Re: Dub support was added to Meson

2018-08-16 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 09:31:48 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
That's the battle isn't it. Should the system that builds be 
the system that also manages the packages for the build (cf. 
Dub, Cargo, Go, Mason), or should the two be kept separate (cf. 
CMake, Meson, SCons, Make).

The debate has been had on the D mailing lists a number of 
times and at great length. But in the end D, Rust, and Go are 
going with a single system for everything.

This is obviously bad. Your distro has a package manager, you 
should use it, not create a separated language-specific one. If 
you are doing this locally, either but using the user's home of 
by installing to /usr/local, I don't think it's much of a 
problem. If you are implementing something like this at least do 
it in a way that the package managing feature is optional. I 
don't know if I'm being biased by being an Archlinux TU but from 
my perspective, it's not something we should do, at the very 
least globally.

I am not sure how "dub describe" tells you which compiler is 
being used, it always says "compiler": "dmd" on my projects 
even though I only use ldc2 for build.

Weirdly enough, I can reproduce. This was working when I wrote 
the patch. I've opened an issue in the upstream.

Re: Dub support was added to Meson

2018-08-14 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 10 August 2018 at 14:38:10 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

First, you need to fetch and build the dependency.

   dub fetch vibe-d
   dub build vibe-d

This feels a little unsatisfactory. Dub (and soon SCons I hope) 
builds handle getting the dependency as well as building it and 
thence linking the project to it. Meson both depends on the dub 
executable and yet isn't doing the getting, it is assuming 
already got.

Yeah, Meson is a build system, not a package manager. This 
problem can be solved by simply creating a script that fetches 
and builds de dependencies. When creating a script, you might 
also want to compile the dependencies against the system's 
default D compiler. This way, you won't have any issues.

I haven't finished reading the Meson source to find out which 
Dub built archive is used in the Meson build but if it is the 
one in ~/.dub/packages/-/ then stuff 
can go wrong since it is the result of the last build. In order 
to get the build with the specific compiler on the specific 
platform you have to delve into 
~/.dub/packages/-//.dub/ and know 
the Dub naming strategy. For SCons I am having problems with 
this because of the extra stuff in the directory name.

It uses 'dub describe' to find the files, this also allows us to 
check the compiler. Meson won't even let you try to compile the 
project if there's an compiler mismatch.

I have been getting projects such as Unit-Threaded, DInotify, 
TinyEndian, and D_YAML to have Meson builds so as to create 
shared libraries prior to using pkg-config to handle D project 
being dependent on these libraries. It's working nicely (for me 
anyway) except Dub uses GitHub tags for versioning and Meson 
requires version numbers in the file. This 
duplication is getting quite annoying for all concerned. As is 
the Meson requirement to list all source files, rather than 
have a convention over configuration approach as Dub does – 
SCons has a different approach but still avoids explicit source 
lists. I can get round it with Meson, but I am informed it is 
naughty and should not be done.

I mean, you can do this but as you said, it's not recommended.

These builds create shared objects and allow for dynamic 
linking. Using Dub built archives means static linking. Unless 
Meson somehow manages to get shared objects out of the Dub 

Unless Dub can generate shared objects, having the dependencies 
build locally and creating pkg-config files actually seems a 
better way that accessing Dub builds.

Dub is implemented this way for a reason. We really *shouldn't* 
use dynamic libraries, at least for now.

Re: Dub support was added to Meson

2018-08-04 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 19:01:50 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Great stuff.

I have failed to date finishing Dub support in SCons, I shall 
have to put more effort in now. :-)

The single biggest problem with D and Meson is that 
unit-threaded doesn't work with the way Meson works. Which is 
why I introduced the ProgramAllAtOnce builder into SCons.

If there is a plan to try and make D/unit-threaded/Meson all 
work together, count me in as a tester at the very least.

I'll keep an eye out for that. Maybe I'll try to implement 
something if my free time allows it :)

PS.: Sorry for the grammar errors in the original post (mainly 
the "the Dub" :facepalm:), I rewrote some of the sentences and I 
didn't properly read the whole post again.

Filipe Laíns

Dub support was added to Meson

2018-08-04 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d-announce


Dub support was finally merged to the Meson's upstream.
For the ones that don't know, Meson[1] is a fast build system 
that uses ninja[2] as a backend. Until now it was impossible to 
use dependencies via the Dub and many many packages only 
supported Dub. Now you can import dependencies that already exist 
in Dub's local repo. You still need to fetch and build them 

First, you need to fetch and build the dependency.

  dub fetch vibe-d
  dub build vibe-d

Then you just need to specify Dub as the dependency method.

  vibed_dep = dependency('vibe-d', method: 'dub')

Together with this, a 'dlang' module was also merged. You can use 
it to automatically generate a dub.json file.

