Re: Should 'in' Imply 'ref' as Well for Value Types?

2018-05-06 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 5 May 2018 at 15:39:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, May 05, 2018 15:22:04 Bolpat via Digitalmars-d 

On Friday, 4 May 2018 at 09:34:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> [...]
> It's actually not infrequent now that in C++, you want to 
> pass

> stuf by value rather than const& precisely because move
> semantics can be used to avoid copies. So, it's not at all
> necessarily the case that passing by ref is the efficient 
> thing

> to do. It's heavily dependent on the code in question.

I once proposed that `in` can mean `const scope ref` that also
binds rvalues.
We could make `in` be something similar to `inline`. The 

can implement it as stated above (assign the expression to
temporary, reference it), or use copy if copy is cheaper than

Having ref of any kind accept rvalues is a highly controversial 
issue, and it may or may not ever be in the language. If it's 
added, then at that point, whether it makes sense to make in 
imply ref could be re-examined, and maybe at that point, doing 
so would make great sense. But as long as ref does not accept 
rvalues, it really doesn't make sense. It would break too much 
code and would be far too annoying to use in many, many cases 
where it is currently commonly used.

I never suggested some spelled out `ref` should bind rvalues. 
Having explicit `ref` bind rvalues is a mistake C++ did and it 
confuses the hell out of people.

For clarification:
`in` should mean for the called function that it may only "look 
at" the information for decisions, but not "touch" it. In this 
sense, not only modifying, also copying or leaking it are a forms 
of touching. Note that objects of a non-copyable types can be 
looked at.

This is how I came to what `in` naturally must mean.
It must mean `const`. It must mean `scope`. It must mean 
referencing, but not in the restrictive way of `ref`, but in the 
permissive interpretation, so it may bind rvalues, too.
For the caller, `in` basically is `const scope` with guaranteed 
no copying.

So, `in` should not imply `ref`, it should imply referencing, 
which is not the same thing.
`in` and `ref` could be combined, so that the restrictive 
character of `ref` does its job, but I'd favor not to allow that 
(similarly `out ref` is not allowed). If you want `const scope 
ref`, spell it out. I'd assume the cases where you want to allow 
lvalues only are rare. They well may exist, so it's good to be 
able to express them.

Re: Tuple DIP

2018-01-14 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 January 2018 at 00:01:15 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 13/01/2018 11:45 PM, Timothee Cour wrote:
some people have suggested using `{a, b}` instead of `(a,b)` ; 

would not work because of ambiguity, eg:
`auto fun(){ return {}; }`
already has a meaning, so the empty tuple would not work.
so `()` is indeed better.

Easy fix, tuples must have a length greater than 0.
A tuple with length 0 is by definition void.

Zero tuples exist and don't have type void as their type has an 
object: the empty tuple. It's similar to the empty word, the 
empty array, etc.
They naturally arise in corner cases of templates. You have to 
support them like static arrays of length 0.

Effectively forbidding them would be an unreasonable limitation.

Re: Tuple DIP

2018-01-14 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 12 January 2018 at 22:44:48 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

This DIP aims to make code like the following valid D:

auto (a, b) = (1, 2);
(int a, int b) = (1, 2);

How is (1, 2) different from [1, 2] (static array)? It makes no 
sense to me to have both and probably a bunch of conversion 

Why don't you consider extending (type-homogeneous) static arrays 
to (finite type enumerated) tuples? It solves

 - 1-tuples
 - comma operator vs. tuple literal
You'd have T[n] as an alias for the tuple type consisting of n 
objects of type T.

I've written something about that here:
(sorry for my bad English in that post)

The main reason I'd vote against the DIP: Parenthesis should only 
be used for operator precedence and function calls.

Static If with Declaration

2017-12-22 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

When I wanted something like

  static if (enum var = expr)
  { ... }

I did

  static foreach (enum var; { auto x = expr; return x ? [ x ] : [ 
]; }())

  { ... }

The only drawback is, there is no `else`.

You can use the trick even for normal if when the condition is 
not identical to the expression of the declared variable:

  if (auto var = expr) // tests cast(bool)x
  { ... }

Same solution

  foreach (var; { auto x = expr; return cond ? [ x ] : [ ]; }())
  { ... }

Drawback apart from not having else: May allocate if the compiler 
doesn't optimize it. Even then, the code is not @nogc. One would 
use std.range.only for that:

  foreach (var; {
  import std.range : only;
  auto singleton = only(expr);
  if (!cond) singleton.popFront;
  return singleton;
  { ... }

This can be archived, too, by using std.iteration.filter:

  import std.range : only;
  import std.iteration : filter;
  foreach (var; singleton.only.filter!cond)
  { ... }

Has anyone encountered something similar?

Note that most of the time, you can put the declaration before 
the test. You cannot in mixin templates, where I needed it.

Re: Inheritance from multiple interfaces with the same method name

2017-12-07 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 23:00:38 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
If you think D should support something like this, the first 
thing to do is to file a bug report.

Sounds more like a DIP to me. There is no way to enable this 
without some kind of nontrivial syntax. I'd go with the VB 
approach and have something like

void foo1() alias { }

but that's up to the time discussing the DIP.

