Re: New libraries wave-d and y4m-d

2014-04-30 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 02:47:38 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

I checked out y4m-d when it went up on the dub repository. 
Looks interesting.
I do have to ask, are you interested in creating a unified 
library for multimedia with a importers/exporters a bit like 
ASIMPP? Because I think that could be rather useful and not too 
much work on top of the given types already had.

Not really especially for video.

Muxed video requires superior abstractions that I won't get 
right. Real streams may contains dynamic type-change and time 
flows continuously.
So the generic streal abstraction when opening multimedia will 
be much more involved than in y4m, and this hard work has already 
been done in ffmpeg/libav.

Re: New libraries wave-d and y4m-d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 18:46:51 UTC, ponce wrote:
wave-d is a library for reading and writing WAV format 


y4m-d is a library for reading and writing Y4M files.

Y4M is one of the simplest uncompressed video format, it's 
designed to provide a bit of meta-data over raw YUV files.

That's great! At the moment I'm using PortAudio and libsndfile, 
it would be nice to have a D sound library one day.

Re: New libraries wave-d and y4m-d

2014-04-30 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:34:42 UTC, Chris wrote:

That's great! At the moment I'm using PortAudio and libsndfile, 
it would be nice to have a D sound library one day.

What are you missing in the current offering?

Re: New libraries wave-d and y4m-d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:24:14 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:34:42 UTC, Chris wrote:

That's great! At the moment I'm using PortAudio and 
libsndfile, it would be nice to have a D sound library one day.

What are you missing in the current offering?

Current offering of what, waved or portaudio/libsndfile?

Re: New libraries wave-d and y4m-d

2014-04-30 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:39:41 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:24:14 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:34:42 UTC, Chris wrote:

That's great! At the moment I'm using PortAudio and 
libsndfile, it would be nice to have a D sound library one 

What are you missing in the current offering?

Current offering of what, waved or portaudio/libsndfile?

Current offering as in the set of libraries available from D.
libsndfile and portaudio can be used through bindings. But maybe 
you were thinking about eventually not using them?

Re: New libraries wave-d and y4m-d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:43:45 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:39:41 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:24:14 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:34:42 UTC, Chris wrote:

That's great! At the moment I'm using PortAudio and 
libsndfile, it would be nice to have a D sound library one 

What are you missing in the current offering?

Current offering of what, waved or portaudio/libsndfile?

Current offering as in the set of libraries available from D.
libsndfile and portaudio can be used through bindings. But 
maybe you were thinking about eventually not using them?

I use portaudio and libsndfile through D bindings. I was just 
wondering, if there will be a comparable sound library written 
purely in D one day. It'd be a bit like re-inventing the wheel, I 
know, but since we already got the wheel in form of those two 
libs, there's no harm in rolling our own custom wheel at our own 
pace (pardon the pun).

Mono-D 2.0 - XamarinStudio 5.0 support, completion improvements

2014-04-30 Thread Alexander Bothe via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi everyone,

there's a new XamarinStudio version upcoming. And just as usual, 
I've just downloaded the bleeding-edge release candidate and made 
Mono-D run on it :P

For the next couple of days, you'll only be able to get Mono-D 
from the repo I've mentioned in the release note, as 
XamarinStudio's online addin system isn't ready for the new major 
version yet.

Furthermore, there have been some smaller changes  improvements 
to the completion functionality again. There's also upcoming 
dustmite support where you'll be able to invoke dustmite from 
within Mono-D.

Hopefully, I can release the new XamarinStudio/MonoDevelop 
version on Linux as well. Someone mentioned an API freeze for the 
next couple of XS/MD versions, so chances are good that there's 
no hassle with broken Mono-D's for the next months.


Announcing TitaniumD - A D Binding for the Botan Cryptography Library

2014-04-30 Thread Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hello Fellow D'ers,

I'd like to announce TitaniumD, a binding for D to the Botan Cryptography  
Library. Botan is an open-source cryptography library written in C++11 and  
makes extensive use of the C++ Standard Library in it's API. Titanium is a  
PIMPL around the Botan API designed to make interfacing Botan with other  
languages easier by translating the STL API into something more friendly.  
TitaniumD is the D specific binding for Botan.

Botan is distributed as source only and utilizes a script to configure  
individual modules into a single header and source file called an  
amalgamation build. Because of this Botan and Titanium are not a typical  
library distributions, such as OpenSSL, and therefore I am unsure how this  
might fit into Deimos.

A TitaniumD consists of three components:
- TitaniumCore, contains the Botan amalgamation build and the PIMPL  
- TitaniumD, the C++ half of the D binding that maps the PIMPL wrapper to  
a D compatible ABI.

- TDI, the D half of the binding.

Each of these components is built as a static library.

Currently Titanium supports the following algorithms:
AES - Sizes: 128/192/256- Modes: CBC, CTS, CFB, OFB, CTR, EAX, 
Camellia- Sizes: 128/192/256 	- Modes: CBC, CTS, CFB, OFB, CTR, EAX,  

Serpent - Sizes: 128- Modes: CBC, CTS, CFB, OFB, 
Threefish   - Sizes: 512 - Modes: CBC, CTS, CFB, OFB, CTR, 
Twofish - Sizes: 128- Modes: CBC, CTS, CFB, OFB, 
SHA-2   - Sizes: 224/256/384/512
SHA-3   - Sizes: 224/256/384/512
Skein   - Sizes: 512
Whirlpool   - Sizes: 512
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman

SSL/TLS support is coming soon. Botan has supported SSL/TLS for a long  
time, however, there were a few bugs in code that prevented Visual C++  
from compiling the TLS modules. These are in the process of being fixed  
and I'll be building a wrapper for TLS in Titanium shortly.

Botan currently supports x86, x64, and ARM, on Linux, OSX, Windows, iOS,  
and Android. The only dependency that Botan has is on Boost, and any  
recent version will do, I've tested it 1.54 and 1.55.

At this point in time, I only have the time and energy to maintain the  
Windows portion of the code. Currently you can build it on Windows by  
entering the directory and running in the Git Console. However, I  
could really use help in porting the build processes to other platforms.  
Beyond Botan the code itself is pretty vanilla C++, so any recent compiler  
should be able to compile the interface libraries without much fuss.

So if anybody has any interest in a Crypto library for D that is easy to  
use and isn't OpenSSL, I could really use some help getting this library  
ported to more platforms. Pull requests will be accepted!


Adam Wilson
GitHub/IRC: LightBender
Aurora Project Coordinator

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 01:46:21 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
indentation rules. All it can do, and indeed all is *does* do, 
is blindly assume that the indentation as presented is correct 
and adheres to the universal style. If something is indented 
wrong, there is no enforcement, only bugs.

Not blindly. Python will complain if the indentation does not 
make sense. I very seldom run into indentation issues now, but 
had some when I was new to Python. Just like C's syntax, it takes 
some time getting used to.

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Kapps via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 14:50:38 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Monday, 28 April 2014 at 19:34:38 UTC, Kapps wrote:
D can actually do a rather good job of runtime reflection. I 
made a runtime reflection module 
/ for 
my own personal code and it's served the uses I've needed it 
for quite nicely.

Cool. Can it access private members?

Fields, but not methods.

Private methods is something I was thinking about, but the only 
way I can think of to do it would involve making the type use a 
mixin (which does make sense in a way). I haven't done any work 
on anything like this though, and it's not really high priority 
since fields work and I haven't needed anything else yet.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 30/04/14 00:09, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

A lot of things, mostly focusing around having the compiler to help
refactor with confidence (the importance of this really can't be
understated) and having libraries that fit better.

I think one of the great things about Rails and Ruby is all the 
libraries and plugins that are available. If I want to do something, in 
RoR there's a big chance there's already a library for that. In D, 
there's a big chance I need to implement it myself.

The speed is a nice
bonus too, having to spend half a minute just waiting for the tests to
run really grates me.

Yeah, it's sucks that Rails is so slow to boot. But unit tests in D suck 
as well. I mean, how do I run a single unit test in D? Also, my text 
editor (TextMate) already has support for the unit tests frameworks used 
in Ruby.

But wrt libraries, ActiveRecord is unbelievably awful, for example. It
is a bad idea from the ground up: why, oh why are we reinventing the

How do you mean? It just adds an object oriented layer on top of it. 
BTW, what should I use in D. I need a library that is database 
independent and I don't want to write SQL for the common use cases?

erb templates are painful to use too

I prefer HAML (similar to Jade in vibe.d) but I don't think it's that 
bad. What do you use?

, and so is the routing. I
don't understand why routing isn't done automatically for the common case.

I don't know how you do you're routing but the first thing I do when 
generating a new Rails application is to remove the default routing. The 
default routing opens every public method in a controller to be a 
routing end point. It's a complete mess.

The scaffolding is a pain too. Contrast to what web.d does: given a
function signature, it automatically generates a form for it (using type
information to select correct widgets) and can format the response in
several forms automatically including plain text, html list, html table,
json, xml, csv, and a custom template.

There's a plugin [1] for Rails for generating a form based on a type. I 
don't understand how anyone can manage without that. It can 
automatically respond in a couple of formats as well. By default JSON, 
XML and Erb template. The most basic example will look something like this:

class FoosController  ApplicationController
  respond_to :json, :xml

  def index
respond_with Foo.all

Maybe Rails can do this stuff and I'm too much of a n00b, but the other
experienced team members say the way we're doing it is pretty standard
and I'm just not impressed.

Sure, it depends on what's standard. Only using what's installed by 
default. Then yes, perhaps that's standard. But it's not always the best 
idea. At my previous work I did quite a lot different compared to the 
experienced team members.

I can just get stuff done in D in a fraction of a time it takes to do
even less in RoR.

You don't think that's because you're used D for quite a while and 
developed your own web framework. Compared to Rails where you're 
completely new.

The biggest problem I have with D is have to do everything myself. I'm 
getting a bit tired of that.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 05:00:47 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:19:15 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Go has gained much of it's traction from provably and 
producing simpler, faster and more reliable systems that C, 
C++, Python,

etc. and getting articles about the success out there.

Python is simpler than Go for web. There is a reason for why Go 
is still not in production on App Engine, you end up with more 
convoluted code as far as I can tell. Faster, yep.

Only because developers don't reach for PyPy and Cython as much
as they should, rather re-writing everything from scratch and
they stating how they are impressed by Go.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:42:09 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:19:15 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Tue, 2014-04-29 at 22:09 +, Adam D. Ruppe via 

I can just get stuff done in D in a fraction of a time it 
takes to do even less in RoR.

This is the stuff marketing campaigns are made from. As well as
informing the cabal that is this mailing list, there needs to 
be tweets,
Facebook, G+, and proper publishing articles of people 
switching from
RoR, Grails, Django to web.d and vibe.d and discovering 
(measured and
guaranteed) significant performance benefits in both time to 
market and

run time.

I have a friend who has switched to vibe.d after being Erlang 
Cowboy devoted user for years. Trying to convince him to write 
an article about it but no luck so far :( Reason to switch in 
two words : static typing.

