On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 01:01:09 UTC, Lost Indian wrote:
BTW if you want to learn about Islam, learn it from a muslim and not hate propagation sites.

Do that at your own risk. Many in Europe did that and ended up converting to this cult. There is a tenet of Islam called Taqiyya that one should be aware of before going to a Muslim and asking him for Islamic teachings. Search for Taqiyya on Google and be fearless.

- A Lost Indian

I didn't expect to see this kind of hate on a programming forum...

I know lots of Muslims. Even married a Muslim (atheist myself). Most great people. In general, very modest, hard working, and loving. Sure I've met some bad seeds, but I've met some pretty bad seeds in every demographic. There's over a billion Muslims and growing. And just as in any religion the way it is practiced is very diverse and often influenced by culture. If you go to southern and central Africa, you will see very similar behavior as in the mid-east, but in a more Christian society. But even in these cultures there are great people. Their voices just get spoken over by the louder more extreme individuals. I recommend getting outside of your bubble to gain a much larger perspective.

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