Re: Inheritance from multiple interfaces with the same method name

2017-12-07 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 15:14:48 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 00:45:21 UTC, Mike Franklin 
// Error: A.f called with argument types () matches both: 
A.f() and A.f()

// Yeah, that error message could be better.

(cast(I)a).f(); // prints "void f()"
(cast(J)a).f(); // prints "int f()"

D also allows you to simply write:


also works for explicitly calling a base class implementation 

This implies that I cannot implement two syntactically identical 
methods with different implementations, like if J had void f(); 
too, I cannot have different implementations for I.f() and J.f(). 
That would be relevant if they should behave differently e.g. if 
they have conflicting contracts.

Inheritance from multiple interfaces with the same method name

2017-12-06 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

Say I have two interfaces
interface I { void f(); }
interface J {  int f(); }
implemented by some class
class A : I, J {
// challenge by the compiler:
// implement f()!

VB.NET allows that by renaming the implementation (it does allow 
it generally, not only in the corner case).
C# allows that by specifying the target interface when 
implementing (can be omitted for exactly one; corner case 
handling); the specification makes the implementation private. 
(See [1])
Java just disallows the case when two methods are incompatible. 
If they are compatible, they must be implemented by the same 
method. If they are meant to do different things, you are screwed.

What is D's position on that? The interface spec [2] does not say 
anything about that case.



Re: Proposal: Object/?? Destruction

2017-10-29 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 16 October 2017 at 23:29:46 UTC, sarn wrote:

On Sunday, 15 October 2017 at 15:19:21 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 23:20:26 UTC, sarn wrote:
On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 22:20:46 UTC, Q. Schroll 
Therefore, and because of brackets, you can distinguish f(1, 
2) from f([1, 2]).

But in f([1, 2]), it's ambiguous (just by parsing) whether 
[1, 2] is a tuple literal or a dynamic array literal.

It would be a tuple if that's the best match, otherwise 
conversion to int[] is tried.


You'd need to use a prefix or something to the bracket syntax.

I just argued, you don't!

But have you thought through all the implications?

Yes. No weirdness is being introduced that is not there already. 
Maybe I have overseen something; I will not give you or anyone 
else a guarantee for the solution to work perfectly. I've thought 
through the case very long.
An open question is allowing partly const/immutable/shared (cis) 
tuples. As for now, I didn't care. Even c/i/s-homogeneus tuples 
(the tuple is c/i/s as a whole or not) would be a win in my 
opinion. One rarely needs tuples with one component immutable but 
the other one mutable. This is what a named struct is for. On the 
other hand, I don't know of any issues having a to partly c/i/s 

Take this code:

void main(string[] args)
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln([1, 3.14]);

As you're probably 100% aware, this is totally valid D code 
today.  [1, 3.14] becomes a double[] because 1 gets converted 
to a double.

Right conclusion with insufficient explanation. [1, 3.14] is a 
static array in the first place. It occupies a fully inferred 
template parameter position. I don't know the implementation, but 
every time I tested, it behaves as if typeof(expr) is being used 
after the bang to set the template argument manually (even for 
Voldemort types etc. where typeof is sometimes impossible due to 
missing frame pointers). typeof returns "dynamic array of T" for 
array literals. This is all the weirdness going on here. It is 
present today and would remain present if you interpret [1, 3.14] 
as a tuple.

If this kind of behaviour changes, code will break, so you'll 
need a bunch of exceptions to the "it would be a tuple if 
that's the best match" rule.

The only exception is typeof and (therefore, I don't know...) 
template inference.

Also, for the same backwards compatibility reasons, it would be 
impractical in most cases to add any tuple overloads to most 
existing standard library functions that currently accept 
slices or arrays, but presumably new functions would be meant 
to take advantage of the new syntax (else there wouldn't be 
much point creating a new syntax).

You don't have to as long as you don't want to support tuples 
explicitly; otherwise you have to. If you have a void f(int, 
double), you cannot plug in [1, 3.14]. You can use some expand to 
do it. You wouldn't want to either. If you have something 
*explicitly typed* as a tuple, e.g.

[int, double] tup = [1, 3.14];
you can make the call f(tup) because auto expansion does its job. 
This is the use case. If you have void f([int, double]), you can 
plug in tuple literals.
If you use a tuple literal for a function call, the compiler will 
search for explicit matches for tuples. If it cannot find any, 
conversion to a dynamic array happens.

So, a literal like [1, 3.14] would basically be a tuple, but 
would be converted to double[] in a bunch of special cases for 
historical reasons.

Yes. It would be converted in almost all cases -- the same with 
static arrays -- because the best match doesn't occur very often 
and typeof never returns static arrays or tuples for literals.

If you're not sure if this is really a problem, take a look at 
the confusion caused by the magic in {} syntax:

This is completely unrelated. Concerning the issues people have 
with (..) => { .. }, I've filed an enhancement request to 
deprecate it in that specific case:

To be totally honest, I still don't see what's wrong with just 
creating a new bracket syntax, instead of adding more magic to 
[] (or () for that matter).

