycle().stride(2).take(10);
> > > > 
> > > > would be written as this:
> > > >[3,2,5,3].cycle(@_).stride(2, @_).take(10, @_);
> > > > 
> > > > Which is a little longer. On the other side this way benefits from:
> > > >  * UFCS is directly seen by both the programmer and compiler;
> > > >  * UFCS doesn't mix with member call syntax;
> > > >  * UFCS can be used for any type and for any argument, e.g.
> > > >  
> > > >a.func(@, b) or b.func(a, @);
> > > >  
> > > >  * UFCS can be used for more than one argument: a.func(@_, @_~[1]);
> > > > 
> > > > What do you think?
> > > 
> > > I find it funny that @ was initially adopted for annotations, to be
> > > used similar to Java and Scala. I come from that world, and one of the
> > > rules
> > 
> > for
> > 
> > > annotations is that they cannot directly alter the code the compiler
> > > outputs. You can add plugins to the Java compiler that use annotations
> > > to modify the AST before it's compiled, and you can use annotations
> > > for runtime bytecode generation or interpret them using reflection,
> > > but if
> > 
> > you
> > 
> > > take unannotated code and annotated code and compile it (without
> > > altering the compiler), the generated code will not change.
> > > The idea was to make them a part of the language composed entirely of
> > > metadata (some of which was enforced to be correct by the compiler)
> > > that could be completely ignored if the programmer didn't want to use
> > > it. Now that D has taken up this syntax, we've done almost the
> > > opposite. @ is mostly used in situations where it changes the compiled
> > > code, changes the existing language,  and is in no way optional. We
> > > don't really support
> > 
> > user
> > 
> > > defined metadata, and we can't use what annotations we have as metadata
> > > because only the compiler can actually use it. Most of the uses I've
> > > seen seem to be a way to cram more keywords into the language without
> > > adding more keywords.
> > > I've been holding in this sort of rant for a while, but in summary, my
> > > response is that unless the desired use for @ was defined radically
> > > differently by D when it was adopted (and, as far as I can tell, it
> > > wasn't), seeing another abuse of it just makes me feel slightly sick
> > > inside.
> > 
> > As it is, user-defined attributes can be added later using the @ syntax.
> > True,
> > all of the current uses of @ are for where we decided to save a keyword,
> > but
> > that doesn't stop user-defined attributes from using the syntax later. It
> > just
> > means that those that are currently defined will always be special.
> This is the difference in philosophy at the core of my general unhappiness.
> When Java officially added annotations, they were designed and built to be
> used for user-defined metadata. We added "Property" to the grammar,
> celebrated that we had them too, then stopped. The result is that we're
> throwing around @ as an excuse for language keywords and boasting about how
> we have annotations when, by the definition of any other language, we
> simply don't.
> I guess the best answer from where I'm standing is to start throwing around
> possible syntaxes for annotation declarations and references to them in
> compile-time reflection. I just really hope this gets in to D2, so we
> aren't permanently stuck with "fake annotations."

I don't really see anything wrong with leaving the current @ attributes as 
they are and then just using @ for user-defined attributes as well. There will 
just be a set of attribute names which are reserved by the compiler. All that 
using a different syntax for user-defined attributes would buy you would be 
that you could use the attribute names that the compiler has reserved - safe, 
trusted, system, and property. And that isn't exactly a huge gain. We might as 
well just use @ for user-defined attributes as well.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Johannes Totz
On 09/06/2011 02:57, Brad Roberts wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2011, Moritz Warning wrote:
>> Congratulations to both winners!
>> Pfft, if I have had time to vote, I might have
>> robbed one of his prize (sorry Brad). :)
> I hadn't brought it up yet, but the fact that there were only 25 votes 
> is, really, fairly sad.  I too didn't vote.  I know this community is 
> _far_ larger than 25 people.  Heck, even the number of posters to this 
> forum is larger.
> Why?

Not allowed to.
I'm reading the D groups for a few months now but never posted before.

Re: How about "auto" parameters?

2011-06-09 Thread KennyTM~

On Jun 9, 11 15:54, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Template error messages_do_  tend to be hideous. But that doesn't mean that
normal errors are the best either. And as I said, templates often end up
reporting exactly the same errors that you'd get if you wrote the code by
hand, it's just that the errors are then in the template and generally harder
to understand, because there's a good chance that it's not the code that you

But regardless, none of these error messages are intended to be "read by the
compiler." They're all intended to be read by humans. It's just that you don't
find the choice of wording to be particularly understandable. However,
everything that it's saying is correct. If you find particular error messages
to be bad - particularly if you can think of better alternatives - then create
enhancement requests for them in bugzilla. Then perhaps we'll get better error
messages. But remember that the compiler doesn't know what you're trying to
do. It only knows what you told it to do, so its messages tend to be targetted
at telling you that what you're doing isn't working rather than telling you
what you should be doing instead. So, error messages are often not that great
simply because the compiler is not a mind-reader. Still, if you have
suggestions for improvements to error messages, please submit them to bugzilla
so that the error messages can be improved.

- Jonathan M Davis

Actually, this is an old bug.

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Kagamin
Andrew Wiley Wrote:

> celebrated that we had them too, then stopped. The result is that we're
> throwing around @ as an excuse for language keywords and boasting about how
> we have annotations when, by the definition of any other language, we simply
> don't.

By "any other language" you must mean C# :)

Re: copyright - are version(GPL) libs acceptable?

2011-06-09 Thread Adam Ruppe
> Maybe(!) it's better to just supply interfaces

That's all I had in mind - it's just meant to reduce the barrier
to entry a little.

Re: copyright - are version(GPL) libs acceptable?

2011-06-09 Thread Adam Ruppe
David Nadlinger wrote:
> Just write a nice package manager for D? ;)

I already did! (a little 100 line program based on the same idea
as rdmd, but adding automatic http downloads for missing imports)

It does everything I'd want, but not enough for most other people,
so I'm looking for a simple step for them.

Re: Article discussing Go, could well be D

2011-06-09 Thread Adam Ruppe
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> (or even worse: bad or non-existant documentation)

Actually, I think no doc is better than bad doc. At least with no
docs, you're immediately informed to not waste your time trying to
read it!

I work with a lot of web apps. I wish they were completely undocumented;
that'd be better than spending an hour reading something just to find
it is completely wrong!

(The worst part is we're conditioned to think other people's code is
generally more correct than your code. So when a problem comes up, you
blame yourself and spend hours tilting at windmills...)

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 06:31:50 -0400, Johannes Totz  wrote:

On 09/06/2011 02:57, Brad Roberts wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011, Moritz Warning wrote:

Congratulations to both winners!
Pfft, if I have had time to vote, I might have
robbed one of his prize (sorry Brad). :)

I hadn't brought it up yet, but the fact that there were only 25 votes
is, really, fairly sad.  I too didn't vote.  I know this community is
_far_ larger than 25 people.  Heck, even the number of posters to this
forum is larger.


Not allowed to.
I'm reading the D groups for a few months now but never posted before.

Now you can vote in the next one :)


Instantiating Templates Structs with defaults parameter

2011-06-09 Thread d coder

Kindly look at the code below. When I try to compile it with DMD 2-53, I get
an error:

foo.d(9): Error: struct template.Foo(int n = 1) is used as a type

It would be convenient if I am allowed to use Foo as a type without passing
parameters (with parameterized functions that is the default behavior). I
want to understand if not being able to instantiate Foo with default
parameters is a bug in DMD? Otherwise If it is not allowed in D2, I want to
know why such a limitation is there.