I do like dynamic typed languages, but mostly for prototyping, 
scripting and tiny scale projects.

The type of code that we get to write at enterprise level, static 
typing is very valuable, specially given how management tends to 
enforce write code not tests and the skillset of certain 
developers across regions.

Code bases being worked on with 30+ developers across multiple 
sites get fragile very easily.


Re: D vs Rust: function signatures

2014-04-30 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 01:49:01 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

On 4/29/2014 9:38 PM, Narrator wrote:

fn map'r, B(self, f: |A|: 'r - B) - Map'r, A, B, Self

That looks like line noise.

Not if one is used to ML languages. Beauty is in the eyes of the 
beholder. :)

Re: D vs Rust: function signatures

2014-04-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 01:38:46 UTC, Narrator wrote:
The unbelievable amount of time and energy that's been spent 
discussing the smallest syntax, you would think that D would, 
at the very least, have better looking function signatures, but 
it doesn't.

auto zip(Ranges...)(Ranges ranges) if (Ranges.length  
allSatisfy!(isInputRange, Ranges));
auto zip(Ranges...)(StoppingPolicy sp, Ranges ranges) if 
(Ranges.length  allSatisfy!(isInputRange, Ranges));

fn zipB, U: IteratorB(self, other: U) - ZipSelf, U

auto chain(Ranges...)(Ranges rs) if (Ranges.length  0  
allSatisfy!(isInputRange, staticMap!(Unqual, Ranges))  
!is(CommonType!(staticMap!(ElementType, staticMap!(Unqual, 
Ranges))) == void));

fn chainU: IteratorA(self, other: U) - ChainSelf, U

template map(fun...) if (fun.length = 1)
auto map(Range)(Range r) if (isInputRange!(Unqual!Range));

fn map'r, B(self, f: |A|: 'r - B) - Map'r, A, B, Self

template filter(alias pred) if (is(typeof(unaryFun!pred)))
auto filter(Range)(Range rs) if (isInputRange!(Unqual!Range));

fn filter'r(self, predicate: |A|: 'r - bool) - Filter'r, 
A, Self

MaxType!(T1, T2, T) max(T1, T2, T...)(T1 a, T2 b, T xs) if 
(is(typeof(a  b)));

pub fn maxT: TotalOrd(v1: T, v2: T) - T

I don't think a single one of those signatures are equivalent.

Also, bear in mind that those if() constraints contain arbitrary 
code (as long as it can be evaluated at compile-time), so they 
are very flexible.

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 06:12:24 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 01:46:21 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
indentation rules. All it can do, and indeed all is *does* do, 
is blindly assume that the indentation as presented is correct 
and adheres to the universal style. If something is indented 
wrong, there is no enforcement, only bugs.

Not blindly. Python will complain if the indentation does not 
make sense. I very seldom run into indentation issues now, but 
had some when I was new to Python. Just like C's syntax, it 
takes some time getting used to.

Say you have a Python file with 500 lines of code. Try to copy 
and paste something with a different indentation from somewhere 
else into an if statement. You'll have to clean up before you can 
test the program. This kind of patronizing bullshit was invented 
for non-programmers who might make a mess of the code otherwise. 
Any programmer will structure and clean up the code once s/he's 
happy with it. Indentationists seem to assume that you cannot 
indent in C-style languages or if it is not prescribed, people 
will make a mess of it (which is patronizing fascist thinking).

In D you can do this:

if (mode == TEST) {  // Second block added later
if (x == 1) {  // First block

In my opinion, this helps to test and bypass etc. things while 
debugging. Often I don't keep them, and if I do, I clean them up 
immediately as soon as I'm happy with it. In Python you have to 
clean up, even if it's just for 2 minutes of debugging / testing. 
Not to mention the nightmare of merging Python files with 
different indentation levels or styles (tab vs. space).

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Mengu via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:18:49 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 05:00:47 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:19:15 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Go has gained much of it's traction from provably and 
producing simpler, faster and more reliable systems that C, 
C++, Python,

etc. and getting articles about the success out there.

Python is simpler than Go for web. There is a reason for why 
Go is still not in production on App Engine, you end up with 
more convoluted code as far as I can tell. Faster, yep.

Only because developers don't reach for PyPy and Cython as much
as they should, rather re-writing everything from scratch and
they stating how they are impressed by Go.

thank god i'm not the only one who thinks like that. rob pike 
mentioned that there are much more conversion of python / ruby 
developers than c / c++ developers. and as we all know the  
reason is the speed and there's a trade off. they're trading 
beauty, elegance, simplicity with ugly speed. i also think many 
go users are caught NIH syndrome. they are re-inventing 
everything. heck, they are even re-inventing nginx, redis, etc. 
because they are _not written_ in go.

on ruby on rails side, it is fairly very easy. i've built apps 
with rails and i've always been happy with it. some apps used 
rails defaults, some apps were very customised. the thing with 
ror is that it is never getting in your way when you open up your 
editor and start building your application and that's what i look 
for in a web framework.

Re: D vs Rust: function signatures

2014-04-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Nick Sabalausky:

On 4/29/2014 9:38 PM, Narrator wrote:

fn map'r, B(self, f: |A|: 'r - B) - Map'r, A, B, Self

That looks like line noise.

In D there is a lambda syntax:

auto F = (in int x) = x ^^ 2;
void main() {
int y;
auto G = (in int x) = x + y;
pragma(msg, typeof(F));
pragma(msg, typeof(G));

That code contains the types (the pragma output is a little 

int function(in int) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
int delegate(in int) nothrow @nogc @safe

An alternative syntax can be similar to the way you write D 

(in int) pure nothrow @nogc @safe = int
(in int) nothrow @nogc @safe == int

(I am not suggesting to introduce this syntax to D because its an 
useless duplication, but I find it a bit better.)


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 17:09:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 15:55:13 UTC, Etienne wrote:
That's funny b/c most people say RoR made them love web 

That's probably because they went into it with very little 
experience with the alternatives. I was spoiled by my web.d and 
friends, as well as knowing how to use a real relational 
database, so getting on the Rails to me is like going back into 
the stone age.

But if you came from mysql 3 and PHP 4 or some other primitive 
trash, RoR might seem like the best thing ever.

I do kinda like the rails console repl tho. Of course, I kinda 
have that with cgi.d too, you can call its methods on the 
regular command line pretty easily, but that doesn't let you 
build up state as easily for quick changes and I do like that. 
(Maybe I'll offer such with my script.d, should be easy to add 

the rest of it tho is just awful.

Is there any documentation for web.d, including example apps?
I'm using vibe.d at the moment and rolled my own customized DOM 
tree stuff (that was before I knew dom.d existed). I basically 
implemented the most important JS features for DOM manipulation 
and added stuff I'd always wanted in JS.

Re: DIP61: redone to do extern(C++,N) syntax

2014-04-30 Thread Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 05:03:58 +0100, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

Wrong KISS: compiler internals over specification


I've been a C/C++ developer for ~16 years and I was confused several times  
reading this thread.

The mix of D modules and C++ namespaces is the thing what needs to be kept  
simple for us lesser mortals, not the compiler implementation - which  
should, I agree, *ideally* remain simple, but in this case should be  
sacrificed for the other because compiler writers are good at what they do  
and will be able to cope.

I think it is simpler all round to just invent (and perhaps reserve) a new  
top level module for C++ namespaces (an idea mentioned here already) i.e.  


module a;
extern(C++, std) class string {..} // identical to decl in b

module b:
extern(C++, std) class string {..} // identical to decl in a
extern(C++, std) class vector {..} // new decl

module userland;
import a;
import b;

void main()
  cpp.std.string x = new cpp.std.string();
  cpp.std.vector y = new cpp.std.vector();

 - the D modules 'a' and 'b' play no part whatsoever in the lookup of the  
C++ symbol (why the hell should they? I see no benefit to this)

 - the identical declarations in a/b for std.string are treated as one.
 - any *use* (in userland) of a non-identical/ambiguous declaration would  
result in an error.

Link time is where it would actually complain if multiple C++ symbols were  

Special lookup rules would apply to cpp.*

My 2p/c


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:14:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
But unit tests in D suck as well. I mean, how do I run a single 
unit test in D?

This is common complaint I still fail to understand. I have never 
ever wanted to run a single unit test, why would one need it? If 
running all module tests at once creates problems than either 
module is too big or unit tests are not really unit tests.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:21:20 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Having a quick look at Cmsed I must admit I like plain vibe.d 
much more despite the added features :( Forced module coupling 
and OO-heavy design is big loss compared to design simplicity 
and independence of base vibe.d modules.

For example I can't imagine a single case when I'd prefer 
class-based route definition to stock delegate-based.

The classes are unfortunately just a container for routes. So 
if you got a better way, that can provide the same 
functionality, I'd love for a plan on how to do it!

Basically my idea is that you register as little as possible. 
That was why I went with a class for routes.

I'm really gunning for less, simpler = more. And for 
medium-large sites thats kinda important.

Why can't stand-alone annotated function be a valid route? Route 
is pretty much method + url + handler and first two can be 
inferred by convention in many cases (as done in  

Right now your approach actually results in more code than stock 
vibe.d (stand-alone function + explicit route registration).

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 09:41:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:21:20 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Having a quick look at Cmsed I must admit I like plain vibe.d 
much more despite the added features :( Forced module 
coupling and OO-heavy design is big loss compared to design 
simplicity and independence of base vibe.d modules.

For example I can't imagine a single case when I'd prefer 
class-based route definition to stock delegate-based.

The classes are unfortunately just a container for routes. So 
if you got a better way, that can provide the same 
functionality, I'd love for a plan on how to do it!

Basically my idea is that you register as little as possible. 
That was why I went with a class for routes.

I'm really gunning for less, simpler = more. And for 
medium-large sites thats kinda important.

Why can't stand-alone annotated function be a valid route? 
Route is pretty much method + url + handler and first two can 
be inferred by convention in many cases (as done in  Co).

The only way I know of that doesn't result in a container is 
registerRoutes!mymodule; Instead of registerRoute!MyRoute;

Now if I could get access to a list of all the modules and hence 
all routes at CTFE then that wouldn't be an issue. Same deal for 

Basically give me a way that doesn't impose upon the user to 
manually register a route and the symbol is available at CTFE, 
then I'll use it.

I just don't know it.

There is some benefits of having a container for routes however.
Being able to add UDAs to that group of routes. I.e. Don't 
generate javascript, give them a name/grouping.

While its possible without it, its a bit more distinct.

Re: DIP61: redone to do extern(C++,N) syntax

2014-04-30 Thread Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:20:22 +0100, Regan Heath  

Something else to think about.