It's not adding any magic to [] that isn't there already. The 
other proposals are adding magic to (). Even some mathematicians 
use chevrons (angle brackets) for tuples as they see parentheses 
as indicators of precedence. I'd vote against angle brackets, see 
C++ templates for reasons. Logicians and haskellers even don't 
need parentheses for function calls.

Could I convince you?

Re: Proposal: Object/?? Destruction

2017-10-15 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 23:20:26 UTC, sarn wrote:

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 22:20:46 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
Therefore, and because of brackets, you can distinguish f(1, 
2) from f([1, 2]).

But in f([1, 2]), it's ambiguous (just by parsing) whether [1, 
2] is a tuple literal or a dynamic array literal.

It would be a tuple if that's the best match, otherwise 
conversion to int[] is tried. Even today, [1, 2] is ambiguous: Is 
it a static or a dynamic array of int? Is it of type int[2] or 
int[]? The spec says, it depends what you do with it! We can 
progress that and enlarge the int[2] version to [int, int] -- a 
special case of a 2-tuple. It remains the same: If [1, 2] can be 
used as a dynamic array, it will be. If not, the compiler tries a 
static array. With tuples, it would try a tuple. If f has an 
overload taking int[] or something similar, it will treat [1, 2] 
as a dynamic array with homogeneus types. If the objects are not 
compatible, an error occurs like "tuple [..contents..] cannot be 
implicitly converted to T[]". Else, if it has an overload for a 
compatible (length, implicit conversion) tuple, that will be 
taken. Consider

   void f(int[2] v) { } // (1)
   void f(int[ ] v) { } // (2)
Here, f([1, 2]) calls (1) as it is the better match. Yet with
   auto x = [1, 2];
f(x) calls (2) because of strict typing. So while [1, 2] is of 
type int[2] or [int, int] as a tuple, typeof([1, 2]) will still 
yield int[]. You cannot ask the one and only correct type of 
[]-literals as they have more than one type. Even if the values 
are incompatible like [1, "a"], asking typeof([1, "a"]) will 
result in an error, because in typeof deduction, []-literals must 
result in dynamic arrays. This holds for auto, because auto has 
the same rules.

   auto tup = [1, "a"];
must fail. You'd need
   [auto, auto] tup = [1, "a"];
or maybe some shorthand syntax that lowers to this.

You'd need to use a prefix or something to the bracket syntax.

I just argued, you don't!

The reason there is no such prefix and not even a function in 
Phobos, is it is a trivial task to make one.

T[n] s(T, size_t n)(T[n] elem ...) { return elem; }
static assert(is(typeof(s(1, 2, 3)) == int[3]));
static assert(is(typeof([1, 2, 3].s) == int[3]));
auto x = s(1, 2, 3);
static assert(is(typeof(x) == int[3]));
auto x = s(1, 2.0, 3);
static assert(is(typeof(x) == double[3]));
Try it yourself. It works fine. Instead of s one would use t or 
tuple to allow incompatible types.

Re: Proposal: Object/?? Destruction

2017-10-14 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
I've thought about tuples and stuff for a while. For tuples, I'll 
use [brackets]. Reasons follow.

Homogeneous tuples are repetitions of some single type. We have 
them today in form of static arrays. We could allow 
"inhomogeneous arrays" and call them tuples. T[n] is then an 
alias for [T, T, .., T] with n repititions. In place of a type 
[T, S] means Tuple!(T, S) and in place of an Object [t, s] means 
tuple(t, s). Note that D's grammar allows disambiguate types and 
objects by syntax.

A tuple implicitly converts to some other, if the pointwise types 
do. Bracket literals constitute a separate type that exists in 
the compiler only. We have that already to make

   int[2] a = [ 1, 2 ];
not allocate on the heap, but
   int[]  a = [ 1, 2 ];
does. So at first, [ 1, 2.0 ] is of type [int, double]. If you 
assign it to a double[2], because int -> double, the conversion 
is no problem. The thing that changes, is when you ask for 
typeof([ 1, 2.0 ]) directly. Of course,

   auto tup = [ 1, 2.0 ];
will homogenize the tuple to double[] similar to how it does 
today. Declaration-decomposition can be done as

   auto [a, b] = f(x);
(non-exlusive) or
   [auto a, auto b] = f(x);
The first one is shorter, the latter one let's you do
   [int a, auto b] = f(x);
So auto [x1, .. xn] is just a shorthand for [auto x1, .. auto xn].
Assignment-decomposition is the same with the types/auto missing.
Swap can be done with
   [a, b] = [b, a];
From the type system, if a tuple literal has only lvalues inside, 
it is an lvalue, too.
Note that there must be some way to handle side effects 
correctly. The problem is already known from normal assignment.

1-tuples are in a natural way included. int[1] is today different 
from int. When we have first-class tuples in D, we should not 
distinguish static arrays from homogeneous tuples.

Therefore, and because of brackets, you can distinguish f(1, 2) 
from f([1, 2]). I find the syntax (1,) for 1-tuples weird. 
Parenthesis are used only for operator precedence and function 
calls. They should not be used for tuples -- the 1-tuple case and 
f(1, 2) vs f((1, 2)) prove that. Parenthesis are a tool of 
syntax, not semantics. You can never omit brackets in D.