- Puneet

import std.stdio;

struct Foo(int n = 1) {
  public int value = n;

void main()
  Foo foo; // Does not compile
  // Foo!() foo; // This works
  writeln("Value is, ", foo.value);

Re: Instantiating Templates Structs with defaults parameter

2011-06-09 Thread Jens Mueller
d coder wrote:
> Greetings
> Kindly look at the code below. When I try to compile it with DMD 2-53, I get
> an error:
> foo.d(9): Error: struct template.Foo(int n = 1) is used as a type
> It would be convenient if I am allowed to use Foo as a type without passing
> parameters (with parameterized functions that is the default behavior). I
> want to understand if not being able to instantiate Foo with default
> parameters is a bug in DMD? Otherwise If it is not allowed in D2, I want to
> know why such a limitation is there.
> Regards
> - Puneet
> import std.stdio;
> struct Foo(int n = 1) {
>   public int value = n;
> }
> void main()
> {
>   Foo foo; // Does not compile
>   // Foo!() foo; // This works
>   writeln("Value is, ", foo.value);
> }

I don't know whether this should compile but there is a simple work

alias Foo!() Bar;

and then

Bar bar;

works as expected.
Does it help?


Re: Instantiating Templates Structs with defaults parameter

2011-06-09 Thread d coder
> I don't know whether this should compile but there is a simple work
> around:
> alias Foo!() Bar;
> and then
> Bar bar;
> works as expected.
> Does it help?
Actually it does not. Actually I am trying to create a DESL. For me this Foo
Bar stuff kind of becomes user interface.

- Puneet

D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham


Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the 
first one does.

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham

On 09/06/11 16:19, Ben Grabham wrote:


Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the
first one does.

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

Also, is there a takeWhile function?
I can't find one in the documents...

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
Ben Grabham wrote:
> Hey,
> Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the
> first one does.
> import std.range;
> import std.stdio;
> int main() {
>  auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
>  int i = 0;
>  foreach(int n; a) {
>   if(i++ > 20) break;
>   writefln("%d", n);
>  }
>  return 0;
> }
> import std.range;
> import std.stdio;
> int main() {
>  auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1);
>  int i = 0;
>  foreach(int n; a) {
>   if(i++ > 20) break;
>   writefln("%d", n);
>  }
>  return 0;
> }

You use the function recurrence incorrectly in the second example: You may only
use a[n-1] to a[n-x] in your formula where x is the number of arguments given to
the template function. It would be nice if the library could enforce this, but 
least currently) it cannot.


Re: copyright - are version(GPL) libs acceptable?

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 09.06.2011 15:03, schrieb Adam Ruppe:
>> Maybe(!) it's better to just supply interfaces
> That's all I had in mind - it's just meant to reduce the barrier
> to entry a little.

Ah ok, I thought you wanted to bundle the libs themselves.
Just providing the interfaces should be fine, I think - probably even
without version(GPL) - because
1. AFAIK the "threshold of originiality" for a Copyright isn't met with
just headers/the interfaces (at least in Germany)
2. We wouldn't even use their own headers but newly-written D interfaces
that are equivalent to them.

- Daniel

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 10:19 AM, Ben Grabham wrote:


Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the
first one does.

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

The second implementation is in error. The state of the recurrence is 
defined by the number of parameters, so it will consist of one number. 
Fibonacci needs the last two numbers.

The code doesn't fail because recurrence uses modulus with all indices, 
which means a[n-1] and a[n-2] will refer to the same (and only) element 
in the recurrence state.

It would be be possible to detect this at run time, but it would slow 
things down a bit.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
Ben Grabham wrote:
> Also, is there a takeWhile function?
> I can't find one in the documents...

Not yet, but hopefully there will be:

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 10:32 AM, Ben Grabham wrote:

On 09/06/11 16:19, Ben Grabham wrote:


Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the
first one does.

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++ > 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

Also, is there a takeWhile function?
I can't find one in the documents...



Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 10:42 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

Ben Grabham wrote:

Also, is there a takeWhile function?
I can't find one in the documents...

Not yet, but hopefully there will be:

I think what's unclear is that until() has an overload that takes only 
the predicate and the range. There's no example for that, so the 
definition kinda gets lost in the noise.

// scan range up until the first zero
auto a = until!"a == 0"(range);


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
> On 6/9/11 10:32 AM, Ben Grabham wrote:
>> On 09/06/11 16:19, Ben Grabham wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the
>>> first one does.
>>> import std.range;
>>> import std.stdio;
>>> int main() {
>>> auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
>>> int i = 0;
>>> foreach(int n; a) {
>>> if(i++ > 20) break;
>>> writefln("%d", n);
>>> }
>>> return 0;
>>> }
>>> import std.range;
>>> import std.stdio;
>>> int main() {
>>> auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1);
>>> int i = 0;
>>> foreach(int n; a) {
>>> if(i++ > 20) break;
>>> writefln("%d", n);
>>> }
>>> return 0;
>>> }
>> Also, is there a takeWhile function?
>> I can't find one in the documents...
> until?
> Andrei

until is not generic enough. It requires you to provide a dummy parameter if you
want to use an unary predicate. And you will have to reverse the predicate:
Thinking "while" is more convenient than thinking "until". Phobos should
definitely get a takeWhile function.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 6/9/11 10:42 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
>> Ben Grabham wrote:
>>> Also, is there a takeWhile function?
>>> I can't find one in the documents...
>> Not yet, but hopefully there will be:
> I think what's unclear is that until() has an overload that takes only
> the predicate and the range. There's no example for that, so the
> definition kinda gets lost in the noise.
> // scan range up until the first zero
> auto a = until!"a == 0"(range);
> Andrei

Oh, I did not know that. That makes things quite a bit better.
Still, takeWhile > until.


Phobos consolidated documentation

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu


I recently added the paraphernalia necessary for a one-file build of the 
entire Phobos documentation. The system consists of a header template 
followed by each individual module's documentation in turn followed by a 
footer template. The documentation is generated using a specialized 
std.ddoc. See the target html_consolidated in posix.mak:

The result:

This can be of course improved in any number of ways, with at least two 
targets in mind:

1. E-book for kindle etc. In that case probably the navigation means 
should be adjusted a bit.

2. Printing. In that case navigation becomes irrelevant altogether.

If anyone would like to add some html magic, have at it. I'm looking 
forward to seeing related pull requests!



Re: Instantiating Templates Structs with defaults parameter

2011-06-09 Thread bearophile
d coder:

> It would be convenient if I am allowed to use Foo as a type without passing
> parameters (with parameterized functions that is the default behavior). I
> want to understand if not being able to instantiate Foo with default
> parameters is a bug in DMD? Otherwise If it is not allowed in D2, I want to
> know why such a limitation is there.

I think here DMD is working as intended, and I think this design is correc. 
This behaviour comes from uniformity: the ! (bang) is always required to 
instantiate a generic/struct/class/enum template. It's not required for 
function templates if the types can be inferred.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread bearophile
Ben Grabham:

> import std.range;
> import std.stdio;
> int main() {
>   auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
>   int i = 0;
>   foreach(int n; a) {
>   if(i++ > 20) break;
>   writefln("%d", n);
>   }
>   return 0;
> }

This program does something similar to yours (but it doesn't print newlines):

import std.stdio, std.range;

void main() {
auto fib = recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] }(0, 1);
writeln(take(fib, 21));


Re: Instantiating Templates Structs with defaults parameter

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 10:04 AM, d coder wrote:

I don't know whether this should compile but there is a simple work

alias Foo!() Bar;

and then

Bar bar;

works as expected.
Does it help?

Actually it does not. Actually I am trying to create a DESL. For me this
Foo Bar stuff kind of becomes user interface.

- Puneet

One simple issue is this:

template whatevs(T...) { ... }
whatevs!Foo; // did you mean to pass Foo or Foo!()? Both are legit!


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham

On 09/06/11 17:57, bearophile wrote:

Ben Grabham:

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++>  20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

This program does something similar to yours (but it doesn't print newlines):

import std.stdio, std.range;

void main() {
 auto fib = recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] }(0, 1);
 writeln(take(fib, 21));


Yeah, thanks

I just wanted to post a bit of code which went wrong :P
Didn't look for optimisations.