C# has the same problem and has solved it the following way..

using ..
using CSTest_Test1;
using CSTest_Test2;

namespace CSTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Test1.GetLastError(); // class, not namespace required to call  
Test2.GetLastError(); // class, not namespace required to call  


using ..
namespace CSTest_Test1
public static class Test1
[DllImport(coredll.dll, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Int32 GetLastError();

namespace CSTest_Test2
public static class Test2
[DllImport(coredll.dll, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Int32 GetLastError();

GetLastError() is always going to unambiguous here because it *must* live  
inside a C# class and that class name is *always* required in the call to  

If D has replaced classes/namespaces with modules, then the answer to our  
problem may be to use the C++ namespace *only* to mangle the symbol, and  
*only* use the D module for lookup resolution.

module a;
extern(C++, std) class string {..}

module b:
extern(C++, std) class string {..}
extern(C++, std) class vector {..}

module userland;
import a;
import b;

void main()
  string x = new string(); //error ambiguous (same resolution as for D  

  a.string x = new a.string(); //ok
  b.vector y = new b.vector(); //ok


Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:52:48 UTC, Chris wrote:
Say you have a Python file with 500 lines of code. Try to copy 
and paste something with a different indentation from somewhere 
else into an if statement.

Paste in non-formatting-mode and use the editor's ability to 
block indent? Having an editor that will indent/unindent regions 
when you hit tab/shift-tab helps.

This kind of patronizing bullshit was invented for 
non-programmers who might make a mess of the code otherwise.

It is true that Python grew out of a programming language 
tradition meant for teaching/prototyping.

But the Python syntax it is more useful for an interpreter prompt 
(REPL) than a syntax with explicit begin/end markers. Most of the 
non-trivial transformations I do start at the REPL before being 
pasted into the editor.

In D you can do this:

if (mode == TEST) {  // Second block added later
if (x == 1) {  // First block

I think Go did the right thing by not requiring the redundant 
parantheses on the if statement and perhaps also by allowing the 
omission of semicolons where appropriate etc. Room for improved 
legibility right there.

In Python I would probably use «TEST» rather than «mode==test»:

if TEST x == 1:


Regarding ref results

2014-04-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d
Below you can find some musings, that perhaps just show my 
ignorance of C++11.

The topic is partially related to the  of C++11:

Sometimes I have to compute hash digests, or to return small but 
fixed amounts of data in array for various reasons. There are 
many ways to do it in D, a simple way is to return an ubyte[], 
but I like static safety (to avoid empty arrays, null pointers, 
etc), this is a simple solution:

// Program#1
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.string: representation;

ubyte[20] sillyHash(in ubyte[] key) pure nothrow @nogc {
typeof(return) result;
foreach (immutable i, ref r; result)
r = (key[i % $] ^ i) % 256;
return result;

void main() {
immutable data = some text;
immutable digest = data.representation.sillyHash;
writefln(%-(%02x%), digest);

This first solution performs a copy of the output array. (In some 
cases a compiler can reserve the array space in the stack frame 
of the caller and just return a pointer, return value 
optimization). This solution is clean, safe, easy to use, and if 
your function is not called many times and the output array is 
not too much large, it's a solution I like. Copying small array a 
small number of times is cheap enough.


If the output array is larger, or you need to call that function 
many times and you don't want to pay the copy, you can use 
references (you can also use pointers, but they are less safe):

// Program#2
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.string: representation;
import std.traits: ParameterTypeTuple, Unqual;

void sillyHash2(in ubyte[] key, ref ubyte[20] digest)
pure nothrow @nogc {
foreach (immutable i, ref r; digest)
r = (key[i % $] ^ i) % 256;

void main() {
immutable data = some text;
Unqual!(ParameterTypeTuple!sillyHash2[1]) digest;
sillyHash2(data.representation, digest);
writefln(%-(%02x%), digest);

This second version is almost equally safe, but it has some 
- You need to define the return variable before the function, 
this is not handy for UFCS chains;
- You also need to define the type of the result before calling 
the function. Here I have found such type using 
ParameterTypeTuple, but this is not so handy, and if the function 
becomes a template, you also need to instantiate it to find the 
argument type.

- Now the digest variable can't be immutable.
- The code at the call point is longer.


A hypothetical version that combines the advantages of the first 
two versions:

// Program#3
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.string: representation;

ref ubyte[20] sillyHash3(ref return digest, in ubyte[] key)
pure nothrow @nogc {
foreach (immutable i, ref r; digest)
r = (key[i % $] ^ i) % 256;
return digest;

void main() {
immutable data = some text;
immutable digest = data.representation.sillyHash3;
writefln(%-(%02x%), digest);

sillyHash3 has two arguments, but the programmer can only give 
the second (all the arguments past the first), the first argument 
is handled by the compiler.

The compiler rewrites this sillyHash3 like Program#2 (but with 
swapped function arguments, 'digest' is the first).

Despite this syntax idea is not very good, it has the advantage 
of being efficient (only a pointer is returned, no array copy), 
it's safe, it's clean at the call point, allows to tag the result 
as immutable, and it doesn't rely on compiler optimizations like 
Program#1 so it's reliably efficient (unless the returned array 
is tiny).

The same syntax is also usable for structs:

struct Foo { /*many fields here*/ }

ref Foo bar(ref return f1) {
// Some computation here,
// and f1 fields initialization.
return f1;

void main() {
immutable Foo f = bar();


Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 10:16:12 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:52:48 UTC, Chris wrote:
Say you have a Python file with 500 lines of code. Try to copy 
and paste something with a different indentation from 
somewhere else into an if statement.

Paste in non-formatting-mode and use the editor's ability to 
block indent? Having an editor that will indent/unindent 
regions when you hit tab/shift-tab helps.

Yes it helps, but a language's syntax / usability should not 
depend on tools like editors. Also, what if I want to use an 
editor that doesn't support all the fancy formatting stuff?

This kind of patronizing bullshit was invented for 
non-programmers who might make a mess of the code otherwise.

It is true that Python grew out of a programming language 
tradition meant for teaching/prototyping.

But the Python syntax it is more useful for an interpreter 
prompt (REPL) than a syntax with explicit begin/end markers. 
Most of the non-trivial transformations I do start at the REPL 
before being pasted into the editor.

In D you can do this:

if (mode == TEST) {  // Second block added later
if (x == 1) {  // First block

I think Go did the right thing by not requiring the redundant 
parantheses on the if statement and perhaps also by allowing 
the omission of semicolons where appropriate etc. Room for 
improved legibility right there.

In Python I would probably use «TEST» rather than 

if TEST x == 1:

By this you change the substance of the if statement merely for 
test purposes, i.e.

if x == 1:  if TEST  x == 1:

which is not very elegant, and it's error prone (what if you 
overlook the TEST  bit for release?)

In my D example you leave the essential part untouched. On top of 
that, the fact that to if statements are at the same indentation 
level makes it easier to spot that there is something unusual 
going on there.

Fitted Kitchens Birmingham

2014-04-30 Thread viewtalk via Digitalmars-d

Fitted Kitchens Birmingham .Fitted
kitchens in Birmingham  for only £595 including appliances. Full
fitted kitchens only £ 5 9 5.Fitted kitchens Birmingham.

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Re: Regarding ref results

2014-04-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 10:22:45 UTC, bearophile wrote:
- You need to define the return variable before the function, 
this is not handy for UFCS chains;
- You also need to define the type of the result before calling 
the function. Here I have found such type using 
ParameterTypeTuple, but this is not so handy, and if the 
function becomes a template, you also need to instantiate it to 
find the argument type.

Assuming a static array is considered to be a normal aggregate, 
the System V ABI defines some of this problem away.

int[10] foo()
int[10] a;
//fill a

return a;

void bar()

becomes assembly equivalent to this, assuming a sensible (not 
necessarily very clever) compiler:

void foo(int* ret)
int[10] a;
//fill a

ret[0 .. 10] = a[];

void bar()
int[10] a;

The memory is allocated on stack of caller, and then it passes 
the base address in %edi

Perhaps I'm being naive, but it should be trivial for the 
optimiser to produce something like:

void foo(int* ret)
ret[0 .. 10] = 0; //pessimistic, sometimes elidable.*

//fill ret as if it was an int[10]

void bar()
int[10] a;

*especially when inlined.

I'm not so familiar with other ABIs, but there are really only 3 
choices: 1) allocate in caller, 2) memcopy or 3) return in 
multiple registers. I doubt anyone uses 2, 1 is what we see above 
and 3 is very cheap (register moves normally cost little).

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 18:09:00 UTC, bearophile wrote:

In Phobos there are awkward names like walkLength

walkLength is a really good name. Clear, concise, to the point. 
It's not often that you can make such a short name that explains 
the behaviour so well.

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:20:40 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:13:46 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
walkLength is a really good name. Clear, concise, to the 
point. It's not often that you can make such a short name that 
explains the behaviour so well.

Actually it isn't a good abstraction as it exposes 
implementation internals.

The name should indicate what you get (the calculating of a 
result), not how the framework obtains it (sequential scan).

walk indicates that you can use a visitor-pattern, thus it is 
a misleading name.

(Not that it matters.)

For algorithms execution complexity is not a mere implementation 
detail. walk' implies exactly that it is O(n) as opposed to O(1) 
of built-in length properties. It is a wise approach.

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:13:46 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
walkLength is a really good name. Clear, concise, to the point. 
It's not often that you can make such a short name that 
explains the behaviour so well.

Actually it isn't a good abstraction as it exposes implementation 

The name should indicate what you get (the calculating of a 
result), not how the framework obtains it (sequential scan).

walk indicates that you can use a visitor-pattern, thus it is a 
misleading name.

(Not that it matters.)

Fitted Kitchens Birmingham

2014-04-30 Thread viewtalk via Digitalmars-d

Fitted Kitchens Birmingham .Fitted
kitchens in Birmingham  for only £595 including appliances. Full
fitted kitchens only £ 5 9 5.Fitted kitchens Birmingham.

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:24:09 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
For algorithms execution complexity is not a mere 
implementation detail. walk' implies exactly that it is O(n) 
as opposed to O(1) of built-in length properties. It is a wise 

For you maybe. For me the response is walkLength??? WTF is 
that? Does this imply a length restricted forEach?

I've never seen walk or traverse being used for indicating 
O(n), it is usually used to indicate something you can utilize in 
order to traverse a data-structure. That's how the terms are used 
in CS.

Walk is an imperative. walk length indicates walk the length 
of, not calculate the length of.

But naming functions is often more difficult than writing the 
code. (not a joke)

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread logicchains via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 17:05:50 UTC, Brian Rogoff wrote:
You must be perpetually perplexed then, because Haskell, Clean, 
F#, Nimrod and many other languages also use whiitespace to 
signify indentation.

I suppose I haven't found the whitespace in Haskell and F# so 
bothersome because the static type systems catch most of the 
mistakes at compile time that would occur in Python. Haskell also 
allows optional braces instead of whitespace (whitespace is just 
syntactic sugar for braces), which can be quite useful at times, 
especially when copying code.

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d
On 4/30/2014 6:16 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:52:48 UTC, Chris wrote:

In D you can do this:

if (mode == TEST) {  // Second block added later
if (x == 1) {  // First block

Yea, I do that all the time for debugging...*deliberately* since it 
makes it trivial to spot the temporary testing code. A language 
shouldn't get in my way just because it made a false assumption about my 

I think Go did the right thing by not requiring the redundant
parantheses on the if statement and perhaps also by allowing the
omission of semicolons where appropriate etc. Room for improved
legibility right there.