Maybe you can use some of that as input for your DIP.

Re: Implicit Constructors

2017-10-14 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 14:50:44 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

But actually, I really wish D just had implicit ctors on the 
types themselves. I think C++'s mistake was that implicit was 
the default, and you have to write `explicit`. If we did the 
opposite, where implicit was opt in, I think it would be useful 
without the worry C++ had.

Not completely. Walter and Andrei oppose even explicitly 
annotated implicit constructors [1, 2]. With my solution, you 
state a two sided desire, like offer and acceptance. Contrary to 
(even explicitly annotated, non-default) implicit constructors 
being the only necessity for getting implicit constructor calls, 
this makes it very transparent what's happening. The only 
exception is when `S` is in a library, you use @implicit(0) on 
it, and the supplier decides to add more @implicit constructors 
to `S`. This is what we (will) have @future [3] for.


Re: Implicit Constructors

2017-10-14 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 13:01:48 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 10/12/17 7:57 PM, Q. Schroll wrote:
We have some sort of implicit construction already. Weirdly, 
it's reserved for classes. Just look at this:

     class C { this(int x) { } }
     void foo(C c ...) { }
     void main() { foo(0); }

If you put @nogc in front of ctor and functions, the compiler 
tells you not to use 'new' in main while you actually don't. 
Merely the compiler inserts it for you to complain about it.

Not sure where you put the @nogc.

class C { this(int x) @nogc { } }
void foo(C c ...) @nogc { }
void main() @nogc { foo(0); }

It tells you not to use 'new' while you don't (explicitly, at 

What is likely happening is that the call to foo is lowered to 
foo(new C(0)). Indeed, using -vcg-ast proves it.

Probably. I don't care -- the compiler should not give me this 
error message. I've filed a bug report, but I cannot find it 

The spec says it can put the class on the stack, but is not 
required to.

Exactly. It shouldn't work and doesn't. That's not the problem.

One could propose to extend the three-dots notation to 
structs. I don't.

The fact that this is not supported (it isn't, I tried it) 
doesn't make any sense.

It tried once, too.

It's likely this hails from a time where classes had ctors and 
structs did not, and is just not a feature that anyone cared 
about or used.

IMO, it should be extended for structs just in terms of 
consistency. But I don't think it would be a high priority.

That would be another consistent solution. Even if we had this 
for structs, there is the @nogc argument not to allow it for 
classes (the compiler inserts nontrivial things: the heap 

I'd vote for deprecating the three-dots for classes. Did you 
know it exists? Did you use it - like ever? Does anyone depend 
on it?

I'm mixed on it. I wouldn't care personally if it was removed, 
but it's a feature that may be used somewhere, and there's no 
harm in keeping it.

Even extending this to structs does not give you implicit ctor 
calls. You can use ... only for the last parameter for obvious 
reasons. It's completely different from implicit ctor calls. I 
only mentioned that as it is the closest thing in D to implicit 
ctor calls.


It's a neat idea. I don't see why we would need to remove the 
typesafe variadics to allow this to work.

You don't. I mentioned it as it is somehow implicit ctor call.

It *really* would be nice though, to allow annotations on 
parameters. The @implicit(1) stinks. Would look much better as:

proto_goo(int v, @implicit S s, bool b);

I tried that, too, and failed because of that. (I'd even assume 
anyone would, because it'd be the obvious way to want it.) This 
is another reason to allow that.

Where you may run into trouble is if there is ambiguity (for 
instance 2 implicit parameters could match the potential 
arguments in different ways).

How? I only accept *one* parameter. Ctors with more than one 
parameter are disallowed. One could allow those which can be 
called with one parameter because they fill the rest with default 
values. I didn't for the sake of an easier implementation. It's a 
first sketch, a proof of concept.

Another option is to not worry about tagging which parameters 
would be implicit, and go only on the fact that types in the 
parameter list have @implicit constructors when you call 

There are two reasons against it.
  1. implicitOverloads would search much more for nothing.
  2. You'd add implicit overloads the author of the function 
maybe wouldn't want.

You can think of my system as offer and acceptance. You need 
both. @implicit ctors do nothing for themselves the same way 
@implicit(1) does nothing if the targeted type has nothing to 
offer. That's on purpose to make implicit ctor calls as 
transparent as possible. Walter didn't want implicit construction 
because it is non-transparent. Under these circumstances, it has 
good chances to be accepted for Phobos.

Implicit Constructors

2017-10-12 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
We have some sort of implicit construction already. Weirdly, it's 
reserved for classes. Just look at this:

class C { this(int x) { } }
void foo(C c ...) { }
void main() { foo(0); }

If you put @nogc in front of ctor and functions, the compiler 
tells you not to use 'new' in main while you actually don't. 
Merely the compiler inserts it for you to complain about it.

One could propose to extend the three-dots notation to structs. I 
don't. I'd vote for deprecating the three-dots for classes. Did 
you know it exists? Did you use it - like ever? Does anyone 
depend on it?