Also, how come recurrence isn't properly lazy?
If I define a recurrence and iterate over it twice with foreach, it 
takes the same amount of time due to the stack size being set. Is there 
a way of defining a lazy list that stores the results when calculated?


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:06:54 -0400, Ben Grabham   

On 09/06/11 17:57, bearophile wrote:

Ben Grabham:

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++>  20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

This program does something similar to yours (but it doesn't print  

import std.stdio, std.range;

void main() {
 auto fib = recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] }(0, 1);
 writeln(take(fib, 21));


Yeah, thanks

I just wanted to post a bit of code which went wrong :P
Didn't look for optimisations.

Also, how come recurrence isn't properly lazy?
If I define a recurrence and iterate over it twice with foreach, it  
takes the same amount of time due to the stack size being set. Is there  
a way of defining a lazy list that stores the results when calculated?

That's not lazy, that's caching.  lazy is 'calculate this when asked'.

You can cache with array:

auto cached = array(take(fib, 21));
// cached now contains the first 21 elements of fib.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 12:06 PM, Ben Grabham wrote:

Also, how come recurrence isn't properly lazy?
If I define a recurrence and iterate over it twice with foreach, it
takes the same amount of time due to the stack size being set. Is there
a way of defining a lazy list that stores the results when calculated?

recurrence() is very simple: it starts with the state you pass to it. 
Then each popFront() overwrites the head of the state (heh) with the 
calculated value from the existing state.

I agree that one could delay any computation until the initial state is 
exhausted - for example, if the state size is 100, then there's no need 
to do anything for the first 99 steps. That's far from a common case 
however as most recurrences have small states and are iterated numerous 
times. The necessary bookkeeping would slow down that common case a bit.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham

On 09/06/11 18:11, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:06:54 -0400, Ben Grabham 

On 09/06/11 17:57, bearophile wrote:

Ben Grabham:

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++> 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

This program does something similar to yours (but it doesn't print

import std.stdio, std.range;

void main() {
auto fib = recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] }(0, 1);
writeln(take(fib, 21));


Yeah, thanks

I just wanted to post a bit of code which went wrong :P
Didn't look for optimisations.

Also, how come recurrence isn't properly lazy?
If I define a recurrence and iterate over it twice with foreach, it
takes the same amount of time due to the stack size being set. Is
there a way of defining a lazy list that stores the results when

That's not lazy, that's caching. lazy is 'calculate this when asked'.

You can cache with array:

auto cached = array(take(fib, 21));
// cached now contains the first 21 elements of fib.


I tried that, but how can I calculate the values only when I want them? 
Would I have to store them in a linked list? Since if I know that I will 
need 10 prime numbers, it takes my old pc about 4.7 seconds to 
calculate them. But can I only calculate them when I need them?

I am running through the recurrence twice so I don't want to calculate 
it twice.

This is theoretical so please no answers like put them both in one loop, 

Thanks for all the info so far! I'm learning quite a lot!


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:31:18 -0400, Ben Grabham   

On 09/06/11 18:11, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:06:54 -0400, Ben Grabham 

On 09/06/11 17:57, bearophile wrote:

Ben Grabham:

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++> 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

This program does something similar to yours (but it doesn't print

import std.stdio, std.range;

void main() {
auto fib = recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] }(0, 1);
writeln(take(fib, 21));


Yeah, thanks

I just wanted to post a bit of code which went wrong :P
Didn't look for optimisations.

Also, how come recurrence isn't properly lazy?
If I define a recurrence and iterate over it twice with foreach, it
takes the same amount of time due to the stack size being set. Is
there a way of defining a lazy list that stores the results when

That's not lazy, that's caching. lazy is 'calculate this when asked'.

You can cache with array:

auto cached = array(take(fib, 21));
// cached now contains the first 21 elements of fib.


I tried that, but how can I calculate the values only when I want them?  
Would I have to store them in a linked list? Since if I know that I will  
need 10 prime numbers, it takes my old pc about 4.7 seconds to  
calculate them. But can I only calculate them when I need them?

It's a recurring sequence.  As such, each element depends on the previous  
n elements.  I don't see how you can only calculate them when needed,  
unless you want to do some sort of memoization with recursion.  recurrence  
expects to be traversed in a certain order, it's sort of like dynamic  

The array simply stores all the values needed to an array, so you can  
re-access the same values without running through the recurrence.

One thing you could do is using Appender, you can continue a recurrence.   
So let's say you need the 5th element of the array:

alias recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] } fib;

Appender!int app;

app.put(take(fib(0, 1), 5));

auto elems =;
auto the5thElement = elems[4];

And now, you need the 10th element:

app.put(take(fib(elems[$-2], elems[$-1]), 10 - elems.length)); // extend  
sequence to 10 elements

elems =; // need to re-retrieve the elements
auto the10thElemet = elems[9];

Kind of ugly, but maybe it's close enough to what you want.

I am running through the recurrence twice so I don't want to calculate  
it twice.

Yes, you only run through it once, then use the array with the cached data  
to retrieve what you want.  Accessing the array does not recalculate the  

The Appender solution simply keeps a running cache of the data.  You could  
probably abstract out the 'extending' function.  In fact, this whole thing  
could be abstracted into a 'cached recurrence' type.


Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread KennyTM~
Given that the 'new' expression can be used in 'pure', should it be that 
GC allocation functions like GC.malloc, GC.qalloc and GC.extend (?) be 
weakly pure also? And should it apply to other managed allocators as 
well, e.g. the proposed TempAlloc?

I'm asking this as one of the specializations of std.conv.toImpl calls 
GC.malloc, which is one of the 11 causes preventing from 
being pure, and GC.qalloc and GC.extend (and memcpy and Array.capacity) 
are used by std.array.appender (of pure range), and appender is also a 
major reason why is not pure.

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham

On 09/06/11 18:49, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:31:18 -0400, Ben Grabham 

On 09/06/11 18:11, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:06:54 -0400, Ben Grabham 

On 09/06/11 17:57, bearophile wrote:

Ben Grabham:

import std.range;
import std.stdio;
int main() {
auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1);
int i = 0;
foreach(int n; a) {
if(i++> 20) break;
writefln("%d", n);
return 0;

This program does something similar to yours (but it doesn't print

import std.stdio, std.range;

void main() {
auto fib = recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] }(0, 1);
writeln(take(fib, 21));


Yeah, thanks

I just wanted to post a bit of code which went wrong :P
Didn't look for optimisations.

Also, how come recurrence isn't properly lazy?
If I define a recurrence and iterate over it twice with foreach, it
takes the same amount of time due to the stack size being set. Is
there a way of defining a lazy list that stores the results when

That's not lazy, that's caching. lazy is 'calculate this when asked'.

You can cache with array:

auto cached = array(take(fib, 21));
// cached now contains the first 21 elements of fib.


I tried that, but how can I calculate the values only when I want
them? Would I have to store them in a linked list? Since if I know
that I will need 10 prime numbers, it takes my old pc about 4.7
seconds to calculate them. But can I only calculate them when I need

It's a recurring sequence. As such, each element depends on the previous
n elements. I don't see how you can only calculate them when needed,
unless you want to do some sort of memoization with recursion.
recurrence expects to be traversed in a certain order, it's sort of like
dynamic programming.

The array simply stores all the values needed to an array, so you can
re-access the same values without running through the recurrence.

One thing you could do is using Appender, you can continue a recurrence.
So let's say you need the 5th element of the array:

alias recurrence!q{ a[n-1] + a[n-2] } fib;

Appender!int app;

app.put(take(fib(0, 1), 5));

auto elems =;
auto the5thElement = elems[4];

And now, you need the 10th element:

app.put(take(fib(elems[$-2], elems[$-1]), 10 - elems.length)); // extend
sequence to 10 elements

elems =; // need to re-retrieve the elements
auto the10thElemet = elems[9];

Kind of ugly, but maybe it's close enough to what you want.

I am running through the recurrence twice so I don't want to calculate
it twice.

