Re: @ctfeonly

2017-12-06 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 05:53:06 UTC, bauss wrote:
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 04:45:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

As I understand it, with the way CTFE works,
it pretty much can't know whether a function can be called at 
compile time until it tries

- Jonathan M Davis

I think that's the point of the attribute. You tell the 
compiler that this function can only be called at compile-time 
and any attempt to call it during run-time would be an error.

If all you need is a runtime error, you can already put 
assert(__ctfe); in your function.

Re: mago-mi: GDB/MI compatible frontend for Mago debugger

2016-05-19 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-announce
Unfortunately in this particular case, CDT's debugging is pretty 
fancy and is going to need most if not all of the MI.

On Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 13:29:14 UTC, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

On 19/05/2016 08:41, Vadim Lopatin wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 18:02:12 UTC, Bruno Medeiros 
While DDT technically work oks with GDB (the GDB from 
mingw-w64 that
is), you are right, there isn't a compiler on Windows that 

debug info in the way GDB understands. See

DMD produces debug info COFF or OMF format, which GDB doesn't 
anything about (nor ever will). LDC should in theory work 
with DWARF
info, but this is broken somehow. Not because of LLVM though, 
for example Rust on Windows works. As for GDC, it doesn't 
even supply
binaries for Windows (that target Windows) -  it is not a 


BTW, Eclipse/DDT should in theory work with mago-mi as well, 
at least
if the protocol is implemented correctly. Have you tried it? 
I dunno

how complete your MI implementation is.

So it looks like mago-mi might be helpful for DDT on Windows.
mago-mi supports subset of GDB/MI commands enough for 
DlangIDE, but it

can be easy extended.

Currenlty supported commands can be shown using help command 
--interpreter=mi2 when running mago-mi, otherwise it will 
print non-MI

commands). Also commands are listed in readme file

I didn't try DDT with mago-mi, and so I'm not sure which 
commands must

be supported by debugger to get it working with DDT.

To get list of commands DDT tries to use you can either add
--log-file=magomi.log --log-level=TRACE to mago-mi command 
line or use

debug build of mago-mi.
It will all STDIN data to log file, and report errors for 


I also don't know which MI commands need to be supported to 
have it work with DDT. The thing is I didn't write the GDB 
debugger integration for DDT, I just reused the one from CDT. 
So I'm not that familiar with those internals.

BTW, the MI integration is fairly language agnostic, so in 
theory your debugger could be used by CDT to debug C/C++ 
programs too, no? At least those generated by DMC. Maybe Visual 
Studio ones too?

I'm experimenting with the build of mago-mi that comes with the 
current ~master for dlangide, and it seems to throw an 
unrecognized parameter error when on the --log-level=TRACE 

And it seems that the version string it returns upsets eclipse, 
as it throws the following error:

 Could not determine GDB version using command: 
D:\WinHome\\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\dlangide-master\bin\mago-mi.exe --version

 Unexpected output format:

 mago-mi debugger v0.1

Though, from my experience using it in Linux, eclipse-CDT's 
debugger seems pretty full-featured; it will likely require large 
swaths of mi functionality to be fully useful.

Re: DDT 1.0.0 released.

2016-05-18 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 14:04:04 UTC, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
New DDT release out: dfmt support, performance improvements to 
semantic operations, more build command customization, fixes. 
Please see changelog for full list:

Since DDT has generally been quite stable, and since the 
current release is very close to the end-game vision I had for 
a D IDE - at least as far as my free time would allow to create 
- I've decided to version this as 1.0. I've been working for 
nearly 8 years on this project after all (with some 
intermission periods), so I guess 1.0 was a bit due... O.o'

I expect it will mainly be small updates from now on, not any 
major new features (other than perhaps DCD support).

Is there any chance we'll be able to get an outline view in the 
project explorer a la CDT?

is __traits(allMembers) usable in a non-deprecated way?

2016-04-06 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d
__traits(allMembers, ) has always been pretty much 
essential to any non-trivial struct, class, or module-based 
introspection, but given the visibility rules changes in 2.071.0, 
it looks like it's not even allowed to check whether a given 
symbol is public. (i.e. with __traits(getProtection, Type, 

Is there a new, approved way of doing this?

