Re: D plugin for IntelliJ IDEA?

2012-12-03 Thread Mirko Pilger

I used Visual D when I looked at D some months ago. Visual D is not so
bad, but doesn't work with Visual Studio Express and the full Version of
Visual Studio does cost a bit of money...

don't forget that visual d and all its features work with the visual 
studio shells which are available for free. no need for the express or 
full versions.

Re: Incomprehensible compiler errors

2012-07-31 Thread Mirko Pilger

How can I write a GUI?

as i understand gtkD is actively maintained and even already prepared 
for the next dmd release version 2.060.

Re: std.variant benchmark

2012-07-29 Thread Mirko Pilger

Re: D versionning

2012-07-12 Thread Mirko Pilger

food for thought:

Re: Any progress in std.database?

2012-07-01 Thread Mirko Pilger

Steve Teale began some work

his api design and a first implementation for mysql is available on his 

Re: clear() and UFCS

2012-05-25 Thread Mirko Pilger

Now I don't have a good name. Finalize isn't right, and neither is

what about "invalidate"?

Re: GitHub for Windows

2012-05-24 Thread Mirko Pilger

No it doesn't. The "skin" is like XP, but all the behavior is still the same
Win7 stuff. It's still Windows Dock, just with more grey and straight edges.

i seem to miss something crucial here. i have a win xp and win 7 machine 
in front of me this very moment. the quicklaunch buttons on the win 7 
desktop behave a bit differently and some icons in the tray are hidden 
within a popup panel to save space. another difference is you see a list 
of instances of the same running application when you hover over a 
button in the taskbar.

other than that i don't notice any differences in look and behaviour. 
especially nothing that makes me hate win 7 compared to win xp. i still 
favour xp for other reasons though.

Re: GitHub for Windows

2012-05-24 Thread Mirko Pilger

We don't want Like buttons and similar. That's why we use newsgroups,
mailing lists and so on. That similes are displayed as images (in
Thunderbird at least) is almost too much. :)

i've never seen smilies in mails or ng posts using thunderbird. dunno. i 
guess i turned it off ages ago.

Re: GitHub for Windows

2012-05-24 Thread Mirko Pilger

And Vista doesn't pop-up tons of shit everytime the pointer gets near the
bottom of the screen. I'd never be able to get any work done if I had
(barely-distinguishable) mini-screenshots constantly popping up to "help" me
all time like Win7 loves to do.

just turn aero off. the win 7 desktop then looks and behaves very 
similar to xp.

Re: Growing pains

2012-05-14 Thread Mirko Pilger

They are caused by a significant growth spurt in newsgroup readership
that occurred in recent times.

a possible solution could include to encourage more people on this 
newsgroup to learn how to quote. :)

Re: D Compiler as a Library

2012-04-19 Thread Mirko Pilger

If it will be decided to change the license, please pay attention to how
should programmers apply the license to source and header files:

or do it the way it is done in phobos.

Re: What about x64 windows?

2012-04-11 Thread Mirko Pilger

you are going to need this, too:

The Downfall of Imperative Programming

2012-04-09 Thread Mirko Pilger

i guess this might be of interest to some.

Re: Dirrlicht & C.

2012-04-02 Thread Mirko Pilger

What about other 3d engines ports like ogre3d?

there are bindings for available.

Re: indent style for D

2012-01-29 Thread Mirko Pilger

Ever heard of any one having such a tool?

Re: [OT] "The Condescending UI" (was: Do we need Win95/98/Me support?)

2012-01-26 Thread Mirko Pilger

YES, I'm not the only person alive using a trackball! Thumb-ball,
marble, or one of those giant pool-ball things?

you both are not alone. i'm also a trackball user for 11 years now. atm 
i have a logitech trackman on my desk but owned one of those billiard 
balls in the past, too.

Re: Could we use something better than zip for the dmd package?

2011-12-22 Thread Mirko Pilger

The ftp is not the fastest one and 7z reduces the size by 40%.


on desktop i'm mostly a windows guy and since the days of windows 95 my 
first step after a clean system setup has been always to install a 3rd 
party file archiver utility. i remember it was winzip in the beginning, 
shortly after replaced by winrar. i used those archivers until i 
discovered a file manager (and norton commander clone) named total 
commander which supports most common compression formats. instead of the 
windows explorer i use this piece of software for about a decade now.

i haven't known that windows supports the zip format out of the box 
until i read about it here today!

when i take a look at my "downloads/dev/" folder (which contains mostly 
compressed source code) i see a majority of zip archives, followed by 
tar.gz, bz2 and then 7z.

the rar format was once known as the optimum for compressing multimedia 
files and was and is still used a lot for (illegal) file sharing. 
however rar is starting to become replaced by 7z in the latter use case 
and will be the de facto standard for compressing big files (GB) in the 
near future.

i use 7z myself for backups for a couple of years now and if i have the 
choice i will always download 7z first, in absence look for tgz and 
choose zip always last if there's nothing else available.

yes, i might be old fashioned and i'm pretty aware that both ram and 
disk space is cheap but shouldn't we (developers and engineers) also be 
at the forefront to push and introduce new technologies? isn't this even 
our collective responsibility?

choice is good. let's make as much formats as download available as 
possible and let the user decide. the download statistics might be a 
surprise for some people.