Yes, you only run through it once, then use the array with the cached
data to retrieve what you want. Accessing the array does not recalculate
the data.

The Appender solution simply keeps a running cache of the data. You
could probably abstract out the 'extending' function. In fact, this
whole thing could be abstracted into a 'cached recurrence' type.


Thanks, that should do the trick!
At the moment I was using auto elems = array(chain(elems, take(primes - 
elems.length))); or something similar to that

Also, when using a foreach, is there a special syntax that says include 
the last number?
As an example, if I want to loop from -n to +n, I have to do foreach(i; 


Re: Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:51:31 -0400, KennyTM~  wrote:

Given that the 'new' expression can be used in 'pure', should it be that  
GC allocation functions like GC.malloc, GC.qalloc and GC.extend (?) be  
weakly pure also?

Yes.  But one of the possible issues here: weak purity is determined by  
the type of the parameters.  GC.malloc only takes non-reference types, so  
marking it as pure might make the compiler actually think these are  

Don?  Any ideas here?  I'm thinking we might need an compiler pragma.   
This would be extremely seldom used.

 And should it apply to other managed allocators as well, e.g. the  
proposed TempAlloc?

I would say yes, but I think David should have the final say.  Definitely,  
TempAlloc cannot be pure unless GC.malloc and C's malloc are pure, since  
those are marked that way.

I'm asking this as one of the specializations of std.conv.toImpl calls  
GC.malloc, which is one of the 11 causes preventing from  
being pure, and GC.qalloc and GC.extend (and memcpy and Array.capacity)  
are used by std.array.appender (of pure range), and appender is also a  
major reason why is not pure.

I think Appender should also be pure.


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 09/06/2011 15:13, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Now you can vote in the next one :)

So there is going to be a next one? Maybe next time I won't pull the 
short straw! :<

Congratulations anyway, to Dave as well, your articles were both great!


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:02:47 -0400, Ben Grabham   

Also, when using a foreach, is there a special syntax that says include  
the last number?
As an example, if I want to loop from -n to +n, I have to do foreach(i;  

No.  Almost all ranges in D are open interval on the right (don't include  
the right element).

There are some corner cases where this can be a problem, like if you  
wanted to iterate all the possible ubyte values, you have to do funky  
stuff like:

foreach(uint _tmp; ubyte.min..ubyte.max + 1) { auto ub = cast(ubyte)_tmp;  
... }


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:03:14 -0400, Robert Clipsham  

On 09/06/2011 15:13, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Now you can vote in the next one :)

So there is going to be a next one? Maybe next time I won't pull the  
short straw! :<

Congratulations anyway, to Dave as well, your articles were both great!


To be one vote away is not too bad either!  I think all the articles were  
very good.  I told myself on tuesday, no matter what happened, I would be  
glad that I pushed myself to write an article that helped people.  I  
definitely learned from everyone's articles.  It actually makes me want to  
write more articles...

BTW, I debated heavily whether to vote for yours or David's, it really was  
tough.  One vote for you instead of him and the fortunes change  
dramatically!  I'm sure there were some other people who had trouble  
deciding between my article and someone else's also.  It's crazy how close  
it was.


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 11:03, Robert Clipsham wrote:
> On 09/06/2011 15:13, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> > Now you can vote in the next one :)
> So there is going to be a next one? Maybe next time I won't pull the
> short straw! :<

Short straw? At least yours got some votes! Mine got none. ;)

> Congratulations anyway, to Dave as well, your articles were both great!

Yes. All of the articles are definitely solid contributions to the D 
community. I even learned from Steve's article, when I would have thought that 
I would have known everything in the topic he covered.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham

On 09/06/11 19:45, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?

Don't know the answer to that one, just know it's always been called a 
open interval when both endpoints aren't included. D's foreach loops are 
half-closed intervals.

Oh well, that's a shame.

I ended up writing a lazy cached list and filter implementation anyway :)

It may use more memory but it's worth it for me!

Thanks for all the help!

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 11:26 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

At least yours got some votes! Mine got none. ;)

I wouldn't worry about that. Consider the Olympics, where the difference between 
the winners and the rest is, frankly, microscopic. The contest is devised to 
exaggerate the tiniest of differences.

I think all the articles were great!

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ben Grabham

On 09/06/11 19:54, Ben Grabham wrote:

On 09/06/11 19:45, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?

Don't know the answer to that one, just know it's always been called a
open interval when both endpoints aren't included. D's foreach loops are
half-closed intervals.

Oh well, that's a shame.

I ended up writing a lazy cached list and filter implementation anyway :)

It may use more memory but it's worth it for me!

Thanks for all the help!

Oh, I do have one question though,

How does the save property work? I can't seem to be able to return an 
integer (index) rather than the whole object. How can I do it?

Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:29 AM, Kagamin  wrote:

> Andrew Wiley Wrote:
> > celebrated that we had them too, then stopped. The result is that we're
> > throwing around @ as an excuse for language keywords and boasting about
> how
> > we have annotations when, by the definition of any other language, we
> simply
> > don't.
> By "any other language" you must mean C# :)

And Java/Scala.

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

So there is going to be a next one?

Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned out.

But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions? A runoff?

BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting his own horn 
and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:45:49 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic  

I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?

Look at the terminology section of

No clue as to the "why" :)


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread David Nadlinger

On 6/9/11 8:45 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?

I suppose because, in the topological sense, an open set does not 
include its boundary, while a closed set does. No boundary <=> open 
seems quite intuitive to me…


Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

> On 2011-06-09 01:15, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Jonathan M Davis
> wrote:
> > > On 2011-06-09 00:20, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Alex_Dovhal 
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > > > > There have been several topics discussing UFCS recently. So here is
> > > > > one more)
> > > > > One idea about UFCS - mark UFCS argument with @, @_, or _ symbol,
> > > > > e.g. you have some function:
> > > > > void func(Type1 p1, Type2 p2);
> > > > >
> > > > > and later call it:
> > > > > fucn(a, b);  //or
> > > > > a.func(@_, b);  //or
> > > > > b.func(a, @_);
> > > > >
> > > > > This way Timon Gehr's example:
> > > > >take(10,stride(2,cycle([3,2,5,3])));
> > > > >[3,2,5,3].cycle().stride(2).take(10);
> > > > >
> > > > > would be written as this:
> > > > >[3,2,5,3].cycle(@_).stride(2, @_).take(10, @_);
> > > > >
> > > > > Which is a little longer. On the other side this way benefits from:
> > > > >  * UFCS is directly seen by both the programmer and compiler;
> > > > >  * UFCS doesn't mix with member call syntax;
> > > > >  * UFCS can be used for any type and for any argument, e.g.
> > > > >
> > > > >a.func(@, b) or b.func(a, @);
> > > > >
> > > > >  * UFCS can be used for more than one argument: a.func(@_, @_~[1]);
> > > > >
> > > > > What do you think?
> > > >
> > > > I find it funny that @ was initially adopted for annotations, to be
> > > > used similar to Java and Scala. I come from that world, and one of
> the
> > > > rules
> > >
> > > for
> > >
> > > > annotations is that they cannot directly alter the code the compiler
> > > > outputs. You can add plugins to the Java compiler that use
> annotations
> > > > to modify the AST before it's compiled, and you can use annotations
> > > > for runtime bytecode generation or interpret them using reflection,
> > > > but if
> > >
> > > you
> > >
> > > > take unannotated code and annotated code and compile it (without
> > > > altering the compiler), the generated code will not change.
> > > > The idea was to make them a part of the language composed entirely of
> > > > metadata (some of which was enforced to be correct by the compiler)
> > > > that could be completely ignored if the programmer didn't want to use
> > > > it. Now that D has taken up this syntax, we've done almost the
> > > > opposite. @ is mostly used in situations where it changes the
> compiled
> > > > code, changes the existing language,  and is in no way optional. We
> > > > don't really support
> > >
> > > user
> > >
> > > > defined metadata, and we can't use what annotations we have as
> metadata
> > > > because only the compiler can actually use it. Most of the uses I've
> > > > seen seem to be a way to cram more keywords into the language without
> > > > adding more keywords.
> > > > I've been holding in this sort of rant for a while, but in summary,
> my
> > > > response is that unless the desired use for @ was defined radically
> > > > differently by D when it was adopted (and, as far as I can tell, it
> > > > wasn't), seeing another abuse of it just makes me feel slightly sick
> > > > inside.
> > >
> > > As it is, user-defined attributes can be added later using the @
> syntax.
> > > True,
> > > all of the current uses of @ are for where we decided to save a
> keyword,
> > > but
> > > that doesn't stop user-defined attributes from using the syntax later.
> It
> > > just
> > > means that those that are currently defined will always be special.
> >
> > This is the difference in philosophy at the core of my general
> unhappiness.
> > When Java officially added annotations, they were designed and built to
> be
> > used for user-defined metadata. We added "Property" to the grammar,
> > celebrated that we had them too, then stopped. The result is that we're
> > throwing around @ as an excuse for language keywords and boasting about
> how
> > we have annotations when, by the definition of any other language, we
> > simply don't.
> > I guess the best answer from where I'm standing is to start throwing
> around
> > possible syntaxes for annotation declarations and references to them in
> > compile-time reflection. I just really hope this gets in to D2, so we
> > aren't permanently stuck with "fake annotations."
> I don't really see anything wrong with leaving the current @ attributes as
> they are and then just using @ for user-defined attributes as well. There
> will
> just be a set of attribute names which are reserved by the compiler. All
> that
> using a different syntax for user-defined attributes would buy you would be
> that you could use the attribute names that the compiler has reserved -
> safe,
> trusted, system, and property. And that isn't exactly a huge gain. We might
> as
> well just use @ for user-defined attributes as well.