Personally, I find Go's reduced parens and such to make it noticeably 
harder to read. There's less for my eyes to lock onto when visually 
parsing/scanning. YMMV of course.

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:35:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:24:09 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
For algorithms execution complexity is not a mere 
implementation detail. walk' implies exactly that it is O(n) 
as opposed to O(1) of built-in length properties. It is a wise 

For you maybe. For me the response is walkLength??? WTF is 
that? Does this imply a length restricted forEach?

And that would have been quite a close guess actually as 
walkLength is constrained to accept only finite InputRanges :) 
walk here implies iteration and iteration implies O(n).

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 3:14 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

There's a plugin [1] for Rails for generating a form based on a type. I
don't understand how anyone can manage without that. It can
automatically respond in a couple of formats as well. By default JSON,
XML and Erb template. The most basic example will look something like this:

Automatic forms generated from a type are nice for quick-n-dirty stuff, 
but I find they tend to work against (or at least be much less useful 
for) the tweaking and customization usually needed in public-facing 
production sites.

So I started doing it in reverse:

Instead of defining the form in the server-side code and then awkwardly 
trying to make it generate the HTML I want, I just define the form in 
HTML. (Or rather, in an HTML template that's still more-or-less valid 
HTML, with a few additional non-standard tags to help with metadata like 
how to validate this field).

Then I use Adam's dom.d (in non-strict mode) to read the HTML form 
template (preserving the templating stuff), and automatically infer 
everything I need to automate the form's behavior (and to strip out the 
non-standard metadata I added).

I've been pretty happy with that so far. It combines the DRY simplicity 
of define a form in ONE place and it 'just works' with the full power 
and control of hand-written HTML.

What I really need to do is fully de-entange that stuff from my 
cluttered mess of a homemade web framework and release as a separate 
cleaned-up lib.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 10:01:51 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Why can't stand-alone annotated function be a valid route? 
Route is pretty much method + url + handler and first two can 
be inferred by convention in many cases (as done in  Co).

The only way I know of that doesn't result in a container is 
registerRoutes!mymodule; Instead of registerRoute!MyRoute;

Well you need to specify this only once with root module (usually 
app.d) supplied as a parameter. You can query all imported 
modules recursively from it.

Now if I could get access to a list of all the modules and 
hence all routes at CTFE then that wouldn't be an issue. Same 
deal for models.

This can't be done with same guarantees as runtime reflection 
because of separate compilation. Requirement to transitively to 
import everything from root module is necessary. I don't see it 
much of a burden though.

There is some benefits of having a container for routes however.
Being able to add UDAs to that group of routes. I.e. Don't 
generate javascript, give them a name/grouping.

While its possible without it, its a bit more distinct.

There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added it as 
one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) This list, 
however, can possibly be built automatically via reflection 
provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both options 
and infer as much as possible by convention.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added it as 
one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) This list, 
however, can possibly be built automatically via reflection 
provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier about it if 
the compiler was able to (with a switch most likely) infer/create 
automatically package.d files with auto import of all sub modules 
if it doesn't exist.

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d
On 4/30/14, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 4/29/14, 11:08 AM, bearophile wrote:
 In Phobos there are awkward names like walkLength

 Love it. -- Andrei

std.algorithm.count also works with any input range, they can use that
if they don't like walkLength. Unless it has some limitations? I can't
think of any.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:52:36 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added it as 
one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) This list, 
however, can possibly be built automatically via reflection 
provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier about it 
if the compiler was able to (with a switch most likely) 
infer/create automatically package.d files with auto import of 
all sub modules if it doesn't exist.

Sounds like typical use case for imaginary dub plugin system.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 1:24 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I would say from anecdotal observation, so no real significance, that
most languages end up with a number of frameworks:

1A. Full stack Web framework.
1B. Lightweight HTTP framework.
2A. Full feature networking framework.
2B. Lightweight networking framework.

In 1A we have JavaEE, Spring, RoR, Django, Grails, etc. In 2B we have
Sinatra, Ratpack, Flask, Bottle, etc. For 2A there is Twisted and 2B
asyncio (showing my Python bias here :-)

That does seem to happen.

FWIW, IMO the big selling point of D is it's fairly unique knack for 
letting you eat your cake and still have it. I rather like to think we 
can manage merging the full stacks with the lightweights.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:55:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:52:36 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added it 
as one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) This 
list, however, can possibly be built automatically via 
reflection provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier about it 
if the compiler was able to (with a switch most likely) 
infer/create automatically package.d files with auto import of 
all sub modules if it doesn't exist.

Sounds like typical use case for imaginary dub plugin system.

Perhaps but in the compiler, the file system wouldn't actually be 
changed. And the explicit package.d files would merely be 

Re: D vs Rust: function signatures

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 3:26 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 01:49:01 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

On 4/29/2014 9:38 PM, Narrator wrote:

fn map'r, B(self, f: |A|: 'r - B) - Map'r, A, B, Self

That looks like line noise.

Not if one is used to ML languages. Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder. :)

FWIW, I do agree (Not that I know much about ML-family). The me 
was carelessly left as implied. ;)

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:52:14 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
And that would have been quite a close guess actually as 
walkLength is constrained to accept only finite InputRanges :) 
walk here implies iteration and iteration implies O(n).

The common term is count, countNodes, countElements etc... 
Why all the specialized functions in algorithm.d? Why not just 
have a default predicate that is always true and do compile time 
optimizations? I find fragmented libraries hard to use.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:03:43 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:55:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:52:36 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added it 
as one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) This 
list, however, can possibly be built automatically via 
reflection provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier about 
it if the compiler was able to (with a switch most likely) 
infer/create automatically package.d files with auto import 
of all sub modules if it doesn't exist.

Sounds like typical use case for imaginary dub plugin system.

Perhaps but in the compiler, the file system wouldn't actually 
be changed. And the explicit package.d files would merely be 

There's nothing stopping you from automatically making a 
temporary directory structure for building. No need to alter it 

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:19:15 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

This is the stuff marketing campaigns are made from.

Eh, like Jacob said later, I don't think this is a totally fair 
comparison cuz I'm a world class D expert but a RoR n00b, so 
there's naturally some difference in speed there.

Of course, I doubt the gap will ever be closed, since Ruby's 
awfulness isn't dependent on my experience level. It's not like 
it will ever get static typing even if I used it all the time. It 
won't get faster. ActiveRecord won't get sane.

But still, one person's productivity is too subjective to focus a 
lot on IMO.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:28:28 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:03:43 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:55:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:52:36 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added it 
as one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) This 
list, however, can possibly be built automatically via 
reflection provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier about 
it if the compiler was able to (with a switch most likely) 
infer/create automatically package.d files with auto import 
of all sub modules if it doesn't exist.

Sounds like typical use case for imaginary dub plugin system.

Perhaps but in the compiler, the file system wouldn't actually 
be changed. And the explicit package.d files would merely be 

There's nothing stopping you from automatically making a 
temporary directory structure for building. No need to alter it 

The way this discussion is going I'll have a new build manager 
built specifically for web development. This is where I'm gonna 
say 'no'.

Hmm now if only I understand assembly better. And was able to 
write a JIT then maybe. Maybe then I could implement my evil 

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:37:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:28:28 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:03:43 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:55:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:52:36 UTC, Rikki 
Cattermole wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having aggregated 
compile-time known list of routes. Actually I have added 
it as one of examples for my DConf talk just yesterday :) 
This list, however, can possibly be built automatically 
via reflection provided single root entry point.

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier about 
it if the compiler was able to (with a switch most likely) 
infer/create automatically package.d files with auto import 
of all sub modules if it doesn't exist.

Sounds like typical use case for imaginary dub plugin system.

Perhaps but in the compiler, the file system wouldn't 
actually be changed. And the explicit package.d files would 
merely be overrides.

There's nothing stopping you from automatically making a 
temporary directory structure for building. No need to alter 
it in-place.

The way this discussion is going I'll have a new build manager 
built specifically for web development. This is where I'm gonna 
say 'no'.

Hmm now if only I understand assembly better. And was able to 
write a JIT then maybe. Maybe then I could implement my evil 

A JIT for D? That would be many, many man-years of work.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:32:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Although I definitely would like to hear more about 
asynchronous javascript instead of my synchronous based code 
and how I can combine it at some point.

The way it works in mine is the proxy object sets a kinda magical 
helper value in the URL params, telling it to evaluate the named 
function instead of just trying to convert the data to the right 

So for that one, the regular might be /add?a=1b=2. With the 
nested call, we want a={the result of /add?a=1b=2)b=3.

So it passes it as something like this: /add? + 
urlencode(a=/add?a=1a=2) + b=2a-type=ServerResult;

So the special a-type= tells it that a should not be converted 
to an integer, but instead parsed and called.

The same url parser deconstructs it into a function call and gets 
the data out (currently, the implementation does it through 
string intermediaries for ease; it almost literally replaces that 
with the result in the URL, then re-parses it).

This avoids extra calls to the server since it is all done in one 
set. There's also ways to filter the results that way, for 
example running a querySelector() call on the server to filter a 
HTML result for JS.

Then, the JS call itself is either synchronous or asynchronous. 
The sync calls are done with the .getSync method. This generally 
sucks so I rarely use it, but one cool thing about it is 
exceptions from the D side are propagated to the Javascript side, 
making error handling natural. (This is also the way my web.d.php 
works - it uses PHP's version of opDispatch to make a little 
class that translate's PHP function calls to http requests for 
talking to the server. It always uses synchronous calls which 
sucks btw, but it is awfully easy to use: $a = $Foo-add(1, 

The asynch ones just do pretty regular AJAX requests with a 
callback. The only thing that's interesting is I used the apply 
function in JS to make it kinda nice:

   return callback.apply(callbackThis, ourArguments);

So things like this kinda works sanely, arguments you pass are 
forwarded, etc.

function someFunction(something, another, result) {}

Foo.add(1,2).get(someFunction, hey, this); // will call 
someFunction(hey, this, 3);

Naturally, there's on error callbacks too that can work the same 
way. D exceptions are passed as JS objects. (Indeed, in general, 
all the results from D are passed as objects, it does some 
JSON.parse action on the JS side and automatic serialization on 
the D side so many things just work.)

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:56:03 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
FWIW, IMO the big selling point of D is it's fairly unique 
knack for letting you eat your cake and still have it. I rather 
like to think we can manage merging the full stacks with the 

Ugh, avoid the full stacks like the plague. They tend to be 
lockin solutions. Reminds me of Tango in D1 where you risked 
pulling in all kinds of dependencies.

You might dislike this, but I think nimble servers and clean 
separation with javascript heavy clients are the future.

What I don't want:

- I have started to avoid server processing of forms, 
javascript/ajax gives better user experience.

- I avoid advanced routing, it adds little and leads to harder to 
maintain code, give me a regexp based routing table in one 
location binding request-handlers.