(If you don't want to read it all: The examples may be expressing 

The main point of this post is a library solution to implicit 
constructor calls. The implementation is very conservative: A 
double handshake; not the constructors must be annotated with 
@implicit, the functions which want to allow being called with a 
constructor parameter must explicitly state that (these functions 
are called "receiving" functions). @implicit constructors must 
have exactly one parameter (no defaulted additional ones) and a 
receiving function has an annotation @implicit(i) where i is the 
index of a parameter for which it will be allowed to plug in a 
constructor argument of its type. Sounds complicated? See an 

struct S
import bolpat.implicitCtor : implicit;
long s;
@implicit this(int x)  { s = x; }
@implicit this(long x) { s = x; }
this(bool x) { s = x ? 0 : -1; }

This is all that you need from the one side. Now the receiver 

import bolpat.implicitCtor : implicit, implicitOverloads;

long proto_goo(int v, S s, bool b) @implicit(1)
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln("goo: call S with value ", s.s);
return b ? v : s.s;
void proto_goo(char c) { } // no @implicit(i) ==> will be 

mixin implicitOverloads!("goo", proto_goo); // generates goo

assert(goo(1, 2, false) == 2);

It also works for members. See:

struct Test
int proto_foo(int v, S s) @implicit(1)
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln("foo: call S with value ", s.s);
return v;

void proto_foo(char c) { } // ignored

mixin implicitOverloads!("foo", proto_foo);

What to do further? Make @implicit take more than one argument. 
I'm working on it. This is just a first taste. And for Stefan 
Koch, thanks to static foreach, one can safe so many templates.

tl;dr the implementation is here:

Re: enum pointers or class references limitation

2017-09-01 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 September 2017 at 23:13:50 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:

Just as Scott Meyers said: make it easy to use correctly and 
hard to use incorrectly. Today it's easy to use incorrectly.

  enum foo = [1,2,3];
  assert(foo is foo);
  enum bla = "123";
  assert(foo is foo);

Enhancement request submitted:

Unfortunately after I found out the second one does not have to 
do with mutability. Making foo immutable(int)[] does not change 
anything. It only works for const(char)[], immutable(char)[], and 
probably w/dchar friends. That's odd.

Re: enum pointers or class references limitation

2017-09-01 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 September 2017 at 21:08:20 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> assert(!([1,2,3] is [1,2,3]));
> Which is exactly what enum expands to and totally expected.
Where is the
> surprise?

This is not a surprise. Array literals are not identical.

In the surprising case foo is a symbol, seemingly of a 
variable. Failing the 'is' test is surprising in that case. 
I've just remembered that the actual surprising case is the 
following explicit check:

assert(!(foo.ptr is foo.ptr)); // Passes

I find it surprising because it looks like an entity does not 
have a well-behaving .ptr.

(Aside: I think your code might be surprising to at least 
newcomers as well.)

That's a good reason to unrecommend/disallow enums with 
indirections. The compiler should recommend/suggest using static 
immutable instead as it does not have such oddities. The only 
advantage of enum is being guaranteed to be known at compile-time 
and they can be templatized (can be also done for static 
immutable via eponymous template).
I'd vote for a warning/error when the type of an enum has 
indirections together with a pragma to switch the warning off for 
the rare case you know exactly what you do.
Just as Scott Meyers said: make it easy to use correctly and hard 
to use incorrectly. Today it's easy to use incorrectly.

Structs as Keys for AAs

2017-08-09 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

In [1] it says at 5. that

For this reason, and for legacy reasons, an associative array 
key is not allowed to define a specialized opCmp, but omit a 
specialized opEquals. This restriction may be removed in future 
versions of D.

I'm not completely sure what that means. Does "specialized" mean 
"user-defined"? I just challenged the spec and found an error by 
the way: [2]. Apart from that, it compiles.

For 5. I used

struct Key
int id;
string tag;

int opCmp(const Key other) const
return < ? -1 : == ?  0 
: 1;


bool opEquals(ref const Key other) const @safe pure nothrow
return ==;

size_t toHash() const @safe pure nothrow
return id;

as a key type. To me the part "is not allowed to define a 
specialized opCmp" is clearly wrong, either a compiler bug or an 
error in the spec.

Concerning opEquals and opCmp in general: Why isn't opEquals 
lowered to opCmp returning 0 if not present?


relax disabled Final!T unary operators

2017-03-23 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
In std.experimental.typecons.Final the operators ++ and -- are 
disabled. I suspect, this was done with simple types as int in 
mind, where increment is nothing different from += 1, which is by 
definition an assignment. From the distant standpoint, there is 
no reason to disable them at all. They are modifying the object, 
but calling a modifying method on a Final! struct/class is not 
disabled either. An operation need not be disabled because it is 
equivalent to an assignment.
I agree that this behavior is natural. Final!int should not be 
modifiable at all, that's precisely what immutable int does. This 
leads to the following conclusion:
Making Final an alias to immutable for types without 
indirections. They cast implicitly to mutable. E.g. Being allowed 
to assign the components of Tuple!(int, int), but not the tuple 
itself is ridiculous because that's the same.
My conclusion: Final only makes sense for things that have 

The things are handled similarly for overloading opAssign for 
classes. Identity assignment is disallowed to overload, but not 
other forms, because other forms are just modifying operations. 
The reason why any form of assignment should be disallowed is 
simple: It is confusing and we would have to determine which 
assignments to allow. The Final implementation cannot know which 
assignment to a struct behaves like modifying. Allowing 
non-identity class assignment is an option, but I'm against it: 
It's still an assignment by definition.

