Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-21 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d
I notice in the docs there are several references to a 
`parseJSON` and `parseJson`, but I can't seem to find where 
either of these are defined. Is this just a typo?

Hope this helps:

Re: Closures and loop scope

2014-11-16 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d
Have there been any updates on this issue? I can't seem to find 
anything else written about it, and it's still wreaking havoc 
with my team.

Re: DMD 2.066.1 is missing in the Digitalmars FTP

2014-12-02 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 December 2014 at 17:10:12 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
DMD 2.066.1 is missing in the Digitalmars FTP. The release 
candidates are present but the final release is missing. This 
breaks DVM.

Yes please! The dmd chocolatey package[1] just downloads and 
unpacks the Windows zip from the FTP site, so until that's up, 
choco users won't have access to 2.066.1.


Re: Idea/request: If you have a DUB project, add a badge to README

2015-01-01 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:22:01 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
(accidentally posted this into D.learn first, was intended to 
be here)

A few weeks/months ago someone here mentioned that it'd be good
if DUB projects linked to to help anyone who runs
into such a project quickly discover other D projects.

MAny GitHub projects have "badges"/"shields" on top of their
READMEs - little image strips showing things like continuous
integration status, code coverage, etc.

There's also a service generating these:

I generated a simple "listed at|" shield, and
added it to my project READMEs as a link pointing to for example, see D:YAML README:

You can do the same by either linking to or downloading the

(used red... because mars)

and putting the image (whether as a link to or your
own copy) into your README.

It's not likely to be a huge improvement, but I expect it *can*
help people notice more D projects and it's trivial to do.

Thank you for raising awareness of this! It'd be great to see 
more awareness for dub from people not intimately familiar with D.

I also currently have a PR pending with dub-registry[1] to add a 
download stats API, so that we could have the same badges as all 
of the other package managers. As soon as that PR gets merged, a 
friend and I are going to PR download and version badges to directly. The other common badge type, whether or not 
dependencies are up to date, could also be pretty trivial to add 
to the API.


Re: Casts and some suggestions to avoid them

2014-04-15 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 9 April 2014 at 11:27:24 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:30:08 +
schrieb "Colden Cullen" :

One issue I've had huge amounts of trouble with is casting to 
and from shared. The primary problem is that most of phobos 
doesn't handle shared values at all.

If there was some inout style thing but for shared/unshared 
instead of mutable/immutable/const that would be super helpful.

Can you explain what level of atomicity you expect?

1) what atomicity?
2) atomic operations on single instructions
3) the whole Phobos function should be atomic with respect to
   the shared values passed to it
4) some mutex in your "business logic" will make sure there
   are no race conditions
Shared currently does two things I know of (besides
circumventing TLS):
- simply tag a variable as "multi-threaded" so you don't
  forget that fact
- the compiler will not reorder or cache access to it

So what would it add to Phobos if everything accepted shared?
In particular how would that improve thread-safety, which is
the aim of marking things shared?
It doesn't, because only the functions in core.atomic make
sense to accept shared. The reason is simply that they are
running a single instruction on a single shared operand and not
a complete algorithm. Anything longer needs to be implemented
with thought put into race conditions.


x = min(a, b);

Say a == 1 and b == 2. The  function would load a from memory
into a CPU register, then some other thread changes a to 3,
then the function compares the register content with b and
returns 1, which is no longer correct at this point in time.

It is not that it can never be what you want, but that min()
alone cannot decide what is right for YOUR code.

So instead of passing shared values to generic algorithms, we
only really need UNSHARED!

I was under the impression that casting away from shared was bad 
form. Is this not true?

I don't expect any atomicity (at least from the standard 
library). All locking should be done by the user. I just want to 
not have to cast away from shared whenever using the standard 
library. I'm not asking for guaranteed atomicity, just something 
that says that this function may take a shared value. I would 
like to reiterate that I think that having to cast away from 
shared is a bad solution.

Re: Ready for testing: vibe.d 0.7.26-alpha.3

2015-10-13 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 06:29:03 UTC, Brad Anderson 


Re: DIP 84: Static Inheritance

2015-11-10 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 10 November 2015 at 10:45:16 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:




As long as we're talking about syntax features that help this 
emulate regular inheritance, would it be worth adding a feature 
like this:

template MySuperType(T)
enum MySuperType = validate!T;

void doAThing(MySuperType T)(T val) { }

That would effectively lower to:

void doAThing(T)(T val) if(__traits(compiles, MySuperType!T)) { }

with better error reporting? This would certainly make the code 
more readable, and would simplify the conditional dramatically if 
you had more than 1 or 2 template parameters.