D as System Language

2015-03-30 Thread Columbus via Digitalmars-d

I'm not so much into the D Projects, but am familiar with the
concepts of the language.
I want to use D as the language of a hobby operating system.
There isn't much documentation about doing so, and the question
already got asked: When D is a system language, why hasn't
anyone made an OS in it yet?.
So I ask it again, maybe a bit differently:

Is there usefull documentation about using D as OS language?

I know there's https://github.com/xomboverlord , but this is for
D1, and didn't get updated to D2.
It won't get updated by me (in the near future), because I don't
know enough of D and the inner workings of it, to do such a thing.
For your interest: At first, the OS should run on x86_64.
Don't expect any repositories hosted by me about an OS in D, it's
just a hobbyistic interest of me.

Re: D as System Language

2015-03-30 Thread Columbus via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 17:22:47 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I think there is a page on the osdev wiki somewhere, but odds 
are the chapter in my book is the best we have (and even there, 
I didn't go too deep into it, I just got interrupts working on 

I can also offer my minimal.zip which does exceptions and other 
more advanced features on bare metal and could serve as a 
guide/starting point.


I'm now reading the specific chapter in your book.
Maybe I'll work it out.

Re: D as System Language

2015-03-30 Thread Columbus via Digitalmars-d

Many thanks for your work!!!

This is the thing I searched so long.
Now only the people from risc-v need to publish the privileged
ISA documentation, and I can work on my weird plan.
I don't know in what kind of problems I'm running into, but it is
one of the only exciting things I'm interested in.

I want to create an OS written in D for the RISC-V platform.
Maybe some UNIX clone, or an exokernel. I don't know. Probably
some combination (I mean they don't exclude eachother).

But don't expect anything from me, maybe you will hear from me
again in some time, maybe not. This is the current plan I'm
working on, but it may change.

thanks again for your help

Columbus out

Re: D as System Language

2015-03-30 Thread Columbus via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 16:17:33 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:

Note that *the* place to go
for OSDev is osdev.org which has some (sometimes outdated) 
D-related topics

(and will give you exactly the same advice as me).

Acutally I'm on osdev.org , I just wanted to hear something from
D people and not only from osdev people. It's always good to hear
different opinions.
Also I thought I would find some documentation about creating a
custom runtime and so on. Which is information I didn't get from

Re: D as System Language

2015-03-30 Thread Columbus via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 15:39:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Basically you can start with an empty runtime and then add back 
missing functions as needed to get it to compile.

What do you mean by an empty runtime?
What does a runtime need?

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 15:42:46 UTC, weaselcat wrote:


Yes I know, but it is D1 and not D2.
I do not exactly understand the differences, but I want to use D2
because I don't know what would be better when I'd use D1.