Trouble complinig DMD 2.070 on windows

2016-01-29 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d
I'm trying to compile a 64-bit DMD.exe on windows (as my project 
has enough CTFE and Template work that it bumps up against the 
4gb limit).

with the pre-DDMD setup I was just able to load the thing up in 
visual studio 2013 and build, but I've been having some 
difficulty with 2.070's projects. Namely, it seems that no matter 
what type of bulid I do, I get a bunch of errors in elfobj.c and 
one in filename.d

Error	1	error C3861: 'assert': identifier not 
found	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3512	1	dmd_backend
Error	2	error C3861: 'assert': identifier not 
found	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3527	1	dmd_backend
Error	3	error C2352: 'Obj::reftoident' : illegal call of 
non-static member 
function	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3528	1	dmd_backend
Error	4	error C2065: 'symtab_strings' : undeclared 
identifier	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3531	1	dmd_backend
Error	5	error C2227: left of '->size' must point to 
type	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3531	1	dmd_backend
Error	6	error C2065: 'symtab_strings' : undeclared 
identifier	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3532	1	dmd_backend
Error	7	error C2227: left of '->writeString' must point to 
type	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3532	1	dmd_backend
Error	8	error C2065: 'symtab_strings' : undeclared 
identifier	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3533	1	dmd_backend
Error	9	error C2227: left of '->setsize' must point to 
type	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3533	1	dmd_backend
Error	10	error C2227: left of '->size' must point to 
type	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3533	1	dmd_backend
Error	11	error C2065: 'symtab_strings' : undeclared 
identifier	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3534	1	dmd_backend
Error	12	error C2227: left of '->writeString' must point to 
type	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3534	1	dmd_backend
Error	13	error C3861: 'elf_addsym': identifier not 
found	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3536	1	dmd_backend
Error	14	error C3861: 'MAP_SEG2SECIDX': identifier not 
found	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3536	1	dmd_backend
Error	15	error C2352: 'Obj::reftoident' : illegal call of 
non-static member 
function	D:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3542	1	dmd_backend
Error	16	Error: function ddmd.root.filename.GetFullPathNameA 
(const(wchar)* lpFileName, uint nBufferLength, wchar* lpBuffer, 
wchar** lpFilePart) is not callable using argument types 
(const(char)*, int, typeof(null), 
typeof(null))	D:\programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\root\filename.d	645	
	17	IntelliSense: identifier "assert" is 
undefined	d:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3512	5	dmd_backend
	18	IntelliSense: a nonstatic member reference must be relative 
to a specific 
object	d:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3528	13	dmd_backend
	19	IntelliSense: identifier "symtab_strings" is 
undefined	d:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3531	29	dmd_backend
	20	IntelliSense: identifier "elf_addsym" is 
undefined	d:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3536	30	dmd_backend
	21	IntelliSense: identifier "MAP_SEG2SECIDX" is 
undefined	d:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3536	79	dmd_backend
	22	IntelliSense: a nonstatic member reference must be relative 
to a specific 
object	d:\Programs\dmd\dmd2\src\dmd\backend\elfobj.c	3542	9	dmd_backend

(If this is an actual issue with the code or projects I'll file a 
bug, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me doing something 
wrong first)

Re: Trouble complinig DMD 2.070 on windows

2016-01-29 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d

I'm building master with VS2015, but you need to make sure you 
manually update to the latest VisualD release (but that problem 
is nothing to do with the errors you show here).

Consider updating to 2015? It is the first really significant 
improvement to MS's stack for like a decade (major 
C++/standards improvements). At this point, I think it is in 
all windows developers best interest to purge and forget the 
rancid memory of every prior VS release ;)

Just to be clear, all I have VS for is compiling DMD; I don't 
actually use it to develop. Should I still update?

Re: String Metaprogramming

2015-07-18 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 18 July 2015 at 13:48:20 UTC, Clayton wrote:
Am new to D programming, am considering it since it supports 
compile-time function execution . My challenge is how can I 
re-implement the function below so that it is fully executed in 
compile-time. The function should result to tabel1 being 
computed at compile-time. There seems to be a lot of mutation 
happening here yet I have heard no mutation should take place 
in meta-programming as it subscribes to functional programming 

void computeAtCompileTime( ref string pattern ,ref int[char] 

int size = to!int(pattern.length) ;

foreach( c; ALPHABET){
tabel1[c] = size;

for( int i=0;isize -1 ; ++i){   //Initialise array
tabel1[pattern[i]] = size -i-1;

pragma(msg, format(reached pattern  
table1[pattern[i]]=(%s) here,
table1[pattern[i]].stringof  ~ v=~ (size 



Actually, the main things you can't do in CTFE are FPU math 
operations (much of std.math has issues unfortunately), compiler 
intrinsics, pointer/union operations, and I/O. I don't 
immediately see anything that will cause issues with CTFE in that 
function. However, sometimes the compiler isn't smart enough to 
figure out that it should be doing that, but you can force the 
compiler to try CTFE using this pattern

int ctfeFunc() {

void main() {
enum val = ctfeFunc();


enums are manifest constants, and thus must be computable at 
compile time, so this will issue an error if something in your 
function can't CTFE.