- Server side generation should be kept minimal, prevents caching.

- Would never consider using serverside javascript generation.

What I do want:

- Transparent fast distributed in-memory database with logging to 
a exchangable backing store and with consistency guarantees.

- No filesystem dependencies.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:32:37 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
The lesson from the Bottle/Flask/Tornado experience over the 
last few years is that it is always better

to be working on the next version rather than just
stick to maintaining the current version.

Maybe, but in general, I write what I use, and right now I don't 
have any significant new D web projects in the pipeline. I still 
have a couple old ones going, but the new boss said no in 
switching to D from Ruby (the rest of the team doesn't know it), 
so the question now is: do I want to spend my nights writing 
something I won't be using right now or doing something else?

for now, the answer is doing something else. That might change 
eventually tho.

in the arena that Twisted used to be king; more vibe.d than 

I think the vibe.d folks are doing pretty cool work too. 
Actually, my web.d could arguably be used with vibe.d; a vibe 
backend for my cgi.d is a realistic possibility, and then web.d 
is a pretty straight-forward add-on on top of that.  In fact, it 
might not even be very hard, I just haven't tried yet.

(And the other libs are already independent, I think Nick uses my 
dom.d with vibe already.)

Though, my little httpd isn't awful so again, works for me is a 
lot of inertia to overcome.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:48:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:32:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Although I definitely would like to hear more about 
asynchronous javascript instead of my synchronous based code 
and how I can combine it at some point.

The way it works in mine is the proxy object sets a kinda 
magical helper value in the URL params, telling it to evaluate 
the named function instead of just trying to convert the data 
to the right time.

So for that one, the regular might be /add?a=1b=2. With the 
nested call, we want a={the result of /add?a=1b=2)b=3.

So it passes it as something like this: /add? + 
urlencode(a=/add?a=1a=2) + b=2a-type=ServerResult;

So the special a-type= tells it that a should not be 
converted to an integer, but instead parsed and called.

The same url parser deconstructs it into a function call and 
gets the data out (currently, the implementation does it 
through string intermediaries for ease; it almost literally 
replaces that with the result in the URL, then re-parses it).

This avoids extra calls to the server since it is all done in 
one set. There's also ways to filter the results that way, for 
example running a querySelector() call on the server to filter 
a HTML result for JS.

Then, the JS call itself is either synchronous or asynchronous. 
The sync calls are done with the .getSync method. This 
generally sucks so I rarely use it, but one cool thing about it 
is exceptions from the D side are propagated to the Javascript 
side, making error handling natural. (This is also the way my 
web.d.php works - it uses PHP's version of opDispatch to make a 
little class that translate's PHP function calls to http 
requests for talking to the server. It always uses synchronous 
calls which sucks btw, but it is awfully easy to use: $a = 
$Foo-add(1, 2).getSync();)

The asynch ones just do pretty regular AJAX requests with a 
callback. The only thing that's interesting is I used the apply 
function in JS to make it kinda nice:

   return callback.apply(callbackThis, ourArguments);

So things like this kinda works sanely, arguments you pass are 
forwarded, etc.

function someFunction(something, another, result) {}

Foo.add(1,2).get(someFunction, hey, this); // will call 
someFunction(hey, this, 3);

Naturally, there's on error callbacks too that can work the 
same way. D exceptions are passed as JS objects. (Indeed, in 
general, all the results from D are passed as objects, it does 
some JSON.parse action on the JS side and automatic 
serialization on the D side so many things just work.)

I see I see. I was assuming there wasn't too much changed on the 
server side. And mostly in javascript. Netherless quite 
interesting and advanced usage.
Perhaps it could spawn some changes to the router. And hence the 
ajax route generation.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:50:18 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:37:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:28:28 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:03:43 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:55:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:52:36 UTC, Rikki 
Cattermole wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:38:32 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There are definitely several benefits of having 
aggregated compile-time known list of routes. Actually I 
have added it as one of examples for my DConf talk just 
yesterday :) This list, however, can possibly be built 
automatically via reflection provided single root entry 

I think good flexible framework should provide user both 
options and infer as much as possible by convention.

Hmm interesting idea, although I'd feel a lot happier 
about it if the compiler was able to (with a switch most 
likely) infer/create automatically package.d files with 
auto import of all sub modules if it doesn't exist.

Sounds like typical use case for imaginary dub plugin 

Perhaps but in the compiler, the file system wouldn't 
actually be changed. And the explicit package.d files would 
merely be overrides.

There's nothing stopping you from automatically making a 
temporary directory structure for building. No need to alter 
it in-place.

The way this discussion is going I'll have a new build manager 
built specifically for web development. This is where I'm 
gonna say 'no'.

Hmm now if only I understand assembly better. And was able to 
write a JIT then maybe. Maybe then I could implement my evil 

A JIT for D? That would be many, many man-years of work.
Nah written in D. But in saying that, it would probably be one of 
the first languages I'd have a go at.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:38:28 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:19:15 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

This is the stuff marketing campaigns are made from.

Eh, like Jacob said later, I don't think this is a totally fair 
comparison cuz I'm a world class D expert but a RoR n00b, so 
there's naturally some difference in speed there.

Of course, I doubt the gap will ever be closed, since Ruby's 
awfulness isn't dependent on my experience level. It's not like 
it will ever get static typing even if I used it all the time. 
It won't get faster. ActiveRecord won't get sane.

But still, one person's productivity is too subjective to focus 
a lot on IMO.

Calculated dishonesty is healthy in a marketing campaign :p

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread logicchains via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:37:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Hmm now if only I understand assembly better. And was able to 
write a JIT then maybe. Maybe then I could implement my evil 

You don't necessarily need to understand assembly to write a JIT. 
You could instead have your bytecode take the form of D functions 
(such as int16 addI16(int16 a, int16 b), for instance) so you're 
essentially generating an array of D functions then iterating 
over them evaluating them. This would obviously be slower than 
generating assembly directly, but would still be faster than an 
interpreter, and you could still do some optimisation on it.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:11:20 UTC, logicchains wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:37:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Hmm now if only I understand assembly better. And was able to 
write a JIT then maybe. Maybe then I could implement my evil 

You don't necessarily need to understand assembly to write a 
JIT. You could instead have your bytecode take the form of D 
functions (such as int16 addI16(int16 a, int16 b), for 
instance) so you're essentially generating an array of D 
functions then iterating over them evaluating them. This would 
obviously be slower than generating assembly directly, but 
would still be faster than an interpreter, and you could still 
do some optimisation on it.

Been there. Drunmeta [0]. Theres a reason why I'm not going down 
that road anymore ;)


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Ary Borenszweig via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 6:43 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:14:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

But unit tests in D suck as well. I mean, how do I run a single unit
test in D?

This is common complaint I still fail to understand. I have never ever
wanted to run a single unit test, why would one need it? If running all
module tests at once creates problems than either module is too big or
unit tests are not really unit tests.

When I have a bug in my code I usually add a test for it so it never 
happens again.

Because it's a bug, I might need to debug it. So I add a couple of 
writefln instead of using a debugger (it's faster and I get formatted 
results easier).

Now, if I run all tests I will get output from all the tests, not the 
one I'm trying to debug. That's really annoying.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:18:37 UTC, Ary Borenszweig 
When I have a bug in my code I usually add a test for it so it 
never happens again.

Because it's a bug, I might need to debug it. So I add a couple 
of writefln instead of using a debugger (it's faster and I 
get formatted results easier).

Now, if I run all tests I will get output from all the tests, 
not the one I'm trying to debug. That's really annoying.

Output from the failing test will always be the last one in 
console. Pipe to tail - profit. This sounds as pure aesthetics 

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:46:32 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
On 4/30/2014 6:16 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 08:52:48 UTC, Chris wrote:

In D you can do this:

if (mode == TEST) {  // Second block added later
if (x == 1) {  // First block

Yea, I do that all the time for debugging...*deliberately* 
since it makes it trivial to spot the temporary testing code. A 
language shouldn't get in my way just because it made a false 
assumption about my workflow.

Yep. Good to know I'm not the only one who does this all the time 

I think Go did the right thing by not requiring the redundant
parantheses on the if statement and perhaps also by allowing 

omission of semicolons where appropriate etc. Room for improved
legibility right there.

Personally, I find Go's reduced parens and such to make it 
noticeably harder to read. There's less for my eyes to lock 
onto when visually parsing/scanning. YMMV of course.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 02:25:05PM +, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:18:37 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
 When I have a bug in my code I usually add a test for it so it never
 happens again.
 Because it's a bug, I might need to debug it. So I add a couple of
 writefln instead of using a debugger (it's faster and I get
 formatted results easier).
 Now, if I run all tests I will get output from all the tests, not the
 one I'm trying to debug. That's really annoying.
 Output from the failing test will always be the last one in console. Pipe to
 tail - profit. This sounds as pure aesthetics issue.

What I usually do is to be writefln at the start and end of the failing
test, so I know exactly which part of the output belongs to the failure:

unittest {
writeln(Starting failing test);

... // stuff
writeln(debug value = %s, ...);
... // stuff

writeln(End failing test);

Then just pipe it to:

sed -ne/^Starting\ failing\ test/,/^End\ failing\ test/p

and you're good to go. :-)  (The End message is there so that you're
sure the failure is coming from this test, not somewhere else, and also
serves as an indicator of when the problem gets fixed and it moves on to
the next test.)


It's amazing how careful choice of punctuation can leave you hanging:

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 14:59:25 UTC, logicchains wrote:
An argument for zero-based indexing from Dijkstra:

Well, indeed, it's impossible to select an empty subrange with 
convention c (pascal?). Is it a problem? Simply use null instead 
of an empty range.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 09:22:06 UTC, Chris wrote:

Is there any documentation for web.d, including example apps?

Not much, I've done some before but it is pretty scattered and I
don't even know where it all is right now.

I basically implemented the most important JS features for DOM 
manipulation and added stuff I'd always wanted in JS.

Yeah, dom.d is kinda my magical group of nice convenience too.
The .addChild() helper makes building a tree in code so simple
that I rarely even thing about innerHTML anymore.

addChild takes a tag name and two child strings which are
customized based on the tag name:

addChild(a, Link test,;); // makes
a href=httppLink test/a

addChild(span, foo, bar); // makes span

addChild(div, Html(blol/b)); // divblol/b/div

(normally, the second argument is innerText and the third
argument is the big customization point.)

dom.d's Form class makes them stupid-simple to use too.

auto form = document.requireSelector!Form(#my-form);
form.setValue(something, else);

setValue finds the element with that particular name and sets teh
value based on what it is. So if it is an input, it sets value.
If it is a textarea, it sets innerText. If it is select, it
sets the attribute on the right option, or can add an option if
needed. It can also implicitly create a hidden element if needed.

The Link class has a similar function for link URL params.

And, of course, these can be done in a loop:

void forwardParams() {
   foreach(k, v;
 form.setValue(k, v);

so simple!

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Etienne via Digitalmars-d

A JIT for D? That would be many, many man-years of work.