Re: `in` no longer same as `const ref`

2017-01-30 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 January 2017 at 12:08:06 UTC, Olivier FAURE wrote:
On Monday, 30 January 2017 at 06:38:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Personally, I think that effectively having an alias for two 
attributes in a single attribute is a confusing design 
decision anyway and think that it was a mistake, but we've had 
folks slapping in on stuff for years with no enforcement, and 
flipping the switch on that would likely not be pretty.

- Jonathan M Davis

I've always thought of 'in' as a visual shorthand for "this 
parameter doesn't care whether you give it a deep copy or a 
shallow reference", personally.

Would have been a far better definition. Why does anyone really 
need a shorthand attribute for two attributes that could be 
easily spelled out? You can type anything for "const  scope" 
while programming and then do search-and-replace. That's even 

Can't we make "in" mean "const scope ref", that binds on 
r-values, too? Effectively, that's (similar to) what "const T&" 
in C++ means. It's a non-copying const view on the object. We 
have the longstanding problem, one must overload a function to 
effectively bind both l- and r-values. That is what I'd suppose 
to be the dual to "out".

Re: Should debug{} allow GC?

2016-09-11 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 11 September 2016 at 07:46:09 UTC, Manu wrote:
I'm having a lot of trouble debugging @nogc functions. I have a 
number of debug functions that use GC, but I can't call them 
from @nogc code... should debug{} allow @nogc calls, the same 
as impure calls?

Generally, there is more to consider. It makes no sense to allow 
impure debug inside a pure function and not to do so for other 
attributes. For nothrow, it is also quite annoying.

If no one has strong counterarguments, just file an enhancement 
request. Implementation of such should not be too difficult.

Structural Function Attributes

2016-06-06 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
I'm pretty sure, someone before me has thought about that. Take 
pure as an example, but you can replace it by any subset of pure, 
nothrow, @safe and @nogc.

Main reason: Assume a struct with simple opApply
   struct R
  // pure -> error: dg possibly impure
  int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t i, ref int x) dg)
  { ... }
which does only pure operations modulo calls of dg. Then, opApply 
is pure if dg is pure.

Further assume a function using that opApply
   int wannaBePure(R r) // pure -> error: R.opApply possibly 

  int s = 0;
  foreach (i, x; r) s += i*x;
  return s;
PROBLEM 1: Nobody wants to supply all possible combinations of 
attributes the delegate can have. Worse, if the struct R is a 
template, it is nearly impossible for e.g. @nogc.

-> Use a template opApply to infer attributes.
PROBLEM 2: Specific to opApply, you cannot infer the foreach 
types if opApply is a template; even a trivial one or opApply(DG 
: int delegate(size_t, ref int))(scope DG dg) does not do this.

-> Template is an improper solution.
PROBLEM 3: Templates cannot be virtual.
-> Template is not a solution at all.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: For each (strong) attribute like pure, support 
a (weak) structural one, meaning that the function is pure if the 
parameters are.

PLUS: Always infer structural attributes for functions with 
delegate/function parameters, but let the explicit notion be 
possible, as the programmer could want to guarantee structural 
pureness, cf. attribute inference on function templates can be 
denoted explicitly.

FUN FACT: The structural attribute is actually not that weak. It 
makes (maybe many) functions pure, that wouldn't be otherwise.

Back to the example:
   struct R
  struct(pure) // dg pure -> opApply pure
  int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t i, ref int x) dg)
  { ... }
   int wannaBePure(R r) pure // pure opApply -> pure
  int s = 0;
  foreach (i, x; r)
  s += i*x; // pure stuff -> pure delegate -> pure opApply
  return s;

From what I see, struct(pure) is perfectly sound with inheriting 
and overwriting.

To the overloading set, it can be seen as supplying both versions.
As the code is not affected (only optimizing), this should be 
easy to handle in object code. The function has to be marked as 
The function must be compiled as it wouldn't have the attribute. 
Outside, it can be decided at compile-time.


Re: Idea: swap with multiple arguments

2016-05-23 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 23 May 2016 at 20:27:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 5/23/16 4:01 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
So swap(a, b) swaps the contents of a and b. This could be 
easily generalized to multiple arguments such that swap(a1, 
a2, ..., an) arranges things such that a1 gets an, a2 gets a1, 
a3 gets a2, etc. I do know applications for three arguments. 
Thoughts? -- Andrei

One thing that screams out to me: this should be called rotate, 
not swap.


Just name Andrei's function rotate and make swap just an alias of 
it with exactly two parameters. No confusion and everyone is 

Re: Walter's Famous German Language Essentials Guide

2016-05-06 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 03:59:04 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 02:57:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
To prepare for a week in Berlin, a few German phrases is all 
you'll need to fit in, get around, and have a great time:

1. Ein Bier bitte!
2. Noch ein Bier bitte!
3. Wo ist der WC!

nitpick: Wo ist _das_ WC?
In German WC we have definite articles and as a WC can be used 
by both sexes, it is neutral (disclaimer: not a rule).