Re: std.concurrency: The fate of unmatched messages

2015-07-11 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 11 July 2015 at 02:15:02 UTC, ketmar wrote:

so simply don't receive the messages you don't need right now. 
as i said, `receive()` doesn't look to top message only, it 
scans the whole mailbox, trying to find a message that matches. 
you can use `receiveTimeout()` to do nothing if there are no 
suitable messages. you can also adjust mailbox size and mode.

Okay, so it doesn't purge unrecognized messages, then! That's 
what I needed to know!

Re: std.concurrency: The fate of unmatched messages

2015-07-10 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 July 2015 at 23:39:30 UTC, ketmar wrote:
this way your `receive` will get all messages. simply do 
nothing in `Variant` handler to drop messages you don't want to 


The thing is, I want to do receive() in two separate places, and 
I want each receive() call to leave the other's messages alone, 
not drop them.

std.concurrency: The fate of unmatched messages

2015-07-10 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm putting together a program that uses std.concurrency to 
handle two child threads from the main thread;

The kicker here is that both the children do very different 
things. And I would like to handle receive() calls for them in 
separate locations. But from what I can tell, each thread has 
only one mailbox. And none of the documentation i can find for 
std.concurrency mentions what happens when one receive() call 
gets a message it doesn't understand. Are unmatched messages left 
in the Mailbox, or are they discarded? (I am admittedly strongly 
hoping it is the former)

And if the latter, is there any way to actually give a single 
thread multiple mailboxes?

Re: What have you done with UDAs?

2015-06-22 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 22 June 2015 at 19:09:40 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
I never seem to use them for anything, has anyone else done 
anything interesting with them?

I use UDAs in my project to generate GTK UI for editing 
components in my ECS. (For things like marking string fields as 
filenames, or giving numeric fields upper and lower bounds)

Feasibility of a std.encoding.safeDecode overload for InputRanges?

2015-06-20 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d
Currently, std.encoding.safeDecode seems to only work on Random 
Access Ranges that have a .length property. (So essentially 
arrays and array-like objects), but I would very much like to be 
able to safeDecode strings that have lazy range-based processing 
applied to them (which often ends up with only an InputRange).

Given that throwing-decodes work just fine on input ranges, would 
it be possible to let safe decodes work for them as well?

64-bit DMD .exe for windows?

2015-06-13 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d
I've got a project that, due to extensive use of LuaD 
conversions, templates with a lot of parameters, and CTFE, has 
managed to require 4gb of ram to compile. Which means that, for 
the moment, I can't build on windows as the dmd compiler is a 
32-bit executable and throws an out of memory error.

Is there any chance that we could publish a win64 build of 

Re: Why .dup not work with multidimensional arrays?

2015-05-07 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-learn

It's because arrays are references types, and .dup is a strictly
shallow copy, so you're getting two outer arrays that reference
the same set of inner arrays. You'll have to duplicated each of
the inner arrays yourself if you need to make a deep copy.

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 02:15:38 UTC, Dennis Ritchie wrote:

Should the method .dup work with multidimensional arrays for 

import std.stdio;

void main() {

auto a = [1, 2, 3];
auto b = a.dup;

b[] *= 2;
writeln(a = , a); // [1, 2, 3] // OK
writeln(b = , b); // [2, 4, 6] // OK

auto c = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]],
  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]];

auto d = c.dup;

writeln(d[0][1][1 .. $ - 1] = ,
 d[0][1][1 .. $ - 1]);

d[0][1][1 .. $ - 1] *= 3;

writeln(c = , c);
// [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 15, 18, 21, 8]],
//  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]] // wrong
writeln(d = , d);
// [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 15, 18, 21, 8]],
//  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]] // OK

I thought the slice of the array c[0][1][1 .. $ - 1] = [5, 6, 
7] not had to change to [15, 18, 21] by multiplying by 3.

Re: LDC 0.15.0 alpha1 released! Please help test!

2014-10-25 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d-announce

I notice that there's no mingw based windows version with his
release. Does this msvc based build output gdb-compatible
debugging symbols?

Working around the 64k global types issue on windows

2014-09-14 Thread E.S. Quinn via Digitalmars-d

I've got a program that, likely through a combination of use of
GtkD and several variadic templates, has managed to bump its head
against the 64K global types limitation in the Windows version of
DMD. And unfortunately, neither GDC or LDC's current windows
versions work well enough to compile my code, so at the moment
I'm in a spot where I literally can't debug on windows.

(And the program compiles and runs fine when I turn off adding
debug symbols, and also compiles with debug symbols on linux, so
I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything grievously wrong)

Is there any way to work around this issue on windows? Override
the limit, somehow get the compiler to mangle template
instantiations in a less verbose way?