It would be quite easy. I've figured it out myself.

I've thought of using Pegged with PEG/BNF ParseTrees, made faster using 
ParseTree serialization matched to the source's CRC32-encoding for 
memoization, with a multi-threaded model of tree-generation when 
branching in Or! steps.

Then, the interpretation stage can re-create the D environment with hash 
maps of a Entity Variant of D types, functions, values and 
instantiations added with their respective identifiers, each as a single 
Entity struct containing their instructions as a simple array.

e.g. struct Entity { Entity[] scope; Entity[] instructions }

Once that's done, you should have all your types and objects in 
HashMaps, ready to execute with an entry point. You move through the 
instructions with a foreach loop by looking up function calls and 
expecting the appropriate return type.

Call me crazy, but I think typed variants would be easier and faster to 
handle than the regular casting methods that interpreted languages use 

Anyway, the hardest part again would be to write a good garbage collector.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:26:06 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
Automatic forms generated from a type are nice for 
quick-n-dirty stuff, but I find they tend to work against (or 
at least be much less useful for) the tweaking and 
customization usually needed in public-facing production sites.

Aye, I rarely use my automatic forms on live sites either but 
they are really nice for backend CRUD stuff or a quick-n-dirty 

Sometimes though, I can get away with just modifying an automatic 
form and kinda want to make web.d 2.0 better at that.

Instead of defining the form in the server-side code and then 
awkwardly trying to make it generate the HTML I want, I just 
define the form in HTML. (Or rather, in an HTML template that's 
still more-or-less valid HTML, with a few additional 
non-standard tags to help with metadata like how to validate 
this field).

Yes, rox rox rox.

This is what my html.d originally was for btw, expanding 
non-standard tags. Many of them are obsolete now tho, I use html5 
attributes instead. Of course, html.d also includes other cool 
stuff like CSS expansion and JS foreach macros too, as we fairly 
recently talked about.

Then I use Adam's dom.d (in non-strict mode) to read the HTML 
form template (preserving the templating stuff)

I use strict mode for that stuff, keep in mind strict mode is 
about well-formedness, not validation. So it accepts custom tags 
and attributes easily enough.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Ary Borenszweig via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 11:25 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:18:37 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

When I have a bug in my code I usually add a test for it so it never
happens again.

Because it's a bug, I might need to debug it. So I add a couple of
writefln instead of using a debugger (it's faster and I get
formatted results easier).

Now, if I run all tests I will get output from all the tests, not the
one I'm trying to debug. That's really annoying.

Output from the failing test will always be the last one in console.
Pipe to tail - profit. This sounds as pure aesthetics issue.

That's good.

What if you have tests against a database that where each take some 
time? I don't want to wait for the whole tests to run...

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 10:56:22 UTC, Chris wrote:
which is not very elegant, and it's error prone (what if you 
overlook the TEST  bit for release?)

I'd probably tie it to DEBUG and make sure it has the correct 
value whenever DEBUG is false. No need to remove it before 


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:47:11 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
You might dislike this, but I think nimble servers and clean 
separation with javascript heavy clients are the future.

What I don't want:

- I have started to avoid server processing of forms, 
javascript/ajax gives better user experience.

I don't really agree, I do as much work as I can on the server, I 
like the AJAX stuff to be as stupid simple as setting innerHTML. 
(Indeed, web.d's automatic javascript has helper functions for 
this: Server.getSomeData(args).useToReplace(some_element); )

It makes it a lot simpler and gives good compatibility since the 
client is pretty thin.

- I avoid advanced routing, it adds little and leads to harder 
to maintain code, give me a regexp based routing table in one 
location binding request-handlers.

aye, I think routing is generally ridiculous.

- Server side generation should be kept minimal, prevents 

That's not really true. You can cache individual parts on the 
server and in some cases, cache the whole page on the client too.

Of course, doing things on the server may not need to be cached 
anyway because you don't have the lag of a million http requests 
in putting it together.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Wyatt via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:52:25 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 13:38:28 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
But still, one person's productivity is too subjective to 
focus a lot on IMO.

Calculated dishonesty is healthy in a marketing campaign :p

Put another way, one data point is not data but a lot of them is. 
 Every anecdote carries some weight.

And even as one person, there are probably a non-trivial number 
of people who think roughly the same way and would benefit 
from...err, from being proselytised? ;)


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:58:20 UTC, Ary Borenszweig 

That's good.

What if you have tests against a database that where each take 
some time? I don't want to wait for the whole tests to run...

Tests with I/O are not unit tests. And built-in D feature is not 
called unit-or-somet-other-tests. For integration testing you 
need some different approach where being able to run separate 
cases is indeed useful. But it is not a fault of D _unit_ test 

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:14:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I think one of the great things about Rails and Ruby is all the 
libraries and plugins that are available. If I want to do 
something, in RoR there's a big chance there's already a 
library for that. In D, there's a big chance I need to 
implement it myself.

I like implementing things myself :P

That's the question I dread most at meetings now: is there a gem 
for this? idk, in the time it takes to search for and evaluate 
third party code, I could have just written it myself. Especially 
since libraries almost always need some kind of customization for 
our specific case anyway!

There's a few exceptions where something is hard to write, but 
most things just aren't that hard.

But unit tests in D suck as well.

A big difference though is the compiler helps you a lot in D. In 
Ruby, for example, the main reason we use the unit tests (so far) 
is to help ensure consistency after refactoring something. It 
catchings things like a renaming we missed, or a removed method 
still in use.

In D, you just recompile and those things are found almost 
instantly without needing to actually run any code.

How do you mean? It just adds an object oriented layer on top 
of it.

They deliberately avoid the most important parts of a relational 

The Active Record way claims that intelligence belongs in your 
models, not in the database. As such, features such as triggers 
or foreign key constraints, which push some of that intelligence 
back into the database, are not heavily used.

ORM is something I only like in very small quantities, but 
ActiveRecord uses it for *everything*, well, except for the 
things it doesn't even support.

The problem here is one of encapsulation and of correctness. If 
something bypasses the model - which is required for tasks the 
library doesn't even support and also likely to happen if there's 
a second app using the data - all kinds of stuff can get in there 
that is bad.

You also have problems like race conditions:

account = BankAccount.find(1)
account.balance -= 10!

What if two of those run concurrently? I searched the web quickly 
for this and haven't found a good answer yet...

Then, with referential integrity, the docs suggest DIY or getting 
some third party gem, because their godawful library doesn't 
really support it. The best it does is offer you a square wheel 
with the dependent thing. Stupid stupid stupid.

When you actually use the database as it is intended, it takes 
care of these things for you with very easy syntax that works 
across business logic languages. Nothing new to learn there.

BTW, what should I use in D. I need a library that is database 
independent and I don't want to write SQL for the common use 

idk, I use my database.d which has a little bit of overlap with 
what active record does, but since I generally see ORM as being a 
nasty anti-pattern and horribly leaky abstraction, I didn't go 
far with it.

There's really nothing to fear with writing SQL, except the cases 
where the language sucks. (UPDATE and INSERT being so different, 
and the solutions being different for the various vendors, ugh. 
That's why I made my DataObject, it gathers the changes together 
then issues one of those commands. It can also be gotten from a 
query, making it a kind of simple active record:

auto obj = mysql.queryDataObject(select * from foo limit 

obj.whatever = something;
obj.commitChanges(); // calls UPDATE foo SET whatever='something' 
WHERE id = ?

which also works on joined queries on MySQL btw and offers easy 
support for multiple primary keys or ones not named id (as an 
argument to commitChanges), something active record as far as i 
can tell doesn't even try to do, but it doesn't try to fetch 
child objects or anything like that.

I have considered adding child object fetching, but I don't 
really see the need, it is easy to write a method that does that 
if you want to.)

I prefer HAML (similar to Jade in vibe.d) but I don't think 
it's that bad. What do you use?

The ruby thing looks like this span class=foo%= @some_value 

For my D stuff, I have two options:

1) create the HTML right in D using dom.d. I like to use this for 
objects that know how to format themselves and output strictly 
semantic XML/HTML. The visual styling is then done with CSS. This 
works better than you might expect!

2) web.d also has a fairly simple replacement system too:

span class=foo{$some_value}/span

it also supports inserting partials

div html-from={$dynamic_html}/div or include partial=foo 
/, though the include thing takes a wee bit of helper code from 
the app because it needs to find the html somewhere.

And the variable replacement can be piped: {$some_count|plural 
user users} for example, which is kinda cool.

It does NOT support intertwined code. Other things are done with 

Re: Default arguments in function callbacks not taken into account when instantiating templates has huge security implications

2014-04-30 Thread Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d
On 4/29/14, Wyatt via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 I'm sorry, but can you explain how this lets an attacker learn
 anything useful?

Maybe I over-exaggerated a little bit here.

On 4/29/14, Kenji Hara via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 This is a compiler bug.

Ok, I thought it was maybe by design. I remember there being a similar
issue with function pointers not being distinct w.r.t. default
arguments. There's a bugzilla issue where Walter comments on it. I'm
not sure about the issue number though.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:57:00 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
- Server side generation should be kept minimal, prevents 

That's not really true. You can cache individual parts on the 
server and in some cases, cache the whole page on the client 

Mhh… I think there are several different types of files and 
caching strategies:

1. static files (the ones that never change can be stored at edge 

2. pregenerated files (files served from Amazon AWS, Google Cloud 
Storage, CDNs)

3. proxy cachable files / client cachable files

4. server memcached files

5. fully dynamic files


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d
On 4/30/2014 9:47 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:56:03 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

FWIW, IMO the big selling point of D is it's fairly unique knack for
letting you eat your cake and still have it. I rather like to think we
can manage merging the full stacks with the lightweights.

Ugh, avoid the full stacks like the plague. They tend to be lockin
solutions. Reminds me of Tango in D1 where you risked pulling in all
kinds of dependencies.

You might dislike this, but I think nimble servers and clean separation
with javascript heavy clients are the future.

That definitely is the direction things are moving right now. Granted, I 
don't like it, but you're right it's undoubtedly the popular direction 
and it's unlikely to slow or reverse anytime soon.

That said, I don't have an issue with fat clients in general. I usually 
tend to prefer them (ex: desktop email client). Just not when the fat 
client happens to be inside a web browser, because that tends to not be 
fat client so much as needlessly bloated client with an awkward, 
temperamental UI (example: MS Word and OpenOffice have never lost one 
keystroke for me from a network hiccup or anything equally trivial).

What I don't want:

- I have started to avoid server processing of forms, javascript/ajax
gives better user experience.

JS can definitely help improve the UX of form validation, no doubt about 
that, but it's important to remember that server-side validation is 
still necessary anyway, regardless of what you do on the client.

- I avoid advanced routing, it adds little and leads to harder to
maintain code, give me a regexp based routing table in one location
binding request-handlers.

Same here. I don't like having my available HTTP interfaces scattered 
across my codebade, and I definitely don't like having them implicit 
based on member-function visibility (I've used such frameworks before. 
Not personally my cup of tea).

