Re: What's the secret to static class members

2016-06-29 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 15:40:57 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 15:33:58 UTC, Guido wrote:
The problem is actually much more profound. The classes need 
to be declared outside the main() scope. WTF?!?!?!

I put them in main() so they would be in scope. This seems 
like a *MAJOR* design flaw with the language, not to mention 
the compiler not giving useful feedback. This decision, if it 
is a decision, makes no sense given all the attention to 
scoping rules.

I'm not interested in trading one set of bad language 
decisions for another. Can someone fix this?

I wonder which language you usually use in your programming 


I have all this business generally working in C++. I just wanted 
to try D for a production level quick project. So, the language 
is not ready. I'm really sad about this. I had hoped that I could 
get some useful work done. C++ is painfully slow to write & 
debug, but what can you do.

As I said, why exchange one set of bad design decisions for 

On another topic, tuples seem to have a major problem as well.

Tuple!(float, float, float) test;
Tuple!(float, float, float) [] array_data;

test[0] = 1.0;  // works
array_data[i][0] = 1.0; // doesn't work. Compile-time error, 
probably because the language itself doesn't have a dedicated 
extension for tuple elements that is distinguished from array 
dereferencing. This is the logical extension of how to access 
tuples. I normally use structs in C++, but since pointer 
arithmetic is really frowned upon in D, I decided to use Tuples. 
A mistake, I supposed.

So, I've spent a huge amount of time getting ready to write in D. 
That's all wasted. I'll check back in another 10 years to see if 
your hobby language is still around. In the mean time, try to 
think about improving the compiler error messages. I can write 
code any way the language demands, but it has to make sense and I 
can't be doing a research project on the language every 10 
minutes to figure out the right incantation. I already have that 
with C++.


Re: What's the secret to static class members

2016-06-29 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 15:18:53 UTC, Guido wrote:
I'm using a static class member in a parent class, but can't 
get the compiler to see it.

Class Grid{
  uint xdim;

Class Holder : Grid {
  uint var;

Any of the following should work, but none of them do:
Grid.xdim = 0;

grid = new Grid;
grid.xdim = 0;

holder = new Holder;
holder.xdim = 0;

This is the way static class vars were intended to work. What 
magics have I forgotten?

DMD latest, Windows 7
Visual D

The problem is actually much more profound. The classes need to 
be declared outside the main() scope. WTF?!?!?!

I put them in main() so they would be in scope. This seems like a 
*MAJOR* design flaw with the language, not to mention the 
compiler not giving useful feedback. This decision, if it is a 
decision, makes no sense given all the attention to scoping rules.

I'm not interested in trading one set of bad language decisions 
for another. Can someone fix this?

What's the secret to static class members

2016-06-29 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm using a static class member in a parent class, but can't get 
the compiler to see it.

Class Grid{
  uint xdim;

Class Holder : Grid {
  uint var;

Any of the following should work, but none of them do:
Grid.xdim = 0;

grid = new Grid;
grid.xdim = 0;

holder = new Holder;
holder.xdim = 0;

This is the way static class vars were intended to work. What 
magics have I forgotten?

DMD latest, Windows 7
Visual D

Re: Examples of dub use needed

2016-06-23 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 June 2016 at 07:46:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
FWIW, this thread has inspired me to begin work on a project 
I've titled 'The DUB Handbook'. I've been meaning to write some 
tutorials about DUB (among other things) for, but 
I think a detailed guide would be a more worthwhile project to 

My intention with the text is to provide a detailed description 
of every dub command and configuration directive, along with 
examples of how to use them in both JSON and SDLang formats. 
I've spent an hour getting it set up today (I'm using gitbook) 
and expect to be working on it over the next several weeks. 
When it's ready for feedback, I'll make it publicly available 
and announce it here in the forums. I plan to release it under 
a CC license.

Like I said, thanks for clearing things up.

But I have to say that more detailed descriptions of commands is 
not what I had in mind. What are the best coding practices and 

I obviously haven't started using dub yet, so I won't be able to 
judge whether a code example is merely adequate or very robust. 
For example, why subpackages? It's in there for a reason; what 
situations call for subpackages? Why use -ddoxFilterArgs? When & 
how to static link? What dub-based project does a good job 
building for multiple platforms?

From what's been discussed, I should always specify version 
number. Is there some best practice for flagging when a change to 
dependencies breaks your code? I would create a build type that 
lists the latest version of each dependency & run unittests. Is 
there a better way that someone is using in the field?