Here's an example.

  dlang = import('dlang') # Import the module
  # dlang.generate_dub_file(project-name, 

  # arguments... )

  authors: 'Foo',
  description: 'Bar',
  copyright: 'Copyright © 2018, Foo',
  license: 'MIT',
  sourceFiles: 'foobar.d',
  targetType: 'executable',
  dependencies: vibed_dep

If you have any issue with this, contact me at

Thank you,
Filipe Laíns


Requesting some feedback for my Dub module for Meson

2018-05-25 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d

Hi, I am writing regarding my Dub module for Meson.
I wanted to check with the D community before my changes get 

The module allows you to use dependencies provided by Dub in 
Meson. It also allows you to automatically generate/update a 
dub.json file for your Meson project.

Due Meson's policies, we can't download or build anything using 
an external tool (Dub, in this case). My module only uses Dub as 
a dependency resolver, kinda like pkgconfig. You will need to 
build the dependencies before running meson.

Something to be aware when interfacing Dub and Meson is the 
compiler. The libraries that we are linking should be built with 
the same compiler Meson is using. This can be achieved as follows.

dub fetch vibe-d
dub build vibe-d compiler=ldc2
DC="ldc2" meson builddir

You can then use Dub to resolve the dependency as follows.

vibed_dep = dependency('vibe-d', method: 'dub')

You can generate/update a dub.json file for your project as 

dub = import('dub')

  authors: 'Filipe Laíns',
  description: 'Test executable',
  copyright: 'Copyright © 2018, Filipe Laíns',
  license: 'MIT',
  sourceFiles: 'test.d',
  targetType: 'executable',
  dependencies: vibed_dep

The only required arguments for generate_dub_file() are the 
project name and the dub.json folder path.

All the other arguments can be passed as dictionaries.

key: 'value'

Currently, the module ignores configurations, subConfigurations, 
and buildTypes because that would require unnecessary additional 
code. You can configure that directly in dub.json. If you do 
manually change dub.json, the configurations should be kept 
unless you overwrite them in the meson config.

If you want to check the changes, you can take a look at the PR.

The questions I have to ask are:
  - Does this fit your needs?
  - Is there something I missed?
  - Would you like me to add other features?

Thank you,
Filipe Laíns (FFY00)
3DCE 51D6 0930 EBA4 7858 BA41 46F6 33CB B0EB 4BF2

Re: Arduino and D

2018-05-15 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 25 October 2014 at 22:55:12 UTC, Israel wrote:

On Saturday, 25 October 2014 at 21:49:53 UTC, Ty Tower wrote:
Has anybody tapped the massive Arduino programming explosion 
using D instead of C++ ?
I got started on Arduino a few years back and it has taken the 
microprocessor popularity through the roof .
Unfortunately you download the IDE (Integrated Development 
Environment) from direct and then using a $3 
development board with a 328p chip on it ,proceed to program 
the  chip to do pretty much whatever you can think of 
including turning stuff on with your mobile from anywhere in 
the world  and much much more .

I wondered if someone could adapt it to D ?

Well it is ARM so it should be possible.

Actually, most arduinos use Atmel's chips so most of them are AVR.
Apparently, there was some work done to port GDC to AVR [1]. I 
don't really know the usability of this but I suspect it's not 

If you want a board with similar size too small arduino like the 
pro/pro mini that has an ARM chip, you should have a look at 
Teensy[2]. Using D to program ARM chips shouldn't be that hard.


Re: Question over C++ to D conversion

2018-05-15 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 22:07:02 UTC, Filipe Laíns wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 21:00:25 UTC, Richard wrote:

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 03:42:41 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 02:48:17 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

For conversion of C headers, watch this space.  C first, C++ 
eventually.  Might be a talk at Dconf on it.

I think I saw a reference to this somewhere else. Sounds 
pretty darn cool.

This might be it
I noticed it mentioned on the online DConf 2018 youtube video

Are you aware of DStep? It has been working great for me. The 
only downside is that it doesn't do C++ at all :/ .

Oh sorry, my mistake. I missed your link above.

Re: Question over C++ to D conversion

2018-05-15 Thread Filipe Laíns via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 21:00:25 UTC, Richard wrote:

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 03:42:41 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 02:48:17 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

For conversion of C headers, watch this space.  C first, C++ 
eventually.  Might be a talk at Dconf on it.

I think I saw a reference to this somewhere else. Sounds 
pretty darn cool.

This might be it
I noticed it mentioned on the online DConf 2018 youtube video

Are you aware of DStep? It has been working great for me. The 
only downside is that it doesn't do C++ at all :/ .