Re: RC buffer

2016-11-02 Thread Daniel9 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 2 November 2016 at 05:00:23 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
I've eliminated all UTF nonsense from resulting in a bare 
reference counted buffer of (qualified) ubyte.

The goal is to get the buffer @safe and be able to have a 
reasonable explanation for each and every cast. (There are no 
safety annotations currently, but the code passes unittests and 
supports qualifiers.) No undefined behavior casts should be 
used (e.g. that cast away immutability), only simple 
adjustments for realities that the type system is unable to 

In order to make opAssign safe, a language change will be 


Great goal, I wish you to do it!

Re: Got a post for the D Blog?

2016-11-02 Thread Daniel9 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 31 October 2016 at 03:51:16 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
So far, getting content for the blog has, with a few 
exceptions, been a process of sending out emails prompted by 
activity on my radar. This is no problem when it comes to 
project highlights or other fairly broad topics, but it's 
highly inefficient for ginning up technical posts on the 
implementation of specific algorithms, or optimization details, 
or how a D feature prevented a nuclear meltdown.

I want to publish more posts like Andreas's 'Find Was Too Damn 
Slow, So We Fixed It` [1] (which, by the way, is the 
most-viewed post so far, just ahead of Joakim's interview with 
Walter [2]), or Steven's 'How to Write @trusted Code in D' [3], 
but I need help.

If you, or someone you know, have done something interesting 
with an algorithm or optimization in D, or have used a D idiom 
to do things in a way that pleasantly surprised you, please let 
me know. If I think it's something we can work with, I'll help 
you in putting together a guest post, or something like I do 
with the project highlights (where I build a post around 
whatever info you give me).

Also, I need news. If you see or hear any D news anywhere 
outside of the forums -- new projects, research papers, usage 
at a company, a game using D -- please drop me a line. I'll 
either get a post together for it or make sure Adam knows about 
it for 'This Week in D'.

I'm also open to ideas for other types of posts, like project 
highlights, but I'd really like more of the technical stuff. 
Please send any suggestions to



It's excellent, thanks)

Re: Ever want to compile D on your Android phone? Well, now you can!

2016-11-01 Thread Daniel9 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 24 January 2016 at 15:12:30 UTC, Joakim wrote:
An alpha release of ldc, the llvm-based D compiler, for Android 
devices is now available.  It is best used with the excellent 
Termux app 
( and a bluetooth keyboard. ;) Updated test runners, that run most tests from the standard library on any Android device, are also available (results have been reported for everything from a TomTom BRIDGE GPS navigation device to a Huawei Watch):

You can install a test runner app or run a command-line binary.
 Please report your results in this thread in the ldc forum, 
which requires no registration, with the info and format 
requested there, particularly for Android 4.1 or earlier:

If you try out the native compiler, take a look at the README 
that comes with it for instructions.

If you have a D/OpenGL app you'd like to port to Android and 
submit to the Play Store, let me know if I can help with that 

great, thanks))

Re: newbie problem with nothrow

2016-11-01 Thread Daniel9 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 31 October 2016 at 22:29:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Monday, October 31, 2016 22:20:59 Kapps via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Assuming you're sure it'll never throw. To enforce this, use 

{ } catch { throw new Error("blah"); }. You can still throw
errors, just not exceptions (as errors are not meant to be

I always use assert(0). e.g.

return format("%s", 42);
assert(0, "format threw when it shouldn't be possible.");

- Jonathan M Davis

have the same problem

Re: Minimizing "reserved" words

2016-11-01 Thread Daniel9 via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 31 October 2016 at 20:45:56 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
The "reserved" words I'm referring to are not necessarily 
keywords in the language but otherwise words that should be 
avoided, especially for defining methods in aggregates. I'm 
mostly thinking of built-in properties like .init, .classinfo, 
.sizeof, .outer and so on.

All of the above can be used as variable names. Some of the 
above names can be used as methods in aggregates but some 
cannot. Of the above names only "sizeof" cannot be used as a 
method name.

Would it be better to try to minimize these special words and 
instead use either compiler recognized functions/templates or 
something like __traits? If they were compiler recognized 
functions, defined somewhere in druntime, the normal language 
lookup rules could be used to disambiguate the compiler 
recognized functions from user defined functions. Or if a 
__trait is used, that would have it's own namespace and not 
cause any conflicts.

In the latest release of DMD (2.072.0) TypeInfo.init has been 
deprecate in favor of TypeInfo.initializer. That would not have 
been needed if .init wasn't a built-in property but instead a 
compiler recognized function.

Thoughts? Too late to change, to much could would break?

This information from Wiki, I hope it will be useful. That 
general reserved words and keywords need not coincide, but in 
most modern languages keywords are a subset of reserved words, as 
this makes parsing easier, since keywords cannot be confused with 
identifiers. In some languages, like C or Python, reserved words 
and keywords coincide, while in other languages, like Java, all 
keywords are reserved words, but some reserved words are not 
keywords – these are "reserved for future use". In yet other 
languages, such as the older languages ALGOL, FORTRAN and PL/I, 
there are keywords but no reserved words, with keywords being 
distinguished from identifiers by other means. This makes parsing 
more difficult with look-ahead parsers necessary.