Right now, I'm going around trying to steal the best coding 
practices, and I only want to steal from the best.

Re: Examples of dub use needed

2016-06-21 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 June 2016 at 08:58:59 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On 06/21/2016 10:24 AM, poliklosio wrote:

Wow, really?
Then what is the fetch command for? I started using dub a 
recently (2
months ago) and totally didn't notice that there is any other 
purpose of
the fetch command. I even installed dcd, dfmt and dscanner 
through dub
fetch, only to find out these were older versions which didn't 

So what is the purpose of dub fetch?

Apart from `--cache=local` version, one of intended use case is 
to get various small utility tools needed only during 
development and not needing to be distributed to the end user, 
like dfmt. After `dub fetch dfmt` one can run `dub run dfmt 
` to invoke such tool without knowing where dub cache is 

But it is indeed supposed to be rare case and I do recommend to 
install such tools via system package manager instead whenever 
possible. So yes, you don't need `dub fetch` at all for most 

Thanks for the replies. This really clears things up.

I'm the sort of person who learns by example, and what I was 
saying is that there aren't enough examples online of how dub is 
used in a practical setting.

I'm also the sort of person who doesn't trust toolchains that 
need to download things every time from the internet just to 
compile. Is this what dub is doing? In other words, when a 
project is built using dub, does it use the local cache from the 
last build by default, check for later versions, pull things from 
the internet, etc? Or do I need -cache=local for that?

Examples of dub use needed

2016-06-20 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d
Dub doesn't really work like other package managers. When I load 
a package:

dub fetch scriptlike

It stores it someplace and doesn't say where. You have to run 
'dub list' to figure out where. That's is very different than 
other packages. It deserves a bigger mention in the meager 

I've been trying to init a project using the command

dub -init -f sdl trickproject
dub -f sdl -init trickproject

and nothing seems to parse.

So, I look at the source code for the format option and see this:
args.getopt("f|format", _format, [
"Sets the format to use for the package description file. 
Possible values:",
"  " ~ [__traits(allMembers, PackageFormat)].map!(f => f ==!string ? f ~ " (default)" : f).join(", ")


It doesn't look straightforward at all. Not sure why there is so 
much complexity on this particular commandline option, but 
shouldn't these command options work the way I have them?

In the interactive mode, I get to make the selection for the 
project file format. I don't see many examples of how to use 

Re: Why don't we write configuration files in D instead of JSON?

2016-06-16 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d-learn
have a look at  `dub convert` - in your case e.g. `dub convert 
-f sdl`

This dub convert command is weird. It works as `cat dub.json | 
dub convert -sdl' and makes a nice SDL file called dub.sdl, but 
it blows away the source file, which I've never seen before with 
piped output from cat. I don't like deleting the source file 
being the default behavior.

Also, commands like `dub convert -f sdl dub.json' and variations 
of that sort don't seem to work as a command. They have errors.

What's the weirdness here?

Re: Why don't we write configuration files in D instead of JSON?

2016-06-16 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 06:07:55 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 05:31:26 UTC, Guido wrote:
It would seem that by running the file through mixin, you can 
simply create the vars you want in scope. The drawback being 
random code execution. Is there any way to sanitize mixin code 
from user-configurable file?

Well it's a configuration file that e.g. the registry has to 
parse too, hence (as for all config files) random code 
execution is pretty bad.
Apart from that it's just about a small configuration file for 
the name, title etc. - you don't need a full-blown D 
interpreter for this.

Imho SDL does a good job at keeping the syntax rather minimal :)

Of course do one stops you to use D to generate a configuration 

Once that's shot down, does anyone know a .json to .sdl 
converter program

have a look at  `dub convert` - in your case e.g. `dub convert 
-f sdl`

Thanks for the answer. I conceptually like SDL better than JSON. 
We'll see how I like it in practice. I went looking for examples 
of SDL online and found that even the SDlang-D project is using a 
dub.json configuration file. How weird is that?

Also, LOL @Ketmar.

Why don't we write configuration files in D instead of JSON?

2016-06-15 Thread Guido via Digitalmars-d-learn
It would seem that by running the file through mixin, you can 
simply create the vars you want in scope. The drawback being 
random code execution. Is there any way to sanitize mixin code 
from user-configurable file?

Once that's shot down, does anyone know a .json to .sdl converter 