What I *do* love is having a canonical table defining my entire HTTP 
interface in one easy location. The extra typing or non-DRYness of that 
is a mere triviality in my experience (and I'm normally a huge DRY buff).

- Server side generation should be kept minimal, prevents caching.

Ehh, yes and no. Server side generation is usually fine, just not when 
it's done more often than necessary. And traditional server-side web 
technologies definitely tend to do it more than necessary,

For example, consider a page containing a blog post with (non-Disqus) 
user comments:

It's a complete waste for the server to regenerate such a page upon 
every request, PHP/ASP-style. That's because it doesn't *change* upon 
every viewing - it only changes on every post and edit (and not even 
every one of those, if there's enough comments to trigger paging).

So unless the page's rate of comment submissions/edits approaches the 
rate of comment views (unlikely...except maybe on YouTube ;) ), then 
it's best to re-generate upon posts/edits and then cache that. So you 
still get caching benefits, but with no need to make *all* the clients 
duplicate the exact same page-generating effort as each other upon every 

Supporting login stuff (ex: Hello, [your name here]! Logout?) doesn't 
really mess this up either. The vast majority of the page can still be 
cached by the server. Then, generating it for each user doesn't need 
to be anything more resource-intensive than this:

void loginUser(string name)
session.user.loggedIn = true; = name;

// Whatever template engine you want:
session.user.loggedInUI =
  `Hello b`~name~`/b! a href=/logoutLogout/a`;

enum commonLoggedOutUI =
`Login: formUsername:input... Pass:input.../form`;

void showMyPage(OutRange response, User user)
// myPage was automatically split into parts A and B
// last time it was updated:




- Would never consider using serverside javascript generation.

Heh, I've actually done that on old-style ASP (ages ago). It was both 
confusing and interesting.

What I do want:

- Transparent fast distributed in-memory database with logging to a
exchangable backing store and with consistency guarantees.

- No filesystem dependencies.

I'll take those, plus a large vanilla latte, please. :) Thank you, come 

A few considerations on garbage collection

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
I'm mulling over a couple of design considerations for allocators, and 
was thinking of the following restriction:

1. No out-of-bounds tricks and no pointer arithmetic. Consider:

int[] a = new int[1000];
a = a[250 .. 750];
int* p = a[500 .. $].ptr;

Subsequently the GC should be within its rights to deallocate any memory 
within the first and last 250 integers allocated, even though in theory 
the user may get to them by using pointer arithmetic.

In particular that means once a slice is shrunk, there's no growing back 
unless another slice is around.

I think the current GC already does that.

2. The same may be the case for classes WITHOUT destructors. Consider:

class A
   int[1000] a;
   int b;
   int[1000] c;
int* p = (new A).b;

The collector should be allowed to deallocate any memory except b's own, 
even though that means the class has holes in it. The current GC does 
not do that.

2. However, the same shall not be the case for classes with destructors. 

class B
   int[1000] a;
   int b;
   int[1000] c;
   ~this() { ... }
int* p = (new B).b;

This class has a destructor, so it will be kept around in its entirety 
if an internal pointer is held.

3. Classes meant to have destructors called at collection will ALWAYS 
have been allocated with new (i.e. won't start in the middle of some 
other allocation). In other words, only class objects created with new 
will be properly collected. Those forced in odd places with emplace() 
are the responsibility of the user.

4. Currently, struct objects created with new do NOT have their 
destructors called during collection. I think this may continue, meaning 
that structs created with new are somewhat low-level and are meant to be 
destroyed and deallocated manually.

5. This brings up arrays of structs. As far as I understand, destructors 
will never be called for these, even after all references are gone:

struct S { ~this() { ... } }
auto a = new S[100];

Unlike (4), arrays of structs are high-level and frequently used. I 
think we must do something about it, so I plan to support calling 
destructors for arrays of structs.

6. The point above brings to mind more radical possibilities, such as 
making all arrays reference-counted and allowing compulsive deallocation 
when the reference counter goes down to zero. That would rule out things 
like escaping pointers to data inside arrays, which is quite extreme. 
But probably worth bringing up in a brainstorming. If we disallow 
statically constructs that take addresses we may get away with it.

Please chime in with your thoughts.


Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d


A coworker mentioned the idea that unittests could be run in parallel 
(using e.g. a thread pool). I've rigged things to run in parallel 
unittests across modules, and that works well. However, this is too 
coarse-grained - it would be great if each unittest could be pooled 
across the thread pool. That's more difficult to implement.

This brings up the issue of naming unittests. It's becoming increasingly 
obvious that anonymous unittests don't quite scale - coworkers are 
increasingly talking about the unittest at line 2035 is failing and 
such. With unittests executing in multiple threads and issuing e.g. 
logging output, this is only likely to become more exacerbated. We've 
resisted named unittests but I think there's enough evidence to make the 

Last but not least, virtually nobody I know runs unittests and then 
main. This is quickly becoming an idiom:

version(unittest) void main() {}
else void main()

I think it's time to change that. We could do it the 
non-backward-compatible way by redefining -unittest to instruct the 
compiler to not run main. Or we could define another flag such as 
-unittest-only and then deprecate the existing one.

Thoughts? Would anyone want to work on such stuff?


Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
On 4/30/14, 4:20 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:13:46 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

walkLength is a really good name. Clear, concise, to the point. It's
not often that you can make such a short name that explains the
behaviour so well.

Actually it isn't a good abstraction as it exposes implementation

The name should indicate what you get (the calculating of a result), not
how the framework obtains it (sequential scan).

Making complexity an implementation detail is an antipattern. -- Andrei

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 10:58 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

What if you have tests against a database that where each take some
time? I don't want to wait for the whole tests to run...

Collapse block, [Home], [Shift]-[Down] (select), [Ctrl]-/ (comment)


Just FWIW, though. I'm not arguing for or against an ability to run 
specific unittests.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 7:18 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

On 4/30/14, 6:43 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:14:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

But unit tests in D suck as well. I mean, how do I run a single unit
test in D?

This is common complaint I still fail to understand. I have never ever
wanted to run a single unit test, why would one need it? If running all
module tests at once creates problems than either module is too big or
unit tests are not really unit tests.

When I have a bug in my code I usually add a test for it so it never
happens again.

Because it's a bug, I might need to debug it. So I add a couple of
writefln instead of using a debugger (it's faster and I get formatted
results easier).

Now, if I run all tests I will get output from all the tests, not the
one I'm trying to debug. That's really annoying.

Yah, naming unittests is key here. With names one can specify which to 
run/not run, regex patterns (i.e. run only quick*) etc. -- Andrei

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 5:58 AM, Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 4/30/14, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 4/29/14, 11:08 AM, bearophile wrote:

In Phobos there are awkward names like walkLength

Love it. -- Andrei

std.algorithm.count also works with any input range, they can use that
if they don't like walkLength. Unless it has some limitations? I can't
think of any.

Yah, they overlap in functionality but only somewhat. walkLength is O(1) 
on ranges with length, and it allows a convenient up to parameter.


Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
On 4/30/14, 6:18 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:52:14 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

And that would have been quite a close guess actually as walkLength is
constrained to accept only finite InputRanges :) walk here implies
iteration and iteration implies O(n).

The common term is count, countNodes, countElements etc... Why all
the specialized functions in algorithm.d? Why not just have a default
predicate that is always true and do compile time optimizations?

That would be an awful idea. -- Andrei

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Andrei Alexandrescu:

A coworker mentioned the idea that unittests could be run in 

In D we have strong purity to make more safe to run code in 

pure unittest {}

We've resisted named unittests but I think there's enough
evidence to make the change.

Yes, the optional name for unittests is an improvement:

unittest {}
unittest foo {}

I am very glad your coworker find such usability problems :-)

We could do it the non-backward-compatible way by
redefining -unittest to instruct the compiler to not run main.


I'd also like some built-in way (or partially built-in) to use a 
module only as main module (to run its demos) or as module to 
be imported. This problem is solved in Python with the if 
__name__ == __main__: idiom.


Re: A few considerations on garbage collection

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 8:33 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

int[] a = new int[1000];
a = a[250 .. 750];
int* p = a[500 .. $].ptr;

Here I meant:

int[] a = new int[1000];
int* p = a[500 .. $].ptr;
a = a[250 .. 750];


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 08:43:31 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

 However, this is too 
 coarse-grained - it would be great if each unittest could be pooled 
 across the thread pool. That's more difficult to implement.

I filed a pull request which allowed running unit tests individually
(and in different threads*) two years ago, but didn't pursue this

To summarize: It provides a function pointer for every  unit test to
druntime or user code. This is actually easy to do. Naming tests
requires changes in the parser, but I guess that shouldn't be difficult

* Some time ago there was a discussion whether unit tests can rely on
  other tests being executed first / execution order. AFAIK some phobos
  tests require this. That of course won't work if you run the tests in
  different threads.

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 14:57:44 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 10:56:22 UTC, Chris wrote:
which is not very elegant, and it's error prone (what if you 
overlook the TEST  bit for release?)

I'd probably tie it to DEBUG and make sure it has the correct 
value whenever DEBUG is false. No need to remove it before 


I think it is not feasible to tie everything to DEBUG. Debug is a 
signpost that marks well-defined problem zones. Often I need 
just a little writefln() statement somewhere in the code to see 
what is going on / wrong in a certain block. The simplest example 
is to insert writeln() simply to see up to which point it prints 
before the app crashes. Believe it or not, I find this technique 
very efficient in certain situations.
Python often gets in my way when micro-debugging in this way, 
because of indentation terror.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 8:54 AM, bearophile wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu:

A coworker mentioned the idea that unittests could be run in parallel

In D we have strong purity to make more safe to run code in parallel:

pure unittest {}

This doesn't follow. All unittests should be executable concurrently. -- 

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 10:53 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 12:26:06 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Then I use Adam's dom.d (in non-strict mode) to read the HTML form
template (preserving the templating stuff)

I use strict mode for that stuff, keep in mind strict mode is about
well-formedness, not validation. So it accepts custom tags and
attributes easily enough.

Well, I've been using mustache-d as my main templating engine, which is 
just a general text preprocessor (Although I'm kinda eyeing that other 
text preprocessor that uses actual D code). IIRC, I think there were 
some cases where the my templates involved some non-well-formedness that 
the DOM's non-strict mode was perfectly happy with. Whatever it was, I'm 
sure there was *something* I was doing that strict mode was tripping up 
on. May have been an old version of the DOM, too.

Granted there are still things I have to refrain from doing in my HTML 
form templates because it would violate well-formedness *too much* even 
for an ultra-relaxed HTML DOM. But those cases always have other 
(arguably more sanitary) ways to accomplish the same thing.

Re: A few considerations on garbage collection

2014-04-30 Thread Orvid King via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 15:33:29 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
4. Currently, struct objects created with new do NOT have their 
destructors called during collection. I think this may 
continue, meaning that structs created with new are somewhat 
low-level and are meant to be destroyed and deallocated 

5. This brings up arrays of structs. As far as I understand, 
destructors will never be called for these, even after all 
references are gone:

struct S { ~this() { ... } }
auto a = new S[100];

Unlike (4), arrays of structs are high-level and frequently 
used. I think we must do something about it, so I plan to 
support calling destructors for arrays of structs.