However it's more common to say "Wo ist die nächste Toilette?"

Sorry, WC is neutral, but this has nothing to do with usage of 
both sexes. If you want a short explanation of where different 
(linguistic) gender come from, have a look on 
(German) p. 3
In a nutshell: Connecting gender with sex is wrong. Correlation 
is not causality.

Sorry for being a smartass. I just have to.

Re: Associative Array .byKey / .byValue: Counter and Tuples

2016-04-03 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 3 April 2016 at 11:17:17 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 3 April 2016 at 10:59:47 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:

Simple as that, suppose
uint[uint] aa;
Any range supports carrying an index. Not so does the Range 
returned by byKey and byValue.

foreach (i, k; aa.byKey) { }
foreach (i, v; aa.byValue) { }
both don't compile.

That's incorrect. Only Random Access Ranges are indexable. The 
ranges returned by aa.byKey and aa.byValue are simply Input 
Ranges. Moreover, ranges do not by default allow for an index 
value in a foreach loop. That only works out of the box with 

It looks like I've used Random Access Ranges so far (without 
realizing that matters that much).

To get the same for a range, you can use std.range.enumerate:

import std.range : enumerate;
foreach(i, k; aa.byKey.enumerate) {}

Thanks. That solves the problem.

Reason (I found out by chance):

If the key or value type is a std.typecons.Tuple, iteration 
over* decomposes the Tuple if there is the right number 
of arguments. For 2-Tuples, there cannot be both possible.

alias Tup = Tuple!(int, int);
int[Tup] it;
Tup[int] ti;

foreach (x, y; it.byKey) { }
foreach (x, y; ti.byValue) { }

Why is this undocumented? 
doesn't mention Tuples at all!

D's associative arrays don't know anything about Tuples, so 
there's no reason for the aa docs to talk about them. This 
behavior comes from how std.typecons.Tuple is implemented.

Why is this useful? Anyone can decompose the Tuple with 
.expand if they like. I would prefer allowing an index.

If you look at the source of Tuple, alias this is used on 
.expand, which is likely why they are automatically decomposed 
in an aa.

I know about the alias expand this in Tuple, but simply didn't 
expect it can go that far. On the other hand, it sounds 
plausible. I never expected a special preference of AAs for 

It's very interesting that alias this can work like this.

Associative Array .byKey / .byValue: Counter and Tuples

2016-04-03 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

Simple as that, suppose
uint[uint] aa;
Any range supports carrying an index. Not so does the Range 
returned by byKey and byValue.

foreach (i, k; aa.byKey) { }
foreach (i, v; aa.byValue) { }
both don't compile.

Reason (I found out by chance):

If the key or value type is a std.typecons.Tuple, iteration over* decomposes the Tuple if there is the right number of 
arguments. For 2-Tuples, there cannot be both possible.

alias Tup = Tuple!(int, int);
int[Tup] it;
Tup[int] ti;

foreach (x, y; it.byKey) { }
foreach (x, y; ti.byValue) { }

Why is this undocumented? 
doesn't mention Tuples at all!
Why is this useful? Anyone can decompose the Tuple with .expand 
if they like. I would prefer allowing an index.

If it does not meet the spec, is it a bug then?

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 08:52:40 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
The methods add and remove return bool values that indicate the 
state being changed:

• addreturns true iff key has not been already present.
• remove returns true iff key has been already present.

Should have been

The methods add and remove return bool values that indicate the 
state being changed:

 • addreturns true iff element has not been already present.
 • remove returns true iff element has been already present.

as we shouldn't call the elements of a set its "keys".

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 09:55:58 UTC, cym13 wrote:

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 08:52:40 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:


I most of what is said here, assigning true or false makes for  
an aweful API compared to add() and remove(). I agree with Adam 
Ruppe that if we are to use AA-like syntax we have to keep a 
coherent API.

I don't like the AA-like syntax also. But in some sense it is 

Look at
s[x, y] = true;
You can have a overload of add making
s.add(x, y)
do that. But wait, add has a return value. Let x be already 
present in s and y not. What would you expect s.add(x, y) to 
return? This is unclear and ambiguous. In this case, I find the 
AA-like syntax nicer.

I've read through the thread without exactly tracking who said 

On Thursday, 31 March 2016 at 20:11:39 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
aa[x] returns void, which, having no value, would be a compile 

The idea is great and I've adopted it in some sense. I don't know 
the API, so I cannot tell if something slightly hurts it. Is the 
add-funtion coherent API?

Also, I don't like join etc... Please, just take the python 

Interestingly, I've never seen meaningful Python code -- you can 
believe it or not. Most of the proposal is very near to Python, 
right? The link let's me at least believe it is. Actually this 
proves the stuff is natural to people.
Unfortunately, union is a keyword in D, so we just can't use it. 
You can propose another name for set union if you are 
dissatisfied with join. I don't stick very much to that. Syntax 
highlighting does a good job here to tell someone union will 
likely not compile.

Is this all? What does your "etc." mean?

Sets have been a builtin type for a long time now in that 
language and they just

make sense, they are very polished.

