Re: Rather D1 then D2

2018-09-22 Thread Henrik via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 20:40:14 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 19:04:41 UTC, Henrik wrote:
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 15:45:09 UTC, Jonathan 
Marler wrote:

On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 15:25:32 UTC, aberba wrote:
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 14:31:20 UTC, Jonathan 
Marler wrote:
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 13:25:27 UTC, rikki 
cattermole wrote:

Then D isn't the right choice for you.

I think it makes for a better community if we can be more 
welcoming, helpful a gracious instead of responding to 
criticism this way. This is someone who saw enough 
potential with D to end up on the forums but had some 
gripes with it, after all who doesn't? I'm glad he took the 
initiative to provide us with good feedback, and he's not 
the first to take issue with the inconsistent '@' attribute 
syntax.  I'm sure everyone can agree this inconsistency is 
less than ideal but that doesn't mean D isn't right for 
them and we should respond this feedback like this with 
thanks rather than dismissal.

That inconsistency is an issue for me. I wish there a clear 
decision to make things consistent.

Yeah there's been alot of discussion around it over the 
years, which is why I put this together about 4 years ago:

Gosh I've forgotten how long I've been using D.

Interesting article.

"int safe = 0; // This code would break if "safe" was added as 
a keyword"

My question here: why didn't D use a similar solution as C 
when dealing with these things? Look at the introduction of 
the bool datatype in C99. They created the compiler reserved 
type "_Bool" and put "typedef _Bool bool" in "stdbool.h". The 
people wanting to use this new feature can include this 
header, and other can leave it be. No ugly "@" polluting the 
language on every line where it's used. Wouldn't a similar 
solution have been possible in D?

That works for types but wouldn't work for keywords. Keywords 
have special meaning in the lexical stage and you can't 
extend/change the grammar of the language via an alias or 
typedef.  You could do something like this with a preprocessor 
but then you run into all sorts of other problems (i.e. #define 
safe @safe).

If you come up with other ideas then feel free to share.  No 
one likes the current state but no one has come up with a good 
solution yet.

Yes, of course you are right. A typedef for this problem wouldn't 
be good enough. But there are plenty of other solutions to 
encapsulate the ugliness in one area instead of spreading it to 
every codeline. What about a compiler switch like the one in gcc? 
"-std=c11"? until making the change to default?

There is an excellent speech from Scott Meyers about this. I 
loved his books about C++, and his recommendations for D are just 
as good. 41:00 into the video he mentions the legacy crud of C++ 
and the accidental complexity it contains. He advises D to avoid 
the need of having "explainers" like him in the future, and to 
use the small legacy codebase in D to remove/avoid such 
accidental complexity.

I don't think enough people listened to him.

Re: Rather D1 then D2

2018-09-22 Thread Henrik via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 15:45:09 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 15:25:32 UTC, aberba wrote:
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 14:31:20 UTC, Jonathan 
Marler wrote:
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 13:25:27 UTC, rikki 
cattermole wrote:

Then D isn't the right choice for you.

I think it makes for a better community if we can be more 
welcoming, helpful a gracious instead of responding to 
criticism this way. This is someone who saw enough potential 
with D to end up on the forums but had some gripes with it, 
after all who doesn't? I'm glad he took the initiative to 
provide us with good feedback, and he's not the first to take 
issue with the inconsistent '@' attribute syntax.  I'm sure 
everyone can agree this inconsistency is less than ideal but 
that doesn't mean D isn't right for them and we should 
respond this feedback like this with thanks rather than 

That inconsistency is an issue for me. I wish there a clear 
decision to make things consistent.

Yeah there's been alot of discussion around it over the years, 
which is why I put this together about 4 years ago:

Gosh I've forgotten how long I've been using D.

Interesting article.

"int safe = 0; // This code would break if "safe" was added as a 

My question here: why didn't D use a similar solution as C when 
dealing with these things? Look at the introduction of the bool 
datatype in C99. They created the compiler reserved type "_Bool" 
and put "typedef _Bool bool" in "stdbool.h". The people wanting 
to use this new feature can include this header, and other can 
leave it be. No ugly "@" polluting the language on every line 
where it's used. Wouldn't a similar solution have been possible 
in D?

Re: Why not flag away the mistakes of the past?