Although it would be a breaking change, I am intending to propose 
that the destructors of heap-allocated structs be handled in the 
same way as destructors of classes in my GC implementation. I am 
also intending to propose a guarantee that, if the program exits 
normally, all destructors will be invoked before the application 
ends. To help facilitate this I intend to have a thread dedicated 
to calling destructors. I'm still working on typing out the 
entire design of the GC, but I don't currently see a reason 
(design-wise) why I'd have to change these things.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 8:54 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 08:43:31 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

However, this is too
coarse-grained - it would be great if each unittest could be pooled
across the thread pool. That's more difficult to implement.

I filed a pull request which allowed running unit tests individually
(and in different threads*) two years ago, but didn't pursue this

To summarize: It provides a function pointer for every  unit test to
druntime or user code. This is actually easy to do. Naming tests
requires changes in the parser, but I guess that shouldn't be difficult

That's fantastic, would you be willing to reconsider that work?

* Some time ago there was a discussion whether unit tests can rely on
   other tests being executed first / execution order. AFAIK some phobos
   tests require this. That of course won't work if you run the tests in
   different threads.

I think indeed a small number of unittests rely on order of execution. 
Those will be still runnable with a fork factor of 1. We'd need a way to 
specify that - either a flag or:

static shared this() { Runtime.unittestThreads = 1; }


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Byron via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:02:54 -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 I think indeed a small number of unittests rely on order of execution.
 Those will be still runnable with a fork factor of 1. We'd need a way to
 specify that - either a flag or:
 static shared this() { Runtime.unittestThreads = 1; }

Named tested seems like a no brainier to me.

Maybe nested unittests?

unittest OrderTests {
  // setup for all child tests?
  unittest a {


  unittest b {



I also wonder if its just better to extend/expose the unittest API for 
more advanced things like order of execution, test reporting, and parallel 
execution. And we can just support an external unittesting library to do 
all the advanced testing options.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread QAston via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 15:43:35 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 


A coworker mentioned the idea that unittests could be run in 
parallel (using e.g. a thread pool). I've rigged things to run 
in parallel unittests across modules, and that works well. 
However, this is too coarse-grained - it would be great if each 
unittest could be pooled across the thread pool. That's more 
difficult to implement.

This brings up the issue of naming unittests. It's becoming 
increasingly obvious that anonymous unittests don't quite scale 
- coworkers are increasingly talking about the unittest at 
line 2035 is failing and such. With unittests executing in 
multiple threads and issuing e.g. logging output, this is only 
likely to become more exacerbated. We've resisted named 
unittests but I think there's enough evidence to make the 

Last but not least, virtually nobody I know runs unittests and 
then main. This is quickly becoming an idiom:

version(unittest) void main() {}
else void main()

I think it's time to change that. We could do it the 
non-backward-compatible way by redefining -unittest to instruct 
the compiler to not run main. Or we could define another flag 
such as -unittest-only and then deprecate the existing one.

Thoughts? Would anyone want to work on such stuff?


An existing library implementation:

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 9:19 AM, Byron wrote:

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:02:54 -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I think indeed a small number of unittests rely on order of execution.
Those will be still runnable with a fork factor of 1. We'd need a way to
specify that - either a flag or:

static shared this() { Runtime.unittestThreads = 1; }


Named tested seems like a no brainier to me.

Maybe nested unittests?

unittest OrderTests {
   // setup for all child tests?

   unittest a {


   unittest b {



I wouldn't want to get too excited about stuff without there being a 
need for it. We risk overcomplicating things (i.e what happens inside 
loops etc).

I also wonder if its just better to extend/expose the unittest API for
more advanced things like order of execution, test reporting, and parallel
execution. And we can just support an external unittesting library to do
all the advanced testing options.

That would be pretty rad.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 9:24 AM, QAston wrote:

An existing library implementation:

Nice! The Warning: With dmd 2.064.2 and the gold linker on Linux 64-bit 
this code crashes. is hardly motivating though :o).

I think this project is a confluence of a couple others, such as logging 
and a collection of specialized assertions. But it's hard to tell 
without documentation, and the linked output 
does not exist.


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 15:27:48 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
That definitely is the direction things are moving right now. 
Granted, I don't like it, but you're right it's undoubtedly the 
popular direction and it's unlikely to slow or reverse anytime 

I'm not sure if I like it either, but I think websites are 
getting more usable now. For a while it was a shitty stuttering 
mess of HTML and JS that made me longing for an AntiWeb browser 
with community maintained per-site AI that turns the horrible 
HTML-mess into semantic markup that you can style yourself. I 
actually have a file called antiweb.d here… ;)

I also had high hopes for XSLT. I remember requiring 
studentprojects to serve XML from the server, and transform it to 
HTML using XSLT in the browser back in 2002 or so. And XSLT 
support was actually quite good, at least until the mobile shit 
hit the fan. Unfortunately connections were still slow so XSLT 
based rendering had to wait until the whole XML was downloaded. 
Today I think it might work out quite nicely, but I doubt anyone 
even remembers that browser can do XSLT today. Actually, I am not 
even sure if they all still support it?

The weird thing is that SEO and search engine priorities are the 
ones that keep the dynamic websites from going fully dynamic by 
their anti-dynamic measures (punishing non-static content) and 
they are also the ones that are pushing semantic markup such as 
itemscope/itemprop microdata.

On the other side of the fence the Wordpress authors are having a 
lot of power. Whatever Wordpress makes easy will dominate a large 
portion of the web. I think that is so sad, because the Wordpress 
codebase is… err… junk. I am not even going to use the term «a 
pile of junk» which would suggest that there is some sense of 
structure to it. I think it is more like a scattered mutating 
spaghetti dinner gone terribly wrong, slowly emerging from every 
toilet in every household taking over the earth… like the classic 
horror movies from the 1950s.

JS can definitely help improve the UX of form validation, no 
doubt about that, but it's important to remember that 
server-side validation is still necessary anyway, regardless of 
what you do on the client.

Yup. So a must have is a good infrastructure for specifying 
database invariants and transactions. Ideally it should execute 
like a stored procedure thus leaving the server logic pretty 

What I *do* love is having a canonical table defining my entire 
HTTP interface in one easy location. The extra typing or 
non-DRYness of that is a mere triviality in my experience (and 
I'm normally a huge DRY buff).

Yep, it also acts like always-up-to-date documentation when you 
come back to the source code 6 months later trying to figure out 
the main structure.

So unless the page's rate of comment submissions/edits 
approaches the rate of comment views (unlikely...except maybe 
on YouTube ;) ), then it's best to re-generate upon posts/edits 
and then cache that. So you still get caching benefits, but 
with no need to make *all* the clients duplicate the exact same 
page-generating effort as each other upon every viewing.

Well, I would probably use JS… ;-)

But I am pragmatic. Caching and pregeneration can lead to bugs 
and complications. So it is usually a good idea to just do a 
dynamic version first and then add caching when needed.

I also sometimes use a dynamic template during development, and 
then just save a static version for release if I know that it 
won't change.

I'll take those, plus a large vanilla latte, please. :) Thank 
you, come again!

You're welcome!

I think it is realistic now for smaller sites (say 1-8 servers) 
where you have enough RAM to hold perhaps 10 times the 
information the site will ever provide. One should be able to 
sync 8 servers that have relative few write operations easily. 
So, reading the log might take some time during startup, but with 
an efficient format… it probably could complete quickly for 1GB 
of data.

Re: python vs d

2014-04-30 Thread Brian Rogoff via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 11:41:29 UTC, logicchains wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 17:05:50 UTC, Brian Rogoff wrote:
You must be perpetually perplexed then, because Haskell, 
Clean, F#, Nimrod and many other languages also use 
whiitespace to signify indentation.

I suppose I haven't found the whitespace in Haskell and F# so 
bothersome because the static type systems catch most of the 
mistakes at compile time that would occur in Python. Haskell 
also allows optional braces instead of whitespace (whitespace 
is just syntactic sugar for braces), which can be quite useful 
at times, especially when copying code.

Right, it's not the significant indentation which perplexes you, 
but the complete lack of compile time checking from Python. I'm 
perplexed that anyone could prefer that too, but I suppose those 
programmers who are way smarter than me and don't make any 
mistakes find types burdensome, or are always writing correct 
code that can't be type checked by any current checker.

Re: What's the deal with Warning: explicit element-wise assignment...

2014-04-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 15:51:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Why all
the specialized functions in algorithm.d? Why not just have a 
predicate that is always true and do compile time 

That would be an awful idea. -- Andrei


By having a gazillion functions doing almost the same thing you 
are moving away from generic programming…

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-04-30 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 11:04 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

A big difference though is the compiler helps you a lot in D. In Ruby,
for example, the main reason we use the unit tests (so far) is to help
ensure consistency after refactoring something. It catchings things like
a renaming we missed, or a removed method still in use.

This has a lot to do with why I don't buy the common argument that 
dynamic languages are all about just getting shit done.

Anytime I use them, they just create more work for me. Writing more 
sanity checks. More hours debugging. More work to optimize hotspots. 
More time figuring out Tracebacks I'm getting from code I didn't even 
write or from tools I'm simply trying to install. Etc.

In D, you just recompile and those things are found almost instantly
without needing to actually run any code.

Gotta love it :)

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-04-30 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:28:18 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

  I also wonder if its just better to extend/expose the unittest API
  for more advanced things like order of execution, test reporting,
  and parallel execution. And we can just support an external
  unittesting library to do all the advanced testing options.  
 That would be pretty rad.

We can kinda do that.
I guess the main problem for a simple approach is that unittests are
functions but advanced frameworks often have unittest classes/objects.
We can't really emulate that on top of functions.

What we can easily do is parse UDAs on unittests and provide access to
these UDAs. For example:

module my.testlib;

struct Author
string _name;
string serialize() {return _name;} //Must be evaluated in CTFE

module test;

import my.testlib;
@Author(The Author) unittest
//Code goes here

Then with the mentioned pull request we just add another field to the
runtime unittest information struct: An associative array with string
keys matching the qualified name of the UDA and as values the strings
returned by serialize() (evaluated by CTFE).

Then we have for the test runner:

foreach( m; ModuleInfo )
foreach(test; m.unitTests)
if(my.testlib.Author in test.uda)
writefln(Author: %s, test.uda[my.testlib.Author]);

This is some more work to implement though, but it's additive so we can
first implement the basic mechanism in pull #1131 then add this uda
stuff later.

Re: A few considerations on garbage collection

2014-04-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Subsequently the GC should be within its rights to deallocate 
any memory within the first and last 250 integers allocated, 
even though in theory the user may get to them by using pointer 

Such use of point arithmetic is not uncommon.

I think the current GC already does that.

If this is true then this needs to be documented in bold text.


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