My point wasn't that the syntax should be different (it should definitely be
the same), my point was that we stopped short of fully implementing

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
Steve Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:45:49 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic
>  wrote:
> > I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?
> Look at the terminology section of
> No clue as to the "why" :)
> -Steve

Actually it does not make too much sense to use the terms open or closed on
integer intervals in a strict mathematical sense. If your universe is the
integers, all subsets of the integers are neither open nor closed, with the
exception of the empty set and the set of all integers, which are both open and
closed. :o)


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 11:59, Ben Grabham wrote:
> On 09/06/11 19:54, Ben Grabham wrote:
> > On 09/06/11 19:45, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> >> I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?
> > 
> > Don't know the answer to that one, just know it's always been called a
> > open interval when both endpoints aren't included. D's foreach loops are
> > half-closed intervals.
> > 
> > Oh well, that's a shame.
> > 
> > I ended up writing a lazy cached list and filter implementation anyway :)
> > 
> > It may use more memory but it's worth it for me!
> > 
> > Thanks for all the help!
> > Nebster
> Oh, I do have one question though,
> How does the save property work? I can't seem to be able to return an
> integer (index) rather than the whole object. How can I do it?

The save property of a forward range returns a copy of that range. In most 
cases, since ranges are generally restructs, it just returns the range. You 
use it when you want to save the original range and still be able pop elements 

auto orig =;

//pop off as many elements from range as I want.
//orig still has all of its elements

The elements aren't copied however, just the range. Regardless, it has nothing 
to do with returning an element from a range, so I don't understand your 
question about returning an index rather than a whole object. Ranges don't 
really use indicies. indexOf will tell you the index of a particular element, 
and you can increment a counter every time you pop off an element if you want 
to know how many elements you've consumed, but once an element has been popped 
off, it's not part of that range anymore (though it could be part of a saved 
range), so that could seriously affect by what you mean by index, depending on 
what you're doing.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 11:58, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 6/9/2011 11:26 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > At least yours got some votes! Mine got none. ;)
> I wouldn't worry about that. Consider the Olympics, where the difference
> between the winners and the rest is, frankly, microscopic. The contest is
> devised to exaggerate the tiniest of differences.
> I think all the articles were great!

Oh, I don't really mind. It doesn't mean that my article was bad, just that no 
one who voted didn't think that it was the best. It doesn't even mean that 
mine would win the "worst article" vote if we were to be mean enough to have 
such a vote. It just means that no one thought that my article was the best.

I didn't really write my article for the contest anyway, so it's not a big 
deal. I wrote the article because it clearly needed to be written, and getting 
it in the contest was just a nice bonus.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 09/06/2011 20:02, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

So there is going to be a next one?

Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned out.

Excellent! I really enjoyed writing my article, 'twas great fun. I plan 
on writing more, the major set backs for me are lack of ideas and lack 
of time (though if I find something interesting time seems to manifest 
itself anyway).

But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions? A

This could be difficult - if I'd had one more vote we'd have had a three 
way tie, and I doubt another round of voting would have made a difference.

My suggestion would be something more imaginative to tie break. We can't 
do rock paper scissors over the internet or use a random number 
generator without people complaining about it being fixed, but how about 
a puzzle of some sort? Obviously it should be accessible to all (we 
could get a fantastic article from someone who's not from an academic 
background that would struggle with say, an Euler problem). Perhaps who 
can do X in the coolest possible way using D. Then that could be voted on.

Alternatively, there could be another round of articles (probably too 
time consuming) or opening voting up to other programming communities. I 
had some other ideas, but I've forgotten them.

BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting his
own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!

Who says we didn't do that? :D

The D community is far too moral though, when it's the last 30 minutes 
of the competition everyone claims they don't have enough time to read 
the articles, they refuse to vote blindly. Not that I'd know of course!


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
Timon Gehr wrote:
> Steve Schveighoffer wrote:
>> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:45:49 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic
>>  wrote:
>> > I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?
>> Look at the terminology section of
>> No clue as to the "why" :)
>> -Steve
> Actually it does not make too much sense to use the terms open or closed on
> integer intervals in a strict mathematical sense. If your universe is the
> integers, all subsets of the integers are neither open nor closed, with the
> exception of the empty set and the set of all integers, which are both open > 
> and
> closed. :o)