Sounds like we should have sets too and profit from the 

Not to mention that many people that expect sets to be part of 
the language itself seem to come from python.

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 31 March 2016 at 19:57:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

aa[x] = true;  // add member x
aa[x] = false; // remove member x
x in aa; // compile error

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 02:36:35 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Still, while it's true that aa.remove is how you'd normally do 
it, I think that Walter's suggestion of assigning true or false 
makes by far the most sense of the ones made thus far - and you 
could just make



aa[key] = false;

equivalent for void[T] to make it more consistent.

- Jonathan M Davis

The basic idea is great. But how could the details look like? 
What do we want in detail?

We want simple and suggestive operations on sets, like 
modification of single elements, iteration, union, intersection, 
(relative) complement, cartesian product, pointwise function 
application, filtering and much more. Maybe even suggestive set 
comprehension is possible.

About the special case:

We encounter (yet another) special case for something built of 
void. This is not a major deal. Everyone knows (should know) that 
void is a special case nearly everywhere it emerges:

 • void returning functions.
 • void* is much different from any other pointer.
 • void[] and void[n] are different from usual arrays.
Now we add
 • void[T] is different from K[T] (for K != void).

From the view of a D programmer, this is not a big deal to accept.
From the view of a D learner, this is yet another void special 
case, maybe even easier to fully understand than void*.

First of all, we do not use the term associative array for sets. 
This is wrong and confusing at least for the beginners.

We can have AA declaration syntax without AA indexing syntax. The 
set indexing syntax will be a bit different.

void[T] s; // declare s as a set of T

s.add(x);// addx of type T
s.remove(x); // remove x of type T

auto r1 = x  in s; // r1 is of type bool; r1 == true iff x is 
--- in s.
auto r2 = x !in s; // r2 is of type bool; r2 == true iff x is 
not in s.

Further we allow not only for convenience
s[x] = true;  // Same side effect of add.
s[x] = false; // Same side effect of remove.

This is not AA indexing syntax so let's call it set indexing and 
nothing else. It looks similar to bool[T] syntax, but a void[T] 
is different from bool[T] by design and idea.

The methods add and remove return bool values that indicate the 
state being changed:

 • addreturns true iff key has not been already present.
 • remove returns true iff key has been already present.

The opIndexAssign should return the assigned bool; everything 
else would be totally unexpected. It is a bit like assigning the 

x in s
which is an rvalue.

It is illegal to use the opIndex with parameters. The only legal 
indexing expressions will be

 • s[]: legally used to operate on the set pointwise (see later).
 • s[x] = b
 • s[x] op= b, where op is one of |, &, ^: s[x] op= b does s[x] = 
(x in s) op b.
I don't see an application of the latter, but there is no reason 
to disallow it; rather discourage it.

When assigning bool literals with set indexing syntax where the 
value of the assignment is not used, the compiler should emit a 
warning and suggest using add or remove respectively.

bool b = expression();
s[x] = true; // compiler suggests using add.
s[x] = false;// compiler suggests using remove.
s[x] = b;// ok, b is not a literal.
s[x] = expression(); // ok.
s[x] = s[y] = true;  // ok; for s[y] = true, the value (true) 
is being used,
 // for s[x] we have s[y] = true as 

Known from AAs we also will have
 • sizeof
 • length
 • dup
 • rehash
 • clear
in the expected form, but we won't have
 • keys
 • values
 • byKey()
 • byValue()
That is because to be it is odd to call the elements keys. And 
what are the values then?

We don't even need these.

New/changed ones:
 • singelton (new)
 • get (known from AA, but other sematics)
For a singelton set, singelton returns the only element. 
Otherwise RangeError.
get returns a pointer to the only element of a singelton set or 
null for the empty set. If the set contains more than one 
element, RangeError. get can be useful with

if (auto xp = s.get)
{ /+ use the unique element x = *p +/ }
{ /+ empty set handling +/ }

[Aside: There is no add for AAs for a good reason.]


foreach (ref x; s) // ref is optional!
{ ... }
Because the pseudo index type is void, there are no index values. 
So indexed iteration is illegal.

foreach (i, ref x; s) // compile-time error.
{ ... }
Sets cannot be lockstepped over; that would need canoncial order. 
But it makes sense to chain sets etc.


The set can also be initialized by a value of T, T[] or bool[T].
void[T] s;   // makes empty set.
void[T] s = x;   // x of type T: Makes 
singleton set.

opApply and opApplyReverse

2016-02-12 Thread Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d
One upon time, we decided that we can replace opNeg, opCom, etc. 
and opAdd, opSubtract, etc. by generic names opUnary and opBinary.

Why don't we have a single iteration operator? Can't we just 
provide the "Reverse" information by some bool argument (or 
string if you like maybe more functionality in the future) like 
the other operators?

I'd suppose to make opApply and opApplyReverse aliases to 
!false / !"Forward" and !true / 
!"Reverse" for compatibility.

The workaround I use:
static pure opApp(bool rev)()
  import std.format : format;
  immutable code =
int opApply%s(scope int delegate(ref Idcs) dg)
  ... (with %s everywhere something Reverse-generic happens)
  return rev ? code.format("Reverse", ...)
 : code.format("",...);
