Mathematical formulae in documentation / Mathjax

2014-12-04 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d


MathJax is a Javascript trick that can nicely typeset
mathematical equations written in TeX, on-the-fly, in any HTML
document. Enabling it is easily done by adding some  in the , which I managed to do by overriding
DDOC. However, if I have a piece of code like

/// Return \(x^2\)
int square(int x)

dmd -D produces

 Return \(x\) 

Mathjax searches for \( ... \) in the page and then typeset as if
it was written in TeX it but here it does not recognise  and
gives up. Editing DDOC_PARAM is not an option of course.

Is there a way around?

Thanks in advance!

Alignment of dynamic arrays

2015-01-08 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
With "auto a = new double[1000]", is there any guarantee that  
a.ptr is aligned on a 16-byte boundary? Indeed I would like to 
use core.simd and this alignment is paramount for efficient 
loading from memory to SSE2 registers.

On MacOS X and 64-bit Linux, it looks true for dmd. Looking at 
the implementation of arrays, it seems that it eventually depends 
on gc_malloc implementation but I could not find the code of that 
extern(C) function.

Re: Alignment of dynamic arrays

2015-01-08 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 9 January 2015 at 00:23:47 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Luc Bourhis:

With "auto a = new double[1000]", is there any guarantee that  
a.ptr is aligned on a 16-byte boundary?

Arrays are aligned on a 16-byte.

Good news!

But if you slice them, this alignment can be broken.

Yes, of course. It's part of the game to prevent 
alignment-breaking slices.

In past I suggested to put the alignment of an array in the D 
type system, as an optional extra information (if the alignment 
is not correct this causes compile-time errors in some cases 
and some run-time errors when the slicing bounds are runtime 

I like the general idea. But it would seem more natural to me if 
a slice returned an aligned array if possible, otherwise a 
misaligned one.

Thanks for your thorough answer!

Re: Alignment of dynamic arrays

2015-01-09 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
Keeping alignment when slicing is easy since it matches the size 
of the xmm registers: one has to partition the array by blocks of 
2 doubles, 4 floats, etc. For AVX, the ideal alignment is on 
32-byte boundaries but the really bad performance hit happens 
only when an unaligned access crosses a cacheline boundary. With 
SSE2, this concerns every single access.

[std.traits] Detect complex numbers

2015-01-14 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
There is "isFloatingPointType!T" to find out whether type T is 
one of the floating point types but I could not find anything 
equivalent for complex numbers (cdouble, cfloat, creal) in Phobos 
2.066 (which I installed with MacPorts for the record). Am I 
missing something?

My goal was to detect types suitable as scalars in a linear 
algebra context. I had to do it by hand:

enum bool supportedScalar(T) = is(ScalarTypeOf!T) && 

private {
  alias ScalarTypeList = TypeTuple!(float, double, real,
cfloat, cdouble, creal);
  template ScalarTypeOf(T) {
  static if (is(AliasThisTypeOf!T AT) && !is(AT[] == AT))
  alias X = ScalarTypeOf!AT;
  alias X = OriginalType!T;

  static if (staticIndexOf!(Unqual!X, ScalarTypeList) >= 0)
  alias ScalarTypeOf = X;
  static assert(0, T.stringof~" is not a floating point 


Re: [std.traits] Detect complex numbers

2015-01-14 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
I forgot to mention the obvious: I simply parroted the code in 

Re: [std.traits] Detect complex numbers

2015-01-14 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
It doesn't answer your question as such, but you should take a 
look at:

The planned obsolescence of cdouble and consort is another issue 
I wanted to raise actually but better do it in a dedicated thread.

[unittest] constness

2015-01-16 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

Testing constness implementation is easy:

const Foo a;
a.non_const_method(); // <<< compilation fails

but how would I catch that in a unittest?

Re: [unittest] constness

2015-01-19 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

Thanks everybody for your help!

Re: [unittest] constness

2015-01-20 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 19 January 2015 at 16:12:59 UTC, Luc Bourhis wrote:

Thanks everybody for your help!