I'm sorry, this was misinformation. Actually *all* subsets are both open and 


Re: UFCS idea

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 12:01, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On 2011-06-09 01:15, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Jonathan M Davis
> > 
> > wrote:
> > > > On 2011-06-09 00:20, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> > > > > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Alex_Dovhal
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > > There have been several topics discussing UFCS recently. So here
> > > > > > is one more)
> > > > > > One idea about UFCS - mark UFCS argument with @, @_, or _ symbol,
> > > > > > e.g. you have some function:
> > > > > > void func(Type1 p1, Type2 p2);
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > and later call it:
> > > > > > fucn(a, b);  //or
> > > > > > a.func(@_, b);  //or
> > > > > > b.func(a, @_);
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > This way Timon Gehr's example:
> > > > > >take(10,stride(2,cycle([3,2,5,3])));
> > > > > >[3,2,5,3].cycle().stride(2).take(10);
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > would be written as this:
> > > > > >[3,2,5,3].cycle(@_).stride(2, @_).take(10, @_);
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Which is a little longer. On the other side this way benefits 
> > > > > >  * UFCS is directly seen by both the programmer and compiler;
> > > > > >  * UFCS doesn't mix with member call syntax;
> > > > > >  * UFCS can be used for any type and for any argument, e.g.
> > > > > >  
> > > > > >a.func(@, b) or b.func(a, @);
> > > > > >  
> > > > > >  * UFCS can be used for more than one argument: a.func(@_,
> > > > > >  @_~[1]);
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > What do you think?
> > > > > 
> > > > > I find it funny that @ was initially adopted for annotations, to be
> > > > > used similar to Java and Scala. I come from that world, and one of
> > 
> > the
> > 
> > > > > rules
> > > > 
> > > > for
> > > > 
> > > > > annotations is that they cannot directly alter the code the
> > > > > compiler outputs. You can add plugins to the Java compiler that
> > > > > use
> > 
> > annotations
> > 
> > > > > to modify the AST before it's compiled, and you can use annotations
> > > > > for runtime bytecode generation or interpret them using reflection,
> > > > > but if
> > > > 
> > > > you
> > > > 
> > > > > take unannotated code and annotated code and compile it (without
> > > > > altering the compiler), the generated code will not change.
> > > > > The idea was to make them a part of the language composed entirely
> > > > > of metadata (some of which was enforced to be correct by the
> > > > > compiler) that could be completely ignored if the programmer
> > > > > didn't want to use it. Now that D has taken up this syntax, we've
> > > > > done almost the opposite. @ is mostly used in situations where it
> > > > > changes the
> > 
> > compiled
> > 
> > > > > code, changes the existing language,  and is in no way optional. We
> > > > > don't really support
> > > > 
> > > > user
> > > > 
> > > > > defined metadata, and we can't use what annotations we have as
> > 
> > metadata
> > 
> > > > > because only the compiler can actually use it. Most of the uses
> > > > > I've seen seem to be a way to cram more keywords into the language
> > > > > without adding more keywords.
> > > > > I've been holding in this sort of rant for a while, but in summary,
> > 
> > my
> > 
> > > > > response is that unless the desired use for @ was defined radically
> > > > > differently by D when it was adopted (and, as far as I can tell, it
> > > > > wasn't), seeing another abuse of it just makes me feel slightly
> > > > > sick inside.
> > > > 
> > > > As it is, user-defined attributes can be added later using the @
> > 
> > syntax.
> > 
> > > > True,
> > > > all of the current uses of @ are for where we decided to save a
> > 
> > keyword,
> > 
> > > > but
> > > > that doesn't stop user-defined attributes from using the syntax
> > > > later.
> > 
> > It
> > 
> > > > just
> > > > means that those that are currently defined will always be special.
> > > 
> > > This is the difference in philosophy at the core of my general
> > 
> > unhappiness.
> > 
> > > When Java officially added annotations, they were designed and built to
> > 
> > be
> > 
> > > used for user-defined metadata. We added "Property" to the grammar,
> > > celebrated that we had them too, then stopped. The result is that we're
> > > throwing around @ as an excuse for language keywords and boasting about
> > 
> > how
> > 
> > > we have annotations when, by the definition of any other language, we
> > > simply don't.
> > > I guess the best answer from where I'm standing is to start throwing
> > 
> > around
> > 
> > > possible syntaxes for annotation declarations and references to them in
> > > compile-time reflection. I just really hope this gets in to D2, so we
> > > aren't permanently stuck with "fake annotations."
> > 
> > I don't really see anything wrong with leaving the current @ attributes
> > as they are and then just using @ for user-defined attributes as well.
> > There will
> > just be a set of attribute names which are reserved by the compiler. A

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 09/06/2011 19:26, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On 2011-06-09 11:03, Robert Clipsham wrote:

On 09/06/2011 15:13, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Now you can vote in the next one :)

So there is going to be a next one? Maybe next time I won't pull the
short straw! :<

Short straw? At least yours got some votes! Mine got none. ;)

Maybe it wasn't the shortest straw then. Your article was great, I guess 
it didn't apply to a lot of people though.

Congratulations anyway, to Dave as well, your articles were both great!

Yes. All of the articles are definitely solid contributions to the D
community. I even learned from Steve's article, when I would have thought that
I would have known everything in the topic he covered.

Indeed - I'll be giving it another read through at some point to check I 
got it all!

- Jonathan M Davis


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:02:08 -0400, Walter Bright  

On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

So there is going to be a next one?

Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned  

But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions? A  

We're all developers here, I think people might be open to an instant  

Essentially, you rank the articles 1 to x, and then the algorithm figures  
out the winner.  It's still possible to have a tie, but unlikely.

I think for the next time, someone should write a newsgroup-to-vote  
program that automatically counts the votes (must be in D of course!)

BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting his  
own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!

We're developers, not politicians :)  If you allow this, then we'll have  
to start creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records of  
infidelity and such, and it just turns ugly.


Re: Best article vote tally

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 08/06/2011 05:54, Walter Bright wrote:

Looks like we have a tie. Darn it. I don't really want to do Solomon's

A tad belated, but I'd like to thank everyone who voted for my article! 
I really enjoyed writing it, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 09/06/2011 20:21, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:02:08 -0400, Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

So there is going to be a next one?

Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned

But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions?
A runoff?

We're all developers here, I think people might be open to an instant

Essentially, you rank the articles 1 to x, and then the algorithm
figures out the winner. It's still possible to have a tie, but unlikely.

I thought about mentioning this, but decided against it. I believe FPTP 
is the best way to vote for this kind of competition.

I think for the next time, someone should write a newsgroup-to-vote
program that automatically counts the votes (must be in D of course!)

Of course, then that one person who doesn't format their vote quite 
right loses out...

BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting
his own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!

We're developers, not politicians :) If you allow this, then we'll have
to start creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records
of infidelity and such, and it just turns ugly.

Given the rule that voters must have used their handle here before, 
that's not going to happen. I won't comment further to avoid ranting.



Re: Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread bearophile
Steven Schveighoffer:

> Don?  Any ideas here?  I'm thinking we might need an compiler pragma.   
> This would be extremely seldom used.

We're back to some concept of referential transparency of pointers/reference 
types, that has produced a tepid response... :-)


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 09.06.2011 21:18, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
> On 2011-06-09 11:58, Walter Bright wrote:
>> On 6/9/2011 11:26 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>> At least yours got some votes! Mine got none. ;)
>> I wouldn't worry about that. Consider the Olympics, where the difference
>> between the winners and the rest is, frankly, microscopic. The contest is
>> devised to exaggerate the tiniest of differences.
>> I think all the articles were great!
> Oh, I don't really mind. It doesn't mean that my article was bad, just that 
> no 
> one who voted didn't think that it was the best. It doesn't even mean that 
> mine would win the "worst article" vote if we were to be mean enough to have 
> such a vote. It just means that no one thought that my article was the best.
> I didn't really write my article for the contest anyway, so it's not a big 
> deal. I wrote the article because it clearly needed to be written, and 
> getting 
> it in the contest was just a nice bonus.
> - Jonathan M Davis

It is a great article, pretty informative and certainly a big help for
anyone wanting to mess with time-related stuff in D.

But I guess the topic is just not as sexy as parallelism or efficiency
(slices are also efficiency-related, besides providing nice syntax-sugar
for array operations).

As you said, that article needed to be written and it's a valuable
addition to std.datetime's documentation.

- Daniel

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 09.06.2011 21:02, schrieb Walter Bright:
> On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:
>> So there is going to be a next one?
> Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned out.
> But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions? A
> runoff?
> BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting his
> own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!

"If I win I'll implement $great_feature_everyone_wants" ;-)

("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
kind of computer that isn't supported by D)

- Daniel

Re: Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 12:51 PM, KennyTM~ wrote:

Given that the 'new' expression can be used in 'pure', should it be that
GC allocation functions like GC.malloc, GC.qalloc and GC.extend (?) be
weakly pure also? And should it apply to other managed allocators as
well, e.g. the proposed TempAlloc?

I'm asking this as one of the specializations of std.conv.toImpl calls
GC.malloc, which is one of the 11 causes preventing from
being pure, and GC.qalloc and GC.extend (and memcpy and Array.capacity)
are used by std.array.appender (of pure range), and appender is also a
major reason why is not pure.

GC.malloc is not technically pure because its result does not only 
depend on arguments - it's a fresh value each time. So the compiler 
can't apply pure reasoning to it.


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:35:44 -0400, Robert Clipsham  

On 09/06/2011 20:21, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:02:08 -0400, Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

So there is going to be a next one?

Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned

But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions?
A runoff?

We're all developers here, I think people might be open to an instant

Essentially, you rank the articles 1 to x, and then the algorithm
figures out the winner. It's still possible to have a tie, but unlikely.