2018-03-08 Thread Henrik via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 17:35:11 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 10:14:16AM -0700, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:





Yeah, the only reason autodecoding survived in the beginning 
was because Andrei (wrongly) thought that a Unicode code point 
was equivalent to a grapheme.  If that had been the case, the 
cost associated with auto-decoding may have been justifiable.  
Unfortunately, that is not the case, which greatly diminishes 
most of the advantages that autodecoding was meant to have.  So 
it ended up being something that incurred a significant 
performance hit, yet did not offer the advantages it was 
supposed to.  To fully live up to Andrei's original vision, it 
would have to include grapheme segmentation as well.  
Unfortunately, graphemes are of arbitrary length and cannot in 
general fit in a single dchar (or any fixed-size type), and 
grapheme segmentation is extremely costly to compute, so doing 
it by default would kill D's string manipulation performance.


Which companies are against changing this? They must be powerful 
indeed if their convenience is important enough to protect so 
destructive features. Even C++ managed to give up trigraphs 
against the will of IBM. Surely D can give up something that is 
even more destructive?

Re: Vtable for virtual functions in D

2018-03-08 Thread Henrik via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 22:02:17 UTC, sarn wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 12:49:40 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 
If you know enough D maybe you can implement your own virtual 
functions on top of D structs. It seems no one has made it yet.

When I wrote Xanthe a year ago, I rolled my own classes using 
alias this and explicit vtables:
(I did this because normal D classes use the druntime library, 
and Xanthe was an experiment in not using the D runtime at all.)

Henrik: you might be interested in this post I wrote about 
making that:
NB: things are moving fast and some things have already 
improved since then.

This is great, it is exactly what I was hoping for! The 
core.sys.posix is also pure gold. I'm obviously not the first 
person here to have an interest in this topic. Really pleasant 

In my view; the evolution of programming languages skipped at 
step after C, and forced many of us to go directly to Java, C# 
and similar languages. If D could form an natural next step after 
C, with a favorable tradeoff between memory safety and 
performance, it could really change the embedded software 
industry. C11 + Valgrind/AdressSanitizer etc are great to develop 
fast reliable software, and most universities here in Europe - 
from my experience at least - are teaching C, but not as much 
C++. I like C, but it really only dominates because everyone else 
performs so poorly in embedded/system environments.

I should probably move to the learn category for the next part, 
but I can post one example at least. It is my first naive step of 
creating a RAII struct dummy, and check my program for memory 
corruptions; two things that C cannot do. It all works good, but 
why do I have to put the @nogc on the constructor and destructor 

import std.stdio;
import core.exception;


struct Nice
int a;
this(int a) @nogc
this.a = a;

~this() @nogc

void TestStruct()
//char *c = new char();
Nice n = Nice(55);

void TestIndexOutOfBounds(int i)
int a[100] = void;
a[0] = a[i];

void main(string[ ] args)
try {
} catch(core.exception.RangeError e) {
puts("Sloppy work! Enter safety mode!");

Re: Vtable for virtual functions in D

2018-03-07 Thread Henrik via Digitalmars-d

Hi everyone,

thank you all for your great answers. I'm playing around with 
@nogc right now, and it looks really promising. Strings and 
static arrays all seem to be located on the stack, which is so 
much better compared to std::string and std::vector in C++. The 
double indirection for virtual functions bother me, and it isn't 
getting better with all methods being virtual by default - I 
guess I'll be writing the keyword "final" very intensively in all 
my programs. I would also gladly pay some bytes in pointer bloat 
to have my virtual functions speed up. Strange that D kept the 
vtable approach when breaking with C++.

I know that D concentrated much on C++ compatibility a while ago. 
Are there any plans to support the direct inclusion on C header 
files? Many important libraries like ICU have C interfaces even 
when written in C++. The direct support of C headers would be 
very convenient in migrating parts of C/C++ projects to D. It 
would also open up POSIX which is used extensively in our work.

This looks great:
but it must be tedious to keep such files up to date.

Despite the point where I'm complaining, I must say that D looks 
very impressive. Beautiful syntax, large standard library, and 
standardized inline assembler (Thank you!). I'll definitely try 
to find a suitable project to try out D under serious conditions.

Vtable for virtual functions in D

2018-03-06 Thread Henrik via Digitalmars-d
Does anyone know if D is using the vtable implementation for 
virtual functions just like most C++ compilers? If yes, can 
someone explain the advantages of this strategy? A function 
pointer in C is regarded as expensive because of missing 
inlining, but a double indirection through a vtable just looks 
insane - if there aren't really good reasons for such an 
implementation. Does it make class inheritance or class 
polymorphism much simpler to implement or what is the reason?

I have worked with C in embedded systems for many years now, and 
for our modern Linux systems we are using a combination of C and 
Java today. Java for parts where memory safety is more important 
than speed/determinism, and C for the critical real time parts. 
There should exist a language between these worlds, where we can 
achieve memory safety at relatively small costs. C++ is not 
really an alternative, and D looks much more pleasant for us C 
programmers than for example Rust.