Just one point I forgot to mention: the compiler chokes on

  static assert(!__traits(compiles, xc[0] = 1.0));


found '=' when expecting ')' following template argument list


  static assert(!__traits(compiles, (xc[0] = 1.0)));


Documenting the use of mixing templates

2015-01-20 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
ddox does not seem to pick up on "mixin 
MySuperDuperFeatures!()". So the only way at the moment seems 
to put a note in the class or the struct top documentation. Or am 
I missing something?

mixin template and overloading

2015-01-20 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d


~ % dmd -v|head -n 1
DMD64 D Compiler v2.066-devel

~% cat mixin_template_pb.d
mixin template Foo(T) {
  void bar() {}

struct FooBar {
  mixin Foo!int;
  void bar(ulong d)() {}

void check() {
  FooBar o;;
~% dmd -c mixin_template_pb.d
mixin_template_pb.d(12): Error: template cannot deduce function from argument 
types !()(), candidates are:

It looks like the compiler does not see the mixed-in "bar". If I 
comment out the definition of "bar" in "FooBar", it compiles 
fine. Is this to be considered a bug?

std.stdio and copying

2015-01-22 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
If s is the instance of some struct S, "write(s)" will first copy 
s. Not only this can be very inefficient but it won't even 
compile if S features "@disable this(this)". The same goes for 
all the other functions, including

  format("s=%s", s)
One is then force to manually insert "s.toString()". Not quite a 
good fit for the overhaul elegance of D imho. Wouldn't it be nice 
to have those I/O functions support "const ref" for struct's? Or 
am I missing something?

Re: Proposal : aggregated dlang git repository

2015-02-10 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 9 February 2015 at 06:33:42 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Idea is to create an aggregated repository as part of 
D-Programming-Language organization which will include other 
existing ones as a submodules

Imho, git subtree would be a better idea

Re: Proposal : aggregated dlang git repository

2015-02-11 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 22:12:41 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 21:45:49 UTC, Luc Bourhis wrote:

On Monday, 9 February 2015 at 06:33:42 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Idea is to create an aggregated repository as part of 
D-Programming-Language organization which will include other 
existing ones as a submodules

Imho, git subtree would be a better idea

I don't think so.

What are the advantages?

With subtree, one has a unified working directory from which one 
can straightforwardly make commits for each components. So if one 
makes a change on phobos that relies on a change on dmd, both 
changes can easily be made, committed and then pushed. With 
submodule, this is so cumbersome that it would requires some 
dedicated scripts.

One big disadvantage that I see is that you can't create pull
requests to the original repos from subtrees.

You would create pull separate pull requests for the dmd 
repository, the phobos directory, etc. You mean you want to be 
able to do pull request from the master repository? Again, it 
seems to me this is not going to be intuitive at all with 

math libraries

2015-02-12 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d
What is the difference between (i) core.math, (ii) std.math, 
(iii) core.stdc.math and (iv) core.stdc.tgmath? (iv) falls back 
on (iii) as far as I can tell. (i) and (ii) seem to emit the same 
old x87 instructions, like fsin e.g., even for double and float. 
What's the difference?

So that leaves only core.stdc.math which may use fast SSE2 scalar 
instructions. It looks like it may do so, from a glance at the 
assembly with GDB. Could somebody shine some light?

Re: math libraries

2015-02-14 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

Thank you very much Ilya for this comprehensive and clear answer.

Re: Vectorization examples

2015-04-24 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 April 2015 at 11:15:48 UTC, finalpatch wrote:

On Monday, 20 April 2015 at 11:01:28 UTC, Panke wrote:

Aren't unaligned loads as fast as aligned loads on modern x86?

No that's not true. On modern x86 processors using unaligned 
loading instructions on aligned data does not incur additional 
overhead, therefore you can always use unaligned load for 
everything, but loading unaligned data is still slower than 
aligned data.

According to [1, section 7.13 and 8.13], the overhead was 
particularly bad for Core2 but this not a major issue either for 
Nehalem or SandyBridge anymore. Do you have data contradicting 

[1] Agner Fog, 3. The microarchitecture of Intel, AMD and VIA 
CPUs, Tech. report, Copenhagen University College of Engineering, 
February 2012.

Re: C++ const expression are not that const after all

2015-04-28 Thread Luc Bourhis via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 02:48:09 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 02:24:01AM +, deadalnix via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

Whoa. This is gonna give me nightmares tonight... that is 


The author of that blog seems to see his finding in a positive 
light actually.
As it makes it possible to write more powerful template 