I thought about mentioning this, but decided against it. I believe FPTP  
is the best way to vote for this kind of competition.

I wonder if there's some form of instant runoff that only breaks ties.   
That is, a runoff only occurs between ties, with the people who did not  
vote for the tied candidates getting their secondary votes counted.  I  
suppose most voting systems are for votes that count in the hundreds of  
thousands to millions, so there is very little chance of a tie.  So this  
might be unexplored territory...

I just am not keen on the idea that someone can vote for candidate A, then  
when A ties with B, vote for candidate B in the runoff.  Instant runoff  
appeals to me because you have to write down your preferences up front.

I think for the next time, someone should write a newsgroup-to-vote
program that automatically counts the votes (must be in D of course!)

Of course, then that one person who doesn't format their vote quite  
right loses out...

Well, we can make it simple:

Mark your preference in this box (1-5):
[ ]  article 1
[ ]  article 2

Another (really good) option is to use a web-based voting system, which  
makes things verifiable.  You still need something to verify the user has  
posted to the NG in the past.

BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting
his own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for  

We're developers, not politicians :) If you allow this, then we'll have
to start creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records
of infidelity and such, and it just turns ugly.

Given the rule that voters must have used their handle here before,  
that's not going to happen. I won't comment further to avoid ranting.

I hope you didn't think I was serious, though I don't see how it could be  
seen that way.  If I offended, I'm sorry.


Re: Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 16:08:33 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu  

On 6/9/11 12:51 PM, KennyTM~ wrote:

Given that the 'new' expression can be used in 'pure', should it be that
GC allocation functions like GC.malloc, GC.qalloc and GC.extend (?) be
weakly pure also? And should it apply to other managed allocators as
well, e.g. the proposed TempAlloc?

I'm asking this as one of the specializations of std.conv.toImpl calls
GC.malloc, which is one of the 11 causes preventing from
being pure, and GC.qalloc and GC.extend (and memcpy and Array.capacity)
are used by std.array.appender (of pure range), and appender is also a
major reason why is not pure.

GC.malloc is not technically pure because its result does not only  
depend on arguments - it's a fresh value each time. So the compiler  
can't apply pure reasoning to it.

It's weak-pure, not strong-pure.  weak-pure functions are allowed to  
return different values for two different runs with the same parameters.   
Essentially, weak-pure functions cannot have pure reasoning applied to  
them, *but* they can be called from strong-pure functions.

It's not technically even weak-pure because it uses global data.  But  
because memory allocation is so important to any functional programming,  
it needs to be an exception.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread KennyTM~

On Jun 10, 11 03:20, Timon Gehr wrote:

Timon Gehr wrote:

Steve Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:45:49 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic

I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?

Look at the terminology section of

No clue as to the "why" :)


Actually it does not make too much sense to use the terms open or closed on
integer intervals in a strict mathematical sense. If your universe is the
integers, all subsets of the integers are neither open nor closed, with the
exception of the empty set and the set of all integers, which are both open>  
closed. :o)

I'm sorry, this was misinformation. Actually *all* subsets are both open and 


That depends on how you define the topology on Z anyway.

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Kai Meyer

On 06/09/2011 01:21 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:02:08 -0400, Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

So there is going to be a next one?

Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned

But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions?
A runoff?

We're all developers here, I think people might be open to an instant

Essentially, you rank the articles 1 to x, and then the algorithm
figures out the winner. It's still possible to have a tie, but unlikely.

I think for the next time, someone should write a newsgroup-to-vote
program that automatically counts the votes (must be in D of course!)

BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting
his own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!

We're developers, not politicians :) If you allow this, then we'll have
to start creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records
of infidelity and such, and it just turns ugly.


I second the vote for IRV.

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Brad Anderson
A lot of technical groups that do voting use the Schulze method <>.  Similar to IRV but
technically better.  I'm not sure how easy it is to do in practice.

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Kai Meyer  wrote:

> On 06/09/2011 01:21 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:02:08 -0400, Walter Bright
>>  wrote:
>>  On 6/9/2011 11:03 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:
 So there is going to be a next one?

>>> Yes, maybe in 6 months or so. I'm very happy with how this one turned
>>> out.
>>> But next time we need to devise a tie-breaking rule. Any suggestions?
>>> A runoff?
>> We're all developers here, I think people might be open to an instant
>> runoff:
>> Essentially, you rank the articles 1 to x, and then the algorithm
>> figures out the winner. It's still possible to have a tie, but unlikely.
>> I think for the next time, someone should write a newsgroup-to-vote
>> program that automatically counts the votes (must be in D of course!)
>>  BTW, there's nothing in the rules preventing an author from tooting
>>> his own horn and doing a bit of marketing of their article(s) for votes!
>> We're developers, not politicians :) If you allow this, then we'll have
>> to start creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records
>> of infidelity and such, and it just turns ugly.
>> -Steve
> I second the vote for IRV.

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 17:27:14 -0400, Brad Anderson  wrote:

A lot of technical groups that do voting use the Schulze method <>.  Similar to IRV but
technically better.  I'm not sure how easy it is to do in practice.

That looks cool, but we need a proven piece of software to do it :)

I'd vote for that method.


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/9/11, Steven Schveighoffer  wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:45:49 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic
>  wrote:
>> I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?
> Look at the terminology section of
> No clue as to the "why" :)
> -Steve

The why is what I'm after.

Let me take a look at some definitions of "open" from
thefreedictionary (excluding the definitions under the math section):
"Carried on in full view"
"Spread out; unfolded"
"Accessible to all"
"Lacking effective regulation"

It seems more natural to me to think of open as something that
encompasses a larger scope. E.g. when you spread your arms you have a
larger area between your hands, not smaller.

Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Timon Gehr
Andrei Mitrovic wrote:
> On 6/9/11, Steven Schveighoffer  wrote:
>> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:45:49 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic
>>  wrote:
>>> I never understood why it's called "open" interval. What does it 'open'?
>> Look at the terminology section of
>> No clue as to the "why" :)
>> -Steve
> The why is what I'm after.
> Let me take a look at some definitions of "open" from
> thefreedictionary (excluding the definitions under the math section):
> "Carried on in full view"
> "Spread out; unfolded"
> "Accessible to all"
> "Lacking effective regulation"
> It seems more natural to me to think of open as something that
> encompasses a larger scope. E.g. when you spread your arms you have a
> larger area between your hands, not smaller.

I think it is called open, because you can go into any direction from a point
within an open set without leaving the set. There are no boundaries.


Re: Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread bearophile

> GC.malloc is not technically pure because its result does not only 
> depend on arguments - it's a fresh value each time. So the compiler 
> can't apply pure reasoning to it.

So is the ptr field of a dynamic array allocated inside a strongly pure 

Did you miss the discussion I've had here about the @trasparent? The allocation 
of heap memory can be considered pure if you use the allocated memory as a 
referentially transparent value (this means it's allowed to be used by 
reference, but your code is not allowed to read the value of the reference 
itself, so the future state of the code depends only on the contents of the 
referenced memory, and not the reference itself. Also, overwriting this 
reference is kosher still :-)


Re: D Recurrences

2011-06-09 Thread Ali Çehreli
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 16:19:23 +0100, Ben Grabham wrote:

> Hey,
> Shouldn't both these programs output the fibonnacci numbers? Only the
> first one does.
> import std.range;
> import std.stdio;
> int main() {
>   auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + a[n-2]")(0,1); int i = 0;
>   foreach(int n; a) {
>   if(i++ > 20) break;
>   writefln("%d", n);
>   }
>   return 0;
> }
> import std.range;
> import std.stdio;
> int main() {
>   auto a = recurrence!("a[n-1] + (n < 2 ? 0 : a[n-2])")(1); int i = 
>   foreach(int n; a) {
>   if(i++ > 20) break;
>   writefln("%d", n);
>   }
>   return 0;
> }

For what it's worth, here is a Fibonacci range. (Translated from 
D.ershane's "Aralıklar" (Ranges) chapter.)

import std.stdio;
import std.range;

struct FibonacciRange
int first = 0;
int second = 1;

enum empty = false;

@property int front() const
return first;

void popFront()
int next = first + second;
first = second;
second = next;

FibonacciRange save() const
return this;

void main()
writeln(take(FibonacciRange(), 20));


Improving (foreach) ranges

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham
With the introduction of std.parallelism, I've been wondering about the 

foreach (i; 0..100)

For most uses of foreach, you can just wrap the range in parallel(), but 
with a foreach range statement you can't do this. Of course iota() could 
be used:

foreach (i; parallel(iota(0, 100)))

But that seems inconsistent. What are people's thoughts on making the 
syntax a..b more general, so you can do eg:

void foo(int[]);

Although, I seem to recall seeing this conversation elsewhere, let me 
know if this is the case.