Re: CURL Wrapper: Vote Thread

2011-12-17 Thread Mirko Pilger

The time has come to vote on the inclusion of Jonas Drewsen's CURL
wrapper in Phobos.


Re: D1 to be discontinued on December 31, 2012

2011-12-15 Thread Mirko Pilger

does anybody know if and when how this game makes use of the steamworks 
framework, which is a c++ library provided by valve for using the steam 
game services. the only solution would be to write a plain c wrapper 
around it, right?


2011-12-13 Thread Mirko Pilger

looking forward to try this out. thanks for your work.


2011-12-10 Thread Mirko Pilger

I didn't think anyone preferred chm over web pages anymore!

personally i prefer chm > pdf > web for technical documentations and 
ebooks on the desktop.


2011-12-10 Thread Mirko Pilger

There should be a .chm in the distribution



2011-12-10 Thread Mirko Pilger

v2.055 to v2.056

v2.055 to v2.057b


2011-12-10 Thread Mirko Pilger

I think dman didn't get updated properly on that platform. It does work
properly on Windows.

obviously i'm missing something here. within the downloaded archives for 
v2.055 to v2.056 i can only find binaries of dman for freebsd, linux and 
osx but not for windows. :/

Re: What can be done to reduce executable size?

2011-12-10 Thread Mirko Pilger

On Windows:
v1.071 = 339 Kb
v2.056 = 1017 Kb

  v2.057b= 840 kb (upx --best = 151 kb)

Re: Java > Scala

2011-12-05 Thread Mirko Pilger

I see. BTW, do you have an examples?

entertainment software like media players.

and interestingly enough tools for artists often come with non-native 
guis. e.g. 3d modeler applications (like autodesk maya, blender, 
luxology modo), pixologic zbrush, adobe after effects, the foundry nuke, 
ableton live.

it almost seems like developers of those applications believe 
traditional native guis interfere with creativity or are unsuitable for 
creative workflows.

Re: Java > Scala

2011-12-04 Thread Mirko Pilger

I assume you're on some sort of 10GB multi-core machine as most Java users
have to be on, in which case: 12 sec startup is ridiculously slow. Even on
2GB x64 dual-core, that's still very, very slow.

just to throw some numbers in. out of curiosity i have done a fresh 
install of eclipse on an 2GB, 3ghz, dual core, x86, windows xp sp3.

starting up and opening an empty project takes about 4 sec with eclipse. 
in comparison visual d (plugin for visual studio shell 2008) starts 
immediately without any noticeable delay.

Re: RFC curl

2011-11-11 Thread Mirko Pilger

Anyone have an opinion about this?

i mean no disrespect to the work you have invested. i like the new api 
and looking forward to use it, but isn't the integration of curl into 
phobos a kind of placeholder until somebody finally implements,, etc.?

i really believe high or low level wrapper code around 3rd party 
libraries shouldn't "pollute" the std.* namespace and stay in etc.* or 
maybe end up in a new package like lib.*, external.* or extra.*.


Re: Software architecture support in D.

2011-10-25 Thread Mirko Pilger

* State machines.

Re: Free?

2011-10-22 Thread Mirko Pilger

GPL: "Free as in Herpes"

personally i prefer bsd style licenses but the gpl has its right to 
exist. and while bsd ensures freedom for developers, the gpl is more 
targeted at users. it's a kind of politic statement and i understand the 
gnu project as an "user rights moverment".

please let this thread not turn into another bsd vs gpl flame war.

Re: Development environment

2011-10-19 Thread Mirko Pilger

I've yet to see a single worthwhile IDE for D.

Re: The CAPI Manifesto

2011-10-17 Thread Mirko Pilger

Unless CAPI is trademarked, I think we're in good shape.

when i hear of CAPI i instantly think of this:

Re: Dee-sign patterns.

2011-09-27 Thread Mirko Pilger

If and when the proposal to extend the official website passes, I'll
post the results there, otherwise, I'll post it somewhere else and
give the link.

why don't you add it to the already existing wiki?

Re: How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters

2011-09-05 Thread Mirko Pilger

anyone has any other good API design resources to share.

Re: What library functionality would you most like to see in D?

2011-07-31 Thread Mirko Pilger

I'm new to D, but I guess I might be able to develop some sort of configuration
file library (supporting reading and writing values etc.). Do you guys have some
sort of preferences or should I just go with standard INI files?

maybe boost::property_tree could be of some inspiration here:

Re: D users on Google+

2011-07-13 Thread Mirko Pilger

I don't know If now there a method to make proper groups in Google+

i would guess will take this place.


Re: D users on Google+

2011-07-13 Thread Mirko Pilger


many thanx, added you to my dpl circle.

Re: D users on Google+

2011-07-13 Thread Mirko Pilger

i would join right away if somebody has an invitation left by any chance.


Re: GitHub or dsource?

2011-07-07 Thread Mirko Pilger

google code is a good choice if you prefer mercurial.