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 12:21 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

We're developers, not politicians :) If you allow this, then we'll have to start
creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records of infidelity and
such, and it just turns ugly.

I only ask that the sexting stay off this n.g.!

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Iain Buclaw
== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article
> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 17:27:14 -0400, Brad Anderson  wrote:
> > A lot of technical groups that do voting use the Schulze method <
> >>.  Similar to IRV but
> > technically better.  I'm not sure how easy it is to do in practice.
> That looks cool, but we need a proven piece of software to do it :)
> I'd vote for that method.
> -Steve

Looks similar very similar to AV, which doesn't need a piece of software to 
(though obviously it helps ;).

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
kind of computer that isn't supported by D)

I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread David Nadlinger

On 6/10/11 1:36 AM, Iain Buclaw wrote:

== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 17:27:14 -0400, Brad Anderson  wrote:

A lot of technical groups that do voting use the Schulze method<>.  Similar to IRV but
technically better.  I'm not sure how easy it is to do in practice.

That looks cool, but we need a proven piece of software to do it :)
I'd vote for that method.

Looks similar very similar to AV, which doesn't need a piece of software to 
(though obviously it helps ;).

This might also be a nice starting point for further exploring the topic:


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 10/06/2011 00:36, Iain Buclaw wrote:

== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 17:27:14 -0400, Brad Anderson  wrote:

A lot of technical groups that do voting use the Schulze method<>.  Similar to IRV but
technically better.  I'm not sure how easy it is to do in practice.

That looks cool, but we need a proven piece of software to do it :)
I'd vote for that method.

Looks similar very similar to AV, which doesn't need a piece of software to 
(though obviously it helps ;).

AV, also known as IRV (see above) :D


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:35:41 -0400, Walter Bright  

On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
kind of computer that isn't supported by D)

I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!

"I wrote this article on D, and all I got was this lousy!T shirt"


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/9/11 6:40 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:35:41 -0400, Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
kind of computer that isn't supported by D)

I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!

"I wrote this article on D, and all I got was this lousy!T shirt"


Post o' the month.


Re: Improving (foreach) ranges

2011-06-09 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Yeah there was a big discussion about this IIRC. I can't recall the
exact link to the topic, sorry.

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-06-09 16:40, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:35:41 -0400, Walter Bright
>  wrote:
> > On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
> >> ("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
> >> the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
> >> kind of computer that isn't supported by D)
> > 
> > I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!
> "I wrote this article on D, and all I got was this lousy!T shirt"

LOL. Good one. Now I want that t-shirt...

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 10.06.2011 01:35, schrieb Walter Bright:
> On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
>> ("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
>> the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
>> kind of computer that isn't supported by D)
> I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!

Hmm D t-shirts would actually be kind of cool (maybe not as first price
in an article contest but in general).
Ever thought about selling D merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, stuff like that)?

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 10/06/2011 00:56, Daniel Gibson wrote:

Am 10.06.2011 01:35, schrieb Walter Bright:

On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
kind of computer that isn't supported by D)

I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!

Hmm D t-shirts would actually be kind of cool (maybe not as first price
in an article contest but in general).
Ever thought about selling D merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, stuff like that)?

Not hugely complete, but:


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 10/06/2011 00:40, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:35:41 -0400, Walter Bright

On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense, when
the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
kind of computer that isn't supported by D)

I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!

"I wrote this article on D, and all I got was this lousy!T shirt"


I would happily accept this as my runners up prize.


Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 10.06.2011 02:06, schrieb Robert Clipsham:
> On 10/06/2011 00:56, Daniel Gibson wrote:
>> Am 10.06.2011 01:35, schrieb Walter Bright:
>>> On 6/9/2011 12:57 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
 ("If I win I port a D compiler to ARM/iOS" would really make sense,
 the price is an iPad - it's kind of ironic anyway that the price is a
 kind of computer that isn't supported by D)
>>> I thought a t-shirt as a prize would be awfully lame!
>> Hmm D t-shirts would actually be kind of cool (maybe not as first price
>> in an article contest but in general).
>> Ever thought about selling D merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, stuff like
>> that)?
> Not hugely complete, but:

Cool - where is the link to that page hidden?
Couldn't find it in the digitalmars main page, the site map or the D page.
Also black t-shirts and/or shirts with the D logo ( ) would be nice :)

(Funny fact: the german cafepress page translates Digital Mars to
"Digital März" and "Mars Mousepad" to "März Mousepad" - "März" is german
for the month "March")

- Daniel

Re: Instantiating Templates Structs with defaults parameter

2011-06-09 Thread d coder
> One simple issue is this:
> template whatevs(T...) { ... }
> whatevs!Foo; // did you mean to pass Foo or Foo!()? Both are legit!
Thanks Andrei for the enlightenment.

- Puneet

Re: Improving (foreach) ranges

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Jacques
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:58:34 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic  

Yeah there was a big discussion about this IIRC. I can't recall the
exact link to the topic, sorry.

I know one of them was during tuple discussions. i.e. to use a..b..c  
instead of (a,b,c) The principal rational was a) '(,)' already has other  
meanings in D and b) '..' would allow for multi-dimensional slicing. But  
people felt this was ugly.

And the multi-dimensional slicing discussions tend to advocate mapping  
a..b to [a,b].

Re: Should GC.malloc be considered 'pure'?

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Jacques

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:51:31 -0400, KennyTM~  wrote:

Given that the 'new' expression can be used in 'pure', should it be that  
GC allocation functions like GC.malloc, GC.qalloc and GC.extend (?) be  
weakly pure also? And should it apply to other managed allocators as  
well, e.g. the proposed TempAlloc?

I'm asking this as one of the specializations of std.conv.toImpl calls  
GC.malloc, which is one of the 11 causes preventing from  
being pure, and GC.qalloc and GC.extend (and memcpy and Array.capacity)  
are used by std.array.appender (of pure range), and appender is also a  
major reason why is not pure.

I think most of the GC functions should be usable in pure functions, but I  
don't know how we'd accomplish that from a technical perspective. Another  
thing to consider is whether GC.malloc should be valid during CTFE.

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Steven Schveighoffer"  wrote in message 
> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 17:27:14 -0400, Brad Anderson  wrote:
>> A lot of technical groups that do voting use the Schulze method <
>>>.  Similar to IRV but
>> technically better.  I'm not sure how easy it is to do in practice.
> That looks cool, but we need a proven piece of software to do it :)
> I'd vote for that method.

The problem though is how do vote for the voting system without a voting 
system having already won the vote? Curse that stupid chicken and her damn 

Re: Best article vote tally - WE HAVE TWO WINNERS!

2011-06-09 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Walter Bright"  wrote in message 
> On 6/9/2011 12:21 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> We're developers, not politicians :) If you allow this, then we'll have 
>> to start
>> creating youtube ads showing the other articles' past records of 
>> infidelity and
>> such, and it just turns ugly.
> I only ask that the sexting stay off this n.g.!

If this were a women's modeling agency, I'd strongly disagree. But 
programmers...ugh, no...

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